Power Rangers: Quantum Odyssey - HQ Quest

Voting is open
Poor Talia. I guess she's the tank after all.

[X] Plan: Finishing Basic Infrastructure

This is fine. I like ranged weapons, even though in setting everything always devolves to melee combat. Still, every random putty we can take out from range or boss monster we can damage reduces the risk to our team.

We'll probably want to spring for an extra morpher soon, just to improve our ability to deal and receive damage and to expand our available skill set a little.

And one of these days we'll probably want to improve our morphers' toughness a little.
Poor Talia. I guess she's the tank after all.
She's not even the tank, just the punching bag that monsters love to slam down on. Our real tank is that Nico fellow, who hasn't really faced the brutatliy Talia has. And I'm very disatisfied at the amount of comic relief Lewis is giving. If Talia's the 'leader', Nico is the 'bad boy'`, so we need our guy Lewis to pull up with the humor.

This is fine. I like ranged weapons, even though in setting everything always devolves to melee combat. Still, every random putty we can take out from range or boss monster we can damage reduces the risk to our team.

We'll probably want to spring for an extra morpher soon, just to improve our ability to deal and receive damage and to expand our available skill set a littl
Eh, I doubt that they'll become obsolete in any way. It's likely that they just trade damage for range, which is alright, depending on how it operates.
Saftey is definitely a priorty for the team, more so with how Talia (that reckless kid!) had her morpher damaged, putting her out of the fight.

I'm not sure about getting another morpher, because that adds all the problems of adding another member of the team, hanving to make sure their supplied, probably something to do with making a Zord for them as well. I think it'd be better to focus our Rare Resources into Personal Weapons. They're definitely going to provide a big boost to the rangers, considering that the weapon would be personalized for them and made to work with their specific skillset. Imagine Nico with a warhammer that complemented and utilized his super strength?
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Oct 20, 2021 at 1:11 PM, finished with 19 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Finishing Basic Infrastructure
    -[X] Repair Talia's Morpher [MANDATORY] - Talia's Morpher was damaged. Must be repaired, or you will not have a complete Ranger team to deploy on missions.
    --[X] 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Scanners - Sometimes information is the ultimate weapon. Develop handheld scanners for the Rangers to use on their travels. Will unlock additional opportunities and rewards on missions.. Progress: 8/10.
    --[X] 1 Basic Resource
    -[X] Sidearms - Currently, your Rangers have only their exploration suits, with no weaponry that can be carried through the Quantum Tunnel. Developing some basic weapons powered by the Morphing Grid is well within your capability
    --[X] Ranged: Progress: 0/15. 1 Rare Resource required.
    ---[X] 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Research Facility - While the Project has basic scientific equipment, a dedicated research lab for exploring alien technology will offer benefits to your future analysis and experimentation. Progress: 0/10.
    --[X] 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Medical Facility - Talia escaped serious injury on this mission, but the next Ranger might not be so lucky. Develop a full infirmary for treatment of injuries. Progress: 0/10.
    -[X] Finish the Combat Vehicle Project - It's clear that the Rangers are going to need something to even the odds against opponents that are greater than human size. Dive back into the program and figure out what the flaws were and fix them so you won't be caught offguard again. Progress: 15/25, 1 Rare Resources required
    --[X] 2 Basic Resources > 1 Rare Resource
    -[X] Translate the Nik-Nik Language – Most aliens seem to speak English, for some reason. However, the diminutive creatures of STP-R19 seem to communicate in high pitched noises that are difficult for a human to understand. Maybe studying them would help? With future contact you could learn more about their world's strange history. Progress: 0/10
    -[X] Analyze the Alien Artifact – Talia found this literally fall into her hand as she was fighting on the battlefield of STP-R19. It appears to be some sort of circular disk with strange markings on it. What secrets might it hold? Progress: 0/5
    [X] Plan Sweet Success
    -[X] Repair Talia's Morpher [MANDATORY] - Talia's Morpher was damaged. Must be repaired, or you will not have a complete Ranger team to deploy on missions. (Automatic Success, 1 Rare resource required)
    -[X] Scanners - Sometimes information is the ultimate weapon. Develop handheld scanners for the Rangers to use on their travels. Will unlock additional opportunities and rewards on missions.. Progress: 8/10. - 1 Basic Resource
    -[X] Personal Weapons - Your Odyssey Sabers have performed with flying colors, but they're very much a start rather than a finish when it comes to the matter of personal weaponry. Designing personal weapons for the Rangers will significantly increase their combat potential. Progress: 0/15, requires 1 Rare Resource. - 2 Rare Resources
    --[X] Nico
    --[X] Melee
    -[X] Analyze the Snake Corpse - Your Rangers brought back the parts of the Snake that seemed most interesting - the eyes, the power core and other internal components. Time to see if you can find out what made this thing work. Progress: 0/10. - 2 Basic Resources
    -[X] Medical Facility - Talia escaped serious injury on this mission, but the next Ranger might not be so lucky. Develop a full infirmary for treatment of injuries. Progress: 0/10. - 3 Basic Resources
    [X] Analyze the Alien Artifact – Talia found this literally fall into her hand as she was fighting on the battlefield of STP-R19. It appears to be some sort of circular disk with strange markings on it. What secrets might it hold? Progress: 0/5 - 1 Basic Resource

