Defiance Against the Abyss - ON INDEFINITE HIATUS

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Sinking was supposed to be the end, the final destination, but it seems that you were gravely mistaken. The peace that had settled upon the world after the War, the second one in a millennium, was also supposed to be the end. Again, it seems you are gravely mistaken.

You are a warship, a remnant of an age that has long since passed - but perhaps, this time, it is time for those of the past to aid the present.
Breaching the Veil (Introduction)


[Verified GFL enjoyer]
A variety of states and nations


Main QM: @Ojou-Sama
Co-QM: @Dutch

Technical assistance and aid with the initial set-up: @Habstab, @Dutch
Combat system inspiration and co-creator: @WWTNoise, their SB account
The threads which inspired this quest:
Stranded and Stranded No More, Tosa Quest and One That Never Was. Thank you all for inspiring me to make this quest!


It was one of the few things that you remembered, an enormous conflict that had swept across the globe and plunged the world, one still recovering from the Great War, into chaos and disorder. Some anticipated it, and built up their strength in advance, taking advantage of the trust of others, and some had refused to accept the possibility of war returning, and tried in vain to call for conferences and councils: But the majority, just as in the first, had tried to keep themselves out of what they saw as a solely European affair.

But it was not to be, and the flames of war, once thought forever quenched after the War to End All Wars, once more set the planet ablaze...and in the process, had seen you sunk: In the dark grey depths of the sea, where the light retreated in face of a black abyss, your final resting place laid undisturbed - the sound of the ocean, calm and soothing, your only companion.

But you remembered something...else, too. Before your steel body had gently settled down on the white sand at the bottom of this dark abyss, before the rain of debris from above had ceased, you had felt a...shift, the world turning almost upside down and twisting into strange shapes and forms in the encroaching darkness, before it all faded away into nothing and the sounds of the sea became your only companion. Memories faded. The war itself, the sounds of it, faded away. Artillery fire halted. Depth charges remained on their rails. A sombre quiet soon followed.

Peace, it seemed, had arrived at last.

After years of silence, you could faintly hear a soft sound of screws churning in the water, too slow to be warships and yet too loud to be a submarine - screws that closely resembled those of pre-War merchant ships, a faint buzz that grew louder and louder with time. Merchant ships, sailing through the seas, without a care in the world. For decades the sea was plied with merchants and traffic once more, trade flowing freely.

But lately, however, they had become far quieter, the reassuring hum and buzz of machinery and screws replaced by an eerie silence...

You heard it first, but being on the ocean floor, it was...distorted, the dull roar of cannon fire, the muted sounds of secondary batteries unleashing shells, mixed together with the sound of steel hulls tearing apart - it created a cacophony of sound that was audible even on the ocean floor.

And then you felt It, amongst the gunfire and the sounds of battle on the surface. Tar-like darkness, as black as the unending Abyss, covering all in Its path. Reaching out, a ghostly hand unseen by anyone almost touching, you withdrew with a hiss of pain before even touching the Tar: It was a gigantic blob of raw hate, sorrow, regrets and everything negative, mixed with a cocktail of despair and fear.

Thousands of images of burning ships and shattered cities flashed through your mind for a short second, and while you tried to shake that image away It beckoned, promising revenge against all that wronged you, no matter who they once were, no matter how powerful they were, but something felt...wrong, about the images - a disconnect between what you saw and what you remembered. Too much of a disconnect, too many things generic, too many things laced with fake imprints, and the rotting stench of burning flesh and ash.

...It was a trap, a poisoned chalice. This...offer, by the Abyss, it would not end well, wouldn't it? This would be the deal with the devil, and everyone knew that there were...strings, attached when dealing with him. But you were not the only spirit, weren't you? Others may have taken the deal, corrupted by the rot you felt - and from what you heard and felt, that could only end in disaster...!

So you nodded resolutely, gathered up everything that once made you, you...

...And pulled.

What had you been, once?
[ ] You had been the eyes and ears of the fleet, the Light Cruiser keeping an eye out for threats both on and below the waves while guiding the fleet's various destroyers and escorting the battleships. Captured while under construction, languishing in the slipways, yet completed by the enemy, it is...strange, to sail again, this time fighting against the regrets and pains of the past. After have so many, that it is hard to count them all. But fate had been upset once already - a second time is not impossible.

"What would have been the Seven Provinces, the spectre of the past returned to the present. Wie ben jij?"

[ ] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."

[ ] A masterful raider, capable of hunting down even the most elusive prey: Able to outfight everything fast enough to overtake you, while at the same time having the speed to escape any battleship with guns large enough to hurt you, the term Battlecruiser would be the best description that applies to you - and now, having returned at long last, the hunt on the Abîme, the Abyss, begins. Though, just about everything about the world, like staring in a mirror in a fun-house...
"L'épée de la nation, le bouclier de la république! Vous n'échouerez pas!"

[ ] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."

[ ] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...
"Lo spettro della morte, il cacciatore di navi. Ma, dov'è casa tua?"
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Character sheet
Kanmusu - Shipgirl Register: YORCK

Current level:
Level 1 (Remodel: ??)
Yorck is level 1. EXP needed to proceed to the next level is 100.
All of your statistics, when they are applicable, will raise whenever you level up, which will happen if one gathers enough EXP. Defeat one's demons (defeat Demons/Oni's and Princesses/Himes), lay the fallen to rest (destroy minor Abyssals) and widen your horizons (Interact with other shipgirls, the world around yourself, and complete missions) to gain EXP. Should you reach a certain level, Remodels are unlocked.

Your Health Points. Should this fall to zero, then the Abyss shall claim thee unless one carries specialized repair items. One cannot sink until one enters a battle when they are already Heavily Damaged, and thy will be warned when this is the case. Depending on when and where thy sinks, if thou sinks at all, the Abyss will have a welcoming present for thee, he he he...

38 + 6 (SK C/25 21cm Twin Gun Mount) = 44
The firepower of a ship, which is modified by the statistics of your equipment, ranging from RADAR to Main Battery Guns. Certain types of equipment, naturally, increase the FP stat more than others: An improved main battery mount that provides more gun barrels, improved barrel life and a more rapid rate of fire, or a calibre increase from 180mm to 203mm increases FP more than just a slightly improved HE shell.

Armour, which can negate some damage depending on rolls and what is fired at you if you fail the evasion rolls.

32 + 5 (53.3cm Triple Torpedo Launcher Mount) = 37
Your skill with, and modifier of, the usage of torpedoes. Improving this through levelling up, gaining improved torpedoes and remodelling will increase your effectiveness when using them during both night and day battles.

10 + 1 (MG 18 Tank-und-Flieger) = 11
Your anti-air firepower. Used to shoot down planes of all kinds, ranging from relatively slow scout planes to enemy dive and torpedo bombers. Can be improved by being remodelled, or mounting more or better anti-aircraft weaponry.

Your evasion, and that which can mean the difference between a devastating hit or a mere miss. The higher this number, the less sheer luck you need to dodge enemy shots.

Your luck. It grants a positive modifier to critical rolls, and it influences the odds of being able to dodge incoming fire. is scheisse for now.

(This trait is yet undiscovered. It can be upgraded.)

Slot 1
SK C/25 21cm Twin Gun Mount
A recent development, this 21cm cannon replaced the old pre-Great War-vintage SK L/40 cannon. The C/25 designates year of construction, in this case being the year 1925: It provides improved performance over its immediate predecessors with upgraded AP and HE ammunition, improved construction and updated fire control mechanisms, and will be right at home at intermediate-range artillery duels.
(+6 to FP)

Slot 2
53.3cm Triple Torpedo Launcher Mount

An improvement on weapons carried onboard cruisers and destroyers during the Great War. An enlarged warhead, engine, longer range and increased reliability are some of the many appreciated improvements over pre-Great War torpedoes.
(+5 to TRP)

Slot 3
MG 18 Tank-und-Flieger

A machine gun developed to give the infantry of the Kaiserliche Armee the capability to counter both enemy tanks and aeroplanes, pressed into impromptu naval service in lieu of the development of proper AA cannons. Firing the standard 13.2mm Mauser round, the ammunition's lack of power means that this weapon is likely not sufficient to counter heavier aircraft.
(+1 to AA)

Slot 4

Slot 5

He42 Reconnaissance Seaplane

A common model of seaplane installed on surface ships to aid in detecting the enemy. Perhaps it can be used in the future to aid in artillery spotting?
(+4 to REC rolls)
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[x] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...
"Lo spettro della morte, il cacciatore di navi. Ma, dov'è casa tua?
Italy is quite an underrated naval power, so I chose this option.
side note: will there be a choice for Imperial Russian navy?
[x] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."
The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.

