Also sorta just realised, but the Smirgh does have a potential cascade effect via the scream, since ya know causes fear and confusion.
Depending how that interacts with bugs (such as can we project the scream through them) and the song (can a song count as a scream. If so the ability to have the song inspire an emotion amplifies the scream's fear.)
Even then, just the bugs alone would be good, since most people surrounded by screaming bugs irregardless of whether or not there's a super natural element to their screaming is going to unnerve the
hell out of people.
Also doing some quick info dumping, we're about 25 years pre canon ATM (2450 canon starts 2475). The closest canon event to us is Tzar Vladimir Bokha who will die fighting goblins to the east of Kislev in 2 years, so presumably dark lands or close.
Presently, we are in the dark tower of Gorgoroth which is around the centre of the dark lands. The tower is one of the Zharr's major production/power centres (it vies for second place with the Black Fortress, and is defo top 3) has big mines and produces a lot of daemon engines and has a literal straight road to Zharr Naggrun(capital).
Unfortunately, we've not got great options on where to go, the Dark Lands are
really desolate. Got more mineral wealth than it knows what to do with, but not great for anything else, and that's where there's no magma.
Damn thing won't insert, but it should give you an idea.
South is a complete no go. First we hit the desolation of Azgorh, which is the area the volcano the black tower is built out of ****ed up. Its compeltely inhospitable, filled with sulphur etc. Taylor might be able to make it alone, but with a party no. If you make it through that you reach the Ash Ridge mountains, also volcanos. Go through that you reach the bone plains.
This is potentially a massive opportunity, as here is where dragons go to die. Literally primordial dragon corpses are here and they have been marinating in magic for thousands of years. Even more so many of these dragons brought with them bits of their hordes. The downside to this and the reason that fewer people don't come here is that it is ****ing diffcult to traverse all the crap in the way, centuries of necromancers after skeleton dragons have ensured that there are a lot of free roaming skeleton dragons living, various mutants, feral strogoi and not so dead dragons.
This place is the freaking motherload, but its got dangers to match.
We can go south east which is a bit "nicer" since we'd head to the river ruin (poisonous, hot water) that flows into the sea of dread, also has the haunted forest. We go far enough we could hit the Dragon Isle, by crossing the sea of storms.
East sends us towards Cathay, but to reach it we'll have to go through the black fortress (the other major Dawi Zharr stronghold) and flayed rock (which might be a stronghold of Clan Eshin.)
North sends us to the wolf lands, (giant super powerful dangerous wolves) and is the direction of the Chaos Dwarf's heart land Zharr Naggrund in a giant crater.
Our safest bet is straight west, heading through Mt Grey Hag (goblin stronghold), cutting slightly south around the edges of the desolation of Azgorh to try and reach Death Pass. We'd probably have to deal with being watched from Crookback mountain though (which is the largest skaven holding in the dark lands, and home of clan Rictus which produces large numbers of Stormvermine.)
To level with ya'll there is a
reason nobody has had much luck staging a long term rebellion against the chaos dwarfs, its not a matter of will power or skill its one of practicality and logistics, with the situation simply being that the dark lands are both insanely hostile
and surviving in its environment without protection alone is a ****ing nightmare. It is a place of great possibilities in theory, (there is truly vast power we can accrue and knowledge we can obtain), but
@Jurric was probably understating things a little when he said "the dark lands are not really a nice place."