You go last in the order, having rolled a 1 + 3 AgB for initiative. BS test from normal range is 30, wirh a +10 single shot bonus, getting two shots with the laspistol. Test threshold is 40, rolled 42 and 28. Miss and hit. Opposed by an untrained dodge, fails to dodge. 8 rolled + 2 + 3 Energy Damage to right leg.
With the additional weight of fire, and the gruesome death of their comrade, some of the host turn to flee. Without the support of their comrades, those slaves involved in the melee are shot and cut down. You manage to shoot one of the fleeing slaves in the back, and although he staggers, he manages to catch himself before falling and continue to flee into the darkened corridors of The Primary Complex. In the end, there are five bodies and a servitor on the ground in a spreading pool of blood, and three more fleeing slaves. The tech priests catch their breath, while the servitors police the bodies. A muffled whump as a servitor smashes the head of a slave who was only mostly dead is heard as the tech-priest approaches you.
"In the name of The Emperor, The Omnissiah, who approaches the brotherhood!" An obviously synthetic voice booms from the red robed man.
[*] (Response) write-in.
[%] (XP) write-in by plan
Alright, its XP spending time. Try to get some discussion going. Vote by plan for XP spends and ad hoc for Responses, that way you can vote for the XP spend you like without also having to vote for the same action plan.
Acolytes have 1,020 XP to spend as they like.
Characteristics with two aptitudes: Intelligence and Strength.
Characteristics with one aptitude:
Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Toughness, Agility and Willpower.
Characteristics with zero aptitudes:
Perception and Fellowship.
Skills with two aptitudes:
Athletics, Commerce, Common Lore(Broad topics), Forbidden Lore(Specific forbidden topics, like Orks, Heresies, Daemonology), Linguistics(Pick a language), Logic, Scholastic Lore(Specific non-forbidden lore such as Judgements, Warp Routes, specific planets, etc.), Trade(Jobs, such as Armouror, Weaponer, Tailor, Cook, etc.)
Skills with one aptitude:
Acrobatics, Interrogation, Intimidate, Medicae, Navigate(Surface, The Void or The Warp^), Scrutiny, Security, Sleight of Hand, Tech Use.
Skills with zero aptitudes:
Awareness, Charm, Command, Deceive, Dodge, Inquiry, Operate(Surface, Aerotautica or Voidship), Parry, Psyniscience^, Stealth, Survival.
^Psykers only
Tier One talents with two aptitudes:
Double Team, Frenzy, Sound Constitution, Weapon Training(such as power, solid projectile or heavy weapons).
Tier One Talents with one aptitude:
Clues from the Crowd, Die Hard, Iron Jaw, Jaded, Leap Up, Nowhere to Hide, Quick Draw, Takedown, Technical Knock.
Tier One Talents with zero aptitudes:
Ambidexterity, Blind Fighting, Catfall, Disarm, Enemy(Broad group such as The Sable Trade, Khorne cults, Hereteks. This gives 300 XP back to use during character creation and does not cost any XP.), Keen Intuition, Peer(Broad Groups such as The Ecclisiarchy, Adepta Sororitas, Nobility, Mechanicus, etc.), Rapid Reload.
Taking an enemy is worth 300 XP during character creation if you choose to purchase one enemy. I recommend Khorne cults or Khorne Pantheon, but it could be any large group (even the Inquisition or Adepta Sororitas if you want to make it hard for yourself.)
Enemy and Peer can only be purchased during character creation. Later in play it is earned through deed and RP.
Voting ends on Friday 10 pm CST. Hope yo have the chapter out Saturday at 10 am.
[X] Plan Why hello there
-[X] (Response) This sister greet the Brotherhood of Mar, I must ask , what madness has befallen those men?
-[X] Strength 100
-[X] Intelligence 100
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Enemy (Khome cults) 300exp
[X] Plan Why hello there v.2
-[X] (Response) This sister greet the Brotherhood of Mars, I must ask , what madness has befallen those men?
-[X] Strength 100
-[X] Intelligence 100
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Enemy (Khome cults) 300exp
-[X] Peer (Mechanicus) 600exp
So, this weekend, as part of a vote I will be asking you to select 3 items with scarce or more availability. These items will be yours for free as the final step in character creation. If you choose to buy upgrades for armor/weapons from the list of mods, they will be attached without cost. If you select ammunition, you will recieve 1d5 clips of the selected ammunition. If you chose bionics, it will be installed on your person for free. If you select grenades, you will get 1d10 grenades of the type selected. If you chose an entirely new weapon or armor, you may sell your old weapon or armor for half price immediately.
