[X] Select the mech in the corner. It was about the size of a Heavygun, and seemed a bit sleeker, if it wasn't almost completely trashed. The right arm was completely gone, covered with what looked like a huge tarp or some sort of fake cape. On its forehead was the designation 'GN-001'.
( Lightweight high-speed short-range skirmisher. )

I'm pretty sure this is a Gundam, and I'm a RR kind of person
[X] Select the mech in the corner. It was about the size of a Heavygun, and seemed a bit sleeker, if it wasn't almost completely trashed. The right arm was completely gone, covered with what looked like a huge tarp or some sort of fake cape. On its forehead was the designation 'GN-001'.
( Lightweight high-speed short-range skirmisher. )

I'm pretty sure this is a Gundam, and I'm a RR kind of person
It is. It's the Exia, from 00 Gundam, notable for having an endless power source, and TRANS-AM mode (triple's the user's strength/speed for a few minutes, if i recall canon correctly, but weakens strength/speed afterwards until the engine recovers), and being one of the few ways to become a stable, sane Psychic even if you weren't born one! Though the chances are still pretty low unless we can acquire a second, synchronized engine (which quadruples the total engine output rather than merely doubling it, if i recall?). If we can, though, and do mutate into a Psychic from frequent GN particle exposute... teleportation is actually on the table, among other things, though it's never quite explained how to trigger the teleportation, since it's more a side effect of a Psychic in a mech outputting a sufficient quantity of GN particles, rather than an actual feature of the mech itself...

Even if we don't ever get to delve into psychic bullshittery, though, the Exia's a pretty solid choice as far as fast melee mecha go, and GN Particles are hilarious versatile even with only one engine producing them.
[X] Select the crumpled mech on the left. It was almost like the machine you'd flew past earlier, but its hull had been stripped for parts. In its hand was a long black and crimson blade, serrated below the head with gear-like teeth. On the side of the central chassis was the designation 'Z—o-d V-Geist'.
( Mixed utility support fighter. )

I just prefer this over Gargant and Exia (I've gotten my fill of Exia from Trailblazer on SB)
Yep, early on in Nadesico, Grasshopper units took over an unmanned Aestivalis and used it to attack the good guys, and then never did that again to my recollection.

An Aestivalis is the main good guy mech in Nadesico, being an advanced modular mobile weapon with a Distortion Field and remote power transmission from a mothership. They generally do very well unless they get out of power range, are drastically outnumbered, or are facing Jovian Super Robots.

Yes I joined this quest just because it had Nadesico TV in it.
Their combination attack spam is quite something and the distortion field makes for rather meaty Reals
Also thing to note is that Nadesico teleportation tech is one of the best in the entire SRW series since even the big bad of SRW V tries and experiments with it to be able to use it themselves.
So, I had a few minutes free today and thought it might be a bit entertaining to throw together a quick size comparison, since I always have a bit of trouble visualizing these things mentally.

I'd only call it approximately correct (especially since the Zelvoid has no officially stated height), but it does give a good impression of the size difference a Super Robot like the Grungust brings to the table. After all, most of the other mecha would barely reach its knee.

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So, I had a few minutes free today and thought it might be a bit entertaining to throw together a quick size comparison, since I always have a bit of trouble visualizing these things mentally.

I'd only call it approximately correct (especially since the Zelvoid is still just an educated guess, and one with no officially stated height at that), but it does give a good impression of the size difference a Super Robot like the Grungust brings to the table. After all, most of the other mecha would barely reach its knee.

All the more surface area for your opponent to shoot at! Honestly, being only the size of it's knees seems pretty useful, though. It'd be pretty dang hard for the Grungust to react to a RR in the RR's melee range.
All the more surface area for your opponent to shoot at! Honestly, being only the size of it's knees seems pretty useful, though. It'd be pretty dang hard for the Grungust to react to a RR in the RR's melee range.
Graze Ein even highlights bigger legitimately isn't always better. The Grungust is really just a giant, discount Mazinger. It doesn't do anything particularly unique on its own.
Graze Ein even highlights bigger legitimately isn't always better. The Grungust is really just a giant, discount Mazinger. It doesn't do anything particularly unique on its own.

And somehow the Graze Ein is still stupidly fast and agile. I know they used a suped up more advanced Alayna-Vijnana System but holy shit what did they tuned up on that beast?
And somehow the Graze Ein is still stupidly fast and agile. I know they used a suped up more advanced Alayna-Vijnana System but holy shit what did they tuned up on that beast?
i don't think they need to do anything, the tech already could do that

the only reason no one go that fast cause their mind can't keep up

but people with VA can, so they just turn off the limit and let it go ham
And somehow the Graze Ein is still stupidly fast and agile. I know they used a suped up more advanced Alayna-Vijnana System but holy shit what did they tuned up on that beast?
Excessive engines, really. Ahab Reactors are a hell of a drug. Combine with the VA System, and things that used to in Gundam be the sole domain of Newtypes and similar can now be done by people.

