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Plan: The Fool!
[X] Gackernder Narr (Cackling Fool in German)
- [X] The one that seeks a new life in these miserable times, even if it harms himself
[X] Male
[X] Has been through so much in life and recently been harmed during a fight/battle of some kind. Is bloody and bandaged up from it. Has blue eyes and white hair with a change of clothes that are a bit ruined along with a blue earring. Currently is sitting and smoking a cigarette
. (This is appearance, any one can change the damn pic if they want, I just wanted some one that smokes)

[X] What Year Were You Born In?
[X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.
[X] Neutral
[X] Marleyan, born and raised in LIberio, the Capital City of the Serene Republic of Marley. You have lived in the Internment Zone for your entire life, behind high walls and guard towers. And beyond those walls lie more enemies. Marley may hate you for being Eldian, but the rest of the world loathes you and the battles and wars the Warriors bring to their borders on Marley's behalf.
-[X] You were abandoned in the slums, having never even had the privilege of knowing your parents. It's evident, through the tests that you're still just an Eldian, just one of many that have been abandoned to the trash heap with the rest of the orphans and crippled. It's been a hard life for you, but you'll keep moving on (+2 to Speed and Charisma).
[X] Write in your general starting goal.
-[X] Finding some where to belong to, people to be with that would not judge your livelihood it self.
-[X] Some how find a family member that has any relation to the thee, you only took on the name when some one in the slums took you in and called you that…
-[X] Smoke a high quality Cigar like those people of Capital City of the Serene Republic
Stats of Your Character (Character Creation Limit is 20 Points, and capped at 5 Points for Blood Purity.)
-Strength: 12/20 (12 Points)
-Constitution: 13/20 (13 Points)
-Intelligence: 12/20 (12 Points)
-Wisdom: 10/20 (10 Points)
-Speed: 16/20 (2 Points Life + 14 Points)
-Charisma: 16/20 (2 Points Life + 14 Points)

If there is anything that needs change, just copy and past and edit it! This one is just human build without Titan bits. If there is a mistake then ill edit it!
[X] Plan: The Equalist
What Is Your Name?
-[X] Heidrek Brimmer
-[X] This one's content expression hides his longing for an even hand.
-[X] Male
What Do You Look Like?
What Year Were You Born In?
-[X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.

What is your General Alignment?
-[X] Neutral

-[X] Marleyan, born and raised in LIberio, the Capital City of the Serene Republic of Marley. You have lived in the Internment Zone for your entire life, behind high walls and guard towers. And beyond those walls lie more enemies. Marley may hate you for being Eldian, but the rest of the world loathes you and the battles and wars the Warriors bring to their borders on Marley's behalf.
--[X] Your parents are or were Eldian Restorationists, people who attempted to incite rebellion within Liberio and restore Eldia on the mainland... you have heard hushed conversations behind closed doors about the future and your role in their plans... it is already evident that your future is as a Warrior of Marley, albeit a disloyal one... if you continue to follow their plans, of course. This road is a rocky one (+3 to Strength, +2 to Constitution and Intelligence).

-[X] Write in your general starting goal.
--[X] To be looked at and valued as an equal, more than just a devil-blooded Eldian and more than just a tool to regain a homeland. Warriors get that, Marleyans get that, why not him too? Would Eldia give him that...or could Marley be made to...

Stats of Your Character (Character Creation Limit is 20 Points, and capped at 5 Points for Blood Purity.)
-Strength: 8/20 (+3)
-Constitution: 9/20 (+2)
-Intelligence: 10/20 (+2)
-Wisdom: 10/20
-Speed: 8/20
-Charisma: 15/20
-Regeneration Speed: 10/20
-Blood Purity: 5/5

Been a while since I've made a Plan. Included the bonuses Restorationism granted as a separate thing. Wasn't certain if Blood Purity is only for Nobles/Royals though it may be that Brimmer is descended from abandoned nobles? Certainly that kind of history would push a family to extremism. I can remove it if not.
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You're good, it's just that you would need to spend points to give yourself noble blood as opposed to having it as an option on the Paradisian side since nobles on the mainland are probably down to the single digits in population.
[X] Plan Night Fog
-[X] Karin Nachtnebel
-[X] The girl who hunts a forgotten past
-[X] Female
-[X] Her hair is a natural ghostly white color, but dirt and grime often leave it percieved as a dull grey instead. She has a few scars, mostly shallow along her face and limbs.
-[X] 835 - The Generation of Eren Yeager & Reiner Braun.
-[X] Chaotic
-[X] Paradisian, born and raised within the confines of the Three Walls alongside the rest of humankind. For as long as you can remember, those walls have stood in front of you, protecting what remains of mankind from the man-eating Titans. Those who try to fight back against them, the Survey Corp, are relentless mocked and scorned by the rest of human society for their waste of precious and limited resources, while the Garrison and Military Police are seemingly more concerned with their paychecks then freeing mankind.
--[X] You were born in the slums and detritus of the Underground City, a failed experiment where a city was built underneath the ground as a refuge for mankind that ultimately withered away. Lowlifes occupy this area, all fighting for survival in the darkness of the caves (+3 to Speed, +1 to Charisma and +1 to Intelligence).

