Defiance Against the Abyss - ON INDEFINITE HIATUS

Please note that as a consequence of this fight (you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory) this British lass sank, and quite quickly at that, in the cold frigid waters of the Northern Atlantic, unfortunately precluding Prince of Wales, who went under in the Indian Ocean. More I cannot reveal, unfortunately.
Whilst this makes me think...
Yeah I'm definitely guessing HMS Hood then as none of the others fit the bill with the Prince of Wales excluded, the extra info cements it even further I think considering how it matches up with HMS Hoods fate.
Yeah, the Hood, there's one big problem with the idea. HMS Hood is a battlecruiser. So she can't be the Battleship option.
I am not asking you to confirm this until the update, buuuuut... could it be the Marconi class Leonardo da Vinci?

I shan't deny it, that is for sure, but that will be my last word on this for some time, my apologies.

EDIT: Hm...and something people should keep in mind a bit, there is a theme going on between these five, and what is the case with one certain option may also be the same with another. That is all from me for some time - Dutch won't like it if I immediately reveal everything, so, silence from my end for now. :V
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[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
Whilst this makes me think...

Yeah, the Hood, there's one big problem with the idea. HMS Hood is a battlecruiser. So she can't be the Battleship option.
Hmm you're technically right but there's a major issue with that in that it's the only ship that fits what Ojou has described and given away. None of the Royal Navies true battleships per say fit the bill at all and Hood is close enough/get's misidentified enough that she probably counts. Also I find myself bemused to this day that the Royal Navy classed the largest warship in the world a Battlecruiser.
I'm looking through and I just can't find any other battleship that'd come close to fitting the bill from the RN nor the US navy and none of the other english speaking navies had battleships.
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Given the QMs have already tweaked history for Seven Provinces and the fact that One that Never Was, a great story about an unbuilt Japanese heavy cruiser is listed as an inspiration, we may want to consider that the rest of the ships are unfinished or prototype ships from a world not quite like our own.
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The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory:
I think it means a British ship of the first WW. The blockade of Germany, then convoy schuz and then the first battle against the German Imperial Navy, this battle was a pyrrhic victory for the RN.

To be honest I think they are all WW1 ships. It can't be the Hood, because she was only finished after WW1.

Personally, I'm in favor of the German heavy cruiser.
[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."
Is the heavy cruiser the blutcher armoured cruiser? I've also got a feeling all of them are ww1 era rather than ww2

Edit : or it could be scharnhorst or geninesnou armoured cruisers
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[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."

[X] A masterful raider, capable of hunting down even the most elusive prey: Able to outfight everything fast enough to overtake you, while at the same time having the speed to escape any battleship with guns large enough to hurt you, the term Battlecruiser would be the best description that applies to you - and now, having returned at long last, the hunt on the Abîme, the Abyss, begins. Though, just about everything about the world, like staring in a mirror in a fun-house...
"L'épée de la nation, le bouclier de la république! Vous n'échouerez pas!"
[X] A masterful raider, capable of hunting down even the most elusive prey: Able to outfight everything fast enough to overtake you, while at the same time having the speed to escape any battleship with guns large enough to hurt you, the term Battlecruiser would be the best description that applies to you - and now, having returned at long last, the hunt on the Abîme, the Abyss, begins. Though, just about everything about the world, like staring in a mirror in a fun-house...

No CV choice? ;_; Not even a seaplane tender 😔
To be honest I think they are all WW1 ships. It can't be the Hood, because she was only finished after WW1.

Not all of them are World War One-era ships. For example, one of the options has been guessed - De Zeven Provinciën (The Seven Provinces) started construction in 1938, for example. I can, however, confirm that none of the ships...with the exception of the Submarine and the Light Cruiser...had construction end during the Second World War. In fact, apart from one, construction on the ships had finished in 1932.

