AEON EFFECT (Mass Effect / Trinity Crossover)

NameTigershark "Ti" ShepardOrderProject Minerva (formerly 5th Legion)


Physical Attribute
Mental Attribute
Social Attribute

XP: 6​
1 or 2​
Medium Range​
Soft/Hard Armor


Skills [Specialty]
Skills [Specialty]
Gun Tool (can spend 1 momentum to add Aim to related skill checks by using a gun to help out.)​
Close Combat​
Deadly Strike (when using mixed actions in melee combat, use the higher pool rather than the smaller.)​
Cold Read (spend 1 momentum to learn a detail about someone you just met)​
Devilishly Good Looking (spend 1 momentum to shift an NPC's attitude up by 1 towards you)​
VARG Pilot (When in combat, piloting checks do not count as against your maximum number of actions.)​


Oceanic (*)​
Culture, Empathy, Survival, Technology​
Amphibious or Aquatic Conversion (**/**), Artistic Talent (*-***), Big Hearted (*), Hardy (*-***), Increased Tolerance (*-***)), Library (*-***)​
VARG Pilot (*)​
Aim, Close Combat, Pilot, Technology​
Cpt. Anderson​
Ambidextrous (*), Cool Under Fire (**), Demolitions Training (*-***), Direction Sense (*), Hair Trigger Reflexes (*), Ms. Fix It (**), Patron (*-***), Tough Cookie (**)​
Section Minerva (*)​
Empathy, Integrity, Larceny, Persuasion​
Director Udina​
Minerva Agents​
Alternate Identity (*-**), Covert (*-***), Iron Will (*-***), Self-Reliance (*-*****), Striking (**)​
Aquatic Conversation​
Converted eyes can see in low light without penalty, can speak underwater with high frequency emissions, can endure -20 C without discomfort, can breathe water as well as air, gains 1 level of Soft Armor, moves at Speed Scale 2 while in the water, has sonar out to "far" range. DRAWBACKS: Requires x3 water per day to survive, suffers +2 complication with social checks with people who are disturbed by hot, muscular shark girls (racists, bigots, and general dickheads who you don't wanna be friends with anyway.)
Ms. Fix It​
Can add a second skill to repair and reverse engineering rolls as Enhancement, if it is related to the device in question (I.E, using Pilot to augment a Tech check to repair a VARG.)​
She's hot! ...very hot. +2e to all social checks.​
Favored Mode​
She gains +2e to all Transmog rolls, enhancing her ability to transform her body into anything she wills. This can be added as successes to rolls, or can be used to increase her Psi stat for the purposes of range, radius, and duration.​
Enhanced Tolerance​
She is exceptionally good at attuning to psi-active biological technology. She adds +2 to her Tolerance limit.

Health level
Health level
Health level
Hard Armor​
Hard Armor​
Taken Out​

(+1 Cost, +1 Diff per dot above your Mode Dots)
Basic Powers
Biosense (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Duration] | Effect: Can detect all living creatures within short range. Can screen out microbes, mammals, humans, and other things you don't want to sense per success.​
Adaption (-) [*]
Resist [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: Instant | Effect: Reduce damage from toxins, irritants, and diseases by [Mode] dots. Can spend successes to add +1 to reduction per success. Also, cleans sense automatically!

Acclimatize [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode Dots] x [Duration] | Effect: Suffer no penalties from high or low gravity that isn't Extreme, ignore all environmental damage with the hourly tag. Reduce damage from other environments by 1 per success spent and, if reduced to 0, downgrade them from continuous to minutes, for example.

Metabolic Control [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Change the rate of one part of your biology. Healing time can be sped up by [Mode Dots]+Successes. For things like intiative, reaction times, and so on, it is increased or decreased by [Mode Dots]/2, +/- 1 per 1 success spent. Can spend 2s to impact a second quality as well.

Adapt [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Upgrades Acclimatize so it works against continuous automatically by just spending the cost for Adapt!

Survive [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] Scenes | Effect: Success increases both inflict damage and reduce indirect damage by [Mode] dots. Furthermore, can roll Psi+Adaption to regenerate injuries.​
Psychomorphing (**)[*]
Adjust [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can move physical dots around equal to [Mode Dots] + Successes. So, 1s can move 3 points from Might to Dexterity!

Enhance [**] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] or 1 week or 1 month | Effect: May add +1 to physical attributes per success, up to a max of 5. Can purchase physical edges temporarily. If she commits 1 Psi Point for a week she can go without water. For a month, she can go without food. She can increase her running or swimming speed scale by +1 to a maximum of 3.

