Ben 10 Producer Quest.

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I don't have a description for this. Other than, it's a Ben 10 Producer Quest.
01- The Start
Cartoon Network has hired you, to produce a Ben 10... cinematic universe, even after the failure that was the Ben 10 Alien Force movie.

You were given the rights to Ben 10, Generator Rex, and... The Secret Saturdays.

You didn't really know why they wanted this, but... you were fine with doing it.

You were [BLANK], after all.

[] Write-in the name of the MC:

And you were a man/woman who was confident in their skill, after all.

What's your Gender?

[] Male.
[] Female.

You were chosen for this, because you were skilled at.

What are your skills? (Pick Three):

[] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.
[] Casting Quality: Attracting big actors to your movie is... fairly easy for you. You're just naturally good at making the pitch of character roles sound pretty dang good, if you'd say so yourself.
[] Golden Tongue: You've always known the right thing to say, both in and out of the business. You've managed to get in and out of negotiations without too many hard feelings.
[] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.
[] Editing: A both creative and technical part of the filmmaking production. You're excellent at manipulating that raw footage into complete sequences.
[] VFX: Special effects are your jam. The limitation of live footage can't hold your creativeness back from presenting itself, with the digital process, of course.
[] Hyping: You have a flair for connecting to the fans and the regular viewers. You can make them feel the excitement and energy behind a project.
[] Acting: You've actually found yourself becoming quite a decent actor. Maybe you could stand in for any minor roles.
[] Actor Performance (pick one of the sub vote, each sub vote count as one skill)
-[] Protagonist. The protagonist must ooze presence and impress the audience, a role very vital in a narrative. You are skilled in extracting that presence out of the heroes of the story.
-[] Antagonist: Opposing the hero is the antagonist's job and they are as important as any protagonist. You demand those actors perform well. And they better be good, or else!
-[] Side Cast: Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, Mugger #4!"

And now... you had to figure out what sort of movie you were going to do.

What is your first film in the Ben 10 Cinematic Universe?

[] Ben Tennyson, obviously. Who else would you start this cinematic universe with?
[] Gwen Tennyson could be interesting, but would fit better later on.
[] Kevin Levin? Now, that's actually kind of interesting...
[] A Hex movie? That could be fairly interesting, actually.
[] A Dr. Animo movie could be interesting.
[] A Vilgax movie? Really... though, it could be pretty neat.
[] A Michael Morningstar, Darkstar movie?... That could be pretty interesting, now that you think about it.
[] A Malware movie?... Huh.
[] Khyber the movie? Interesting.
[] A Forever Knights movie? But why?
[] Albedo could be fairly interesting. Though, he'd be a better fit in a sequel.
[] Agregor would definitely be an interesting protagonist.
[] Zs'Skayr could... honestly be interesting.
[] Sixsix could be a neat character to follow.
[] Kraab.
[] A Charmcaster solo movie could be interesting too...
[] Zombozo could be an interesting main character. Though, he definitely works so much better as an antagonist.
[] Cooper could be an interesting protagonist for a movie, with his technopathy.
[] A Max Tennyson prequel movie? That honestly has potential.
[] A Generator Rex movie? Well... it would at least be interesting.
[] A Secret Saturdays live-action movie?... Alright, that could definitely work.
[] Write-in:

Now, you had to figure out the Genres of the movie. You had a few ideas here.

Choose Three Genres for the chosen movie.

[] Action
[] Adventure
[] Thriller
[] Crime
[] Horror
[] Romance
[] Drama
[] Sci-Fi
[] Comedy
[] Write-in:

Mostly started this one as a goof, but I feel this could actually be kind of fun.

Please use a Plan Vote Format. And pitch any movie ideas you want, as long as they're related to Ben 10, Generator Rex, or Secret Saturdays.
Plan Time to be hero!

[] Michael Morgan

[] Male

[] Script Quality

[] Casting Quality

[] Editing

[] Ben Tennyson, obviously. Who else would you start this cinematic universe with?

