Super Robot Wars Σ
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There was once a long history of wars in space...

The stage of our joys and sorrows is set yet again. Familiar actors take their places. Battle lines are drawn, struggles and victories play out like they always have. Yet from the din of war, a spark of hope is lit, and with it perhaps something new?

Thus begins again the Super Robot Wars.
1. Ignition

The Out Of World

Lichte's Brain

The year is After Calamity 323.

It has been three centuries since the bloodshed between the Earth and its orbital space colonies came to an end. The conflict that unfolded was the longest and bloodiest war in human history. Our home planet was bombarded with radiation, the land itself torn apart, the towering colonies pulled down from the heavens, and the human race was reduced to the barest fraction of its once great population.

Broken and weary, both sides limped away from the battlefield and declared a ceasefire to this apocalyptic hell. What the world now calls the Calamity War ended not in a decisive victory, but through such exhaustion that the world no longer had the strength to fight. All that remained were crumbling ruins of civilization that the innocent and guilty alike rebuilt to stand any chance of survival.

Mankind lost the spirit to challenge the stars.

The once vast empire of humanity has withered, all trace of life from its colonies beyond the solar system was lost, and only a single of its great arks made to spread the seeds of the human species on the winds remains, now grounded and immobile on Earth. One of the few shelters of mankind that remained intact against the Calamity War's nightmare, it stands as a monument to the human spirit of tenacity at the heart of Macross City.

The brutalized Spacenoids returned to what remained of their colonies, while the unwanted and destitute of the Earthnoids were forced to eke out a new existence on another world, the inhospitable crimson desert of Mars. New colonies were built, in the orbit of the blue planet and on the droughted soil of the red planet.

In this era of reconstruction, a coalition of governments formed: The United Earth Sphere Alliance. It gained great military powers, grew bloated and drunk on its own might, and soon seized control of one space colony after another in the name of "justice" and "peace." Its hegemony over the Earth Sphere is now maintained through two military wings. Together they are the anvil and hammer that burn and beat any rebellion against the Alliance back into subservience.

The Order of the Seven Stars, Gjallarhorn. The backbone of the Alliance's space fleets established as a "peacekeeping" force independent from the economic blocs that govern the Earth. A colossal, aristocratic antique that reigns now as it has since the Calamity War's end.

The Organization of the Zodiac, OZ. The special mobile suit unit, or simply "The Specials." An elite military division composed of former child soldiers forced to know no home save for the hell of war. All to fill the gap of a lost generation sent to its grave by the Alliance's desire to silence the calls for independence on Earth and space, to smother the voice of dissent in the dark. Young and hot-blooded, its growing influence, ambition, and thirst for violence remains unchecked.

As if the Alliance's oppression of the colonists was not enough, a new foe emerged from the depths of space: The Jovian Lizards, a cold-blooded spacefaring race of alien reptiloids who emerged near Jupiter. In their genocidal crusade against all human life they unleashed a legion of unmanned weapons controlled by artificial intelligence, brutal technology forbidden since the Calamity War.

The enemies of humanity are manifold, within and without, and our struggles against them are a testament to how history is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever. Our dark history gives rise to many familiar shapes, born again and again in the cycle of time.

Yet a new dance is soon to begin, a faint hope sprouting in the hearts and minds of the people. The first ripples of deviation from the norm begin with a budding heart's first beats on the red planet's lonely sands.

What does this errant heart seek here, so far from home?

[ ] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
  • You are a civilian, unbound to the military chain of command unless you submit yourself to it. You have the greatest scope of freedom to begin, but you must be bold and seek challenges of your own accord to forge bonds and grow as a person.
  • You have no experience piloting mobile weapons, yet you're far quicker to learn than you have any right to be.
  • You are a student, so you are expected to learn from the world around you. You have the mask of naivete and youthful indiscretion as your shield, but only for so long.
  • Good for new players unfamiliar with the mecha genre.
[ ] Adversity. You hunger to prove yourself, to aspire to something more than a dead end posting in the middle of nowhere. Play your cards right and you'll be a big shot, a player at the table as history is made. But you'll have to draw your line in the sand, and make calls nobody should ever have to. People seldom remember those who shy from the call.
  • You are an officer in the United Earth Sphere Alliance forces. You have your oath of allegiance, and when the chips are down, your decision to hold or break it will truly mean something. Your bonds will be forged in blood, tried by fire, and all the stronger for it.
  • You know how to pilot mobile weapons. You're not the best, but there's plenty of room for improvement. But it'll take time.
  • You are already familiar with the world and will be treated as such. Many things different from the world you know will be considered things you should know by now, and mentioned in passing. Use context clues and discussion amongst yourselves if you wish to keep up and not miss certain details.
  • Good for players who are somewhat acquainted with Gundam Wing, Iron-Blooded Orphans, or Super Robot Wars in general.
[ ] Opportunity. You are a vessel in search of contents to fill itself. A person bereft of memories, seeking borders to define themselves against an unfamiliar world. Power is your birthright, your mark of distinction. But what is there to fight for? Find your own justice.
  • You are a member of a mercenary firm. You go wherever the money goes. You begin as part of a clique, the leader of your own squad. Your ingroup insulates you against others, for better or worse. Your comrades will die for you. You can steer your course, but outright changing the direction of your firm isn't something you can do alone.
  • You already have all the skills of an ace pilot. Your foes gaze upon your countenance with fear and awe. Your friends are awash with admiration. Your allies may seethe with jealousy at times. It's tough being at the top.
  • Despite your skill, you are almost completely unfamiliar with the world beyond the cockpit of a mobile weapon. Your lack of knowledge makes you stand out as an oddity. Someone of your standing will have to hunt down explanations for things that others assume you should already be acquainted with. It's going to be awkward.​
  • Good for players who are already intimate with Super Robot Wars and want to dive right into the action.​