-[X] Write in your general starting goal.
--[X] "-huff--huff- You! You recognized me. You said a name and it felt Familiar. So stop dying and tell me something, anything, about who I am. STOP DYING!!" He knew you. He'd called you Nachtnebel, and it fit. Like a pair of clothes you'd outgrown, but it had. You needed to know who he was, and where he came from. You need to know more than just what you are for once in your life. Everyone came from somewhere.

-[X] Strength: 10/20
-[X] Constitution: 10/20
-[X] Intelligence: 12/20(11+1)
-[X] Wisdom: 12/20
-[X] Speed: 15/20(12+3)
-[X] Charisma: 8/20(7+1)
-[X]Regeneration Speed: 10/20
-[X]Blood Purity: 3/5
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Wait, do you really want the guy's name to be "Cackling"? You're not even going to have it be a nickname for something like "Helmut Mackensen"?

name was given to him by the people that took him in, its was a tidbit related to this >Some how find a family member that has any relation to the thee, you only took on the name when some one in the slums took you in and called you that…<

Edit: ah now that I think of it, he could get a new name, he is from the slums and no real family attachment unless QM swings by and does some tidbits to it XD
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[X] Plan: In for a Penny
- [X] Kenny, apparently named after ya pa, don't get why mom named ya that, considering he walked out on her before she even told him she was pregnant (Planing to have mc be Kenny Ackerman child if it's allowed.)
- [X] Male
- [X] your a handsome guy.
Unfortunately your also short, ya blame your pa for that
-[X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.
-[X] You Are Free... (25 Points)
-[X] Paradisian, born and raised within the confines of the Three Walls alongside the rest of humankind. For as long as you can remember, those walls have stood in front of you, protecting what remains of mankind from the man-eating Titans. Those who try to fight back against them, the Survey Corp, are relentless mocked and scorned by the rest of human society for their waste of precious and limited resources, while the Garrison and Military Police are seemingly more concerned with their paychecks then freeing mankind.
-[X] You were born in the slums and detritus of the Underground City, a failed experiment where a city was built underneath the ground as a refuge for mankind that ultimately withered away. Lowlifes occupy this area, all fighting for survival in the darkness of the caves (+3 to Speed, +1 to Charisma and +1 to Intelligence).
[X] Ya want your ma to get out of this hell that was the slums, she didn't have ta love ya but she still did, even if raising ya was hard on her even more as she worked as a prostitute and make ends meat for the both of ya. And ya want to protect her, ya saw the bruises and occasional black eyes she got from customer before ya got strong enough to break their arms so ya want to protect her, and anyone that ya come to care for and if someone dares hurt them?

You'll make them suffer.

Strength: 12/20
-Constitution: 4/20
-Intelligence: 8/20 +1
-Wisdom: 4/20
-Speed: 12/20 +3
-Charisma: 9/20 +1
-Regeneration Speed 0/20
-Blood Purity 0/5

