TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party north-west

At this rate, I become a landscaping tree lol
[X][Action] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party in North-West direction

Landscaping tree gang rise up!
[X][Action] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Clever Tree x2
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party in North-West direction
[X][Action] Prepare Friendly Terrain?
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Squirrel] Try to figure out a favorite food. Winter is coming little one.

I'm not too paranoid about our situation. So, if we can make the terrain un-friendly can we do the opposite? Besides raising the Shield or Store even more Resources, nothing compels me as a Heart Tree.
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[X][Action] Prepare Dangerous Terrain
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party in North-West direction
[X][Action] Prepare Friendly Terrain?
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Squirrel] Try to figure out a favorite food. Winter is coming little one.

I'm not too paranoid about our situation. So, if we can make the terrain un-friendly can we do the opposite? Besides raising the Shield or Store even more Resources, nothing compels me as a Heart Tree.
I'll allow that as a write-in. It might unlock a further action or it might not.
[X][Action] Investigate Non-annoying Pollen blends
[X][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Focus] Grow Wise Tree
[X][Squirrel] Lead a search-party north-west

Maybe with a little experimentation, we can have enticing pollen, or soporific pollen, or even hallucinogenic pollen. Could come in handy.
I'm not too paranoid about our situation. So, if we can make the terrain un-friendly can we do the opposite? Besides raising the Shield or Store even more Resources, nothing compels me as a Heart Tree.
The GM has said that we'll face an enemy before the year is out.
I will absolutely guarantee that a major hit to the shield will appear by the time we hit 10 turns. I will not guarantee that an enemy will. Though I will guarantee one of those will show up within the first year (16 turns).
I know it's still early in the vote, but I'm amused that Grow the Forest and Grow Wise Tree are the current leading Focus votes when no one is voting for them as their Action votes. :lol:

Personally, I'm prioritizing Grow Clever Tree as my Focus vote because I want to boost Research while doing Growth Focus actions as much as possible before Winter hits with its 50% malus on Growth. We definitely want a Wise Tree before Winter hits, but that's 4 turns to get the necessary 1.5 successes.
[X] Basics of Magic
I meditate on the falling leaves that turn into the nutrients that make the ground fertile again and so i ponder on the cycle of growth and decline
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Grow the Forest is still one of the top two Focus votes even though no one is voting for it as an action. I'm not sure why it's so popular, honestly. Even with the 25% bonus, we'd need 31.68 successes to reach the next Magnitude. That's not likely to occur any time soon.

We're currently at 4 out of 20 Special Trees - 2 Shield Trees, 1 Collector Tree, and 1 Clever Tree. We're almost certain to get 1 Wise Tree next update so what other Special Trees do we want to aim for this Fall before the 50% Growth malus hits in the Winter? It looks like growing Special Trees usually gets 10-15 dice from Action votes per Turn so that's an average of 5-7.5 successes each update, which would be 20-30 successes for the 4 updates of Fall. We do have a 25% bonus for growing Special Trees up to 12 Special Trees, and Focus votes can add 3 successes each so that's possibly 25-45 successes, depending how many Focus votes growing Special Trees get.

I think I'd like to aim for 1 more Clever Tree, 1 more Shield Tree, and possibly a second Wise Tree. I think we're going to be doing a lot of research in the Winter to take advantage of the additional die from the Wise Tree while Growth is disadvantaged. Also, researching the Lens Tree seems unpopular, and having a Clever Tree boosts whatever successes we have for that action. The GM has said that we'll face an enemy before the year is out so another Shield Tree sounds like a good idea. Towards the end of Winter/beginning of Spring, I'll want to grow more Collector Trees and hopefully a Lens Tree, but I don't know if they'll provide very much of a boost before Winter hits if we get them now.
@Robinton i have a question when my tree becomes a elder buddha tree can i say how it looks and describe it to you
Within reason, absolutely!

(Within reason: You are not allowed to state that it emanates an aura of calm which leaves all creatures within a 40 mile radius completely unwilling to harm another. You're also not allowed to state that it itself is 40 miles tall, and covered around the top with eyes, so that it surveys the surrounding 40 miles. I don't think I would actually pick either of those if I were creating a tree description as a player, but it would tempt me…)