If It helps I would have voted for them over the Dragon Lords, Sword Brothers and Brazen claws. They would have gone well with other research obsessed factions but just struck me as less experienced than others in an environment like this.
It's been a long time dream to send them to Warhammer fantasy to do things..... I need to see how Fractious does it first because I don't have much of an idea to start.

So I'm bugging out.
[X] Celestial Lions
[X] Navigational Incident
[X] Plan:Our benevolent transhuman leaders are heretics but they're nice? So we'll follow them.
-[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
-[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
-[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
-[X]Assault Company (1CP)
-[X]Scout Company (0.5CP)
-[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
-[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
-[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
-[X]Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
-[X]Divisio Artisan (3CP)
-[X]Adepta Sororitas (1.0CP)
-[X]Imperial guard (1.5CP)
-[X]Ecclesiarcy (0.5CP)
-[X]Divisio Biologis (2CP)
I am guessing of we get inquisition, you won't tell us what faction they belong to other then pureatin and radical?
Well if the Inquisitor turns up with a twitching guy and someone who talks to themselves and occasionally bursts into flames then you'll know you're dealing with a daemonhost and therefore maybe a Xanthist. Comparably if the Inquisitor is a noted purger of heresy and has a retinue of Battle Sisters you'll know he's a Monodominant or similar. I doubt a Chapter Master would be able to tell the precise philosophy, but if they just observed and did a bit of asking about then I'm sure they could discern some things, such as whether the Inquisitor was particularly inclined in certain ways. I'm thinking of a couple I've seen previously like Toth or Drogan,and I dont think immediately that you could really tell much about them but you could no doubt observe their methods etc and see.
@FractiousDay I have a few questions
-What does the Reductor bring to the table if they were chosen?
-I have 3 points left and I want to bring some preachers from the Ministorum to convert the locals, how much would that cost?
-Does @baud write in of IG with Arty and Armor regiments & IN of atmo flyers valid or cost that much? what about the Administratum colony specialist group?

Personally I would just have Thunder Hawks do all of our Air transport and Combat. Plus we could have the Mechanicus build some of their flyers.
1. Thallax superheavy infantry, equivalent of Terminators. Additionally a couple of pieces of superheavy artillery but only a couple. Possibly a Land Raider Achilles.
2. When you say 'some' how many you do mean? It's roughly 100SMs to 10000IG for example. This relates to the next point
3. It's fine yes, and again it depends how much you mean. 1CP is equivalent (for my own sanity in this process lol) to a company of space marines, their officers, serfs, facilities, tanks and so on. As such, how many aircraft could you fit in the space taken up by a company of space marines? How many preachers or similar Ecc personnel could fit in such a space?

I'm reluctant to give hard numbers here, but for example each strike cruiser can apparently deploy a company of marines simultaneously, presumably in the Steel Rain manoeuvre, and has 2 squadrons of Thunderhawks. You can get 25 marines on a Thunderhawk, so I'll say each Strike Cruiser has 4 Thunderhawks total. If you took out the marines and put other stuff there instead you could perhaps fit 8 thunderhawks in a strike cruiser. If Baud wants 2CP worth of ships then if they're the size of a thunderhawk that would be, lets say, 16ish ships.
that makes things more difficult If it means that certain options most widely voted for can lose by not being in the top plan?
I mean that's really up to you guys. I don't want to string the into out too much so while yes I could have done it differently it's really up to you to synergise plans. If Plan A is almost the same as plan B but one brings knights and the other brings infantry or similar then that's indeed something that should be synergised out.
@FractiousDay editted my plan to have half CP of Galaxi and half CP of Cadian Infantry. Can we train locals to be various IG regiments? Like can an drill sergeant from Cadian Infantry train a local to man an Arty or Armored regiment after a year or several of training? Or are we limited to infantry only on local recruitment even with Cadian help?
@FractiousDay editted my plan to have half CP of Galaxi and half CP of Cadian Infantry. Can we train locals to be various IG regiments? Like can an drill sergeant from Cadian Infantry train a local to man an Arty or Armored regiment after a year or several of training? Or are we limited to infantry only on local recruitment even with Cadian help?
It depends really. The IG take troops from feral worlds all the time and train them to use artillery etc. You could train someone to use a lasgun in a couple of weeks they're deliberately simple, it's more whether you could train them in all the tactics and more importantly the culture of the Imperium. Cadians have a specific culture which just isn't present elsewhere which is one of the reasons they're so good. Over time if you've only got a small proportion of them that culture will eventually fade.