Looks pretty clear.

Will aim for an update by tomorrow/Friday but we'll see!
Guns and Rose
I had several very hectic days in a row, but here, indeed, is the update!

Project Results:

[X] Plan: Finishing Basic Infrastructure
-[X] Repair Talia's Morpher [MANDATORY] - Talia's Morpher was damaged. Must be repaired, or you will not have a complete Ranger team to deploy on missions.
-[X] Scanners
Roll: 1d10+2 = 8. 16/10. Great Success!
-[X] Sidearms
--[X] Ranged: Progress: 0/15. 1 Rare Resource required.
Roll: 2d10+4 = 10.
Progress: 18/15 Success
-[X] Research Facility
Roll: 2d10 = 17. Great Success!
-[X] Medical Facility
Roll: 2d20 = 20. Critical Success!
-[X] Finish the Combat Vehicle Project
Roll 2d10 = 7
Progress 22/25
-[X] Translate the Nik-Nik Language
Roll: 1d10 = 2
Progress: 2/10
-[X] Analyze the Alien Artifact
Roll: 1d10 = 2
Progress: 2/5

First off, Talia's Morpher must be repaired. Without it she can't travel through the Quantum Tunnel, and two Rangers just aren't enough to make a functional squad. The Morphers use several rare, difficult to acquire components - rare compounds that vibrate in tune with the energy of the Morphing Grid. Although it's a bitter loss, the requisitions are made, and Dr. Nzara pronounces the new Morpher as good, if not better, than before.

The handheld scanners are another success. Mostly constructed by Choi, these devices slot easily into the Ranger Suits or can be deployed from the Morphers directly when the Rangers are unmorphed. They can detect a variety of energies on every spectrum and can analyze both living and unliving materials. Even if their databases and analytical programs can't give an answer, they can probably collect data to be picked through later.

Handheld Scanners Developed! These give a +3 to any scientific analysis roll in the field to which they are applicable, and may grant unlock additional mission rewards or story opportunities!


"So, tell me about these…" Dorsett raises an eyebrow.

Dr. Nzara clears his throat. "We're calling them Quantum Blasters."

"How do they work?"

"It's an application of the Quantum Tunnel technology, actually. It harnesses the destructive effect of the Tunnel on unshielded individuals, firing a beam that can have… dramatic effects."