"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."
I hope I am using the voting system right. I am very interested in this thread and I have an idea which shipgirl this is
[X] You had been the eyes and ears of the fleet, the Light Cruiser keeping an eye out for threats both on and below the waves while guiding the fleet's various destroyers and escorting the battleships. Captured while under construction, languishing in the slipways, yet completed by the enemy, it is...strange, to sail again, this time fighting against the regrets and pains of the past. After have so many, that it is hard to count them all. But fate had been upset once already - a second time is not impossible.

[X] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...

Not sure if approval voting is okay? But these are the two choices I'm most interested in. I suspect the Light Cruiser's Dutch, but I can't be sure.
Not sure if approval voting is okay?

Approval voting is A-OK. While I normally don't use it, I have no problem with it.

I suspect the Light Cruiser's Dutch, but I can't be sure.

Correct! Guess the specific class for a bonus, and the specific ship for even more bonus points later on - this also counts for the other options! Not guessing them doesn't decrease points or give negative cons, so please do not feel pressured.
[x] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.

[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
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[x] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...
[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
Correct! Guess the specific class for a bonus, and the specific ship for even more bonus points later on - this also counts for the other options! Not guessing them doesn't decrease points or give negative cons, so please do not feel pressured.
I suspect Dutch light cruiser is De Zeven Provinciën (originally)/Kreuzer Holland (German service)/De Ruyter (commissioned as). As for the Italian Submarine...

It's an actual guess unlike the Dutch light cruiser, but maybe Ammiraglio Cagni? She served in the Mediterranean a bit, but mostly the Atlantic/South Atlantic and Indian Oceans which fits with the description. Also one of the wartime Italian designs so we aren't going to suffer obsolesce issues like might be possible with the earlier ones, whilst she's also an ocean-going design rather than a coastal submarine which means we won't have as limited range or restricted operating regions.

The British Battleship however is a lot more uncertain... My guesses are the Prince of Wales or Duke of York. I did consider the possibility of her being either the Rodney or Nelson but neither seem to have been involved in an action against an enemy 'more formidable than yourself, and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory'. I also discounted any of the classes which saw WW1 because the description made it seem like they hadn't served in that war.
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Approval voting is A-OK. While I normally don't use it, I have no problem with it.

Correct! Guess the specific class for a bonus, and the specific ship for even more bonus points later on - this also counts for the other options! Not guessing them doesn't decrease points or give negative cons, so please do not feel pressured.

I can't recall any Dutch light cruisers that were captured while under construction and completed by the enemy, but De Zeven Provincien of the class of the same name was under construction when the mainland fell and wasn't completed until after the war. So maybe this is an alternate history where the Germans actually managed to finish her and use her?

Either that or the Soerebaja, which was also called De Zeven Provincien at one point confusingly enough, which was a coastal defense ship sunk in harbor in the East Indies by the Japanese and later repurposed by them? She wasn't under construction as far as I know but she was captured and used by an enemy force. That's all I can think of.
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Fun fact. The Dutch navy is obligated to always have a ship named Van Speyk.

Is this relevant to the vote in any way? No, not at all.
German heavy cruiser is probably Scharnhorst, given she was a raider, fought for the Kaisermarine, and was sunk by two battlecruisers that were faster and better armed than her.
I suspect Dutch light cruiser is De Zeven Provinciën (originally)/Kreuzer Holland (German service)/De Ruyter (commissioned as).

So maybe this is an alternate history where the Germans actually managed to finish her and use her?

Correct! While I cannot reveal the bonus right now, but it will apply after character selection.

Kreuzer Holland 1, known as 'De Zeven Provincien" before the German invasion and as [redacted] after being commissioned at the height of the war. She barely managed to avoid scrapping after the Kriegsmarine's Debacles of December '42.

I can, however, reveal that the KMS Scharnhorst is not the heavy cruiser option.

My apologies for the short replies and responses, but my phone is not very cooperative!
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[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
"Für Gott, Kaiser, und Vaterland: the pride of the Imperial Navy, and her ever-loyal servant."
De Zeven Provinciën/Kreuzer Holland/?????? is probably the easiest to guess though, especially given the general theme the ships have.
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[X] The depths of the Atlantic were your home, the silence of the seas your best friend, the humming of screws in the distance your ever-hapless targets. As a submarine that stalked the entirety of the oceans from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, your prey was everything that floated on the waves - which now includes the black hole of negative emotions you have termed the Abisso...