It's worth remembering the Graze Ein is literally using a meat computer with all the horror that implies.
I mean.

Yes, the Grungust takes more hits.

Its bulky enough though that those extra hits it takes don't fuckin' matter because they just bounce off its massive pile of HP and armor (Which doesn't care about little things like "Oh but Beam Weapons will kill you anyway" because it says no they don't)

And at the end of the day, Super Robots are just more fun to play as, you know? They're huge, robust, pack all the firepower, and good at crushing ants.

Besides, what else to use to defeat the Jovian Lizards than a super robot?
I mean.

Yes, the Grungust takes more hits.

Its bulky enough though that those extra hits it takes don't fuckin' matter because they just bounce off its massive pile of HP and armor (Which doesn't care about little things like "Oh but Beam Weapons will kill you anyway" because it says no they don't)

And at the end of the day, Super Robots are just more fun to play as, you know? They're huge, robust, pack all the firepower, and good at crushing ants.

Besides, what else to use to defeat the Jovian Lizards than a super robot?
Let me know when the Grungust can make you psychic and turn into thought particles to teleport.
Let me know when the Grungust can make you psychic and turn into thought particles to teleport.
The Grungust and Huckebein are T-Link mechs to begin with. To pilot them to their full potential you need to be psychic to begin with. The only way around this is if that's a Mass Production Grungust, which would come with the implication it's literally not unique.

Flipside, the Exia won't make you psychic either. It's only got one GN Drive at best (in fact, if it's got anything, it's probably a GN Condenser).
Another thing to note about the Exia Repair... we may not have access to Trans-Am from start, as the system could potentially be damaged. And the same problem could apply to the Optical Camo as well.
Really think we should go for the Red Raven here, as fighting at long range is safer than short-range fighting, especially with a damaged mech. After all, one does not need to worry about taking hits if they engage from a distance where their enemies can not engage or the enemy is dealt with before they can engage...
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[X] Select the giant gold and purple mech in the back. It was huge, almost organic looking in an odd way, membrane surrounding little nicks in the armour. You were sure that the top and bottom halves could come apart. Its mouth had something that almost looked like teeth within it. On the side, you could see a name, 'Experimental G–g–t- Gargant'.

Flipping over. Love the supers in general.
Another thing to note about the Exia Repair... we may not have access to Trans-Am from start, as the system could potentially be damaged. And the same problem could apply to the Optical Camo as well.
Flipside, its one of two mechs there that can fly under its own power. The Huckebein ISN'T one of the other two. Playing keep away is very difficult if you have limited movement options.
That said, Voting is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by The Out Of World on Dec 30, 2021 at 6:31 AM, finished with 68 posts and 26 votes.

  • [X] Select the mech in the corner. It was about the size of a Heavygun, and seemed a bit sleeker, if it wasn't almost completely trashed. The right arm was completely gone, covered with what looked like a huge tarp or some sort of fake cape. On its forehead was the designation 'GN-001'.
    [X] Select the giant gold and purple mech in the back. It was huge, almost organic looking in an odd way, membrane surrounding little nicks in the armour. You were sure that the top and bottom halves could come apart. Its mouth had something that almost looked like teeth within it. On the side, you could see a name, 'Experimental G–g–t- Gargant'.
    [X] Select the crumpled mech on the left. It was almost like the machine you'd flew past earlier, but its hull had been stripped for parts. In its hand was a long black and crimson blade, serrated below the head with gear-like teeth. On the side of the central chassis was the designation 'Z—o-d V-Geist'.
    [X] Select the Heavygun-like mech on the right. It was huge, red, with a pair of great wing binders lined with what looked like little blades. It didn't look like it'd been used in some time, and the entire surface looked like it had been scoured and eroded by sand. Along the side of its head was the engraving 'H—be—-E– Red Raven'.
Always fun to see a new SRW quest. Time to over-think on the mecha choices :V.

Very carefully?

Oh, hi there Exia. Not sure how well its combat style fits our protagonist thematically, but GN Drive equipped MS do have several nice advantages (combat endurance, TRANS-AM, optical camouflage if we need to leave the Gundam somewhere unsupervised. potential Innovation (artificial evolution into the Gundam 00 equivalent of a Newtype) down the road). On one hand, the armament of Exia is probably the 1st or 2nd best answer to Nanolaminate equipped MS of these choices (and getting in close is one way around Planet Defensors down the road), but on the other it's probably a bit disadvantaged against anything with a distortion field.

In the short term, the right arm in particular being missing probably means we'd be going into combat with just the GN vulcans and beam sabers (since the right arm is usually the one to which the GN sword is mounted). This might give us some trouble in fending off the Battas outside.