And a present from the QM team:

List of ships that, if guessed correctly, will confer a minor bonus:
1. Light Cruiser - De Zeven Proviniën / Kreuzer Holland - (Guessed)
A good mixture of combat and 'slice of life', with a bit fewer large-scale fleet battles due to your design as a light cruiser, but an increased amount of smaller but just as brutal fights against Abyssal flotillas and with many interactions with other Kanmusu. However, the Abyssal threat will gradually increase and, eventually, come to a head.

2. Battlecruiser - ????? - (Not yet guessed)
- French, Pre-Second London Naval Treaty.

3. Submarine - ????? - (Not yet guessed)
- No hints to be given!

4. Battleship - ????? - (Not yet guessed)
- Fast, compared to prior ships of her nation.
- Post-Escalator Clause.

Well...we tried, at least, to get one. Several times. Iwo Jima, the cancelled Essex, was considered the most, but...even with her construction not cancelled, her being finished would put us far past the soft-cap of VJ Day regarding equipment and put us firmly in the post-war era with her aircraft, and make any battle once she returns to American or European shores basically a cakewalk due to the quest being 'merely' in the late stages of the Abyssal Emergence and the early stages of the Kanmusu/Shipgirl-Abyssal War when it starts.

So...Alas. The littlest sister was not to be. We couldn't make her work (Trying to make mechanics for carriers suck as well) and stick to our self-imposed rules without some very convoluted backstory and history changes - those who incorporate a minor aspect of alternate history are at least in the realm of possibility. World War Two lasting until 1948 at least and to then have her sunk so she fits with the quest intro...not so much.

I am really sorry.

And now, to reveal the general status of the world, though the shipgirl chosen does not yet know this - so consider this OOC knowledge.

At this point in time in the War, Bayern (name-ship of the class), Fusou (Same as Bayern), Strasbourg (Dunkerque-class) and Nevada (See Bayern, Fusou) are the most powerful battleships summoned yet, and HMS Illustrious is - at the moment - the strongest carrier in existence, with perhaps Zuiho or Langley matching her - while it does not seem like certain ships are actively refusing the call, certain powerful national icons, such as USS Iowa, Warspite, Hood, Bismarck, Richelieu, Yamato, Kaga, Akagi, etc. etc. etc., have been...absent. Great Britain is not hurting for shipgirls, with dozens having heeded the call, but with most of 'em pre-dreadnoughts and such, with widely different cannons, designs, speeds, and fire control... It has not been really...ideal. And then you have Imperial Scuttling Princess having manifested in the Orkneys. And Narvik Princess in, well...Narvik. Ah.

Germany and France have both been very busy in trying to get their fleets to help Britain in evicting some unwanted tenants in Scapa Flow, and here the French have had a bit more success than the Germans, much to the joy of one François Hollande, though his German counterpart has not been so enthused, as those damn schiffsmädchen from the Second Reich have basically formed their own mini-Imperial Germany right under their noses, combined with bloody nobility! Well, at least Bayern and Kronprinz Wilhelm have kept the more enthusiastic and politically-active shipgirls in line, and have kept it largely harmless.

Italy...well, is reasonably intact, the government has survived and rallied, and just needs to deal with the Mediterranean. Conte di Cavour and Giulio Cesare, the most modern Italian battleships summoned, have taken it upon themselves to lead the naval campaign there with some success - the Adriatic Sea is relatively clear of Abyssals. Now the rest of the Med, including a bloody Princess and a pair of Demons. Luckily these have been relatively passive, preventing the situation from descending into a bloodbath, but it is not much comfort to everyone with only the Italians really invested in - or actively helping with - keeping the Mediterranean open to any traffic at all. France is busy just keeping its coastal waters Abyssal-free, and is not really able to send a substantial force right now.

Meanwhile, German Raider Princess is running around in the western and southern Atlantic sinking whatever cargo ships still dare leave port, together with a Battleship Demon and their combined submarine wolfpacks, and things are rapidly heating up in the Pacific near Indonesia, as Isolated Island Princess and Fortress Island Princess are raising their fleets near Wake Island and Iwo Jima respectively, and being great nuisances to what international shipping remains.

An abbreviated overview, really. A more in-depth look will come later!
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[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."

