Just for clarity's sake since it seems like it is one of the options currently leading, this plateau surrounded by mountains is the Darklands home of the Black Orcs and Chaos Dwarves right?
The Dark Lands yes. I had been under the impression that it was all a plateau but apparently it's only Zorn Uzkul that's the actual plateau, which I found once I'd done some more reading.
[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
[X] Adeptus Astartes
Maybe being in the badlands would be better but gatecrashing on the Chaos dwarves means it's the most isolated place to set up shop.

I do not know about that, wouldn't we have been more isolated in the lands between Araby and Nehekara? I mean Chaos Dwarves are not the only inhabitants of the dark lands.
I believe Hobgoblins, Black Orks and Skaven all make it in there. There might even be ogres there if but rarely given ogres get everywhere.

[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilization amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
[X] Adeptus Astartes

Alright, I can almost understand a desire for the Astartes given I am sure some have different desires than my own and may not want this to end with much of a population left to govern, with that said why the Southlands? The main benefit I can see would be being able to make relations with the lizardmen.. However, I mean unless we have gullimen and dante with us or something I'm not sure we could build good relations.(Someone corrects me if I am highly wrong here about marines being poor diplomats with Xenos in general.)
The secondary benefit I could see would be getting a chance to kill Skaven....but couldn't that still be better done in the Old World where their population is denser?

EDIT: To clarify I know those borderlands are technically in the Southlands but they are far to the north the description given makes it sounds like we would start far from there.
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Alright, I can almost understand a desire for the Astartes given I am sure some have different desires than my own and may not want this to end with much of a population left to govern, with that said why the Southlands? The main benefit I can see would be being able to make relations with the lizardmen.. However, I mean unless we have gullimen and dante with us or something I'm not sure we could build good relations.(Someone corrects me if I am highly wrong here about marines being poor diplomats with Xenos in general.)
The secondary benefit I could see would be getting a chance to kill Skaven....but couldn't that still be better done in the Old World where their population is denser?
Thought it was Nehekara what with the desert and the mountain range? "The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north."
And not all Space Marine Chapters are well "Purge the Xeno Scum on sight" some such as the Eldar and Imperium have tentatively worked together and depends on the chapter in question. Secondly what skaven? you mean Rat Beastman sure they are everywhere but they are just rats!
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[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
We are more liable to run into forces of order far more alien than the Eldar to be frank, the lizardmen do not even reproduce sexually. Lizardmen are not even really one species but a collective so far as I can tell.
Yes while some Marines do not purge on sight I have always gotten the impression it was the small minority hence bringing up the Ultramarines and the Blood Angels when they were well lead, I am not trying to dismiss that such could work but if it turns out we get like a list of chapters at random then we may not have those options at all.

Also, my apologies since this may not be clear to those not very familiar with Fantasy Battles but, Lizardmen have some of the most powerful mages in that world to the point where them going into space using magic in the transition to the age of Sigmar honestly felt pretty in line with them before to me. They have the potential to be one of the most powerful forces on Mallus so avoiding angering them if we can make just about any other actions easier I think.

Even if we ignore their mages(a very bad idea) a Krocksigor or A carnosaur I could see as ample, avoidable danger for anyone really, sure a space marine could kill a few but there will be liable to be far more than one coming at us if we make ourselves seem like a threat.
We are more liable to run into forces of order far more alien than the Eldar to be frank, the lizardmen do not even reproduce sexually. Lizardmen are not even really one species but a collective so far as I can tell.
Yes while some Marines do not purge on sight I have always gotten the impression it was the small minority hence bringing up the Ultramarines and the Blood Angels when they were well lead, I am not trying to dismiss that such could work but if it turns out we get like a list of chapters at random then we may not have those options at all.

Also, my apologies since this may not be clear to those not very familiar with Fantasy Battles but, Lizardmen have some of the most powerful mages in that world to the point where them going into space using magic in the transition to the age of Sigmar honestly felt pretty in line with them before to me. They have the potential to be one of the most powerful forces on Mallus so avoiding angering them if we can make just about any other actions easier I think.

Even if we ignore their mages(a very bad idea) a Krocksigor or A carnosaur I could see as ample, avoidable danger for anyone really, sure a space marine could kill a few but there will be liable to be far more than one coming at us if we make ourselves seem like a threat.
And thats something that the QM has either figured out or is working on it. The thing is that the Areas that were on option are really Clusters of death with a threat scaling bad to bad but not that bad. And Slann Mages are OP but thats a powerscaling of Astartes and Trained Psykers of higher grades being army or continent killers that i dont want to think about. And yes the Creatures of Lustria can easily kill an astartes but thats Warhammer.
How much fun will the expedition get to putting some of the locals into the dissection table?

