The Second Reconstruction-A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

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It was a quiet spring morning when the rump Seventy Fifth Congress finally returned to Washington. While the historic city had been spared the fate of many other American cities, the war had still made its mark. Buildings lay in ruins due to sporadic air raids, Army troops still manned checkpoints and patrolled National Mall. The War Department was taking no chances as the processes of democratic government finally began to truly turn once again.

Federalist USA KR Quest set after the 2nd ACW

The Second Reconstruction

A Post-Civil War Kaiserreich USA Quest

It was a quiet spring morning when the rump Seventy Fifth Congress finally returned to Washington. While the historic city had been spared the fate of many other American cities, the war had still made its mark. Buildings lay in ruins due to sporadic air raids, Army troops still manned checkpoints and patrolled National Mall. The War Department was taking no chances as the processes of democratic government finally began to truly turn once again.
The task facing the, mostly, men of Congress was monumental. While Congress, the Cabinet, and the President may have returned to Washington, elected government remained suspended in much of the country. Those states that had rebelled remained under strict military rule. Even in many states that were loyal the chaos of war had seen elections continually postponed with many local and state governments continuing past their terms. Only from the Rockies to the Pacific were things somewhat "normal". Yet even the western states were overwhelmed by the flood of refugees. This doesn't even begin to scratch the state of ruin most of the cities in the east were in. Meanwhile, US international standing was in taters, the Monroe Doctrine completely abandoned and US territories abroad under foreign occupation. Then, of course, there is the question of how to keep this from happening again. America had fallen into a second civil war within less than a century, perhaps the system was in dire need of change.
These would be some of the first challenges facing the US as it entered a Second Reconstruction…

Hello, my name is Jeeshadow, and I am here to run my first quest. Considering it is my first quest, I expect this will be a learning experience for us all but I am confident that it will ultimately go well. As an American with an unhealthy obsession with my government's political system I have long aimed to run a game or quest of some sort focused on the US government. Kaiserreich offers some interesting potential paths for the US and the democratic Federalist path seems to be somewhat underexplored in the AUs I have seen so this felt like a solid opportunity. While the game will start with a prologue that will place you, the questers, in the position to chart the path the nation takes before and into the civil war, I feel that post-war America offers a lot of potentially interesting storytelling opportunities. The nation must of course be rebuilt not just materially but likely politically. The war has also destroyed US influence abroad but with the Second Weltkrieg just around the corner it is a perfect opportunity to redefine the US' place in the world. I would also like to sincerely thank @Weygand for all his advice and for his excellent quest "We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here" which has served as a major source of inspiration for this quest.
Just a word of warning, this is Kaiserreich and this is the United States and the whole world in the 30s' and 40s', so it won't always be pretty. The quest will of course touch on heavy topics such as authoritarianism, war, nuclear weapons, and systems of oppression. I ask that all questers do their best to be respectful regarding these topics and respectful towards each other.

While the game will focus on Federalist America after its victory, we will start in 1936 with a defining event of the KR timeline, one that mostly serves to make everything worse in America. It is time for Black Monday...
Black Monday

The Worst Happens... Again

On April 20th, 1925 the New York Stock Exchange collapsed. The fall of Britain, America's biggest trade partner, to syndicalism and economic isolation from German dominated markets proved too much for the US economy beginning the Great Depression. The McAdoo and Hoover Administrations had failed to alleviate the economic crisis, with a decade of economic crisis fueling the rise of the Syndicalist left and the populist right. Hoover's veto of the Garner-Wagner Act had done nothing but further worsen tensions. Yet the United States had slowly chugged along and had been looking towards the upcoming Presidential election to potentially offer some hope of change. This progress would unfortunately be washed away when Germany would suffer what some would call 'a taste of its own medicine'.

The German economy had long been sputtering, having overextended itself in the aftermath of its victory in the First Weltkrieg. While the Berlin Stock Exchange had been slowly declining for a while, on February 3rd, 1936 it finally crashed. The largest economy in the world fell into depression within a night and its effects would be felt across the world. While some in America felt smug that the Germans were now suffering what they had back in the 20s, those with even a small bit of foresight saw what was coming. By the end of the week the economic crisis had reached America and the few gains that had been made since '25 were gone and the Great Depression had just gotten a whole lot worse.