[] Action

[] Adventure

[] Drama
Do we have a timeline for this quest? Looks like this quest is at 2010 because they talked about the Ben 10 Alien Force movie, that was at 2009. This quest really has a lot of potential, if our first movie become a success, maybe Cartoon Network will give to us more characters of others cartoons to use. Oh my god, there are so many possibilities! This quest has everything to be great!
[X] Plan Hey, Is Something Happening in the Background?
-[X] Cathy Robinson
-[X] Female
-[X] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.
-[X] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.
-[X] Actor Performance (pick one of the sub vote, each sub vote count as one skill)
--[X] Side Cast: Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, Mugger #4!"
-[X] Kevin Levin? Now, that's actually kind of interesting...
-[X] Thriller
-[X] Crime
-[X] Comedy

I kind of want to see something that hasn't been done in a Producer Quest. Going with Kevin, teen delinquent and young criminal, and Thriller + Crime POWER Combo. Comedy to keep things light with hints of…. not outright horror, but there's definitely something going on. Could be the Highbreeds (this is around 2010's), could be the fridge horror of the realities of teen isolation due to crime, could be the fact he's ground zero for a triple multicross between Generator Rex/ Secret Saturdays, or could even been the fact, Kevin's backstory keeps enduring retcons.
[X] Plan: The Heroe failed, lets see if the villain shines better
[] Michael Morgan
[] Male.
[] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.
[] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.
[] VFX: Special effects are your jam. The limitation of live footage can't hold your creativeness back from presenting itself, with the digital process, of course.
[] A Vilgax movie? Really... though, it could be pretty neat.
[] Action
[] Horror
[] Sci-Fi

Vilgax is made to seem as this terrible being in the series.
Let's see about making an horror origin for him that shows how he becomes the monster we know.
It's around 2012. For the time.

So, Omniverse just started, Generator Rex is in its second season, with the third coming next year, and Secret Saturdays has been over for a couple of years now.
[X] Plan Hey, Is Something Happening in the Background?

I think that starting with Kevin is a good idea. Let's do that and keep this quest alive!
Oh, hell yes. Ben 10 had so much potential, and Generator Rex is one of my all time favorites. Bit difficult on the worldbuilding side, if we want to make them happen in the same earth, but there's always the multiverse or other shanenigans.
Bit difficult on the worldbuilding side, if we want to make them happen in the same earth, but there's always the multiverse or other shanenigans.
See, my thinking was we merge all 3 settings into one in some kind of Event in much the same way that the company Wizards of the Coast did for Magic:The Gathering and the Mending.

In fact, I think we have an interesting starting point in The Secret Saturdays. Canonical, Zack's parents were dubbed Secret Scientists, and we know 50 were active globally and participated on the raid against Argost's base. Of this 50,' More than half of them were lost.' (The lackluster wiki). We also only ever see 7 Active agents, but 43 casualties seems kind of insane. That means 40+ people with the intelligence, drive, R and D capabilities, or experience with the esoteric or Strange are no longer pushing the bounds of Human progress in this setting. Or more concerning, that's 40 less Geniuses monitoring the world for Anomalous or Criminal Activity. What if there's some event or series of events going on that would have been watched, but now, Nobody knows is happening? We can have runaway events or cascading situation which merge and rewrites multiple realities. The movies then would be different characters engaged in their routines or resolving other problems. They could be engaged in foiling villainous plots, exploring their respective worlds, or engaged in their daily routines…..

Only, some people have noticed peculiarities. Maybe, the security guards in the Null Void notice this dimension space is been strange for the past couple of days. Maybe, Providence of Generator Rex discovers ancient Ruins without realizing these Ruins were never native to their Earth. Or maybe, some characters don't even realize anything strange is going on because they're in the eye of the hurricane. However, nobody realizes they have bits and pieces of evidence to a wider event, or if they do, then they're not in a position to change what's about to happen. This Confluence is a Tidal Wave, and like driftwood, everyone else is along for the ride. Thus, is the Ben 10, Secret Saturday and Generator Rex Cinematic Universe is born, and these the stories about what happened Before, During and After.

Taking a step back, we can introduce the works or other Secret Scientists that could have found hints to Cosmic Events/ Issues with Reality which could have foretold/discovered evidence for the incoming merger. Ep 1 of the original Secret Saturday's cartoon has half+ scientists gone, so with half as our starting point, let's say 50 Scientists ÷ 2 = 25 Scientists.
From this 25 Scientists - 7 [Canonically Active] = 18 Scientists, but there are fates worse than death. Moreover, people can choose to not be scientists anymore. Maybe, they got crippled from Argost's mansion. Maybe, the trauma of what they saw convinced them to renounce and give up scientific endeavors. Maybe, they choose suicide in the aftermath of all that loss.

Regardless, even cuting our pool of 18 Scientists by half means we have 9 potential OCs to create and weave together a wider plot. Heck, we can even say the Scientists who might have found evidence perished in that Mansion before they could tell anyone, leave notes, or discussed with their peers.