I'm expecting the techpriests to do that with a vampire.
Chaos Dwarfs can slap marines with magma, have daemonic bazookas, and regularly make daemon engines. They be dangerous, even to marines.

Oh, and remember that for a while mallus was entirely engulfed by warp storms with both Hugh elves and dwarves kicking full warp strength daemon ass (but getting ground down beneath endless attrition) before the vortex went up. I swear, the inhabitants must be warp-based themselves, with how they seem to get stronger as the materium grows thinner...

EDIT: I see people starting to compare Librarians and Slann. One Slann rearranged continents once because their current position didn't match up with an old gold tablet. They are approximately pure bullshit.
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I do have to point out, all Lizardmen men gear is well enchanted to high haven is a understatement. As is all Lizardmen stuff. And that is not getting to the Old One stuff they have. And are willing to use. Lizardmen and Chaos are the most power factions that we have good lore on. The only other two are not touched on enough.

How much fun will the expedition get to putting some of the locals into the dissection table?

I'm expecting the techpriests to do that with a vampire.
.... Vampires are going to look so FUCKING werid. Becaues there human. There soul under all that, I don't know what to call it other then Dur. Is human soul.
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.... Vampires are going to look so FUCKING werid. Becaues there human. There soul under all that, I don't know what to call it other then Dur. Is human soul.
Don't you just want one of them ranting about mortals as the no nonsense logical tech priest takes it down and keeps on dissecting them and force feeding them blood?

The blood dragons will be lining up for astartes blood and geneseed delicacies.
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Yes all of that is true( although I did not vote for the badlands mind) but my point is less to paraphrase myself and others ''the world is really dangerous'' and more ''it would be better to have some powerful allies sooner than powerful enemies sooner''.
Even just making powerful enemies later rather than sooner when we are more reinforced would be better than the scenario I fear in which we get into hot water with them near immediately.

As far as I know, again going by memory the Lizardmen are not opposed to fighting alongside those who fight chaos (I'm recalling amazons and helping with the high elven vortex)which is pretty much a given with any imperial faction that can still be even squinted at as loyal. I swear they also trained some elf mages and have ignored a number of human colonies on lustrias coasts so they don't strike me as inimically hostile or anything.
I do have to point out, all Lizardmen men gear is well enchanted to high haven is an understatement. As is all Lizardmen stuff. And that is not getting to the Old One stuff they have. And are willing to use. Lizardmen and Chaos are the most powerful factions that we have good lore on. The only other two are not touched on enough.

.... Vampires are going to look so FUCKING weird. Because there human. Their soul under all that, I don't know what to call it other than Dur. Is the human soul.
Well, to be fair say the strigoi vargheists and necrachs and their ilk blatantly are long past looking like humans. I recall hearing a vampire's soul is more like a controlled magical vortex that absorbs power? Is that what you mean, I am afraid out of all the factions I know the least about Warhammer vampires.

I think the point still stands that if we landed outside of their lands we would at least not be likely to instantly have them on their tail, the dark eldar, chorfs vampires, and the like at the very least have never moved continents or made spaceships. All of them baring their most shielded members (Stuff like hydras and bull centaurs and blood knights) should at least be liable to rout when we by fill the air with more bullets than they can count at higher velocities than have been seen outside of the Skaven battle lines.
Fantacical and angry lizards high on magic adrenaline and riding Giant sometimes armored dinosaurs strike me as liable to not even be intimidated by that and many may frankly not even die from it. Hopefully, I'm just overly worried though, it's just any faction that can fight demon armies using stone tools I admit intimidates me.

'I confess I did not vote for this ''[ ] A central savannah, broad, yet with rugged hills and smaller ranges of mountains.'' because I actually have no real idea where this is, maybe near the borders of Cathay?
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Well, to be fair say the strigoi vargheists and necrachs and their ilk blatantly are long past looking like humans. I recall hearing a vampire's soul is more like a controlled magical vortex that absorbs power? Is that what you mean, I am afraid out of all the factions I know the least about Warhammer vampires.
Ok vampires are vortexs of magic. That were once human. There souls have just been warped and changed by it.
[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
[X] Adeptus Astartes
if I am highly wrong here about marines being poor diplomats with Xenos in general.)
Like everything, they can do it but may not be able to do it well, and it's may not be their inclination. The emperor gave them the 'finest stratagems' , and unless they're one of the fanatic chapters then yes they'd be perfectly capable of such alliances
A concern - just how much geneseed or apothecaries are going to come along anyways?
As the fleet option is winning, entirely enough to make new astartes. If it's the admech, maybe a bit of it but not much
As far as I know, again going by memory the Lizardmen are not opposed to fighting alongside those who fight chaos

You also have to be an acknowledged part of The Plan.
Yea. For example, elves are 'meant' to be on the big donut, because that's where the old ones put them. However the lizard men are also generally ok with peoples as long as they're not interfering with stuff or doing chaos things

Also I'll close the vote later today so get final votes in. Admech and Astartes are winnings currently. Does anyone who voted for anything that's wasn't those two want to change their vote?
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[X] Your escorts, the comrades of your vessel, now doomed to follow you once again down into destruction.
[X] The northern continent, that same enormous mountain range on it's eastern border, with clear signs of habitation, though you know not what.
[X] Adeptus Astartes

I'm good with Ad Mech winning in any case.
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Okay but what's so great about the Southlands really? Maybe we get to capture Apemen or visit Karak Zorn as unique event? I guess we get a chance to meet horned ones more often than anywhere else?
Like the pickings here just seem kind of meh as an introduction barring the danger of the lizardmen and skaven.


