TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Time to take a look at how close we are to finishing tasks again!

Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic) - Deer: This task only needs 3.5 successes to finish. Unfortunately, only 2 Mind Trees are voting for it for an average of 2 successes. There's a slight chance it'll finish next turn if all 4 dice roll successes, but it's not very likely.

Grow Wise Tree: This task only needs 1.5 more successes to finish. One Root Tree is voting for it, and it should get 3 automatic successes from the Focus vote so we're almost guaranteed to finish this one. :)

Everything else is not even close to finishing, but I'm happy to note that TWO Trees each are voting for Research Thorns and Research Lens Trees. That's double the number from the last time I did this. Maybe we'll actually finish Research Thorns before winter starts!

I'm looking forward to learning what the squirrels will discover by heading north-west. Will the minds be friends or foes? :???:

Final Reminder: I'm bringing this up one last time before letting it drop. Grow the Forest is the second most popular Focus vote at 8 votes, but no one is voting for it as an action vote. Based on my understanding of the rules, we lose the 3 automatic successes if there's no action vote, though I'd be really relieved if I'm wrong. Can either (1) someone who is voting for it as a Focus vote change their Action vote so that we don't lose the successes, or (2) people add/change to a different Focus vote? The other 2 Growth Focus votes are Grow Clever Tree (at 6 votes) and Grow Collector Tree (at 3 votes).

Adhoc vote count started by Mount. Elements on May 20, 2022 at 3:57 PM, finished with 38 posts and 28 votes.
Based on my understanding of the rules, we lose the 3 automatic successes if there's no action vote
The three automatic successes are automatic successes. It doesn't matter if anyone acts directly, Focus of the Forest is basically a whole bunch of NPC trees contributing their fractional actions. You'll get the +3, and if no one does it as an action vote, then you'll get just the +3.

Where such things do matter: raise the shield. And that's pretty much it for now. Other similar actions like this will likely exist in the future, but that's generally only a thing for special trees that specifically note it in their description. … and, for the record, focus of the forest would be enough to activate the plus one automatic success from the shield trees, without even a player tree voting for a raise the shield action.
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[X][Action] Research Thorns
I'm not feeling the Prepare Dangerous Terrain concept this turn.
I am however, willing to invest in more varied Defense actions.
Maybe next turn I'll try a write-in. A Watching Tree?
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[X][Tree] Heart Tree

[X][Action] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
[X][Focus] Raise the shield
[X][Focus] Store Resources Against Future Need
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party north-west
[X][Tree] Root Tree

[X][Action] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest again
[X][Squirrel] bury more nuts to Grow the Forest
hey @Robinton how many turns until we become eldar trees because for the turn before i become a elder tree i want to explain what happens to me
You have to vote 10 times. To clarify any potential off-by-one errors, you will be Elder trees, and getting the extra dice, from the start of turn 11.