Dorsett nods. "Can I see how one works?"
Nzara gestures, and the wall of the small conference room they're in lifts to reveal a glass panel, showing a shooting gallery. Nico stands there morphed, holding a blue raygun. He offers a mock salute with the weapon, before turning and firing at one of a series of paper targets in the shape of a Carrionoid.

A searing beam surrounded by a series of concentric rings shoots out, blasting into the target. An eruption of sparks and flames engulfs one end of the room as the lights in the conference room flicker. Nico spins the blaster on one finger and blows imaginary smoke off the end before placing it back in the panel of his suit where it promptly disappears.

Dorsett feels a slight chill. This is a weapon made for killing, not a tool or something to subdue criminals. The Arcologies have a few weapons with raw destructive power, but none so small and unassuming.

She's going to de-emphasize this in her report.

"Any limitations?"

"Firing the guns is a tremendous energy drain. They currently only have enough charge for one shot per mission."

Quantum Blasters created! The Quantum Blasters can be used once per mission for a single heavy attack! Due to being ranged weapons, they have a variety of tactical advantages, chief of which being the enemy usually won't get to return fire when round unless they have a ranged attack of their own! The Blasters have a static +7 bonus, but note that most of your current bonuses, like martial arts and super-strength from Ranger Suits, won't apply.


"A neo-spectrometer? What the hell are you doing over there, Dorsett?" Director Albin, a heavyset man with short-cropped greying hair and a goatee, looks across the set of requisition forms that Dorsett has sent his office.

"Science, sir." Dorsett's voice is calm, but her finger taps on the arm of her chair. A calculated gesture - Albin likes to bluster, and he'd be upset if he thought she wasn't just a bit nervous. "We've come across some very interesting samples, and Dr. Nzara believes expanding our research tool base would yield valuable results."


Dorsett folds her hands together and slides her arms forward. "I understand your wife's birthday is approaching, sir. And that she has certain… tastes."

Albin's eyes narrowed. "Careful, Dorsett."

"I happen to know where I can get a hold of several bottles of the good stuff. Nearly old world quality."

"You're joking."

"I have my connections, sir."

Albin's eyes glance shiftily around the office. "I could… could be persuaded to authorize your requests. For the good of scientific progress. If you could arrange…"

"Three bottles of the finest balsamic vinegar will be delivered to your residence by the end of the day."

Research Facility constructed! +3 results to analyze any scientific mysteries, including analyzing alien corpses and artifacts!


"Watch where you put that!" A woman's voice, starting to go frail with age, rings out as Connor accidentally nudges a piece of machinery against the wall.

"Sorry Ma'am-"

"Doctor! It may be silly but I do insist upon proper respect!"

"Yes, Doctor Rose."

"Very good." Doctor Rose surveys the new medbay from her wheelchair. Everything is state of the art, the best equipment. Imaging equipment, blood synthesizers, the works.

It had been part of her bargain with the Commander, when Lewis had dragged her out of retirement. She'd always known the boy would go on to do great things, but she'd imagined him as the future head doctor at a hospital, not… whatever this was.

But she'd reviewed some of the reports. She had seen some of what the Rangers were in for.

She'd be ready.


Medical Bay constructed! Healing time and severity of injuries will be significantly reduced! In addition, due to your Critical Success, Dr. Rose will insist upon certain precautions being taken in the field! Any Ranger with the Medicine skill will be given a medical kit that gives +2 to Medicine checks!

Despite great progress, the combat vehicles are still not quite ready. It's clear that there is some elusive link between the Rangers and the Zords that hasn't been ironed out. Some essential synchronization remains incomplete. Commander Dorsett just hopes that whatever the Rangers encounter in the next mission, they will meet it with the same bravery and skill they brought against the Gravity Serpent.

Work proceeds on analyzing the remains of that Serpent, as well as the strange artifact that Talia brought back. It appears to be a metallic disk, though of no known alloy, and it has a series of strange symbols upon it. It's been largely impervious to tests so far, but Dr. Nzara feels certain there's something to be discovered within.