Secret Scientist

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Alright, so voting has officially ended, sorry about this taking so damn long, but... here's the winning vote!

[X] Plan Hey, Is Something Happening in the Background?
-[X] Cathy Robinson
-[X] Female
-[X] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.
-[X] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.
-[X] Actor Performance (pick one of the sub vote, each sub vote count as one skill)
--[X] Side Cast: Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, Mugger #4!"
-[X] Kevin Levin? Now, that's actually kind of interesting...
-[X] Thriller
-[X] Crime
-[X] Comedy
Character Sheet
Cathy Robinson.


Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer. +5 to Script Quality.

Choreography: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer. +5 to Actor Presence, +5 to Choreography.

Actor Performance (Side Cast): Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, Mugger #4!" +10 to Side-Character Performances. (No Protagonists or Main Antagonists)
02- Who is the Main Antagonist of the Kevin Levin movie?
[X] Plan Hey, Is Something Happening in the Background?
-[X] Cathy Robinson
-[X] Female
-[X] Script Quality: The writing room loves you for your input, and some have said that you should've become a writer instead of a producer.
-[X] Choreography: Running, jumping, dancing, fighting. You know how to arrange actors' movements and the camera for a scene and no one can deny your talent with it.
-[X] Actor Performance (pick one of the sub vote, each sub vote count as one skill)
--[X] Side Cast: Some people say that side cast isn't as important, well, they are wrong. They're essential as any other role and you won't let the actors underperform. "I'm looking at you, Mugger #4!"
-[X] Kevin Levin? Now, that's actually kind of interesting...
-[X] Thriller
-[X] Crime
-[X] Comedy

You, Cathy Robinson, had decided that you were going to make a Kevin Levin movie.

A teen delinquent, with the power to turn into any material he touches, honestly has quite a bit of potential for a movie.

You decided that it was going to be a mixture of a Thriller, Crime, and Comedy movie... it seemed that it would fit with the character.

But, the first thing you had to decide on, though, was who the main antagonist of the Kevin Levin movie would be... you didn't want to start off with someone big, like Vilgax. But... you had to figure out who it would be, to better work on the plot.

Who is the Main Antagonist of the Kevin Levin movie?

[] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
[] The Highbreed could make for an interesting, horrific enemy for Kevin to face.
[] The Forever Knights could be hunting Kevin, wanting to use his power for their nefarious needs.
[] Arjit could be an interesting main antagonist, turned friend for Kevin.
[] Fuck it. Why not have Kraab as the main antagonist. Hunting Kevin for a perceived crime of his, when it all turns out to be a huge misunderstanding.
[] Write-in:

Not much of an update, I know... but I was kind of drawing a blank on villains we could use for the first movie.
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[x] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
Good starting antagonist, underused in the source material and could become part of Kevin's supporting cast in time
First off, I want to say that I kind of love the side sharacter boosting trait won. It's underappreciated, and that's a pity, because it's ideal for setting up future storylines. If we wanted to make something around the lines of a *gasp* connected universe, having small cameos and such as side characters

[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...

Yup. As uztgft said, a good starting point. It also gives us quite a lot of option, since we haven't even discussed if Kevin is a criminal or not in this movie.

[] Fuck it. Why not have Kraab as the main antagonist. Hunting Kevin for a perceived crime of his, when it all turns out to be a huge misunderstanding.

Or not! This feels more of an idea for a sequel, but depending on what version of Kevin we end up going with, well, in Ben 10 he was a straight up villain. We could go Ben 10 ultimate force or however it was called, with a Kevin that is more morally grey, maybe even acting a a smuggler for alien tech. Give me an anti-villain or give me death!
How old is Kevin in this? Young Kevin mainly used his energy abilities but he stopped that and stuck with material stuff as a 16 to 17 year old when he realised it was driving him crazier.

Also are we going with the alien dad thing or the rooters origin where he's a mutant.
[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
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Rojo sounds like a good first choice, but Kraab sounds like there's greater potential for comedy.

[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
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[X] Rojo, the tough leader of a biker gang could definitely work as the first main antagonist. And you probably weren't going to use her in any other projects. It's Rojo, for God's sake...
[X] Fuck it. Why not have Kraab as the main antagonist. Hunting Kevin for a perceived crime of his, when it all turns out to be a huge misunderstanding.

the juxtaposition between semi-normal teen theif Kevin and terrifying space cop Kraab works wonders
wait, why would kevin be fighting kraab? or rojo anyway?
are we assuming that the events of the original series already happened.
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