Edit: that is assuming that you voted in every turn so far. If you didn't, every turn you missed will delay you by one. It is also assuming that we don't break into combat or negotiations or anything like that; anything like that would introduce additional votes that would allow you to become an elder tree on an earlier turn.
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But that's only for the first trees right ?
The ones that were here from the first turn right (in other words not me ?)
Edit: Oh so ten moves/actions and not just strictly 10 turns, thanks dude.
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Since we are getting close to various people achieving Elder Trees, here are the lists of how many votes people have gotten - IGNORING this most recent round of voting:
Full Elder Tree progress voting List said:
Aerrow Shadow, 7 total actions; 7 Research
Angelform, 7 total actions; 7 Communication
joseluzperez19@g, 7 total actions; 7 Research
lebaker, 7 total actions; 6 Survival; 1 Growth
LinkOnScepter, 7 total actions; 3 Growth; 2 Communication; 1 Defense; 1 Survival
Pyro Hawk, 7 total actions; 3 Communication; 2 Growth; 2 Research
RebelYell, 7 total actions; 6 Growth; 1 Offense
shallow, 7 total actions; 7 Growth
Tarumath, 7 total actions; 4 Growth; 3 Research
TheodorePiesley, 7 total actions; 5 Research; 1 Growth; 1 Survival
Void Stalker, 7 total actions; 7 Research
Walliseatscheese, 7 total actions; 7 Survival
Box Lunch, 6 total actions; 5 Survival; 1 Defense
Jack727, 6 total actions; 2 Defense; 2 Growth; 1 Survival; 1 Research
Mount. Elements, 6 total actions; 5 Growth; 1 Research
Prime 2.0, 6 total actions; 3 Communication; 1 Special; 1 Survival; 1 Research
RandyTrevelyan, 6 total actions; 4 Research; 2 Growth
rush99999, 6 total actions; 6 Survival
Space Jawa, 6 total actions; 2 Defense; 2 Growth; 2 Communication
Ylamona, 6 total actions; 6 Survival
ABalloonyChaos, 5 total actions; 4 Survival; 1 Growth
BunnyLord, 5 total actions; 3 Research; 2 Communication
djd, 5 total actions; 5 Growth
KreenWarrior, 5 total actions; 5 Research
Phigment, 5 total actions; 5 Special
Robot # 207, 5 total actions; 5 Survival
Svn0One, 5 total actions; 3 Research; 2 Special
Easter, 4 total actions; 4 Growth
phoenixwhsk, 4 total actions; 3 Research; 1 Communication
wrecksalot, 4 total actions; 4 Growth
NSchwerte, 3 total actions; 3 Growth
Tetra, 3 total actions; 3 Research
Teyao, 3 total actions; 3 Survival
5D Antipytamid, 2 total actions; 2 Growth
Jarow, 2 total actions; 2 Growth
Raising Kittens, 2 total actions; 2 Defense
Stargate18, 2 total actions; 2 Research
sunrise, 2 total actions; 1 Communication; 1 Research
Aiel new, 1 total actions; 1 Growth
Daviush, 1 total actions; 1 Communication
Omega, 1 total actions; 1 Growth
The most recent round will, of course, add 1 to a bunch of you. :)
[X][Action] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree x2
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Robinton on May 18, 2022 at 3:33 PM, finished with 53 posts and 33 votes.
I mixed up East and West in the last update. Not the first time I've done that, and it probably won't be the last.
Anyway, I'm interpreting "explore North-West" as "explore towards Minds", since I think that makes the most sense in context.

Also as a note, here's the updated progress list as-of this turn:
Full Elder Tree progress voting List said:
Aerrow Shadow, 8 total actions; 8 Research
Angelform, 8 total actions; 8 Communication
joseluzperez19@g, 8 total actions; 8 Research
lebaker, 8 total actions; 7 Survival; 1 Growth
LinkOnScepter, 8 total actions; 3 Growth; 2 Communication; 1 Defense; 1 Survival; 1 Research
Pyro Hawk, 8 total actions; 3 Communication; 3 Research; 2 Growth
RebelYell, 8 total actions; 7 Growth; 1 Offense
Tarumath, 8 total actions; 4 Growth; 4 Research
TheodorePiesley, 8 total actions; 6 Research; 1 Growth; 1 Survival
Void Stalker, 8 total actions; 8 Research
Walliseatscheese, 8 total actions; 8 Survival
Box Lunch, 7 total actions; 5 Survival; 1 Defense; 1 Research
Jack727, 7 total actions; 3 Defense; 2 Growth; 1 Survival; 1 Research
Mount. Elements, 7 total actions; 6 Growth; 1 Research
Prime 2.0, 7 total actions; 4 Communication; 1 Special; 1 Survival; 1 Research
RandyTrevelyan, 7 total actions; 5 Research; 2 Growth
rush99999, 7 total actions; 7 Survival
shallow, 7 total actions; 7 Growth
Space Jawa, 7 total actions; 2 Defense; 2 Growth; 2 Communication; 1 Research
Ylamona, 7 total actions; 7 Survival
ABalloonyChaos, 6 total actions; 4 Survival; 1 Special; 1 Growth
djd, 6 total actions; 6 Growth
Phigment, 6 total actions; 6 Special
Robot # 207, 6 total actions; 6 Survival
Svn0One, 6 total actions; 3 Research; 2 Special; 1 Growth
BunnyLord, 5 total actions; 3 Research; 2 Communication
KreenWarrior, 5 total actions; 5 Research
wrecksalot, 5 total actions; 5 Growth
Easter, 4 total actions; 4 Growth
phoenixwhsk, 4 total actions; 3 Research; 1 Communication
Tetra, 4 total actions; 4 Research
Teyao, 4 total actions; 4 Survival
NSchwerte, 3 total actions; 3 Growth
Stargate18, 3 total actions; 3 Research
sunrise, 3 total actions; 2 Communication; 1 Research
5D Antipytamid, 2 total actions; 2 Growth
Jarow, 2 total actions; 2 Growth
Raising Kittens, 2 total actions; 2 Defense
Aiel new, 1 total actions; 1 Growth
Alter, 1 total actions; 1 Communication
Daviush, 1 total actions; 1 Communication
GleamingKyler111, 1 total actions; 1 Research
Narasan, 1 total actions; 1 Growth
Omega, 1 total actions; 1 Growth
Raukeon, 1 total actions; 1 Survival