Actual equipment purchases will be required to obtain items in the future following the rules as layed out in the equipment compendium file.
Your starting currency is 150 thrones and you receive 20 thrones per month from the sisterhood. Any branch of the Ecchlisiarchy or Adepta Sororitas should happily put you up for free, and feed you as well.
I won't be strictly enforcing the prohibition against wealth for Sororitas characters, but I will include in the narrative, consequences should you flaunt your wealth too much. You can still donate your money to the church as you should, if you would like to RP thay way. Gear purchases might then be done using the influence rules, including burning influence in place of thrones.
So, take a look over the list and see what you like. Have a good idea of what you would like to vote for going into the vote Friday night/Saturday morning
[X]Battle Sister
-[X] (Response) This sister greet the Brotherhood of Mars, I must ask , what madness has befallen those men?
-[X] Strength 100
-[X] Willpower 100
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Iron Jaw 300exp
-[X] Enemy (Khome cults) 300exp
Ranged combat actions:
Aim - Half action aim grants +10 bonus to next attack roll, full action aim grants +20 bonus.
Single shot - half action that fires one shot from a designated weapon. Gain +10 on the test. Reaction test is pass/fail opposed test.
Semi-auto - half action that fires semi-auto limit on weapons rate of fire. No bonus or penalty on the test. Every 2 degrees of success over 1 is an additional hit (3 DoS is 2 hits, 5 is 3 hits, etc.) To a limit of the maximum rate of semi-auto fire. Reaction reduces attack by 1 hit on 1 success, 2 hits in 3 successes, etc.
Full-auto - half action that fires full-auto limit on weapons rate of fire. Every degree of success is one hit (3 DoS is 3 hits, 5 is 5 hits, etc.) To a limit of the full auto fire rate. Reaction reduces number of hits by one per success.
Unjam weapon - full round action to make weapon fireable after it jams. Lose the round that is currently in the weapon and 10% of ammunition in the clip.
Called shot - Make a BS test with -20 penalty to target a specific location (arms, legs, body, head, other extremities.)
Bracing a heavy weapon - bracing a weapon is a full round action, you can use terrain, vehicles or building features (windows, etc.) To brace a heavy weapon. 60 degree firing arc in the direction the object braced upon is facing. Failing to brace a heavy weapon imposes a -20 penalty on firing it.
Pinning action - full round action, full auto guns only. -10 to BS test, on success all enemies in a 60 degree arc are pinned, requiring they hide behind any cover available. May leave cover after succeeding at a fear test, with -10 penalty to test for every DoS after the first one. Those with jaded are immune to pinning. At 2 DoS and every 2 DoS after, lands a hit on one enemy that is in the area.
Melee actions:
Aim - Half action aim grants +10 bonus to next attack roll, full action aim grants +20 bonus.
Single attack - Half action melee attack that gains a +10 bonus to attack roll. Only hits once on a success. Reaction is pass/fail.
All out attack - half action melee attack that does not have a bonus or penalty. Sacrifices all reactions for this round. Number of hits possible is half AgB and WSB. (3 AgB and 5 WSB would be 4 attacks on an all out attack.) 1 success is 1 hit, 3 is 2 hits, etc.
Lightning attack - full round attack action at a -10 penalty. Sacrifices all reactions this round. Maximum attacks possible is AgB and WSB added together. 1 hit per degree of success.
Called shot - make a single attack with -20 to the test, to target a specific location on the enemy.
Charge attack - after moving 4 m minimum and charge value maximum meters, perform a half round melee attack with +10 to the test as a free action at the end of the charge. This movement must be in a straight line.
Grapple - WS test opposed by dodge or parry. If you succeed on WS test, may single attack freely with small weapons. After the initial attack phase, keeping a grapple going is a half action, and if you are the losing party you may gain control of the grapple with a full round action making an opposed athletics <S> test. You may also escape the grapple with a full round action making an opposed acrobatics <Ag> test opposed by athletics <S> test. If you are in control of the grapple, you may end it at any time.
Reactions :
Every character gets one reaction per round.