You could also train them on heavier weaponry too, that's fine, but if you were expanding your force, keep in mind it'll take a while to get the tech set up.
Thallax are many things, but equivalent to Terminators they are not. They are faster (due to jet packs), less armored, but can take more punishment getting through the outer shell before going down.
I confess I don't really know how to do synergy. I mean you wanted us to consider every part of a plan carefully before proposing it so I'm not sure an entire plan should be scrapped by anyone just because say one or two parts of it are not in the majority, honestly that feels against the spirit of being able to vote for options at all.

Even ignoring all of that trying to keep track of everything divergent between possibly man similar plans seems like an avoidable difficulty really I will try though.

I guess I should be trying to contact everyone who voted for similar things to myself and discuss the differences and then have one of us coming away not voting for an option that could otherwise win?
[X] Celestial Lions
[X] Navigational Incident

[X] Plan:Our benevolent transhuman leaders are heretics but they're nice? So we'll follow them.
Okay In the efforts of doing so I am thinking of changing my vote to oath bound.
[X] Howling Griffons
[X] Navigational Incident

[X] Plan: Oath bound
-[X] 1st Company
-[X] Scout Company
-[X] Armoury
-[X] Librarius
-[X] Reclusiam
-[X] Apothecarion
-[X] Devastator Company
-[X] Assault Company
-[X] Divisio Fabricator
-[X] Divisio Artisan
-[X] Divisio Biologis
-[X] Imperial Guard 2 CP
-[X] Adeptus Ministorum 3 CP
-[X] Inquisitor 2 CP
The main difference I see between our plans is the desire to involve the inquisition, I am mainly not sure why Gale thinks this is a safe bet or at least a mitigated risk compared with not bringing them in.

I am sorry for not discussing this earlier, I admit I skimmed over your plan.
You could also train them on heavier weaponry too, that's fine, but if you were expanding your force, keep in mind it'll take a while to get the tech set up.
That's fine, I am mostly planning to have them be a garrison force to protect our territory while the Astartes are kicking Chaos or Beastmen butt.

I guess I should be trying to contact everyone who voted for similar things to myself and discuss the differences and then have one of us coming away not voting for an option that could otherwise win
I would mind discussing with ya on the difference between our plans
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Thallax are many things, but equivalent to Terminators they are not.
Ah I was meaning in terms of doctrine rather than specifically their capabilities.
I confess I don't really know how to do synergy.
My point is more around whether there's significant differences between present plans. This is a matter of what the voters what to vote for, I'm only advising really. For example, Plan Benevolent wants IG and Ecc whereas FortMon wants Questors and Missionaria Galaxia. Apart from that an some minor chapter support stuff, they're the same, both call for 3 battle companies and so on, the substantive elements of the plans are all there. Comparably, Oathbound calls for a much more significant presence of allied forces and sacrifices the majority of the Space Marines called for in the other plans, as well as having the Inquisitor which as mentioned is quite risky. The other two plans are Structured Chapter and Packed Up, which again I'd suggest could be synergised, both call for the transport of the majority of the chapter and self-sufficiency, though they differ on specifics.

It occurs to me that I could have gone for another way of having people vote for things so will do that sort of thing in future. That would have been simpler.

Essentially this is your opportunity to dictate what sort of force it was. Is it the Celestial Lions basically fleeing the Imperium to rebuild over a few centuries? Is it the Blood Ravens with advanced tech going off to find more tech? Is it the Sword Brothers doing a crusade with lots of military assets?

In any case I'm sure it'll sort itself out eventually, so don't stress about it too much.
Okay In the efforts of doing so I am thinking of changing my vote to oath bound.