Edit: Village statting complete. Hopefully next update won't be delayed by "GM isn't sure what is in the village" like this one was.
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Turn 9 - Year 1 Fall
2+1=3 automatic-successes into Grow Wise Tree.
2+1=3 automatic-successes into Grow the Forest.

13 dice - 6 successes - into: [X] Basics of Magic
10 dice - 5 successes - into: [X] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
6 dice - 4 successes - into: [X] Grow Clever Tree
5 dice - 3 + 2.5 special successes - into: [X] Research Thorns
4 dice - 4 successes - into: [X] Reach Out to Minds (Psychic)
4 dice - 2 successes - into: [X] Research Lens Trees
4 dice - 2 successes - into: [X] Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic)
4 dice - 0 successes - into: [X] Store Resources Against Future Need
2 dice - 0+2 successes - into: [X] Raise the Shield
2 dice - 0+3 successes - into: [X] Grow Wise Tree
2 dice - 2 successes - into: [X] Grow Collector Tree
2 dice - 1+3 successes - into: [X] Grow the Forest

(Dice were oddly distributed at times, but exactly half the dice you rolled succeeded.)

Specials (ABalloonyChaos, "Prepare Friendly Terrain" and Phigment, "Investigate Non-annoying Pollen blends").

Squirrel: Search Party, towards the Minds!

The Forest's first Wise Tree was completed! Aboveground, it just looks like a Tree - though, admittedly, it looks far older than it actually is, appearing bent and bowed by seasons beyond count. Its Roots, however, dig deep into the ground, and spread wide to connect to nearly half a hundred other Trees around it. Messages pass back and forth… Everyone gave a nugget of wisdom to this Wise Tree as it was built - even Arthur Scrat ("Walnuts are the best! Acorns are pretty good, too! Never stand under the Sword-thing when it's falling").

More progress was made into the Basics of Magic. You are perhaps two-fifths done, now. You are fairly certain that, by the time you are done, you could build a Special Tree type to sense Magical things at great detail or range.

The new work into making the Forest dangerous for enemies is perhaps a third of the way done. Already, any invader will face a good deal more difficulty than they would have before.

Work to grow a second Clever Tree continues apace, more than halfway done now.

The Trees in charge of connecting to the local Deer population are close to done, but found an unexpected bonus - thorns! The Deer, realizing you were working on Thorns, brought you a vast array of examples from elsewhere. With the help of these examples, you were able to finish Thorns! (Stockpile Thorns action unlocked. Research Throwing Spikes action unlocked.)

The Deer appear to have eaten all the spare resources we were trying to store. Alas. But at least that was helpful elsewhere.

A lightning-strike against a tree that wasn't part of your Forest, in the middle of the driving rain, wasn't necessarily worth Shielding against. And, indeed, you didn't fully stop the bolt. But the tree was on the edge of your Forest, and it was good experience for the Shield Trees. (19 of 25 cumulative damage blocked by Shields.)