Dodge - make a dodge test against any attack, or if untrained, an Ag test with a -20 penalty. On pass/fail, any success is a dodge. On incremental, make number of successful dodges as specified in those sections, to a maximum number of hits dodged equal to AgB
Parry - make a parry test, against any melee attack. If untrained you cannot perform this test. On pass/fail, any success is a parry. On incremental, make number of successful parries as specified in those sections, to a maximum number of hits parried equal to WSB.
Attacks of opportunity - When in melee and someone moves through a space you threaten without taking the withdraw action, you get a free attack on them as a reaction.
Movement: every character has the following movement actions.
Half move - half round action, move up to your half round distance.
Full move - full round action, move up to your full round distance.
Charge move - full round action, move up to your charge distance. You may only make one 90 degree turn during this action.
Run - full round action, move up to your run distance. You may only make one 45 degree turn during the run. Continuous running for 60 rounds (5 minutes) forces a toughness test with no penalty or Athletics <T> test, failed toughness test adds 1 fatigue.
Sprint - Only take this action with sprint talent. Full round action, move up to triple run distance. You may not turn during the sprint. Continuous sprinting for 12 rounds (1 minute) adds 1 fatigue and forces a toughness test with -10 penalty or Athletics <T>. Failed toughness test adds another fatigue point.
General info:
Cover: cover adds armour points to your armour total when taking hits. Examples of cover are walls, vehicles, doors, machinary, etc.
Weapon ranges: all shots fired from point blank range or less, get +30 to BS tests. Between point blank and short range get +10 to BS tests. between short and normal, get no bonus or penalty. Between normal and long, get -10 to BS tests. Between long and extreme range, get -30 to BS tests.
Adhoc vote count started by Narutosramen on Sep 9, 2021 at 6:30 PM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.
[X] Plan Why hello there v.2
-[X] (Response) This sister greet the Brotherhood of Mars, I must ask , what madness has befallen those men?
-[X] Strength 100
-[X] Intelligence 100
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Enemy (Khome cults) 300exp
-[X] Peer (Mechanicus) 600exp
[X]Battle Sister
-[X] (Response) This sister greet the Brotherhood of Mars, I must ask , what madness has befallen those men?
-[X] Strength 100
-[X] Willpower 100
-[X] WS 250exp
-[X] BS 250exp
-[X] Iron Jaw 300exp
-[X] Enemy (Khome cults) 300exp
[@] You begin with "This sister is the novice (write in name), Order Militant, Chapel of the Emperor's Light."
You hold your hands out in welcome, and continue "I come as a friend, and greet you, Brothers of Mars. We have much to share with each other, I believe! Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with and who were these madmen?"
Trained charm test with a +10 bonus from Peer talent and +10 bonus from helping them in combat recently. Fellowship is 33. Test needs 53 or less to succeed. Rolled 18. 4 DoS. Setting to friendly and small bonus to future interactions.
He nods at you, and pulls down the mask covering his face and the hood of his robes, revealing a dark skinned man with gentle features, but a nasty scar around the implant in his throat. "I am Roblix, Genetor overseer of this manufactorum, sworn to the service of Magos Habeir Kalif. Approximately two hours ago, a quarter of the slaves and a tenth of the menials rose up in open rebellion. A council of magos has been called to decide on a course of action and I was dispatched to gather intelligence on the disposition and equipment of forces arrayed against us. I am compelled to tell you that the news is dire, sister. Despite this rabble's poor gear, the majority of the rebels are well armed and worse still, they have taken key locations including a Rhino production facility. It is essential that we return this intelligence to the Myrmidons as soon as possible" His face is grim as he finishes his explination.
With the situation so dire, you contemplate your situation. Travelling as a group would certainly be safer. But, that would take you farther from the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light and your own home, The Chapel of the Emperor's Light.
Making and untrained Navigate (Surface) <Int> test. You are familiar with this area of the manufactorum and receive a +20 bonus. Untrained skills give a -20 penalty. Intelligence is 42. Must roll 42 or under to succeed at this test. Rolled 76. 4 DoF
You think you could make it back to the chapel in a little more than an hour, but with unknown conditions between here and there, you cannot know how dangerous that path may be.
