A small part of you was worried to see another being like yourself so close to the people's village, though excitement and the hope to find an ally quickly won out. It seemed neither dangerous, nor malicious, more like a child playing in the gentle summer waves. And it was another spirit. Kin. In a sense at least. You had always known that you were not alone, that there must have been others like you in the world, but this was the first time you actually met another immortal.
Slowly you floated closer, catching one of the gusts of wind flying past and sending it at the other spirit. As it caught the gust and threw it to the ground to fill the air with leaves again, it finally noticed your approach. Immediately it rushed away and dove behind a tree, trying to hide itself, and so you froze again to not startle it further. For a while you waited for it to make another move, yet it did not and so you carefully drew up a weak gust of wind and threw it near the spirit. It did not react to that either, instead staying behind the tree like a frightened deer and so you decided to leave before you scared it any further.
In the coming seasons you kept looking for the skittish spirit, but never found another sign of its presence save for a vague feeling at the edge of your senses whenever you moved too far from the sea. Either it did not want to be found or it was gone. Perhaps both.
Meanwhile the people in the village hosted their own guests more and more often. The nomads had indeed agreed to the proposed deal and now the meadows and hills near the bay were host to a few small flocks of goat. The hunters seemed somewhat annoyed by that development, as the deer made sure to keep far away from the bleating things. Though that resistance soon faltered as quite a few of them took it up to protect and herd the goats around once it became clear how much easier it was to gain fresh meet from herding than from hunting.
It was a good time for the people and you. Even if it had struggled for a while, the village had grown yet again, and the rather public displays of your power had spawned many new tales. Stories of the taming of the bay and the storms mingled with older legends and so grew both the offerings and the power you could draw from them.
You have 4 Power to spend.
Bestow a boon without expecting something in return.
[] Inspire the boat makers by spending 1 power.
Description: The canoes of the people are very simple things, and you are fairly certain that they could be improved to be fast and more stable. Use some power to help the people with this. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Bless the nomads by spending 1 power.
Description: The wandering nomads passing the village now and then never pray to you, but you could still bestow a few minor blessings on them. Maybe then they will bring you offerings too. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Give Signs by spending 1 power.
Description: You have quite successfully communicated with the shamans. Maybe you should try to help the people by giving signs to other people too. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Bless the goats by spending 1 power.
Description: Your efforts with the fish prove that your power could change an animal. Maybe your would have more impressive results from the goats. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
Answer the requests of the people making sacrifices to you.
[] Bless the fishers by spending X power.
Description: Steer fish to the fishers and protect them from the dangers of your water. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
[] Bless the hunters by spending 1 power.
Description: The hunters still use many of the old rituals to ask for your aid. Answer them so that they know you have not forgotten them. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Heal the people by spending 1 power.
Description: The old healing rituals are still commonly practiced and some have taken to coming to your shrine for healing. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Improve the weather by spending 1 power.
Description: The people regularly call on you to tame the storms and the cold winds coming from the mountains. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
Punishments Smite your enemies. It is not in your Nature to hurt people.
There are a lot of things you could do with your powers that would not directly involve the lives of the people.
[] Bless the bay by spending X power.
Description: While the bay already has become a great source of food for the people, you still think that you might be able to improve upon your work if you spent some more power on it. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
[] Bless more fish by spending X power.
Description: The effects of your power on the fish were undeniable, but your efforts still crude. Spend some more power to experiment and see if you can make greater alterations to their nature. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
[] Bless the shrine by spending X power.
Description: Your shrine is far more than wood and shells, but almost a part of you. Spend some power to see if you can strengthen this connection or otherwise make use of it. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
[] Explore the land by spending 1 power.
Description: Move further inland and see what you can find there. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Explore the sea by spending X power.
Description: While you know every detail of the bay, you could always explore the wider sea and its coasts. Domains: Sea Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 2
[] Find the village near the mountains by spending 1 power.
Description: While you know decently well where to find the village that your people are trading with from listening in on the nomads, it is too far away to travel there without spending some power on the effort. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Try to find the skittish spirit by spending 1 power.
Description: The other spirit might still be nearby and just trying to hide itself from your presence. You could spend some power to try and find it and then maybe gain it's friendship. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
Description: You still don't really understand how an offering gives you power and why there are so many things that can make the effect weaker or stronger. Experiment a bit and see if you can find out more. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
[] Try to learn more about the nature of the world by spending 1 power.
Description: The world is a vast place full of mysteries and you have seen and know little about it yet. Spend some power on trying to understand it better. Domains: None Power: Minimum 1, Maximum 1
AN: Rolls weren't really in your favor, so not that much happening in the wrap-up for Turn 1.