Work on growing a second Collector Tree begins, and gets the new sapling one-quarter grown. Similarly, Research on Lens Trees continues, albeit slowly. We are between one third and one half of the way through this work. Also, the Forest is just under one-third of the way to Magnitude 3.

Arthur Scrat is now, by squirrel terms, fully grown. As such, you're willing to allow him to wander as far as desired. He decided to celebrate this by tracking down those Minds that you Trees are so interested in!

He takes a dozen-odd squirrels along with himself, and they scout out the North-East edge of your awareness. They find more trees, more path, a small lake, and on the border of said lake - a small village!

There are 19 Minds within the village, and indeed the squirrels find 19 people there. (Though… with a bit more time, the Trees that are Reaching Out to Minds find a 20th mind, out beyond the village.) Four families, you think, based on their Nesting habits. (You're peripherally aware that Humans and Elves build things - indeed, old Tree tales on such subjects supply a number of your brighter ideas. So these would be… houses?)

You can't quite make sense of their chatter - quite different from the Connection of Tree to Tree, quite different from any pollen or pheromone language you're aware of, and notably different even from its closest cousin, the squirrels' chatter.

The town has - including the 20th mind, who the other 19 are clearly aware of and mostly on good terms with - five full adults, two older individuals, and eleven children (which range from almost treated as a full adult, to toddling around barely able to balance on two legs).

One couple has a male Elf and a female Human; their kids seem to have Elven features (including the pointy ears), but less predominantly-so than their father. Otherwise, there are two Elf families and one Human.

The town seems to do a lot of farming outside your current field-of-view. As far as you can tell, they aren't currently doing a lot of tree-killing, though you can see a fair bit of wood used in various projects. Admittedly, little enough that they could probably have gotten a lot of it from already-dead wood, which you'd hardly begrudge them. Their houses are made of stone walls, with some sort of plants for the roofs.

The squirrels have to keep to the Trees, because half a dozen cats and about as many dogs seemingly call this village home. So do a fair few goats and a lot of chickens, though neither of those bother the squirrels. There seems to be a very rough track heading North from the village, which a few people will occasionally follow and return, carrying odd-looking rocks, some hours later.

Two Trees, hearing of these discoveries, decide to spend a bit of time preparing for the possibility that we wind up inviting these strange beings into our own Forest. One puts some work into growing one already-hollow ancient oak into a decent room, that could hold (and shelter) perhaps as much as three or four full-grown two-legs, if it needed to. The other works on building pollen with the Intent of it not being annoying; while nothing particularly interesting was discovered (this time), this could be a help if we needed to play host to these beings.

And, finally, the Trees that were reaching out to these Minds found it far easier with the squirrels already there, watching them. (+50% bonus.) Significant progress was made, and you think started to understand a few of their words by the end of the turn. By the request of other Trees, you have tried to avoid altering their Minds much in any way, and even tried to avoid being obvious to their Minds, but you suspect that you can start negotiating with them directly immediately, or with only a little more effort at the latest (20 full successes).

They seem nice, to you, mostly. A few of the younger ones are a bit mischievous. They're clearly quite intelligent, able to alter their surroundings to suit themselves, and occasionally using some very advanced tricks to rapidly fire something much like the Spikes you've been imagining. Of course, there isn't (you suppose) any guarantee that they'll see your Forest as People?


[ ][Action] Reach Out to Minds (Psychic)
-Successes sort-of stack. You're not sure how difficult this will be. Better results if more successful. Possibility of finding "there's nothing within X miles" - but even something like that will be good to know.
-16 successes banked.

[ ][Action] Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic)
-Wolves - scouts? Bears - heavy combat? Beavers - creek work and construction? You know you've seen all these; you have only vague ideas on what to do with them.
-Feel free to write in a specific request. The Forest is reaching that point where it can target specific classes of animals.
-13.5 successes banked. 15 successes gives Deer.

Note: Your Clever Tree grants you +10% on Research actions.

[ ][Action] Research Lens Trees
-12.4 of 30 successes; Lens Trees will give a permanent Growth Bonus

[ ][Action] Research Throwing Spikes
-0 of 10 successes; let's figure out how to throw larger Thorns!
-Like Thorns, but an Offense action that is thus capable of reaching beyond the Forest's borders. Also, it won't stockpile and will need to be done when an enemy is actually present.