Likely won't win but hey I'll try my luck.
Adhoc vote count started by Bezzon on Mar 21, 2022 at 7:28 AM, finished with 20 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Night Fog
    -[X] Karin Nachtnebel
    -[X] The girl who hunts a forgotten past
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Her hair is a natural ghostly white color, but dirt and grime often leave it percieved as a dull grey instead. She has a few scars, mostly shallow along her face and limbs.
    -[X] 835 - The Generation of Eren Yeager & Reiner Braun.
    -[X] Chaotic
    -[X] Paradisian, born and raised within the confines of the Three Walls alongside the rest of humankind. For as long as you can remember, those walls have stood in front of you, protecting what remains of mankind from the man-eating Titans. Those who try to fight back against them, the Survey Corp, are relentless mocked and scorned by the rest of human society for their waste of precious and limited resources, while the Garrison and Military Police are seemingly more concerned with their paychecks then freeing mankind.
    --[X] You were born in the slums and detritus of the Underground City, a failed experiment where a city was built underneath the ground as a refuge for mankind that ultimately withered away. Lowlifes occupy this area, all fighting for survival in the darkness of the caves (+3 to Speed, +1 to Charisma and +1 to Intelligence).
    -[X] Write in your general starting goal.
    --[X] "-huff--huff- You! You recognized me. You said a name and it felt Familiar. So stop dying and tell me something, anything, about who I am. STOP DYING!!" He knew you. He'd called you Nachtnebel, and it fit. Like a pair of clothes you'd outgrown, but it had. You needed to know who he was, and where he came from. You need to know more than just what you are for once in your life. Everyone came from somewhere.
    -[X] Strength: 10/20
    -[X] Constitution: 10/20
    -[X] Intelligence: 12/20(11+1)
    -[X] Wisdom: 12/20
    -[X] Speed: 15/20(12+3)
    -[X] Charisma: 8/20(7+1)
    -[X]Regeneration Speed: 10/20
    -[X]Blood Purity: 3/5
    [X] Plan: The Equalist
    -[X] Heidrek Brimmer
    -[X] This one's content expression hides his longing for an even hand.
    -[X] Male
    -[X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.
    -[X] Neutral
    -[X] Marleyan, born and raised in LIberio, the Capital City of the Serene Republic of Marley. You have lived in the Internment Zone for your entire life, behind high walls and guard towers. And beyond those walls lie more enemies. Marley may hate you for being Eldian, but the rest of the world loathes you and the battles and wars the Warriors bring to their borders on Marley's behalf.
    --[X] Your parents are or were Eldian Restorationists, people who attempted to incite rebellion within Liberio and restore Eldia on the mainland... you have heard hushed conversations behind closed doors about the future and your role in their plans... it is already evident that your future is as a Warrior of Marley, albeit a disloyal one... if you continue to follow their plans, of course. This road is a rocky one (+3 to Strength, +2 to Constitution and Intelligence).
    -[X] Write in your general starting goal.
    --[X] To be looked at and valued as an equal, more than just a devil-blooded Eldian and more than just a tool to regain a homeland. Warriors get that, Marleyans get that, why not him too? Would Eldia give him that...or could Marley be made to...
    [X] Gackernder Narr (Cackling Fool in German)
    - [X] The one that seeks a new life in these miserable times, even if it harms himself
    [X] Male
    [X] Has been through so much in life and recently been harmed during a fight/battle of some kind. Is bloody and bandaged up from it. Has blue eyes and white hair with a change of clothes that are a bit ruined along with a blue earring. Currently is sitting and smoking a cigarette. (This is appearance, any one can change the damn pic if they want, I just wanted some one that smokes)
    [X] What Year Were You Born In?
    [X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.
    [X] Neutral
    [X] Marleyan, born and raised in LIberio, the Capital City of the Serene Republic of Marley. You have lived in the Internment Zone for your entire life, behind high walls and guard towers. And beyond those walls lie more enemies. Marley may hate you for being Eldian, but the rest of the world loathes you and the battles and wars the Warriors bring to their borders on Marley's behalf.
    -[X] You were abandoned in the slums, having never even had the privilege of knowing your parents. It's evident, through the tests that you're still just an Eldian, just one of many that have been abandoned to the trash heap with the rest of the orphans and crippled. It's been a hard life for you, but you'll keep moving on (+2 to Speed and Charisma).
    [X] Write in your general starting goal.
    -[X] Finding some where to belong to, people to be with that would not judge your livelihood it self.
    -[X] Some how find a family member that has any relation to the thee, you only took on the name when some one in the slums took you in and called you that…
    -[X] Smoke a high quality Cigar like those people of Capital City of the Serene Republic
    [X] Plan: In for a Penny
    - [X] Kenny, apparently named after ya pa, don't get why mom named ya that, considering he walked out on her before she even told him she was pregnant (Planing to have mc be Kenny Ackerman child if it's allowed.)
    -[X] Male
    - [X] your a handsome guy.
    -[X] 825 - The Generation of Frieda Reiss & Zeke Yeager.
    -[X] You Are Free... (25 Points)
    -[X] Paradisian, born and raised within the confines of the Three Walls alongside the rest of humankind. For as long as you can remember, those walls have stood in front of you, protecting what remains of mankind from the man-eating Titans. Those who try to fight back against them, the Survey Corp, are relentless mocked and scorned by the rest of human society for their waste of precious and limited resources, while the Garrison and Military Police are seemingly more concerned with their paychecks then freeing mankind.
    -[X] You were born in the slums and detritus of the Underground City, a failed experiment where a city was built underneath the ground as a refuge for mankind that ultimately withered away. Lowlifes occupy this area, all fighting for survival in the darkness of the caves (+3 to Speed, +1 to Charisma and +1 to Intelligence).
    [X] Ya want your ma to get out of this hell that was the slums, she didn't have ta love ya but she still did, even if raising ya was hard on her even more as she worked as a prostitute and make ends meat for the both of ya. And ya want to protect her, ya saw the bruises and occasional black eyes she got from customer before ya got strong enough to break their arms so ya want to protect her, and anyone that ya come to care for and if someone dares hurt them?

The results are in. Fog fills the Undeground City, and you are left wandering the slums with only a name as your goal.
Hey, now that voting is over, can you tell us what 'You Are Free... (25 Points)' would have gotten us? Or is it still relevant as it will pop up later on, so you can't tell us?
Hey, now that voting is over, can you tell us what 'You Are Free... (25 Points)' would have gotten us? Or is it still relevant as it will pop up later on, so you can't tell us?

You would be free to keep moving forward down whatever path you choose from the start, utterly unfettered by the obstacles in your path, allowing you to bypass or take alternate paths force on you by your surroundings and the people you are surrounded by.

Maybe you still will be free in the end.