Somewhat surprisingly the reignited economic crisis actually spurred decisive action in Congress. Speaker John Nance Garner, presumed Democratic Presidential nominee, and Senator Robert Wagner, a leading voice for progressives still within the Democratic Party, were quick to reintroduce a version of the bill which Hoover had vetoed once before. Reflecting the growing crisis, President Hoover was quick to assure the Speaker that he would sign any bill that was sent to his desk. With that, Hoover hoped he wouldn't have to get further involved and Congress could govern itself, he was quick to be disappointed.
The proposed Garner-Wagner Bill was mostly an unemployment insurance program, although there were a variety of other important measures. While certainly an unprecedented spending program, Senators Long and Reed quickly denounced it as simply inadequate. Between that and conservatives' hesitancy regarding any major Federal spending, stiff opposition seemed an almost certainty. Attempts by party leadership to pass the bill purely with Democratic and Republican support would ultimately lead to it being bogged down and slowly watered down. A crucial moment would come when Senator Wagner himself announced opposition to the watered down bill. Much as he loathed to, Hoover was once again forced to get involved in passing the bill.
Faced by increasing opposition towards a stronger bill by conservatives in both parties, Wagner and other progressives had begun quiet behind the scenes negotiations with Reed. A deal with the Socialists would see a major expansion of the bill beyond just unemployment insurance and be seen as a legitimizing move for the Socialists but if Hoover and Garner could be convinced, the bill would have a good chance of passing.

Many Republicans were hesitant to work with the socialists, especially those that were managing to hold on in the Midwest and New England. They instead favored approaching Long. His demands for an expansion of unemployment insurance would be costly but likely less so than whatever Reed demanded. Such a move would risk alienating Southern Democrats but those seemed to be dwindling by the day as their seats were taken by the American First Party. Besides there is little love lost between establishment Republicans and Southern Democrats. Ultimately it would be the White House that would prove decisive in determining what course the bill's sponsors would take.

[ ] Throw support behind Wagner and lay the pressure on the conservatives. If Hoover can back this bill, you certainly can. [While the least likely to pass, there is a decent chance, it will improve cooperation between the parties, and you aren't working with radicals]

[ ] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]

[ ] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
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So glad you finally got this up! Let's get this started.

[X] Throw support behind Wagner and lay the pressure on the conservatives. If Hoover can back this bill, you certainly can. [While the least likely to pass, there is a decent chance, it will improve cooperation between the parties, and you aren't working with radicals]
[X] Throw support behind Wagner and lay the pressure on the conservatives. If Hoover can back this bill, you certainly can. [While the least likely to pass, there is a decent chance, it will improve cooperation between the parties, and you aren't working with radicals]

Into the breach! Sending positive waves!
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
Gonna go ahead and open voting without a moratorium since it is a simple three choice vote.
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[X] Throw support behind Wagner and lay the pressure on the conservatives. If Hoover can back this bill, you certainly can. [While the least likely to pass, there is a decent chance, it will improve cooperation between the parties, and you aren't working with radicals]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] Throw support behind Wagner and lay the pressure on the conservatives. If Hoover can back this bill, you certainly can. [While the least likely to pass, there is a decent chance, it will improve cooperation between the parties, and you aren't working with radicals]

> Federalist victory

Consider me a follower!
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[x] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]

I have to wonder why we don't have the option for an American Caesar?
[X] At least Long isn't a socialist and his demands are simple. [An expanded bill likely pass establishing a social security system but you will be handing Long the keys to the South…]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]

I have to wonder why we don't have the option for an American Caesar?
I can't speak for the QM, but I'd imagine that option would present itself a little later, come the aftermath of the presidential election or the start of the civil war.
I can't speak for the QM, but I'd imagine that option would present itself a little later, come the aftermath of the presidential election or the start of the civil war.
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]

I have to wonder why we don't have the option for an American Caesar?
We just got off the Civil War and are firmly in a Reconstruction period with elections needing to be conducted with how many administrations just extended their terms too much. Hoover should take a hint at the Second Reconstruction era.
We just got off the Civil War and are firmly in a Reconstruction period with elections needing to be conducted with how many administrations just extended their terms too much. Hoover should take a hint at the Second Reconstruction era.
Yes, but also, no. The quest proper starts after the civil war, but right now we're determining precisely how the war went down.
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]
[X] Reed brings charisma, ideas, and votes. [Will lead to the most comprehensive bill but will take further negotiations and businesses will be wary of Congress openly embracing Socialists]