[X] 'Let's first bright stars sent forth their light.' - Create sky full of stars. (Primordial)
Sky is a thin barrier, which separates the real from the unreal, physical unsiverse and bubbling Planes of Magical Concepts. Heaven filled with little bright dots, which leads on the other side. Idea of Stars is knowledge about things. It contains domains of Secrets, Plans, Cognitions and many more. Stars can give direction, precognite a future, postcognite the past and became powerful instrument of intrigue in the hands of talented astrologer. However, beware the nature of the Stars and it's spirits. The schemers and scientists, but thier motives and goals alien to mortals. Intrigue for the sake of intrigue, meaningless knowledge and plans for the sake of continuing the endless games of thinkers... This magic will give you knowledge, show the secrets, help in plans and multiply power to other magics. However, the price can be madness or obsession with one of the star thinkers. Sometimes star falling down, when one of the thinkers defeated, crushed and stumbled in search of salvation. Or it may be another plan - to dump some star material into the mortal lands... Precious things filled with Stars Magic, matter formed with such powerful Concept in it's very core! The most famous of them: Star Silver, Stellar Crystal and Glass, Celestial Powder and Roots.
P.S. Something like this?