[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] Astra Militarum
[X] A central savannah, broad, yet with rugged hills and smaller ranges of mountains.

Astra Militarum are the one I feel most interested in seeing here - people who know to apply reasonable interpretation to decrees from high mucky-mucks about what you're supposed to do on a new planet, and instead try to be reasonable at the guy over there who isn't shooting you and it would be nice if he and all his friends could keep not shooting you. But still good at shooting xenos, too.
Would that not be the guardsmen? They seem like the practical sort.
The Guard are the Hammer of the Emperor, to them its easy to see everything as a nail. They're not stupid but they have relatively limited tools and capabilities.

Of all of them it would probably be the Administratum, but equally they're the weakest militarily. The Inquisition would be the exotic option. It would indeed be amusing to have a Black Fleet crash into somewhere and spill all the psykers out to rampage around.
Would that not be the guardsmen? They seem like the practical sort.
Depends so much on the guardsmen's world of origins and cultures some are impractical to such wild degrees like the Krieger suicidal tendencies or the Vostroyans obsession with trying to redeem themselves that I cannot in good faith see them all as practical. And we need more than mere practicality here to avoid disaster I think we need to avoid passion as much as we can and be able to maintain cohesion even in the oddest circumstances we find ourselves in.
The Guard strikes me as good at killing the more mundane enemies of the imperium but I think I'd need to look to the sisters to find worse choices for diplomats and statesmen which I think we should also want if we can get them.

The Mechanic has fleets dedicated to trying to convert rather than just murder areas, albeit they are not generally liked by most of the wider mechanicus but I get the impression that can actually be said about most relations inside the mechanicus. They have people who know at least the basics of agriculture I imagine because Genetoriums are surely used for housing such things. We may have to end up establishing a colony with no resupply for years and while I don't see that being impossible with the guard frankly most of them don't seem to know about infrastructure nearly as much as i'd like.
I mean for all I know half our peeps could end up being penal legions all I know.

All that being said I admit I have read more about the Mechanicus and the Sororitas than I have on the successors of the Solar Auxillia.

EDIT: This may give more context: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Genetor https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Sect_Missionarius_Mechanicus
From a page on imperial Architecture: ''
  • Genetorium - Most planets in the Imperium maintain a gene-pool of plant and animal species for terraforming, agriculture, resource management and other purposes. Native species are studied with a view to assessing their usefulness elsewhere, and introduced species are bio-engineered to adapt them for use in local conditions. The Genetors of the Adeptus Mechanicus who run these establishments also monitor the genetic purity of the planet's population, and cooperate with the Inquisition in their task of rooting out mutation and other undesirable traits. ''
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[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] A great plateau, volcanic activity clear even from your decaying orbit, surrounded on all sides by tall mountains.

- fighting the tide of another uplift quest
The Mechanic has fleets dedicated to trying to convert rather than just murder areas,
I'd register a caution with this. One of the important aspects of the Imperium is the incredible lack of standardisation. Yes there may be some segments of the Admech which seek to convert people, but I can't imagine this is a regular or popular practice, as is indeed noted in that article. They're an exclusive organisation, they maintain their station away from the Imperium proper as per the Treaty of Mars. I doubt such conversions would be looked on well by the Ecclesiarchy.
[X] Your escorts, the comrades of your vessel, now doomed to follow you once again down into destruction.
[X] The northern continent, that same enormous mountain range on it's eastern border, with clear signs of habitation, though you know not what.
[X] Adeptus Astartes

I want to see the Marine's faces when a block of entirely human pikemen go toe-to-toe with Bloodletters and win, in defiance of all their expectations of how that should go down.
Not necessarily. Depending one the flexibility of the team in question there's a few points which could be issued. For example, Sigmar is a primarch or somehow divinely favoured by the Emperor in the manner of a saint, especially given his main policies of burn the witch etc. The other gods are protective reflections of the Emperor, which will over time be minimised till they're only memories or 'helpers' to Sigmar/the Emperor.

But yes, it's a tricky issue.
Claiming gods to be aspects of the Emperor is a lot harder when said gods actively give blessings and spells to their followers. And talk to their Priests.
[X] Your escorts, the comrades of your vessel, now doomed to follow you once again down into destruction.
[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
[X] Adeptus Mechanicus.