The main difference I see between our plans is the desire to involve the inquisition, I am mainly not sure why Gale thinks this is a safe bet or at least a mitigated risk compared with not bringing them in.
I think it would be good for RP, and with a group this big? There would be at lest one Inquisitor. As for why. I have said it before. It could allow us to work with others and new point of view not usually seen.
All of that is good and useful

Okay, I admit also my largest source of confusion here at this point is accounting for why so many here wish to vote for the Astral claws. Does everyone voting for their share the same rationale used by TigerDino's

which as far as I can tell amounts to them having a very admirable personality and making for a great underdog story?
I admit I like those things I just don't find them a compelling reason to vote for them.
If someone else's rationale had more to do with them being better suited to this environment than the other options that would almost certainly shift my vote.


I would mind discussing with ya on the difference between our plans

I think the differences in our plans other than the Astartes chapter involved probably come down to diverging views on speed and flexibility.
Namely, I would like to maximize such above say fortifications or say artillery or heavier equipment even if it were more otherwise useful because I honestly am terrified of our forces getting pinned down somewhere and worn down through attrition before we have solid allies.

Devastator companies, Armouries, and Cadians are all things I recall not voting for.
I'm not against voting for Astra Militarum forces to bolster ours but I'd much rather have them be far-ranging cavalry ahead of us and not foot soldiers.

Flexibility also comes with communications, having more options on that front is not only why I'd want Dialogus with us but one of the larger parts of the appeal of the Griffons. That is in my eyes having been in a feudal world and recruiting from it I keep thinking they should be less confused by conditions on the ground here than most.
Again even more importantly they have apparently a great deal of experience working with psychers/souped up casters which I think is sorely needed on this planet.

On the subject of the Missionarus Galaxia I see the appeal of experienced diplomats but see no appeal of increasing the risk of the ordo hereticus getting involved even for me that seems not worth the trouble that and my hesitancy to further associate this inadvertent expedition with the Black Templars still remains strong.

I'd rather not have anyone on board who's extensively fond of those marines who've abandoned the Imperial Truth and love to chain their weapons to themselves literally.

EDIT: @FractiousDay If we choose to vote for an Inquisitor can we vote for a radical or is it entirely up to chance?
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If we choose to vote for an Inquisitor can we vote for a radical or is it entirely up to chance?
I'm willing to take some commentary on it, but this isn't an opportunity to get some free cool stuff at a discount cost because its inquisition. If you did get an inquisitor and you picked Celestial Lions, they might very well be there to sabotage you, as the Inquisition is doing anyway. Such an individual isn't likely to go ahead and tell you such a thing are they? Alternatively, Inquisitors on Explorator missions are indeed likely to be more on the radical side because they're off playing with xenotech. Also even if they do have cool stuff it's theirs and you dont have authority over them because no one apart from the Emperor does, they might not give you all their stuff etc.
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Namely, I would like to maximize such above say fortifications or say artillery or heavier equipment even if it were more otherwise useful because I honestly am terrified of our forces getting pinned down somewhere and worn down through attrition before we have solid allies.
I can see why you would be concerned, but we can mitigate that by playing defensive, keep our units in our territory and build up until we can expand. In the event that we have to push out, we'll have Thunderhawks, Land Raiders, and Teleporting Terminators as QRF. Also while Astartes can be drowned in numbers, there are weapons like the Multi-Laser, Assault Cannon, Flamer, grenades, Psyker abilities, and Vehicles and Aircraft that can melt the horde too fast to overwhelm us, bring in Reinforcements, or just to evac to safety.

Devastator companies, Armouries, and Cadians are all things I recall not voting for.
I'm not against voting for Astra Militarum forces to bolster ours but I'd much rather have them be far-ranging cavalry ahead of us and not foot soldiers.
Devastators are for carrying the heavy weapons in case they met a horde or Large creature and Tactical Marines with Bolters aren't good enough. Armories are not only for Chapter relics but also for Astartes Vehicles like the Land Raider, Whirlwind Rocket Arty, Thunderhawks, and their version of the Chimera APC that I forgot the name of. These 2 are meant to be force multipliers which is great to have when you are outnumbered for obvious reasons.