Compartmentalize [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Don't leave fingerprints, shed hair, or leave any tracks behind. Increase the diff to track by [Mode.] Can format with a bioapp by combining it with your body, reducing its Tolerance Requirement by 1 (can store up to Psi Dots apps.))

Overcome [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Gain an Enhancement to all dice rolls that can be improved by mercurial shapeshifting (joints can bend anywhere, pheromones can be released, and so on) equal to [Mode.]

Perfection [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Works like Enhance, but your physical stats have the new max of 7 and you can enhance physical and mental stats as well!​
Transmogrify (**)[*]
Plasticity [*] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can stretch limbs out a number of meters equal to [Mode] dots. Can slip through gaps no wider than [10-Mode] centimeters by squeeshing. Can form glider wings.

Gross Manipulation [**] (Cost: 0 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Modifies her body to produce a specific effect. For 1s, gain enhancement equal to [mode]/2 for any non-combat action (E.G, making climbing claws to climbing!) For 2s, grow extra limbs to use as you will! Can grow extra sensory organs for 1s (eyes on fingers, for example.) If growing weapons, gain a number of points equal to [Mode]+Successes that can be spent on the following fun things! Melee weapons with Brutal (1), Deadly (1), Entangle (2), Grapple (1), Piercing (1), Pushing (1), Quality (2 or 3), Reach (1), Shield (2), Weighted (1.) For armor, it's Complete (3), Composite (2), Defensive (2), Hard (1), or Soft (1, 2)

Transformation [***] (Cost: 1 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Transfooooorm! Cosmetic changes are 1s, 1s = 10% change in height or weight, Physical Sex is 2s, Copying someone is 1s if you have a psionic connection to them. Impersonating someone without is 4s.

Chimera [****] (Cost: 2 | Duration: [Mode] x [Duration] | Effect: Can gain +1 enhancement per success to any sense by adding new, sexy senses (bat ears!?), can add +1 to running or swimming speed scale per success, can add +1 to flying scale for 2 successes (to a maximum of speed scale 4.) Can remove aquatic conversion for duration. Can create ranged weapons, similarly to above. Can make these changes permanent with XP.

Imbue Instinct [*****] (Cost: 3 | Duration: [Mode] x Hours | Effect: Gain a bonus for a number of mixed actions equal to her Psi, adding +1e to all of those actions per 2 successes on the roll. Only those actions gain these enhancements. Can separate out one wound box worth of flesh (cannot use her armor for this) and send it out to do her crimes for her! Furthermore, can use any previous Transmog power to modify her size up to Size 2 (big old bear) or down to Size 0 (cat size).​

Tolerance: 8/8

N7 Combat Armor
Tags: Active Camo [2] (+2e to all stealth checks), Complete (3) [Protects against all forms of damage], Hard Armor [3] (+2 hard armor), Powered [0] (so long as it remains powered, +2e to all might checks), Soft Armor [2] (+2 to soft armor)

M5 Predator Kinetic Pistol
Tags: Brutal [1] (-1s required for critical hits), Concealable [2] (+2e to conceal it), Destructive [2] (Ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Quality [3] (Adds +2e to use), Ranged [Melee to Close Range] [1] (Can be fired in melee to close range without penalty)

Steinhardt MI-CC: A military issue minicomp, with communication and computing technology. Basically, a space phone from space.

Interface Augmentation Device (IAD), Biokinesis: Adds +1 to all Biokinetic Modes for the purposes of duration and effect but NOT for dice. Adds +1 to Psi for all factors save Psi Points for rolling Biokinesis. Tolerance Requirement: 3

M35 Mako Class V(acuum) A(ssault) and R(econnaissance) G(ear)
Sensor Range: Long (+2e to all perception checks) with LANS (can detect Quantum Flux and Biotic Powers)
Life Support: 1 Year | Tolerance Requirement: 5
Strength Enhancement: Count as Scale 2 for strength (+2e per scale above the target). Suffer +1 complication for dealing with anything smaller.
Armor: 2 Soft, 2 Hard | Health: -1/-1/-2/-2/-4

Shoulder Mounted M-290 Revenant Coilgun
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +6e
Tags: Automatic [2] (Can add +2e by emptying the magazine), Destructive [2] (ignores 2 armor and blows through walls with ease), Hardpoint [2] (+1e and uses a hardpoint), Major [0] (counts as size 1), Ranged [Close to Medium] (can be used at these range without penalty), VARG-Scale [+1e, count as one scale higher)