[X] Astra Militarum.
I'd register a caution with this. One of the important aspects of the Imperium is the incredible lack of standardization. Yes there may be some segments of the Admech that seek to convert people, but I can't imagine this is a regular or popular practice, as is indeed noted in that article. They're an exclusive organization, they maintain their station away from the Imperium proper as per the Treaty of Mars. I doubt such conversions would be looked on well by the Ecclesiarchy.
To clarify I do not expect them to be among such forces my main point was indeed simply the inflexibility of the admech is often overstated in practice. Heck I might not even expect any genetors to be among our fleet, my point is merely that as an overall organization that the admech in my eyes looks better placed to colonize a hostile world. Whereas the guard looks better placed to destroy it.
Obviously, if we could get a good split between say guard and Administratum I might be voting differently, but as far as I was aware that wasn't an option.
I want to see the Marine's faces when a block of entirely human pikemen go toe-to-toe with Bloodletters and win, in defiance of all their expectations of how that should go down.
Yea I'll have to do some balancing and work out some statlines etc. I assume you meant pikemen who are being buffed by spells or battle prayers?
And talk to their Priests.
I think Sigmar would be cool with it really. He's (maybe?) a psychic creation by Helsturm and if the Emperor has a chat with him I can see him telling the Grand Theogonist to cooperate with his 'father' and his father's servants. Sigmar and the Emperor have entirely aligned goals.

To clarify I do not expect them to be among such forces my main point was indeed simply the inflexibility of the admech is often overstated in practice. Heck I might not even expect any genetors to be among our fleet, my point is merely that as an overall organization that the admech in my eyes looks better placed to colonize a hostile world. Whereas the guard looks better placed to destroy it.
Obviously, if we could get a good split between say guard and Administratum I might be voting differently, but as far as I was aware that wasn't an option.
There would definitely be Genators in an Admech explorator battlefleet, perhaps an entire staff of them given there'll be an Ark Mechanicus as the flagship. On your last point:
In the next initial chapters you'll decide more specifically on various points like whether you have any attached forces
So perhaps I could have been more explicit but you can indeed have a split if you want to. So far the Admech are in the lead but the Space Marines are catching up. I can completely see a jointly-sponsored mission between the Admech and the Blood Ravens for example to discover new things and do the Quest for Knowledge, that might mean Admech forces + a couple of companies of Space Marines. Comparably, next chapter you'll be able to choose whether this is an entirely Admech force (and therefore one with access to all the cool stuff like Titans) or whether it's a more mixed force, say with some attached Guard units or whatever. For both narrative and balance reasons the more you specialise the more powerful stuff you get. For example you might say the Admech only trust one of their own fleets to have Titans and don't trust a mixed force or whatever. This also avoids you cherrypicking a load of cool stuff from each faction.
I want to see the Marine's faces when a block of entirely human pikemen go toe-to-toe with Bloodletters and win, in defiance of all their expectations of how that should go down.

Claiming gods to be aspects of the Emperor is a lot harder when said gods actively give blessings and spells to their followers. And talk to their Priests.

If those marines are anything like Grey Knights, Black Templars or Red Scorpions I'd be worried they'd be liable to shoot those entire humans anyway either for seeing demons or suspecting them of being otherwise enhanced by fell powers, after all, it is not the least bit uncommon for chaos worshipers to fight one another to the death.

If their first exposure was to something like the skull-faced Knights of Morr or even if those pikemen were surrounded by like grail knights or the like I would not be surprised if they assumed the worst and acted on such.

Or to put it another way what are the chances the first orderly forces they come across are even human at all? How liable are they to accidentally start a costly war with a dwarfhold say?

That said what canon examples are there of say just pikemen defeating bloodthirsters? I have never seen such in WHF but I'd certainly believe it possible.
How would the dwarfs react to the mechanius by the way cause they both have views that older is better then anything new that they are able to make.

How would the dwarfs react to the mechanius by the way cause they both have views that older is better then anything new that they are able to make.
"Our ship is older than your race. We routinely recycle the bionics of our skitarii, most of those robot arms are hundreds of years old. This pistol I've got is thousands of years old."
*Longbeard grumbling intensifies*
[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] A great plateau, volcanic activity clear even from your decaying orbit, surrounded on all sides by tall mountains.

- fighting the tide of another uplift quest
Just to also get this out there but I'm not inherently against the inquisition option but I am very hesitant towards it because as of now I have no idea what sort of inquisitor or their fleets we might get. It could be some puritanical fool who wants to burn anything, it could be a professor oak wannabe or it could be someone experimenting with jokero and Zoanthropes or even some dastard interested in getting a Callidus assassin t turn into a genestealer for their own delights.