And you are...

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[X] Opportunity. You are a vessel in search of contents to fill itself. A person bereft of memories, seeking borders to define themselves against an unfamiliar world. Power is your birthright, your mark of distinction. But what is there to fight for? Find your own justice.
[X] Male

Given the time passed, I assume that there's no character sheet.

Edit: Eh, I'll go with this instead.
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female
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[x] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.

[x] Male

Adventure has the most room to grow and is least likely to shoot ourselves in the foot because someone assumed we know what we're doing.
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female

Magical Girl Mecha here we go!
[X] Opportunity. You are a vessel in search of contents to fill itself. A person bereft of memories, seeking borders to define themselves against an unfamiliar world. Power is your birthright, your mark of distinction. But what is there to fight for? Find your own justice.

[X] Male

Less time spent gettin' gud, more time digging into the plot and drama. Aces in my book.
[X] Opportunity. You are a vessel in search of contents to fill itself. A person bereft of memories, seeking borders to define themselves against an unfamiliar world. Power is your birthright, your mark of distinction. But what is there to fight for? Find your own justice.

[X] Male
[X] Adversity. You hunger to prove yourself, to aspire to something more than a dead end posting in the middle of nowhere. Play your cards right and you'll be a big shot, a player at the table as history is made. But you'll have to draw your line in the sand, and make calls nobody should ever have to. People seldom remember those who shy from the call.
[X] Male
So, the obvious things to state. Wing and IBO are blatantly present, meaning nanolaminate coating, Gundanium, and mobile dolls.

But a Martian start means our more immediate concern is the Jovian Lizards, who in their native plot were responsible for purging humanity from the planet's surface. And with them come Distortion Fields.

Every potential enemy of note whose presence we can infer is possessed of excellent maneuverability or exceptional durability, with many possessing both. Any choice presented to us going forward regarding tactics or equipment should take that knowledge into account.
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female
Every potential enemy of note whose presence we can infer is possessed of excellent maneuverability or exceptional durability, with many possessing both. Any choice presented to us going forward regarding tactics or equipment should take that knowledge into account.


So we should be someone with no preconceptions or knowledge of what to do, got it.

[x] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.

[x] Female
[X] Adversity. You hunger to prove yourself, to aspire to something more than a dead end posting in the middle of nowhere. Play your cards right and you'll be a big shot, a player at the table as history is made. But you'll have to draw your line in the sand, and make calls nobody should ever have to. People seldom remember those who shy from the call.

[X] Female

Considering most of the military in setting is either corrupt, incompetent or both, it seems like the perfect time for some ambition and power grabbing :V
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female

It's traditional + I just like cute girls with super robots okay?
Went with Adversity because I consider that origin to provide us with an interesting start that is also quite safe, with a nice balance of world knowledge and piloting skill (at least, that's my perspective on the matter) (and because I am interested as starting out as part of OZ, since Treize is cool and I would like to interact with him as soon as possible and as much as possible).
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female

Highest rate of growth sounds good.
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[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female

I hunger for giant robots.




[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Female
[X] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.
[X] Male
[X] Opportunity. You are a vessel in search of contents to fill itself. A person bereft of memories, seeking borders to define themselves against an unfamiliar world. Power is your birthright, your mark of distinction. But what is there to fight for? Find your own justice.
[X] Male
Inserted tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Lord Ultimus on Dec 5, 2021 at 4:24 PM, finished with 20 posts and 17 votes.
[x] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.

[x] Female
[x] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.

[x] Male

[x] Adventure. You yearn for something new, so you signed up for this field trip. So far it's only been a bore, though. Your wish for an unexpected change will be answered. Perhaps you'll find answers to the fuzzy memories and strange dreams plaguing you.

[x] Male


Wait, magic crap power?