No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4

Time to give somebody a really bad time.
I think you've got this backwards: They're assuming we're the only credible threat in-system right now. Whether that proves accurate largely depends on how effective the cats' reverse-engineered shields are, I feel.

It almost certainly means they'll be prioritizing us over everything else, though.

You are correct, I misread the section. hmm, well I'm a bit less sure we have enough shield, but it really depends on what they are swinging with.
I assume our target depends on how much dice we pour into it. Given what we're doing... I kind of think we're firing a Perdition Beam at their dreadnought and attempting to blot it out of existence like the fist of an angry god. Which, as the opening move of a fight, should probably make the remainder of the fleet think about their life choices.

Can you explain the reference for those of us who aren't cool?
A popular Stellaris mod by the name of Gigastructural Engineering and More has a midgame Crisis called the Katzenartig Imperium, a race of hyper Prussian cat people in SPAAACE led by a universe hopping plant-cat-creature out to rule the galaxy, who can be summed up as "The dev doesn't consider Fanatic Militarist a good enough Civic to describe them" for how fucking fighty they are. They escalate very fast due to the universe hopping cheater(much like a player empire, lol) and have the "Kaiser Moon" which is, well. A giant weaponized moon.

Their capital has the name, most importantly, of Kattown.

The other thing is the Blokkats.

The Blokkats are scary. If we ever get to them, I'll explain more, but "Galactic harvesters: mining division" sums them up as a Crisis, Post-Endgame Crisis no less.

Hopefully not relevant, but we're dealing with what looks like the Katzens right now, down to wormhole generation on target when they want. They even have "missile spam" as a favored technique and will, possibly, favor kinetics as a "gun" weapon while having bad shielding and good armor.

Depends how closely the QM hucks to the mod.

Though I am kinda hoping to see a Systemcraft now, or meet the Paluush. Both of those things are neat.
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[X][Action] Erect the Empty Veil (Void)

I'm a survival specialist, so it would be best if I focused on Survival.
Hopefully not relevant, but we're dealing with what looks like the Katzens right now, down to wormhole generation on target when they want. They even have "missile spam" as a favored technique and will, possibly, favor kinetics as a "gun" weapon while having bad shielding and good armor.

If that's the case, we'll propably want to do the Magnetize action, and Ready a Shard Volley. Do we have enough dice on that?

[X] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
Can we get a few more Veil and Soothe Actions, treekin? Even a few more dice dedicated should synergize with the Twist/Defend/Laser Actions.
Does anyone have count of dice allocated to each action, or should I slog through and calculate it?
If my calculations are correct, as of this post, BEFORE all bonuses and ignoring Forest Focus actions, we have:

70 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to crash-examine captured Missiles (General)
43 dice into: [X] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
29 dice into: [X] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
28 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
25 dice into: [X] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
20 dice into: [X] Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry (Magnetic)
15 dice into: [X] Ready a Shard Volley (Crystal)
13 dice into: [X] Reach out to the Strange Presence
12 dice into: [X] Erect the Empty Veil (Void)
11 dice into: [X] Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest
5 dice into: [X] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
3 dice into: [X] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)
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[X][Action] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x2
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x3
[X][Focus] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic) x4
Analysis of actions:

70 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to crash-examine captured Missiles (General)
Requires 50 successes, and works through every round of this fight. Definitely worth getting as soon as reasonably possible - but with Worm active, 70 dice should average 70 successes, and then apply in our Tranquil Tree bonus. In point of fact, I believe we only need 20 pre-bonus Successes on 70 dice (35 average). So I think we've got this one.

43 dice into: [X] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
The more the merrier. +9 auto-successes from our Special Trees (turned into 27 dice total due to Worm).

29 dice into: [X] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
Requires 20 successes, but very nice if it works. Good odds of success at this point.

28 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
Requires 30 successes. Could we have a few more votes here, please? If we had 40 dice, I'd feel decently safe (given doubling from Worm).

25 dice into: [X] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
Stacks with Focus of the Forest. At this point, we're talking 100 auto-successes and 25 dice. I'm hoping we beat Hostile ECM - if we do, this is about 175 450 successes total; otherwise, it's about 117 300. Either way, something is going to hurt. (Edits thanks to @Prime 2.0 pointing out that I was ignoring all non-Worm Growth bonuses.)

20 dice into: [X] Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry (Magnetic)
Opposed Roll, but I'm guessing 20 dice is enough to get a decent, though not overwhelming, effect.

15 dice into: [X] Ready a Shard Volley (Crystal)
We can only store 29.2 successes, so this should be about right.

13 dice into: [X] Reach out to the Strange Presence
We need 12 successes, so this has just over a 50% success chance this turn.

12 dice into: [X] Erect the Empty Veil (Void)
Do we get auto-successes into this from the basic Empty Trees? I'm thinking so, and 1/tree. If this is correct, we should have 39 dice after Worm, for an average of 19.5 successes. I'm guessing that won't be enough to beat the Opposed Action, but who knows.

11 dice into: [X] Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest
Requires 20 successes, but they're banked between combat rounds. So unlikely to act this turn unless we roughly-double our dice into this action, but one more round of voting like this and they'll be in.

5 dice into: [X] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
Probably not a big deal either way at this point. Nice, though.

3 dice into: [X] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)
I'm guessing this will be resisted unless we have >20 dice. >=10 at least, surely. Edit: That said, @random_npc pointed out that a token strike here will still give us info on their psy resistance.