Horned Ones

Vanvitelli, she finds out what I do. She calls me a ‘Kislevite bestiarii’. She says, ‘we canna make some good money.' I say sounds good. Tell you truth, you know I would do it for free. I got to fight in the House of Glory! One of the lizard creatures she brought from Southlands, much smaller...


Apemen are an exotic breed of Beastmen similar in appearance to great apes that are said to live among the jungles of the Southlands.[1a] In the Old World very little is known of the mysterious wilderness beyond Araby, which is known simply as the Southlands. It is known to the most erudite of...

Karak Zorn

Not to be confused with Karak Azorn Karak Zorn, which means "Hold of the Upland Plateau" in Khazalid, also called the Great Southern Hold,[7a] is a legendary Dwarf Hold, built thousands of years ago at the extreme southern tip of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Contact has long since been lost.[1a]...

EDIT: I also confess one other reason I didn't vote for any Astartes is that I find them to usually be pretty boring. Best they(the loyalists) can hold my interest is with dreadnaughts and brain-eating.

Admech hold me much more with the cyber horses and titan legion, real robots, many almost robots and the ability to sprout whole ecosystems and fying baby monstrosities to pop about, etc, etc.
Guard, I actually find it very interesting too but as others have said I fear them to be too blunt an instrument here.

Sororitas I find even more interesting because they are very very diverse ideologically and in terms of what and where they get assigned but the more combat-focused ones obsession with seeking their owns deaths or seeking heavy weapons makes doesn't inspire confidence where subtly is needed.
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Also I'll close the vote later today so get final votes in. Admech and Astartes are winnings currently. Does anyone who voted for anything that's wasn't those two want to change their vote?
If the votes were more equal to favor more than two we'd get a more equal composition?

Okay but what's so great about the Southlands really? Maybe we get to capture Apemen or visit Karak Zorn as unique event? I guess we get a chance to meet horned ones more often than anywhere else?
Like the pickings here just seem kind of meh as an introduction barring the danger of the lizardmen and skaven.


Horned Ones

Vanvitelli, she finds out what I do. She calls me a ‘Kislevite bestiarii’. She says, ‘we canna make some good money.' I say sounds good. Tell you truth, you know I would do it for free. I got to fight in the House of Glory! One of the lizard creatures she brought from Southlands, much smaller...


Apemen are an exotic breed of Beastmen similar in appearance to great apes that are said to live among the jungles of the Southlands.[1a] In the Old World very little is known of the mysterious wilderness beyond Araby, which is known simply as the Southlands. It is known to the most erudite of...

Karak Zorn

Not to be confused with Karak Azorn Karak Zorn, which means "Hold of the Upland Plateau" in Khazalid, also called the Great Southern Hold,[7a] is a legendary Dwarf Hold, built thousands of years ago at the extreme southern tip of the Worlds Edge Mountains. Contact has long since been lost.[1a]...
Kill orcs in the badlands?

Screw it let's go bother the Empire.
[X] The northern continent, that same enormous mountain range on it's eastern border, with clear signs of habitation, though you know not what.
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Badlands and Southlands are not at all the same. I have no problem with you changing your vote I just don't want people confusing them.

Badlands are south of Tilea Southlands are South of Araby a desert separates them from each other. Strygos used to exist in the badlands, dwarves and elves I think had more of a presence in the southlands at their height.
Really the main uniting factor between the two regions is both have seen heavy declines of civilizations there if we don't count the Skaven.

Badlands are pretty dry on average Southlands have tons of jungle so probably very wet.
Badlands and Southlands are not at all the same. I have no problem with you changing your vote I just don't want people confusing them.

Badlands are south of Tilea Southlands are South of Araby a desert separates them from each other. Strygos used to exist in the badlands, dwarves and elves I think had more of a presence in the southlands at their height.
Really the main uniting factor between the two regions is both have seen heavy declines of civilizations there if we don't count the Skaven.

Badlands are pretty dry on average Southlands have tons of jungle so probably very wet.
I'm just not every sure if the locations are right where I'm looking for some interactions I want to see but the one in the North should mean at least some hard interaction with humans.