On the other hand, you think that you should be able to receive transport to the chapel from the War Tower of the Myrmidon's if things have not deteriorated too much yet. You think this path could be as little as four hours, or much longer if logistics have been badly disrupted. But, you would be much safer and might have a better chance of reaching the chapel alive to assist in its defence.
[=] Plan name
+[=] What do you decide to do.
+[=] What do you say to Roblix and his companion?
+[=] (Equipment1) Choose three pieces of equipment that are scare or more available (This excludes rare, very rare, extremely rare, nearly unique and unique availabilities.)
+[=] (Equipment2)
+[=] (Equipment3)
+[=] (Momento1) Choose some decorative or meaningful item that is important to the sister. Could be a rosary, a lock of a parents hair, a fingerbone of an ancestor, etc.
+[=] (Momento2)
As a side note, I will be rolling for superstitions with the next post and I will be asking you to vote for different personality traits to use as roleplaying goals and guides for me when I write her actions and dialogue. Think about what kind of personality you think the character should have.
Voting will finish at 10 pm tonight. Hope to have another chapter out for you by 10 am Sunday morning, CST.
[X] Plan Letenta
+[X] What do you decide to do? Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] What do you say to Roblix and his companion? I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light
+[X] (Equipment1) Field sututes
+[X] (Equipment2)Backpack
+[X] (Equipment3)Auspex
+[X] (Momento1) Rosary
+[X] (Momento2) A lock of a parents hair
+[X] Name Letenta
[X] Plan Letenta
+[X] What do you decide to do? Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] What do you say to Roblix and his companion? I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light
+[X] (Equipment1) Mark IV, Pistol
+[X] (Equipment2)Hexagramatic Wards
+[X] (Equipment3)Apedptas Soroitas power armor
+[X] (Momento1) Rosary
+[X] (Momento2) A lock of a parents hair
+[X] Name Letenta
Is this ok?
[X] Plan Lucindia
+[X] Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] "I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light"
+[X] Chainsword
+[X] Shield
+[X] Backpack
+[X] Rosetta
+[X] Flower Petal Embedded in Glass
+[X] Name: Lucindia
sorry, had to bust out the book just to get a full list.
took a little bit from Wardragon, and added my own.
we're a Crusader and a Sororitas, so i figured something better to be up in melee would be a good idea. also, having a backpack's always nice and good.
Adhoc vote count started by Narutosramen on Sep 12, 2021 at 9:34 AM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.
[X] Plan Lucindia
+[X] Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] "I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light"
+[X] Chainsword
+[X] Shield
+[X] Backpack
+[X] Rosetta
+[X] Flower Petal Embedded in Glass
+[X] Name: Lucindia
[X] Plan Letenta
+[X] What do you decide to do? Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] What do you say to Roblix and his companion? I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light
+[X] (Equipment1) Field sututes
+[X] (Equipment2)Backpack
+[X] (Equipment3)Auspex
+[X] (Momento1) Rosary
+[X] (Momento2) A lock of a parents hair
+[X] Name Letenta
I kind of feel like I may have done you some wrong, @Wardragon. I apologize for that. I should have ended voting at 10 pm, like I said I would, but I did keep it open. Because I did keep it open, others voted and now you're on the losing side of the vote.
On that note, plan Lucindia has won. I'll start writing it up now.
Adhoc vote count started by Narutosramen on Sep 12, 2021 at 9:34 AM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.
[X] Plan Lucindia
+[X] Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] "I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light"
+[X] Chainsword
+[X] Shield
+[X] Backpack
+[X] Rosetta
+[X] Flower Petal Embedded in Glass
+[X] Name: Lucindia
[X] Plan Letenta
+[X] What do you decide to do? Escort Roblix and his companion to Myrmidon's war tower
+[X] What do you say to Roblix and his companion? I will escort you all to the war tower but afterwords I must ask for transportion to the Ecchlessiarchy's Monestary of Golden Light
+[X] (Equipment1) Field sututes
+[X] (Equipment2)Backpack
+[X] (Equipment3)Auspex
+[X] (Momento1) Rosary
+[X] (Momento2) A lock of a parents hair
+[X] Name Letenta
I kind of feel like I may have done you some wrong, @Wardragon. I apologize for that. I should have ended voting at 10 pm, like I said I would, but I did keep it open. Because I did keep it open, others voted and now you're on the losing side of the vote.
On that note, plan Lucindia has won. I'll start writing it up now.
