TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Analyze Creek and Tree Placement
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest

Moar resources. Mostly because there's not much else to choose.
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[X][Action] Connect to Local Wildlife (Psychic)
-Wolves - scouts? Bears - heavy combat? Deer - trimming invasive plants? You know you've seen all these; you have only vague ideas on what to do with them.
[X][Focus] Research Clever Trees
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
there's not much else to choose.
Good point. Survival action added.

The Forest not having much in the way of Defense or Offence is... more-or-less As Designed here at the start. Research and Growth are both working on fixing that. A lack of Survival options is not As-Designed.
Good point. Survival action added.

The Forest not having much in the way of Defense or Offence is... more-or-less As Designed here at the start. Research and Growth are both working on fixing that. A lack of Survival options is not As-Designed.
The new option will require more trees working on it quickly to be effective but eh, I'll take it.
Oh. I didn't expect turn 2 to be over so soon, I didn't get around to reading it yet.


[X][Action] Connect to Local Squirrels (Psychic)

Sure, this'll do as a placeholder lol.
[X][Action] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Action] Grow Collector Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Focus] Grow Collector Tree
[X][Squirrel] Help your Trees connect to other Squirrels

It's hard to predict how the votes will go right now, but we only need 4 more successes to get a Collector Tree. We need 13 more successes to get a Shield Tree, and I feel uneasy every turn we don't have one. I suggest that we put the Focus action on growing a Shield Tree instead of a Collector Tree this turn. If no one votes for growing a Collector Tree, I'll switch my Action vote.

As for the squirrel, he's still pretty young. Let's have him stay with his squirrel friends for another turn.

Edit: To any Root Trees who haven't voted yet, we ideally want 5-6 Root Trees voting to grow a Collector Tree as their action to guarantee that we get a Collector Tree next turn. At the time of this edit, we have 1 Root Tree and 1 Mind Tree voting to grow a Collector Tree. There's still about 2.5 days before the voting period ends. If it gets close to the end of the voting period without enough votes, then I'll switch my action vote to growing a Collector Tree.

Edit 2: Apparently, at least 7 out of 9 Root Trees have already voted so I'm switching my vote to growing the Collector Tree.

Edit 3: We're still at an average of 3.5 successes for growing a Collector Tree next turn so I'm switching my Focus vote for growing a Collector Tree. Hopefully, if enough people are willing to switch, we can boost it up to a 4.5 average.
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Oh. I didn't expect turn 2 to be over so soon, I didn't get around to reading it yet.


[X][Action] Connect to Local Squirrels (Psychic)

Sure, this'll do as a placeholder lol.
Eh I'll be generous: If anyone didn't get around to voting in Turn 2 and wants to, ask in the next hour and I'll add it in.

Assuming you don't specifically ask, @Prime 2.0, I'll count this as your Turn-2 vote. Assuming you don't get around to voting by the next cutoff, I'll count this as your Turn-3 vote too.
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"There were these fast-moving stars that would cross from horizon to horizon lickety-split. Faster than the flying things, even. They started disappearing, slowly. A few - four, I think - elders claimed they'd disappeared in streaks of fire - at least the few that any of us saw disappear. I'd always wondered if they all disappeared that way or not, over the horizon somewhere…
"Well, yes, I know that one of the things still shows up every few months. I'm not stupid, just old. But there used to be some of them at nearly all times, and half-a-dozen in the sky at the same time.
Huh, the stars make me think of satellites, but I don't THINK satellites move faster than planes. Maybe the stars were space ships taking off and landing? Also, I'm now suspecting a huge war occurred where both sides were targeting the others' "stars".
Eh I'll be generous: If anyone didn't get around to voting in Turn 2 and wants to, ask in the next hour and I'll add it in.

Assuming you don't specifically ask, @Prime 2.0, I'll count this as your Turn-2 vote. Assuming you don't get around to voting by the next cutoff, I'll count this as your Turn-3 vote too.
Thanks! Yeah, I'm happy with that being my turn 2 vote. Squirrels are cool.
Huh, the stars make me think of satellites, but I don't THINK satellites move faster than planes. Maybe the stars were space ships taking off and landing? Also, I'm now suspecting a huge war occurred where both sides were targeting the others' "stars".
Some slight edits for clarification.
Which probably tells you all too much when you compare versions, but maybe not.
To reiterate: We will find someone eventually.
You know there's people out there. Assuming they haven't disappeared in the last few months, and that things outside your senses do actually continue on existing. You don't know who they are, how long it'll take to find them, or how they'll react to being found.
I'll try to be helpful. Been a while since I've tried a riot quest.

[X][Tree] Heart Tree
[X][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need
[X][Focus] Grow Collector Tree
[X][Squirrel] Try to figure out a favorite food
Personally, as far as Focus goes, I reason that Collector Tree is the best option for the first tree to grow because ultimately, it benefits all future growth.

It's basically a smart investment that immediately pays dividends for all future tree growth of all kinds.
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Personally, as far as Focus goes, I reason that Collector Tree is the best option for the first tree to grow because ultimately, it benefits all future growth.

It's basically a smart investment that immediately pays dividends for all future tree growth of all kinds.
While I do agree that we need a Collector Tree as soon as possible, we're only 4 successes away from getting one. We also need a Shield Tree as soon as possible, and we're THIRTEEN successes from getting one. So I think that we should put the Focus on growing a Shield Tree and aim for preferably 5-6 actions on a Collector Tree. That way, we're likely to get a Collector Tree next turn and hopefully a Shield Tree the turn after that.
-Not a terribly effective action, but it does more-or-less work; I suggest you build a Shield Tree as soon as reasonably possible. Like most defenses, this does little to nothing if you are not attacked.
Spring and fall have some interesting potential weather events (winter also has Ice; summer also has fires), but I won't be rolling those for your first season, as a grace-period.
I wonder if shields work against weather events at all. Spring is nearly over. Even if it doesn't, I'd like to get a Shield Tree before we actually succeed in contacting a sapient mind. There's no guarantee that whoever we contact will be friendly.