The Rangers have leveled up! As a reward for reaching Level 2, the Rangers can distribute one skill point to any skill they wish (including new skills). Mind the skill cap (Level/2 Round Up)

Please vote by plan on skill point distribution!

[] [Talia]:
[] [Nico]:
[] [Lewis]:

It is now time for Personal Actions. Please choose below:

[] Hustle Command or Additional Resources. (DC 3, can be taken multiple times, but each additional attempt increases the DC by 2. Rare Resources increase the DC by +2)

[] Lewis has registered a formal complaint over Talia's recklessness in the last mission.
-[] Meet with Talia about it
-[] Meet with Lewis about it
-[] Meet with both of them about it
--[] In general terms, what do you say?

[] Hold a Meeting with Someone (Ranger, Base Staff, etc.)
--[] Write in who the meeting is with and the purpose

[] Arranger Training for One of the Rangers
-[] Choose a Ranger and a Skill. DC is 3 for level 1, 5 for level 2. Ranger Skills are capped at (Level/2 round up). Progress is kept if Training Check is failed

[] Scout Additional Ranger Candidates
-[] Specify parameters for the search - please stick to one of Background, Personality or Skills.
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Lewis is probably right about Talias recklessness. She's too causal with her own personal safety for a team leader. I'm inclined to say that the overall plan of action was also reckless, but mostly justified as it was a very high risk scenario.
[X] Plan: Team Meeting
-[X] [Talia]: Endurance
-[X] [Nico]: Underworld Connections
-[X] [Lewis]: Medicine
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Nico: Super Strength
-[X] Lewis has registered a formal complaint over Talia's recklessness in the last mission.
--[X] Meet with Talia about it
---[X] We trained you to fight because we wanted you to be prepared for hostile parties, not because we wanted you to risk your life so recklessly. You have some leeway due in that it was a high-risk situation we authorized you to be involved in, but don't make a habit of it.
-[X] Hold a Meeting with Someone (Ranger, Base Staff, etc.)
--[X] Rangers
---[X] Touch base. Ask if they have anything on their mind that they don't feel is major enough for an official report. Just make sure everything is chill.
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It has everything I want...except for one thing.
Could you be persuaded to arrange training for Nico and his super strength? I want to leverage that ability somehow, adn have him be the first to get a Personal Weapon later, because really he's been a useful member of the team (Lewis as well, but Doctor Bro can wait).
May as well. Replaced resource hustling with it.
[X] Plan: Team Arrangements
-[X] [Talia]: Endurance
-[X] [Nico]: Medicine
-[X] [Lewis]: Medicine
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Nico: Super Strength
-[X] Lewis has registered a formal complaint over Talia's recklessness in the last mission.
--[X] Meet with Talia about it
---[X] We trained you to fight because we wanted you to be prepared for hostile parties, not because we wanted you to risk your life so recklessly. Putting yourself in danger liek that also puts yout teamates in danger, and as a leader, your decisions should be made for the good of the group. You have some leeway due in that it was a high-risk situation we authorized you to be involved in, but don't make a habit of it.
-[X] Hold a Meeting with Someone (Ranger, Base Staff, etc.)
--[X] Rangers
---[X] Touch base. Ask if they have anything on their mind that they don't feel is major enough for an official report. Just make sure everything is chill.
----[X] Discuss a change in leadership for the time-being, and from the results shown Lewis will be given the mantle of leader.

Call me a madman. You'll all see, just like Walter!
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[X] Plan: Team Meeting
-[X] [Talia]: Endurance
-[X] [Nico]: Super Strength
-[X] [Lewis]: Medicine
-[X] Arrange Training for One of the Rangers
--[X] Nico: Super Strength
-[X] Lewis has registered a formal complaint over Talia's recklessness in the last mission.
--[X] Meet with Talia about it
---[X] We trained you to fight because we wanted you to be prepared for hostile parties, not because we wanted you to risk your life so recklessly. You have some leeway due in that it was a high-risk situation we authorized you to be involved in, but don't make a habit of it.
-[X] Hold a Meeting with Someone (Ranger, Base Staff, etc.)
--[X] Rangers
---[X] Touch base. Ask if they have anything on their mind that they don't feel is major enough for an official report. Just make sure everything is chill.