[X] Plan Beastmaster; Friendmaker -[X] Bless the goats by spending 1 power. -[X] Bless more fish by spending 1 power. -[X] Try to find the skittish spirit by spending 1 power.
-[X] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
Not exactly the most focused plan this time, but I'm interested in seeing how we interact with direct blessings of animals and cultivating that talent. A lot of people wanted a more introspective action, so this has that as well. Plus, friends! We shall be aggressively friendly to the little spirit
[] Bless the nomads by spending 1 power.
[] Heal the people by spending 1 power.
[] Improve the weather by spending 1 power.
[] Inspire the boat makers by spending 1 power.
[X] Plan Beastmaster; Friendmaker -[X] Bless the goats by spending 1 power. -[X] Bless more fish by spending 1 power.
-[X] Try to find the skittish spirit by spending 1 power.
-[X] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
[X] Plan So long, and thanks for all the fish
-[X] Bless the nomads by spending 1 power.
-[X] Bless more fish by spending 2 power.
-[X] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
Just imagine how big and pretty our fish will be when we spend two power! And the biggest and prettiest of the fishies get offered back to us, so this improves our offerings as well!
Not exactly the most focused plan this time, but I'm interested in seeing how we interact with direct blessings of animals and cultivating that talent. A lot of people wanted a more introspective action, so this has that as well. Plus, friends! We shall be aggressively friendly to the little spirit
I am not too up to date on my divine social moores, but I'm pretty sure that when someone pretends to be a tree, it means they aren't interested in you.
[X] Plan Season of improvement
-[x] Inspire the boat makers by spending 1 power.
-[x] Bless the hunters by spending 1 power.
-[x] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
-[x] Improve the weather by spending 1 power.
Okay here's my reasoning. We have currently nothing going on and the village seems stable so it's the perfect opportunity to get some upgrades and research some.
Bless the hunters since they seem to be having a hard time and the weather because I'm fishing for a weather aspect since that will really help us in the long run.
And I will let the spirit rest for one turn so as to not completely drive him off with two bad rolls in a row.
[X] Plan The Great God of Sea and Storm
- [X] Bless the nomads by spending 1 power.
- [X] Improve the weather by spending 1 power.
- [X] Inspire the boat makers by spending 1 power.
- [X] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
I want to continue trying to develop a weather domain so that we have a broader appeal inland (I'm aiming for that mountain village next) and I want to stick to our merchant-like roots so I'm taking the weather action. The nomads are being blessed to hopefully expand our worship base for more power which is the same reason I'm looking into our power. And, I'm blessing the fish to help keep our people fed, and with the hope that they'll be able to take them with them when they leave for other lands so that we don't have to keep blessing the seas around our people all the time to help feed them.
Speaking of settling other places Azel how crowded are our people looking around our current bay?
Edit: So we're running up against the edge of the food supply here which can be fixed by expanding using better boats so I'm switching to that.
[X] Plan The Great God of Sea and Storm -[X] Bless the nomads by spending 1 power.
-[x] Improve the weather by spending 1 power.
-[x] Inspire the boat makers by spending 1 power.
-[X] Try to learn more about the nature of your power by spending 1 power.
Not very. Room to settle is not really a problem, but food supply limits expansion. You can only sustain so many people on a given amount of land and sea.
I am against Blessing more fish. I want our guys to move! To fish further and further and spread our religion far and wide. Not for our sailors to fish in the bay only.
I am against Blessing more fish. I want our guys to move! To fish further and further and spread our religion far and wide. Not for our sailors to fish in the bay only.
That would most likely require a lot of power on our part to manipulate the fish to be capable of supporting that in a manner that is superior to just using boats. So it seems more like a pet project to take up when we have more power rather than now when we can simply inspire our boat makers, and unlock access to the seas which will allow us to feed vastly more people both through spreading our population out over more areas and through allowing them to fish in more open waters as well rather than just in the bay.
To, be honest after Azel's answer I don't really care what we do so long as we one inspire the boat makers this turn, and two bless the nomads as both these actions will be the greatest boons to our power out of all our current actions as the first massively expands our pop cap, and the second brings in more population to jump-start the growth up to the new cap.
And, more power for us is good no matter what your aims are whether that be to be a paragon of peace and diplomacy who spends all their time making friends with other gods, a rather more punishing god who does as they please, or literally anything in between as more power means that not only can you do more of what you want but you can also enforce that nature upon the world around you as well even if that just means using your power to back up your diplomacy to help keep the peace between the gods.