Edit: since I noticed that approval voting is permitted I decide to add another option.

[X] Long ago, you had served the fatherland as a noble Heavy Cruiser, protecting her interests over the entirety of the globe, with armament and speed unrivalled at the time. You fought brilliantly against great odds, extracting victory from the jaws of defeat, but eventually, sank at the hands of a ship that overpowered you in every aspect - a true warrior's death, and one you accepted with grace. But the days have changed, and your efforts are needed once more, even as a nagging feeling says something is very, very wrong...
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[x] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.
"A representation of what never was in this cursed world, you are a true aberration."
[X] The pride of the Navy, a battleship without compare, you were spent on the distant blockade before being assigned to escort convoys. In the end, you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory: Against this rot the Abyss seems to be however, history will change - your efforts and skills will ensure total victory, irrespective of everything thrown your way, burning away the shame of that defeat.

Nice to see the new quest, for the Battleship I'm going to guess Royal Navy and more specifically HMS Hood.
She was the pride of the Royal Navy, the largest warship in the world for 20 years after her commissioning spent a significant amount of time escorting convoys and was lost at the battle of Denmark Strait against the German Battleship Bismarck which should fit the criteria considering the way that battle ended.
If it's not the Hood then I'd guess HMS Prince of Wales as that's the only other one that would fit the bill I think if it is the Royal Navy.
Don't think it's the US navy as I was looking through and I can't find any that fit the bill I think
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For those curious, De Zeven Provincien/KH1/????? was - initially - to be armed with ten 15,2cm naval rifles made in Sweden (BOFORS 15,2cm kanon M/42), in a variation on the classic A-B-Y-X layout, putting the rifles in two triple turrets and two twin turrets, with six twin 40mm BOFORS L/60 cannons serving as AA armament, and two triple 533mm torpedo launchers to scare off enemy battleships with. Maybe. But they could also be used to just create an opening in the enemy fleet, forcing them to disperse and break formation.

The German plan, after the capture of both De Zeven Provincien (which was 25% done) and Eendracht, was to switch the Swedish 15,2cm cannons for four twin 15cm SK C/28 cannons, as Sweden refused to give the cannons to Germany for use in the completion of the ships, to give the ships an Atlantic bow, and to then launch them for use in the Kriegsmarine - to this end, work continued on KH1 (ex-De Zeven Provincien) as she was further along than her sister, KH2 (ex-Eendracht). Both ships would never be completed by the Germans as they had...other, more pressing concerns in the East, and KH1 was eventually intended to be used as a blockship in the Nieuwe Waterweg after the Allied advance through France and Belgium, but that plan failed.

After the war, the two ships were completed, this time with four twin 15,2cm cannons, four twin 57mm Dual-Purpose cannons also from Sweden, and eight 40mm BOFORS L/70 cannons.

Suffice to say, ZH1 was completed in her world, and entered German service at the height of the war but some time before the Kriegsmarine December Debacle of '42. And she has some...issues, so to say, with them. Except two, curious enough. The Queen of the North was quite the, dare she say it, enjoyable change of pace for KH1.

The British Battleship however is a lot more uncertain... My guesses are the Prince of Wales or Duke of York. I did consider the possibility of her being either the Rodney or Nelson but neither seem to have been involved in an action against an enemy 'more formidable than yourself, and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory'. I also discounted any of the classes which saw WW1 because the description made it seem like they hadn't served in that war.

Please note that as a consequence of this fight (you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory) this British lass sank, and quite quickly at that, in the cold frigid waters of the Northern Atlantic, unfortunately precluding Prince of Wales, who went under in the Indian Ocean. More I cannot reveal, unfortunately.

And our darling Italian submarine...well, for now, I can neither confirm or deny things.
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Please note that as a consequence of this fight (you fought against an enemy that proved even more formidable than yourself and paid the price of the pyrrhic victory) this British lass sank, and quite quickly at that, in the cold frigid waters of the Northern Atlantic, unfortunately precluding Prince of Wales, who went under in the Indian Ocean. More I cannot reveal, unfortunately.
Yeah I'm definitely guessing HMS Hood then as none of the others fit the bill with the Prince of Wales excluded, the extra info cements it even further I think considering how it matches up with HMS Hoods fate.
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