The Cadians are mostly to be a garrison force and to help establish a PDF of regular humans that want to help us but don't want to become Mechanicus or not good enough to be an Astartes or willing to be a serf. Make the most of a resource and I don't know if Serfs make good PDFs but I have 1/2 a CP point so might as well have Cadians. For cavalry, Astartes have their hover bikes and Assault Squads, Scout Marines can also cloak so the need for cavalry as a scout is reduced. If the Mechanicus can launch satellites they become even more unneeded. Plus the Infantry Regiment can be trained to drive IG vehicles made by the Mechanicus so even if it isn't essential, you do have the option later on once a Manufactory is established.

Flexibility also comes with communications, having more options on that front is not only why I'd want Dialogus with us but one of the larger parts of the appeal of the Griffons. That is in my eyes having been in a feudal world and recruiting from it I keep thinking they should be less confused by
I think I remember QM mentioning that Astartes can learn a language by eating a local's brain and then Psykers could spread that info to other Astartes so, Dialogus is alright but Astartes can do that with BS Gene-seed. So once the Astartes got the language, they can copy that info to serfs to translate with the help of Mechanicus and build a dictionary or just have that downloaded to the regular human officer's brain.

Again even more importantly they have apparently a great deal of experience working with psychers/souped up casters which I think is sorely needed on this planet.
That is a good point but Librarians can handle that and we won't be working with unsanctioned psykers or casters until we build a rapor with the faction they are a part of and by that point the Librarian would have gotten enough of an idea of the situation to act appropriately.

On the subject of the Missionarus Galaxia I see the appeal of experienced diplomats but see no appeal of increasing the risk of the ordo hereticus getting involved even for me that seems not worth the trouble that and my hesitancy to further associate this inadvertent expedition with the Black Templars still remains strong.
According to the wiki
"They are also notoriously known to quickly summon the aid of the Sisters of Battle or even the Ordo Hereticus when they suspected evil from the ranks of their flocks" They only call them when they suspect that there maybe heretics, not before. That means they don't have Hereticus or Sisters in their ranks and had to call them in. Since we are cut off from the Imperium, they'll ask the Astartes to do it and they should be a bit more reasonable since they can just scan a soul and see if they are corrupted. QM also mentioned that Black Templars can show restraint and you can see the Text-To-Speech Podcast about the Black Templars and they are fairly reasonable.

I'd rather not have anyone on board who's extensively fond of those marines who've abandoned the Imperial Truth and love to chain their weapons to themselves literally.
I have no idea who they are, but I do remember that the Imperial Truth was written by Lorgar who turned traitor.
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I can see why you would be concerned, but we can mitigate that by playing defensive, keep our units in our territory and build up until we can expand. In the event that we have to push out, we'll have Thunderhawks, Land Raiders, and Teleporting Terminators as QRF. Also while Astartes can be drowned in numbers, there are weapons like the Multi-Laser, Assault Cannon, Flamer, grenades, Psyker abilities, and Vehicles and Aircraft that can melt the horde too fast to overwhelm us, bring in Reinforcements, or just to evac to safety.

Devastators are for carrying the heavy weapons in case they met a horde or Large creature and Tactical Marines with Bolters aren't good enough. Armories are not only for Chapter relics but also for Astartes Vehicles like the Land Raider, Whirlwind Rocket Arty, Thunderhawks, and their version of the Chimera APC that I forgot the name of. These 2 are meant to be force multipliers which is great to have when you are outnumbered for obvious reasons.

The Cadians are mostly to be a garrison force and to help establish a PDF of regular humans that want to help us but don't want to become Mechanicus or not good enough to be an Astartes or willing to be a serf. Make the most of a resource and I don't know if Serfs make good PDFs but I have 1/2 a CP point so might as well have Cadians. For cavalry, Astartes have their hover bikes and Assault Squads, Scout Marines can also cloak so the need for cavalry as a scout is reduced. If the Mechanicus can launch satellites they become even more unneeded. Plus the Infantry Regiment can be trained to drive IG vehicles made by the Mechanicus so even if it isn't essential, you do have the option later on once a Manufactory is established.

I think I remember QM mentioning that Astartes can learn a language by eating a local's brain and then Psykers could spread that info to other Astartes so, Dialogus is alright but Astartes can do that with BS Gene-seed. So once the Astartes got the language, they can copy that info to serfs to translate with the help of Mechanicus and build a dictionary or just have that downloaded to the regular human officer's brain.