I just would have no idea it feels like a total crapshoot to me. It could be someone really sensible with access to resources few other factions have but again, who knows?
I wasn't thinking any sort of buffs, just a block of pikemen who rolled quite nicely on their d6s.
Nevermind they are hitting at strength 4, like a space marine.
Mallus be wack, man.
I wasn't thinking any sort of buffs, just a block of pikemen who rolled quite nicely on their d6s.
Nevermind they are hitting at strength 4, like a space marine.
Mallus be wack, man.
That's just stat compression though right? Lore is significantly different from then capabilities demonstrated on the tabletop. An imperial guardsman will probably be slightly better (gene editing, superior trainings standards and so on) than a state trooper, but they're both still human. Comparably I can see marines being at least on the levels of Chosen
I wasn't thinking any sort of buffs, just a block of pikemen who rolled quite nicely on their d6s.
Nevermind they are hitting at strength 4, like a space marine.
Mallus be wack, man.
Alright, I get that fantasy battles can be wacky all over the place, but what I am curious about is have you seen anything even similar to that happening even once in the lore like even once in a sourcebook rather than a tabletop game?

Albeit we should also keep in mind that Demons on mallus are probably being fueled only by the souls and beliefs on that planet, that's at least how I've tried to make sense of them very often appearing so much weaker than the almost single handedly planet ending demons of 40K.
If those marines are anything like Grey Knights, Black Templars or Red Scorpions I'd be worried they'd be liable to shoot those entire humans anyway either for seeing demons or suspecting them of being otherwise enhanced by fell powers, after all, it is not the least bit uncommon for chaos worshipers to fight one another to the death.

If their first exposure was to something like the skull-faced Knights of Morr or even if those pikemen were surrounded by like grail knights or the like I would not be surprised if they assumed the worst and acted on such.

Or to put it another way what are the chances the first orderly forces they come across are even human at all? How liable are they to accidentally start a costly war with a dwarfhold say?

That said what canon examples are there of say just pikemen defeating bloodthirsters? I have never seen such in WHF but I'd certainly believe it possible.

or even if the first thing the Imperial forces see is priests making use of their powers; from their viewpoints, those powers would be powered by warp entities, which, other than the Emperor, can only be deamons/Chaos Gods, so they'd start shooting and not asking question.

[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
[X] Astra Militarum
Basically there's two schools of thought on how Mallus in 40k works: daemons are weaker despite magic being everywhere, OR magic suffusing everything has made everything stronger.
There's also the fact the humans of Mallus were created by Old Ones as weapons against Chaos, discarded due to being too prone too mutation, rather than the more natural origins of the 40k variety.
Or maybe weaker because of magic being everywhere perhaps with so many psychers/magic users(yes local magical winds can be used up as far as I know) taking a drain on those warp energies + the vortex in ulthuan that could be weakening the demons?
Or maybe weaker because of magic being everywhere perhaps with so many psychers/magic users(yes local magical winds can be used up as far as I know) taking a drain on those warp energies + the vortex in ulthuan that could be weakening the demons?

The Vortex is what is stopping Mallus from becoming a literal daemon world, it's not going to be making daemons any weaker than normal reality does.
[X] A once great battlefleet, each now stricken as you are, some ships escaping the gravity well of the planet only to freeze in the vacuum through the rents in their hulls, others seemingly doomed to orbit the planet for eternity.
[X] The northern continent, that same enormous mountain range on it's eastern border, with clear signs of habitation, though you know not what.
The Vortex is what is stopping Mallus from becoming a literal daemon world, it's not going to be making daemons any weaker than normal reality does.
Not on its own no but I am wondering if that *combined* with lots of other things depleting the flow of magic through use on thae daily might be say further depriving them of energy to form say anywhere south of norsca (or south of naggaroth).

I wonder if collective belief might also have some influence here, I doubt anyone on mallus has considered demons capable of doing more than leveling cities and poisoning counties on their own, so maybe that collective belief in their powers on this world weakens them there?
In all honesty, It is likely a combination of factors at play but I see no reason the vortex couldn't be synergizing with other factors at play given it may be far from the only one.
Or maybe weaker because of magic being everywhere perhaps with so many psychers/magic users(yes local magical winds can be used up as far as I know) taking a drain on those warp energies + the vortex in ulthuan that could be weakening the demons?
I also have to point out the Web made by the Old Ones stopping the 4 for doing as they wish. Gods here also have power. Ranlad and others have tricked and beaten the 4 here. Remember that.
Just for clarity's sake since it seems like it is one of the options currently leading, this plateau surrounded by mountains is the Darklands home of the Black Orcs and Chaos Dwarves right?