You have contemplated your options, now it's time to talk and walk.
"This intelligence you carry is important and must make it to the leaders of the defence. My sisters are capable of defending against even well armed rabble. Come now, we must be off if we are to make good time. Lead the way, Genetor Roblix."
He nods to you and begins to walk away from the remnants of glorious battle. His companion a step behind and to the left. You pull your shield from your back, and strap it to your left arm before following him out and taking position on his right side.
Awareness <Per> test, untrained gives a -20 penalty. Perception is 35, must roll 15 or under. Rolled 79, failed by 7 DoF.
As the group moves through the deserted thoroughfare of the manufactorum, towards the exit to the city proper, you glance towards the so far silent tech-priest accompanying Roblix.
"Who is your companion Ser Roblix?" You question. He looks to you and then to his brother and gestures towards him.
"This is the runepriest Kerra Subilex, and she is a new initiate into our order. She has been a runepriest for several months, and my student, learning the intricacies of the machine spirits and their corporeal forms."
You start a bit, at the cloaked woman. You couldn't tell her gender under the bulky robes and hooded head.
"Well met, Ser Kerra." You greet her.
"Likewise, Sister." She replies in a melodic and natural voice.
Your group reaches the exit several minutes later and you leave the building single file. The silence between your company started feeling awkward in the manufactorum, but seems more comfortable now that the group has the open space of the forge surrounding us.
09 - no encounter
The streets are eerily quiet as you walk through. Having grown up in this city of Fordam on Rhodin IV, you have become quite used to the constant sound pollution of a forge in full operation. Now the silence is only occassionally pierced by what sound like massive explosions in the distance. Half an hour into the silent trek, you hear roaring in thr distance, closing on your position.
Rolled 50 - encounter starts
A crowd of 10 or so men and women emerge from around the corner of another building, chasing a young boy with chainaxes raised and lascarbines firing wildly after the boy.
Before they notice you, Genetor Roblix has gripped you by the shoulder and drug you behind a landcar or some kind.
"Don't draw their attention, they outnumber us and are more heavily armed."
[/] Plan
-[?] (Actions) What do you want to do (general overview) such as run, hide or fight. How you want to accomplish that, such as sneak off while they are distracted, or approach to melee range and start combat.
--[^](Speak) Say something (You can attempt a charm or intimidate here. Or scream "For the Emperor!"
-[*](Personality trait - Perspective) Choose one of the following: Devoted, Pragmatic, Nervous, or Angry.
-[*](Personality trait - Approach) Choose one of the following: Serious, Layed-back, Joker, or Academic
-[*](Personality trait - Conscientioisness) Choose one of the following: Responsible, Lazy, Submissive or Aggressive.
Divination - Rolled 88, To War is Human: Grants Dodge skill at Rank 1.
[X] Plan If Commisar Ciaphas Cain was a Sister
-[x](Personality trait - Perspective) Pragmatic.
-[x](Personality trait - Approach) Layed-back.
-[x](Personality trait - Conscientioisness) Lazy.
-[x] (Actions) look for a vehicle that is sturdy enough that can be used to smash through people and Charm and reason with the mechanicum as well as inquire if they can unlock, start, and operate a vehicle (landcar that can fit everyone).
-[x] jump into the vehicle and tell the vehicle operator to drive straight towards the khornates and flatten those he can! Tell your fellow passengers to duck and that you will jump out of the vehicle once it smashes through the enemy line, they should jump after you and to dive for the nearest cover and shoot at the Khornates with their weapons
-[x] roll down one of the windows, and shout at the boy to dive for cover while you shoot at khornates!
-[x] once the vehicle smashed the cultist mob, jump out of the vehicle, shout "FOR THE EMPEROR!" and then engage the enemy in melee while ordering your companions to jump out of the vehicle, find cover and shoot at the enemy!
-[x] use weapon tech to enhance our laspistol
@Narutosramen are our companions armed? Do they have a grenade? Can you describe our surroundings some more?
Also doesnt the Enemy (Khorne Cults) also give us +10 against that enemy aside from the -10 in interactions? Or was that Hatred (Khorne Cults)?
Edit: if it only gives -10 to interactions with Khorne Cults then we just wasted the 300exp and we would request it to be changed to Hatred (Khorne Cults) since that bonus of +10 is what i was looking for