That is a good point but Librarians can handle that and we won't be working with unsanctioned psykers or casters until we build a rapor with the faction they are a part of and by that point the Librarian would have gotten enough of an idea of the situation to act appropriately.

According to the wiki
"They are also notoriously known to quickly summon the aid of the Sisters of Battle or even the Ordo Hereticus when they suspected evil from the ranks of their flocks" They only call them when they suspect that there maybe heretics, not before. That means they don't have Hereticus or Sisters in their ranks and had to call them in. Since we are cut off from the Imperium, they'll ask the Astartes to do it and they should be a bit more reasonable since they can just scan a soul and see if they are corrupted. QM also mentioned that Black Templars can show restraint and you can see the Text-To-Speech Podcast about the Black Templars and they are fairly reasonable.

I have no idea who they are, but I do remember that the Imperial Truth was written by Lorgar who turned traitor.
The Imperial truth was written by the Emperor. Lorgar wrote the divinitatus lex from which sprang modern forms of emperor worship.
I think I remember QM mentioning that Astartes can learn a language by eating a local's brain and then Psykers could spread that info to other Astartes so, Dialogus is alright but Astartes can do that with BS Gene-seed. So once the Astartes got the language, they can copy that info to serfs to translate with the help of Mechanicus and build a dictionary or just have that downloaded to the regular human officer's brain.
I am mainly after them to understand the local cultures. Give that is something the Ecclesiarchy, does fucking well.
Again even more importantly they have apparently a great deal of experience working with psychers/souped up casters which I think is sorely needed on this planet.
The people who'd have most experience with that would be the Blood Ravens given their high numbers of psykers.
Astartes can learn a language by eating a local's brain
"It allows the Astartes to gain part of an individual person's or creature's memory by eating its flesh. This special organ is implanted between the thoracid vertebrae and the stomach wall and is designed to absorb genetic information and any DNA, RNA or protein sequences related to experience or memory. This implant thus allows a Space Marine to literally "learn by eating." The Omophagea transmits the gained information to the Astartes' brain in biochemical form as a set of memories or experiences."

Librarians can handle that
Can they? Librarians are certainly powerful but they're designed as battle wizards. While they certainly could do other things it's not in their general training or repertoire. If you want you could have some psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica who'd be better at non-battle stuff.
we won't be working with unsanctioned psykers or casters
Indeed, given the first people you'll encounter will probably be Araby who seem to be routinely summoning and binding daemons it may be some time before the Imperials stop shooting any witch them come across.
I don't know if Serfs make good PDFs
Apparently they can be as good as IG who are generally better than PDF.
Teleporting Terminators
If you get some sort of satellite relay then sure. Having said that I've not done the damage calcs from the landing yet so your teleportarium might get blown up.
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Can they? Librarians are certainly powerful but they're designed as battle wizards. While they certainly could do other things it's not in their general training or repertoire. If you want you could have some psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica who'd be better at non-battle stuff.
They are more like Elf Battle Wizards cause they live a long time so they are more likely more in tuned to the Warp or have more finesse by virtue of decades or centuries of practice. And doesn't every Imperial ship have a Telepathica psyker to communicate through the Warp?
If you get some sort of satellite relay then sure. Having said that I've not done the damage calcs from the landing yet so your teleportarium might get blown up.
Mechanicus can repair that right? my plan brought the Artisan
Indeed, given the first people you'll encounter will probably be Araby who seem to be routinely summoning and binding daemons it may be some time before the Imperials stop shooting any witch them come across.
I feel sorry for Araby.
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They are more like Elf Battle Wizards cause they live a long time so they are more likely more in tuned to the Warp or have more finesse by virtue of decades or centuries of practice. And doesn't every Imperial ship have a Telepathica psyker to communicate through the Warp?
.... Librarians are not near Elfs at all. Mainly becaues they were not made by the Old Ones. REMEMBER THIS PEOPLE, WE ARE GOING INTO OLD ONE MADE LAND. And they do have some one trained for that, not for give language to people.