Wrist Mounted M-451 Firestorm Laser Cannon
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Beam [1] (can strike every target within close range of the target), Destructive [2] (see above), Hardpoint [2] (see above), Ranged [Close to Medium] (see above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Back Mounted ML-77 Smart Missile Launcher
Scale: 2 | Total Enhancement: +5e
Tags: Hardpoint [2] (see above), Incendiary [2] (on a critical hit, sets the target on fire instead of doing extra damage), Massive Explosive (ranged) [3] (Kabooms everyone in a medium radius), Ranged [Short-Long] (See above), VARG-Scale (see above)

Weapons [4]: Has a major weapon in a hardpoint, and two minor weapons in the other hardpoints.
Biomorphic Array [3]: Provides +4 to transmog rolls, and +2 dots to the Transmog mode for the purposes of powers, allows for the powers to be used on the Mako.
Tools [1]: A set of manipulators for field repairs
System Damage: Spend 1s from a defensive roll to replace an injury to one of your hardpoints
Advantageous Assault: Spend 1s while attacking to blow apart scenery into Light Cover or Complicated Terrain. 2s will make heavy cover or difficult terrain.

Jenny: 1 Romance
Kaiden: 1 Friendship
Ashley: 1 Friendship
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[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] a rival
[x] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[ X I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a crush
Can these feelings change over time as we learn them?

[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] Comrade
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a rival
-[X] a friend

Edit: I know comrade means friend but I saying comrade because it has more of a military flavor to it and I think that is the best way to describe their relationship.
Last edited:
[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a friend
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Mar 4, 2022 at 10:48 PM, finished with 12 posts and 10 votes.
Can these feelings change over time as we learn them?

[X] I feel ______ about Ashley Williams?
-[X] Comrade
[X] I feel ______ about Kaiden Alenko?
-[X] a friend
[X] I feel ______ about Jennifer Landers?
-[X] a rival
-[X] a friend

Edit: I know comrade means friend but I saying comrade because it has more of a military flavor to it and I think that is the best way to describe their relationship.
Only one comrade?! Your levels of Communism are too low, and unevenly distributed besides!
Off to the gulag with you!
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Mar 6, 2022 at 12:19 PM, finished with 15 posts and 10 votes.

It's a tie for Ash between nothing and friend.

It's more interesting if you're friends!
CHAPTER TWO: The Citadel (0.5)
"...the reports are highly troubling-"

"Troubling? He's practically shaking hands with a mass murder!"

You had, in your time in the Legion, learned the practiced art of standing at attention, setting your face to 'grim militarism', then letting words wash over you. It came in handy in Ambassador Udina's office. The man was a class A prick - a sense you'd gotten from the descriptions that Captain Anderson had dropped and from your first impression as he had looked you and your team over, reviewed the footage, and muttered under his breath words you almost but didn't quite understand.


At least he seemed able to turn his dickishness to the force of good, if he focused it on the Council.

The holographic projections of the Citadel Council filled the side of the bright white office. It seemed even the Presidium wasn't secure enough for their dainty hides - either that or it was simply easier to broadcast down the kilometers of tower between us and them than it was for them to ride the elevator to the ring. You put even odds on either of them. The first was the Turian Councilor, Sparatus Qinnas. He was the third Turian you'd seen 'in the flesh' so to speak, and it was pretty interesting to note the subtle differences in texturing and coloration that made one Turian different from another. You wondered if they found it just as hard to spot the differences that made human faces unique. However, like with Nihilus, it was easier than you had expected to read his emotions.

Specifically, irritation. "Twelve seconds of helmet camera footage proves nothing. Saren is one of the best Specters we have...however, quality of skill, training and equipment matters very little when dealing with quantum-spewing aberrations against the natural order," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "For all we know, that Saren is a cloned replicant, a illusory projection, an alternate universe doppelgänger."

"Come now, Councilor-" Udina started.

"Such abilities are not beyond the registered lists of known novas in the Terminus Systems," the Asari councilor, a matriarch named Tevos, spoke up. "We have been lead astray before by not taking into account the unique abilities of novas into account when planning strategic and tactical operations."

"The loss of your research colony, and the Prothean data, is of course invaluable. The movements of the Geth beyond the Perseus Veil is deeply troubling. The reemergence of an Omega level threat like Divias Mal cannot be ignored," the Salarian Councilor, a nervous, quiet little slamander of a guy named Valern, added. "That is what we want to focus upon right now - we have put out a communication request for Saren, and have prepared several other Specters for interactions. If we can get him on the Citadel to explain himself, then we shall, of course, disclose everything to you immediately."

Captain Anderson frowned. "What about the message recorded off the Beacon?"