Closest fit would be HMS Hood… except Hood was a battlecruiser, not a battleship.

German heavy cruiser is probably Scharnhorst, given she was a raider, fought for the Kaisermarine, and was sunk by two battlecruisers that were faster and better armed than her.
Scharnhorst was a battleship. While it is possible to argue between fast battleship and battlecruiser, mere heavy cruisers are not in the same league as capital ships.

4. Battleship - ????? - (Not yet guessed)
- Fast, compared to prior ships of her nation.
- Post-Escalator Clause.
…one of the King George V fast battleships? OTL only the Prince of Wales was lost and that was in the Pacific. However it is plausible that if Tirpitz had deployed one or more of the KGVs would have been part of the squadron sent to fight her.
[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."

Closest fit would be HMS Hood… except Hood was a battlecruiser, not a battleship.

Scharnhorst was a battleship. While it is possible to argue between fast battleship and battlecruiser, mere heavy cruisers are not in the same league as capital ships.

…one of the King George V fast battleships? OTL only the Prince of Wales was lost and that was in the Pacific. However it is plausible that if Tirpitz had deployed one or more of the KGVs would have been part of the squadron sent to fight her.

I was referring to the SMS Scharnhorst of the Imperial German Navy, an armored cruiser that was sunk off the Falklands during WW1 by two British battlecruisers. The battleship Scharnhorst was part of the Kriegsmarine and wouldn't fit with the for God and Kaiser part of the hint.
[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."
[x] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...
…one of the King George V fast battleships? OTL only the Prince of Wales was lost and that was in the Pacific. However it is plausible that if Tirpitz had deployed one or more of the KGVs would have been part of the squadron sent to fight her.
All five of the King George V ships finished after 1939, which means they don't fit due to only the Submarine and Light Cruiser finishing during WW2. However, the problem is that there was no British Battleship which finished construction post-Escalator Clause yet before WW2.

Can we please get confirmation that we're actually looking for a British battleship @Ojou-Sama ? Because right now, I can not find any British battleship which fits. Hell, I can't find any English-speaking country's battleship that fits. Unless you are playing with technicalities, in which case the USA with the North Carolina and Washington are the only options. Due to how despite being launched in 1940 and commissioned in early 1941, both were before the USA joined WW2 despite the war having already been raging for a year and a half at that point.
[X] You had been the eyes and ears of the fleet, the Light Cruiser keeping an eye out for threats both on and below the waves while guiding the fleet's various destroyers and escorting the battleships. Captured while under construction, languishing in the slipways, yet completed by the enemy, it is...strange, to sail again, this time fighting against the regrets and pains of the past. After have so many, that it is hard to count them all. But fate had been upset once already - a second time is not impossible.
"What would have been the Seven Provinces, the spectre of the past returned to the present. Wie ben jij?"

[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."
Also, looking up the possibilities for Italian submarines that finished construction during WW2 which we've got confirmation is the case for the submarine, the possibilities are, post Italy joining WW2:
Acciao-class Coastal Submarines
Flutto-class Ocean-going Submarines
Cagni-class Commerce Raider Submarines
Romolo-class Transport Submarine
and a bunch Midget Submarines which I'm not going to include.

Of all those submarines, it's not the Ammiraglio Cagni of the Cagni-class as I've already guessed that.

I would guess one of the Flutto-class... But considering that we know one of the other choices is an AU that was completed earlier than IRL thus launched by the Germans during WW2, that means any of the twelve Type I or fifteen Type 2 Flutto-class are possibilities due to the former having basically been all launched but not necessarily commissioned by the time of the Armistice, whilst the later were at least laid down. However, it really depends on just how the AU factors into things because what text we've got makes us think this is an Italian submarine. Not an Italian-designed but only saw service under the Germans submarine.

So either a lot of those possibilities get removed, or we have to contemplate that the Italian Armistice happened differently which just... 'throws hands up'. No, not dealing with right now.
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[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."
[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."

A princess in Scapa Flow?!
Yikes, that would really distract the brits, would be interesting to see what the fallout on the local area and the country as a whole.
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[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."