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Alright….One more story.
One last story.
One More Story?

Grandpa, was that exactly what happened to the Shepard?

Well, Not exactly…the Ending isn't EXACTLY what happened, that's just the most popular retelling.

We actually don't know how the Shepard defeated the Reapers, all we know is that they did.

You have to understand that a lot of the Details from their time were lost and even if we know the full picture off of what is left, details elude us.

Can't we try to tell the truest version? The Simplest Retellings are often the most correct.

Or the Most embellished son.

Please, Grandpa!! You Promised One MORE STORY!

A Small Smile graced his lips.

I-Alright….One more story.


Last Name:
[ ] Shephard: DATA NOT FOUND
[ ] Alenko: Subject is a human male biotic Sentinel Marine in the Systems Alliance military who specializes in technology and biotic support powers. Assigned to Normandy ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] Williams: Subject is a human female Systems Alliance Marine who specializes in weapons skills and heavy armor. Assigned to Eden Prime near the Prothean Beacon. ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] Vakarian: Subject is a Turian Male, Solider. Begin Playback "all I'm saying is that sooner or later, one of the Specters is gonna do something that everyone's gonna regret...and My Ass is gonna have to clean it up." ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] T'Soni: Subject is a they even have genders?! A powerful Biotic. May prove a threat in the future though her research is intresting...ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] vas Neema: A Quarrian Female who may have usefull information for me. Fisk will take care of that. Currently on her Pilgrimage. ACCESS GRANTED
[ ] Wrex: A Krogan Male who worked for me in the past. Sometimes not even knowing he was. Exiled from his home planet and Clan Wrex is a good employee but nerve wracking enemy. ACCESS GRANTED

AN: Did not except this did you? Pick starter character and then you will create Shephard. Regardless if they win the vote.
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Vakarian: Subject is a Turian Male, Solider. Begin Playback "all I'm saying is that sooner or later, one of the Specters is gonna do something that everyone's gonna regret...and My Ass is gonna have to clean it up." ACCESS GRANTED

[X] Wrex: A Krogan Male who worked for me in the past. Sometimes not even knowing he was. Exiled from his home planet and Clan Wrex is a good employee but nerve wracking enemy. ACCESS GRANTED

Never played a Krogan quest...
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Vakarian: Subject is a Turian Male, Solider. Begin Playback "all I'm saying is that sooner or later, one of the Specters is gonna do something that everyone's gonna regret...and My Ass is gonna have to clean it up." ACCESS GRANTED
[X] vas Neema: A Quarrian Female who may have usefull information for me. Fisk will take care of that. Currently on her Pilgrimage. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] T'Soni: Subject is a they even have genders?! A powerful Biotic. May prove a threat in the future though her research is intresting...ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Vakarian: Subject is a Turian Male, Solider. Begin Playback "all I'm saying is that sooner or later, one of the Specters is gonna do something that everyone's gonna regret...and My Ass is gonna have to clean it up." ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED

[X] Wrex: A Krogan Male who worked for me in the past. Sometimes not even knowing he was. Exiled from his home planet and Clan Wrex is a good employee but nerve wracking enemy. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
I know I'm influenced by light novels, but I really want us to start out as an extra destined to die quickly and end up being part of the "top".
[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED

lets make him live or die like a baller
I wanna see what could have been...

[X] Jenkins: A Male Human Rookie Solider under the command of Commander Shephard. Born on Eden Prime. Chances of Survival: Low. ACCESS GRANTED
If our character dies do we get to pick a new one?
[X] Wrex: A Krogan Male who worked for me in the past. Sometimes not even knowing he was. Exiled from his home planet and Clan Wrex is a good employee but nerve wracking enemy. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] vas Neema: A Quarrian Female who may have usefull information for me. Fisk will take care of that. Currently on her Pilgrimage. ACCESS GRANTED
[X] vas Neema: A Quarrian Female who may have usefull information for me. Fisk will take care of that. Currently on her Pilgrimage. ACCESS GRANTED

I just love Quarrian!