"Ah, yes, these 'visions' of your Commander Shepard," Councilor Sparatus said. "Unless you have evidence to the contrary, how are we to not assume they're an imprint by Divias Mal or one of his cronies?"

"We've had Commander Shepard's brain examined both medically and telepathically, the memory implantations weren't preformed using nova powers," Captain Anderson said, gesturing to you.

Councilor Tevos nodded her blue head. "Then please have these messages recorded - either via testimonials or via the use of a telepathic medium -and we shall add them to the investigation."

A few pleasantries were exchanged - and then the holograms shut off. Udina pinched the bridge of her nose, then sighed. "Well..." he turned to face you, and then frowned. "This is a complete cockup. Just as I expected." He glared, then, at Jenny. "And I would like to know what she's doing here."

"I was assigned to the Commander's fireteam by Apollo," Jenny said.

"I haven't-" Udina started, but then Jenny vanished. Udina scowled at the empty space where the nova had been a few moments before, then shook his head, turning to face you. "While we have the privacy of being around humans - the Council is going to drag their feet on this. Saren is one of their best operatives, and they'd rather imagine anything rather than him betraying them. It's-"

Jenny returned, holding a faintly amused looking, blond haired muscular man, dressed in a bathrobe, his face half smeared with shaving cream, a straight razor in his other hand. He glowed with a pale, shimmering golden light that made your face feel warm. He was Apollo, the nominal leader of Eden, and he looked at Udina as if he was teleported halfway across the galaxy while in his bathrobes every day. "I am assigning Slider to Commander Shepard's fireteam, officially." He shot Jenny a look, while Jenny tried to look less than completely pleased with herself - and then both vanished, leaving Udina shaking his head and scowling.

"I swear, she's worse than our own goddamn teleporters," he said.

"I don't see a big difference," you say.

"At least the Upeo have to have line of sight," Udina grumbled.

"So, what's our plan now, sir?" you ask, turning to Anderson.

Anderson frowns, then glances at Udina. Udina nods. At that signal, Anderson turns to you. "I...this was supposed to be a pleasant surprise, Ti. This mission was supposed to be a way for you to prove yourself to the Citadel become one of their first human specters." At that, your eyebrows go way up. Jenny punches your shoulder with a laugh, while you open your mouth and close it in shock. Anderson continued: "There's a lot of resistance from the Turians, and some from the Asari as well - the Asari have been used to being the only telepaths in the galaxy. Learning that there's an entire species that have telepathy and the other modes is...intimidating. But this mission has thrown a few wrenches into the gears."

"Not necessarily," Udina said, his deep, grumbly voice sounding faintly...schemey. "Specters have gone rogue before - either turning sides, going mercenary, being puppeteered. The best response the Council nominally has is to send another Specter after them." He rubs his chin. "If we prove Saren was acting under his own volition, or has been completely subverted by Divias Mal, then..."

You arch an eyebrow. "Then they can rush me through their training program and send me after him?"

"Saren hated humans even before he met Divias Mal," Anderson said. "We need to stop him and whatever he's planning - before another one of our colonies are hit. Or Earth."

"Or Eden," Jenny adds.

You nod. "Cool. Where do we start?"

"Right here," Kaiden said, shrugging. "Saren was on the Citadel before he jetted off to Bullseye." He held up his omni-tool. "Specters are famous, people were posting about it all over social media. I just ran a quick search, and he was seen in the Wards, the Presidium, near his quarters, up until 24 hours before the attack."

"Officially, you're on leave while we review the evidence," Udina says. "'re a psion, Shepard. Figure it out." He turned, grabbed Anderon's arm, and drew him aside.

You turned to your fireteam, shaking your head. "You know, they always put psions into situations like this in the vids - but for most of my career, I was just driving a big stompy robot," you say, grinning at Ash, Kaiden and Jenny. "Kaiden here's better at poking around-"

"Hey, don't look at me," Kaiden said, holding up his hands. "I worked in therapeutics while in the Ministry."

Ash snorted. "I'm a Legionary, ma'am."

Jenny stretched her arms up in the air, flexing her back - she was currently dressed in the same body armor the rest of you were, but the armor plating was resting atop the skintight weave of her eufiber. It made for a martial look, you had to admit. Jenny's arms crooked behind her neck and she looked deeply smug. "Well, well, well, look who needs the old lady's help," she said, her voice deeply amused.

"You're, what, twenty five?" Ash asked. Kaiden leaned in, whispering in her ear. Ash's eyes widened. "...holy shit, ma'am!"

"You ever do work like this?" you ask.