[ ][Action] Basics of Magic
-19.2 of 50 successes; begin the systematic study of this, this Magic/Intent/whatever, that you're starting to use. A larger project, but expected to grant immediate benefits and unlock further possibilities.
-Most attempts to research the Magic(?) Sword are currently considered part of Basics of Magic. This may change when that action is completed. If you have a specific request, write-in your Action accordingly.
-Bonus from Clever Trees doubled for this highly-cerebral very-theoretical generally-mysterious task.

[ ][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need
-22 stored; this will function as a spare HP pool against anything that gets through your Defense, and may be useful for other things

[ ][Action] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
-5 of 15 successes; this alters the Forest to be as dangerous as possible to intruders. Mostly it involves working with the squirrels to dig small pit-traps, plant sharpened stakes, and such. Between the Mind Trees and the new Clever Tree, you might even manage some snares, rock-fall traps, and maybe even a log-fall trap or two.
-This will be ineffective versus creatures significantly smaller than squirrels or larger than your own smaller Trees (about 15 feet or 4.5 meters tall). The first would require something more like a plague-resistance Survival Roll and the second… yeah, you don't have anything that would work versus the second, yet. Except maybe "position Magic(?) Sword under giant's foot and hope for the best."

[ ][Action] Raise the Shield
-Use magic to defend the Forest. Effectiveness is generally fairly high, but depends on the exact nature of the threat. (Not effective against a plague of locusts or similar - that's a Survival roll.) Like most defenses, this does little to nothing if you are not attacked.
-Gains 2 automatic successes from Shield Trees, if at least 1 Player-Tree votes for this action.

[ ][Action] Stockpile Thorns
-Successes stockpile up to 10 times the Magnitude of the Forest. These will automatically damage hostile intruders that enter the Forest.
-0 of 20 stockpiled.

[ ][Action] Grow the Forest
-This has a +25% bonus from Analyze Creek and Tree Placement until we reach Magnitude 3.
-15.4 of 50 successes to Magnitude 3

[ ][Action] Grow <Treename>
-Replace <Treename> with the name of a Special Tree from the Front Page. Variable cost. You can have up to 10 Special Trees per Magnitude of the Forest.
-This has a +25% bonus (and any Drought penalties halved) from Shore up Creek Banks until we have 12 Special Trees total.
-10.55 of 20 successes banked on Clever Tree.
-2.5 of 10 successes banked on Collector Tree.
-2.25 of 10 successes banked on Wise Tree.

[ ][Action] Release Annoying Pollen
-Not a terribly powerful attack, but it could annoy invaders, at least. Like most attacks, this does little to nothing if you have no nearby enemies.


Choose any two actions from the above for the Forest to focus on. These are voted upon by the entire group, and are in addition to the individual actions taken by each member.

[ ][Focus] Action Name
[ ][Focus] Action Name x2

These Actions will receive a number of automatic successes equal to the Magnitude of the Forest (currently 2) and any bonuses from other sources.

Squirrel Actions

Choose what to ask Arthur Scrat to do.
[][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
[][Squirrel] Lead the squirrel watch over your Forest
[][Squirrel] Lead a search-party in (write-in Direction)
[][Squirrel] Lead a search-party along the (east OR north OR south) path
[][Squirrel] Focus Tree efforts on (write-in Wildlife Type)
[][Squirrel] Write-in

Your Votes should look like the following:

[ ][Action] Action
[ ][Focus] Action
[ ][Focus] Action x2
[ ][Squirrel] Squirrel action

Newcomers should add one of the following:

[ ][Tree] Heart Tree
[ ][Tree] Mind Tree
[ ][Tree] Root Tree

This vote will always be open.
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[X][Action] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest again
[X][Squirrel] bury more nuts to Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Grow Collector Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Collector Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Collector Tree x2
[X][Squirrel] Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic)
[X][Action] Basics of Magic
[X][Focus] Reach Out to Minds (Psychic)
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party to the 19th person's house