[X] Ras Susenyos
[X] Abeto Yohannes

Military and popular support is nice, though a more sophisticated government might be too, in the long run.
[X] Abeto Yohannes

Yohannes seems like the smartest of the candidates which, while not the only skill a ruler needs, is very helpful.

A centralised state is going to be crucial for future success and survival. I see a lot of people are rightly concerned about Ethiopia's military, given our position and history. I think our military fortunes could rely on our infrastructure & reforms - a centralised state would assist with that.

I also note that the nobles are going to be weakened by this fellow. If I'm understanding this correctly, this seem to be a good thing for us. Scheming nobles are going to be a destabilising force for the foreseeable future. I'd rather start chipping away at them now.
[X] Ras Susenyos

Lij Eskender is tempting, what with the queen regent and the opportunity to mold him how we want, but the loss in imperial power seems far too severe for the tenuous position that we're in. The clergy won't like Susenyos, but we also get our Rasputin type, and everyone else likes or tolerates us.
[X] Ras Susenyos

Lij Eskender is tempting, what with the queen regent and the opportunity to mold him how we want, but the loss in imperial power seems far too severe for the tenuous position that we're in. The clergy won't like Susenyos, but we also get our Rasputin type, and everyone else likes or tolerates us.

Plus, we still have Eskender in our back pocket... for better or worse, admittedly, since his mother is ambitious. But the fact that we promise to protect him might be important later on.
[X] Ras Susenyos

A strong and respected Emperor is needed in changing times, as is a strong military and the respect of tribal subjects. Surely the strange preacher he follows has the best interests of the nation at heart as well.

I also support the idea of including Yohannes in the administration as a courtier.
[x] Ras Susenyos

I like Susenyos the most, the only thing I'm worried about him is the priest he's friends with, he could be manipulated and the priest could give a completely wrong call at some point.
[X] Ras Susenyos
[X] Abeto Yohannes

I cannot quite decide- faithful militar, or stronger bureaucrats and weaker nobility? A man lead by a strange priest, loved by the less bound outer tribes, or a man without that loyalty, but not lead by the priest.