"You could say that," Jenny says. "Right now, we know who is the bad guy - Saren. The Council can pontificate, but Divias Mal doesn't do mind control. He's too much of a...big brained egotist for that. He has to be right, but more importantly, everyone else has to agree that he's right. So, Saren would be working with him because he agrees, not because Mal zonked him. That means we can discount the puppeteering hypothesis. And, while it's possible he's any of the other things that Mr. No Fun suggested, even among novas, Occam's Razor still applies. Yanking stuff from other universes is hard, cloning takes a long time...robots tend to become sentient and try and kill you." She shrugs. "So, that leaves us with the simplest answer: Saren is an anti-human dickhead, Divias Mal is an anti-baseline dickhead, the two are close enough for horseshoes and Saren and he are working together on something bad."

You nod. "Where do we start looking then?"

"I hear C-Sec and Specters don't get along," Kaiden says. "C-sec are the cops, Specters are the hotshot lone wolves who get all the media attention."

"The more things change..." Jenny mutters.

"You said we also have sightings of him in the Wards, right?" Ash asks, frowning.

"Yeah, but finding out which are real and which are like spotting Elvis..." Kaiden mutters.

"Who the fuck is Elvis?"

Your omni-tool buzzes. You look down and see you got a private message, straight from an unknown source.

"Anyone ever hear of the Shadow Broker?" you ask.

"Sounds spooky," Jenny says as Kaiden and Ash shake their heads.

"Why?" Ash asks.

"Cause he just asked me to come and visit," you say, throwing up the text to all their omni-tools by ficking your finger outward. They all regarded it, and Jenny chuckled.

"Well, we have a few leads then," she says. "Where do we start?"

Where do you start?
[ ] Hit Da Bricks - check the Ward Sightings
[ ] Visit the Shadow Broker
[ ] Check out C-Sec
[ ] Write in
[X] Visit the Shadow Broker

What if Quarian aren't in suits tho
Quarians... Private Rolston thought. Why are they so familiar?

Oh shit,
you thought. I know where I've heard of them before. They-
We have no idea what Dragon has done to make them so familiar to the relatively new human alliance

What if the Flotilla just up and joined human space and filled up on those good good human quality biotech and now we get Tali in a skintight bodysuit that she doesn't need to wear to live

we come up to the scene and its like

"Oh hello! My name is Tali'Zorah, and the drone that just tazed in your bourgeois gonads for calling me a 'filthy arrogant suit rat' is Chiktika. Would you care to apologize? No? Good! Chiktika, go for the eyes."
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[X] Visit the Shadow Broker

"There's a lot of resistance from the Turians, and some from the Asari as well - the Asari have been used to being the only telepaths in the galaxy. Learning that there's an entire species that have telepathy and the other modes is...intimidating. But this mission has thrown a few wrenches into the gears."
Actually, that brings up something I was wondering because I hadn't seen any signs of it either way until now - does this mean that the Qin (Telepathic slug-like people who were some of humanity's first allies in Aeon, built themselves biotech humanoid suits to interact with other aliens and take advantage of height and hands and such) don't exist in this 'Verse? For that matter, what about the other Aeon aliens, like the Listeners, Chromatics, or the ones that make up the Coalition?

"Ah, yes, these 'visions' of your Commander Shepard," Councilor Sparatus said. "Unless you have evidence to the contrary, how are we to not assume they're an imprint by Divias Mal or one of his cronies?"
We're the air quotes intentionally left out?
Udina as if he was teleported halfway across the galaxy while in his bathrobes every day. "I am assigning Slider to Commander Shepard's fireteam, officially." He shot Jenny a look, while Jenny tried to look less than completely pleased with herself - and then both vanished, leaving Udina shaking his head and scowling
I hear a "she's your problem now" being left unsaid. Of course with her I imagine distance won't stop her from bugging him when it suits her!

Yeah, but finding out which are real and which are like spotting Elvis..." Kaiden mutters.
which are not real and which are like spotting
which are real and which are not like spotting

[X] Visit the Shadow Broker

Suit wife awaits.
Suit Waifu awaits! We'd be a lousy Bosh'tet otherwise!
[X] Visit the Shadow Broker
Actually, that brings up something I was wondering because I hadn't seen any signs of it either way until now - does this mean that the Qin (Telepathic slug-like people who were some of humanity's first allies in Aeon, built themselves biotech humanoid suits to interact with other aliens and take advantage of height and hands and such) don't exist in this 'Verse? For that matter, what about the other Aeon aliens, like the Listeners, Chromatics, or the ones that make up the Coalition?

I've got plans and schemes! they do have a slightly less prominence simply cause ME is a bigger universe than the relatively contained Trinity verse (which is only a tiny corner of the galaxy)