Probably a reference to the Huckebein-EX, especially given the EX's prominent red paint scheme. Now, this will depend a bit on whether the quest leans more into the Alpha or OG timeline for reference. Assuming it's more on the Alpha side, then we have a Personal Trooper with an unstable black hole at its heart: a nearly inexhaustible energy source more at home in the typical super robot. This gives the PT the ability to use a gun that fires black holes, along with energy endurance likely on par with Exia. It will likely be useful against distortion field equipped enemies, but a comparative paucity of physical weapons could give us trouble fighting against Nanolaminate equipped MS.

On the other hand, if we're drawing more on the OG timeline, then the Huckebein is likely powered by a plasma generator similar to those used by other Personal Troopers. A bit less powerful, but safer to use. That said, I doubt that we're in any danger of the Black Hole Engine destructively collapsing on us in the near future (something that admittedly only happened once, due to sabotage no less). From the description, it sounds like the armor of this particular PT isn't in the best shape. That, and I'm not sure if any of the handheld weapons are nearby.

Going off the paint scheme description and the mention of a separation feature, I'm inclined to think of Grungust Type-3 Unit 2 (used by Sanger Zonvolt in the SRWOG: Inspector anime) in particular. Quite a bit larger than the other options here at nearly triple the height of most MS, and mostly equipped with powerful inbuilt weapons for what might be a bit of an immediate advantage (assuming they're all working). Certainly the most defensible mecha here, and anything with a rocket punch just makes me smile :smile:. Combine that with high defense and limited self-repair potential afforded by VG Alloy, and we can probably smash our way through a lot of problems.

On the other hand, we might have a bit more trouble dodging truly dangerous attacks or hitting smaller and more maneuverable enemies (assuming the quest models size differences in a similar way to the SRW games). That and we might need a copilot to take full advantage of the separation feature. This might also imply that our protagonist is a psychodiver.

Gonna admit I'm not 100% certain on this one, but the description leads me to think of the Zelvoid Vast, or at least a mecha inspired by it. This is mostly due to the sword description, since I don't think it looks that much like the Gespenst personally, but it does fit with the partial name as well. If this guess is right then it's probably the most interesting choice lore wise, since its existence implies that La Gias does as well (although who knows if it's accessible or in what state). Since I'm not certain on that though I'll abstain from further speculation.

Ok. Now that I've written that all up to think things through, I'd say either the Huckebein or Exia. Mostly since Rain just feels more like a RR protagonist to me than an SR one. While the Huckebein has a more varied arsenal when fully equipped, and is probably a superior combatant outside of close range, the Exia certainly dominates inside of its chosen niche; to say nothing of the long-term benefits a GN Drive might provide. Ultimately, while it's close in my mind, the Exia narrowly wins out at the moment (and I could probably still be convinced to sway back to the Huckebein).

[X] Select the mech in the corner. It was about the size of a Heavygun, and seemed a bit sleeker, if it wasn't almost completely trashed. The right arm was completely gone, covered with what looked like a huge tarp or some sort of fake cape. On its forehead was the designation 'GN-001'.
Your reads for which units were which were spot-on, by the way.

[ ] Select the crumpled mech on the left. It was almost like the machine you'd flew past earlier, but its hull had been stripped for parts. In its hand was a long black and crimson blade, serrated below the head with gear-like teeth. On the side of the central chassis was the designation 'Z—o-d V-Geist'.
( Mixed utility support fighter. )
[ ] Select the Heavygun-like mech on the right. It was huge, red, with a pair of great wing binders lined with what looked like little blades. It didn't look like it'd been used in some time, and the entire surface looked like it had been scoured and eroded by sand. Along the side of its head was the engraving 'H—be—-E– Red Raven'.
( Maneuverable long-range attacker. )
[ ] Select the giant gold and purple mech in the back. It was huge, almost organic looking in an odd way, membrane surrounding little nicks in the armour. You were sure that the top and bottom halves could come apart. Its mouth had something that almost looked like teeth within it. On the side, you could see a name, 'Experimental G–g–t- Gargant'.
( Heavy mid- and short-range super robot with high strength and armor. )
[ ] Select the mech in the corner. It was about the size of a Heavygun, and seemed a bit sleeker, if it wasn't almost completely trashed. The right arm was completely gone, covered with what looked like a huge tarp or some sort of fake cape. On its forehead was the designation 'GN-001'.
( Lightweight high-speed short-range skirmisher. )
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Well, guess this is a Gundam game and not a Super Robot Wars one. I suppose picking a non-original mech for our original pilot is something the actual series hasn't done, but I just don't understand the appeal of being one of a million nigh-identical mobile suits. Also, I maybe should have made this argument before, but I really don't get the argument that Exia will give the pilot Innovator powers or do any of the quantum teleportation bullshit that 00 Gundam did. Out of the seven or so regular humans that regularly piloted mechs with True GN Drives, one of them achieved Innovation, and only after regular exposure to the Twin Drive System in 00. Exia is just a flying sword boy.

Oh well, could be more boring. We could have picked the Huckebein.