*sips plan* Ahh, perfect.
For plan votes, you can just write [] Plan Name and it'll still count your vote if the original plan changes.

Also I chose to respend the skill point on his underworld connections. I wanna access the forbidden goods 😈
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For plan votes, you can just write [] Plan Name and it'll still count your vote if the original plan changes.

Also I chose to respend the skill point on his underworld connections. I wanna access the forbidden goods 😈
Mhm mhm, I see. But I just like filling up the page.
And I wonder what forbidden goods there even could be. The Power Rangers Odessey seems to be a government-finded project using experimental (proven to work though) technology, and we seem to have a good budget with all the things we have.

I'm worried that UC will negatively affect Nico somehow, because the dark sides of sociey aren't exactely known for being good to the people.
Maybe using the SP on street fighting road brawling would be good?
Already leveled that up to the skill cap, I think. Character sheet just hasn't been updated yet.
I'm worried that UC will negatively affect Nico somehow, because the dark sides of sociey aren't exactely known for being good to the people.
Fair point, but it'll at least make for an interesting character arc if nothing else.
[X] Plan: Team Meeting

I like this plan. Also, I hope we can go back and loot the last planet some more. Bet we can get some zord parts if we look.
Fair point, but it'll at least make for an interesting character arc if nothing else.
You know who needs an interesting character arc? Lewis. Our guy has been consistent in his performance since Day 1, and he's not only responsible enough to be able to perform first aid and give medical attention to teamates on the fly, but to also notice where his so-called team leader Talia was lacking, and filing a report about it instead of doing something like tuanting her, or just complanin' about it.
The man's been stalwart through-out, and honestly it makes me wonder a little why Talia's the team leader, when Lewis just seems to have himself all put-together. *sigh* Probably the T.V. directors wanting a 'strong female lead' that's not leading. I still think Talia has potential if trained right, but really her performance last episode was just lackluster, and even her morpher was damaged.

Already leveled that up to the skill cap, I think. Character sheet just hasn't been updated yet.
Oh really? Then I've got nothing to suggest, unless KreenWarrior let's us take new skills (because Medicine is busted).
The man's been stalwart through-out, and honestly it makes me wonder a little why Talia's the team leader, when Lewis just seems to have himself all put-together. *sigh* Probably the T.V. directors wanting a 'strong female lead' that's not leading. I still think Talia has potential if trained right, but really her performance last episode was just lackluster, and even her morpher was damaged.
Honestly yeah, I kinda regret assigning them to their current spots now that I have a feel for their personalities. Nico would be perfect for our edgy outsider turned brave leader Red. Talia would've been a great spunky Yellow comedic relief. And our sweet steadfast rock of a man would've been an amazing Blue.

Mhm mhm, I see. But I just like filling up the page.
Fair. Tho you should probably update your plan to match. There's now two plans named Team Meeting lol
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Honestly yeah, I kinda regret assigning them to their current spots now that I have a feel for their personalities. Nico would be perfect for our edgy outsider turned brave leader Red. Talia would've been a great spunky Yellow comedic relief. And our sweet steadfast rock of a man would've been an amazing Blue.
I wonder if we could osmehow make an option about reassigning leadership....You know what? I'm gonna do that. I mean it's temporary (and it's happened before in a series) but I'm just going to test it out. It won't win, but I like it.

Fair. Tho you should probably update your plan to match. There's now two plans named Team Meeting lol
*facepalms* Sorry....I'll change it accordingly.
Voting is open