The most important - by my best-guess - things to vote for now are:
  1. Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM - can't keep progress from round to round AND very powerful (laser; allied fire).
  2. Reach out to the Strange Presence and Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest - decent options and the sooner we finish them the better.
  3. Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry and Erect the Empty Veil - Opposed Rolls and I'm not sure how we're doing against the threshold here.
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If my calculations are correct, as of this post, BEFORE all bonuses and ignoring Forest Focus actions, we have:

70 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to crash-examine captured Missiles (General)
43 dice into: [X] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
29 dice into: [X] Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest (Gravity)
28 dice into: [X] Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM (Light, Magnetic, Gravitic)
25 dice into: [X] Fire the Beam! (Crystal, Light, Magnetic)
20 dice into: [X] Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry (Magnetic)
15 dice into: [X] Ready a Shard Volley (Crystal)
13 dice into: [X] Reach out to the Strange Presence
12 dice into: [X] Erect the Empty Veil (Void)
11 dice into: [X] Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest
5 dice into: [X] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
3 dice into: [X] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)

ok, so to add some context here, some of these need a certain number of success to do anything.

Work with the Research Base to crash-examine captured Missiles Requires 50 successes- 70 dice assigned
Utilize the Twist power to alter the apparent size of the Forest requires 20 success - 29 dice assigned
Work with the Research Base to penetrate hostile ECM Requires 30 successes - 28 dice assigned
Magnetize hostile forces or incoming kinetic or explosive weaponry opposed by an unknown pool. -20 dice
Reach out to the Strange Presence needs 12 more success -13 dice
Erect the Empty Veil - posed by tan unknown pool, assuming hostile ECM and ECCM are similar, likely opposed by approx 60 *dice. -12 dice assigned
Convince the Predators to aggressively aid the Forest Requires 20 successes -11 dice assigned (success build-up)
Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination, opposed by unknown pool 3 dice. note, even a rival strike here will reveal the size of the enemy's defensive pool.

Due to the Worm, all success are doubled so on average, we get one success per dice. This is the average, and can not be assumed though. So we could use a few more dice for overcoming enemy ECM, and we might want to pour a lot more dice into the empty Veil.

Edit: ninjaed bay someone who did it better than me. damn it.

*60 dice would be able to get 30 success more of often than not. so would be equivalent to their ECM which needs 30 success to overcome.
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Should I switch from erecting the shield to using the twist power? I'm not sure how likely it is to work considering the bonuses and all. I'm a heart tree, so they're both good actions for me to take.
Should I switch from erecting the shield to using the twist power? I'm not sure how likely it is to work considering the bonuses and all. I'm a heart tree, so they're both good actions for me to take.

the shield is every success cancels out one successful attack die. the twist power makes the enemy 30% less likely to hit per die if it gets 20 successes. At present, it is very likely to succeed, and it has no benefit fo oversucess.

3 dice into: [X] Soothe the Hostile Fleet to mess with their coordination (Psychic)
I'm guessing this will be resisted unless we have >20 dice. >=10 at least, surely.

as the guy putting in 2 of those dice, I have 0 expectations of success. I just wanna see the size of their opposing pool.
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ECM effects: Veil, Twist powers
Erect the Empty Veil. 1 voter, 1 Heart Tree, 2 dice. Opposed Roll. *1.2 *2. 2.4 successes.
Missile ECCM: 20 dice, 7 successes, missiles keep lock.

*60 dice would be able to get 30 success more of often than not. so would be equivalent to their ECM which needs 30 success to overcome.

Based on their performance in Turn 9, assuming the new fleet doesn't have any missile or targeting upgrades, they should have 20 dice of ECCM (no bonuses). If that's the case, we're actually in a pretty good spot with an expected 19.5 successes vs their expected 10. Of course, their fleet likely has active missile guidance or some such, and they might have made some observations about our Empty Veil power and gotten harder to trick. Even if neither of those applies, a few more would still be welcome - good to have a good margin-of-success.
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Based on their performance in Turn 9, assuming the new fleet doesn't have any missile or targeting upgrades, they should have 20 dice of ECCM (no bonuses). If that's the case, we're actually in a pretty good spot with an expected 19.5 successes vs their expected 10. Of course, they might have made some observations about our Empty Veil power and gotten slightly harder to trick, and their fleet might have active missile guidance or some such. Even if neither of those applies, a few more would still be welcome - good to have a good margin-of-success.

It is possible that their ECM can reliably defeat their ECCM, but it is also possible that full fleets have much better sensor suites than a swarm of missile pods. Hopefully, I'm overestimating them and we beat their ECCM, but we have near-zero intel here.
as the guy putting in 2 of those dice, I have 0 expectations of success. I just wanna see the size of their opposing pool.
Indeed. Depending on what physical and mental defences they have it might be worth, next round, just powering the laser with Focus while all the assault dice go towards Soothe.

At present laser is better because (as far as we know) every laser success will deal damage while Soothe might do nothing if their psi defences are too strong.

Based on their performance in Turn 9, assuming the new fleet doesn't have any missile or targeting upgrades, they should have 20 dice of ECCM (no bonuses). If that's the case, we're actually in a pretty good spot with an expected 19.5 successes vs their expected 10. Of course, they might have made some observations about our Empty Veil power and gotten slightly harder to trick, and their fleet might have active missile guidance or some such. Even if neither of those applies, a few more would still be welcome - good to have a good margin-of-success.
I strongly suspect their ECCM will be significantly better this time. The previous salvo was a bunch of fire-and-forget missiles relying on their own on-board equipment. This salvo has the firing ships ready to provide support and co-ordination with their larger and more powerful equipment.
You know what might help with crash-researching the enemy missiles?

Having our Predator pals out actively fetching missiles for us.

Just saying, a few more dice into chatting up the predators would be really helpful. Lots of potential synergy there.

Also, it'll be funny. The Ingaba will have a fit when they see it.
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