Hero of the new era

[]you learned to create a burning cloak of light around yourself(gain alternate effect: damage 6 (reaction))
Reaction damage, always nice, however not if it means we can't use our main offensive power.
[]you learned to use your powers to travel a short time as pure light(gain alternate effect: teleport 12)
Distance rank 12 is 16 miles. Its unlikely that we're going to be a situation where flight is insufficient but we also want to attack. For me the choices are this or the general power increase
despite her pretty good senses,
Should be a full stop unless half the sentence vanished.
and run him through the side with a quick stab
Blimey, we voted not to kill unless necessary, was this a non lethal impaling?

Anyway for the final vote, Selar got through that fight without taking a hit, does she really need to rest? I got the sense that we could go on straight ahead, so I'm trying to judge why this one mentions it.
[]go back to the apartment, get some sleep and hasty preparations, ad head to lay an ambush to that shipment
Reaction damage, always nice, however not if it means we can't use our main offensive power.
This one is geared toward using in a more melee fight, using it in conjuction with sword attacks

Blimey, we voted not to kill unless necessary, was this a non lethal impaling?

Anyway for the final vote, Selar got through that fight without taking a hit, does she really need to rest? I got the sense that we could go on straight ahead, so I'm trying to judge why this one mentions it.
Blimey, we voted not to kill unless necessary, was this a non lethal impaling?
Selar made sure not to hit any vital organs, and her sword causes no bleeding, so hitting the side of the body is non lethal-tjough extremely painful and disabling

While Selar avoids killing, her pragmatic nature means she has no hesitation to strike pretty nasty blows to end fights quickly, as long as it doesn't kill them. This might change as she develops, but for now she doesn't limit herself from injuring people hard
Anyway for the final vote, Selar got through that fight without taking a hit, does she really need to rest? I got the sense that we could go on straight ahead, so I'm trying to judge why this one mentions it.
This vote has you lying in ambush for a very long time, possibly more than a day. Selar needs the rest simply to be effective, since she needs sleep.

The vote is more about the way you approach the situation than a matter of recovery time. You can choose to charge straight ahead, approach and scan the area, return for further planning, or start an ambush to wait till they are vulnerable
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Scheduled vote count started by Blademaster on Jul 12, 2021 at 4:42 PM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] you learned to use your powers to travel a short time as pure light(gain alternate effect: teleport 12)
    [X] you will go back to Anna, and consult her, planning carefully your strike. you need to be careful with this one
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Blademaster on Jul 12, 2021 at 4:42 PM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] you learned to use your powers to travel a short time as pure light(gain alternate effect: teleport 12)
    [X] you will go back to Anna, and consult her, planning carefully your strike. you need to be careful with this one

Few votes on this one, but continuing onward. Hopefully the next vote will have more votes
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update still in the works, and won't finish until tomorrow, taking more than expected. it will be more dialogue heavy than combat or action focused, and though I think I managed to do an adequate job with it, it takes time
Arc 1- the Warhawks part II
you stand there, looking at the remains of the fight, and the bodies scattered around. none good as far as your mental senses can detect. good. the few unlucky who you hit with your sword show energy burns, the one you impaled has his stomach side pierced, though no vital organs were hit and the wound is already sealed by the heat. he will leave, but he might need some extended treatment, and so will the other, to a lesser degree. you have no regrets about this. both faced you in combat, both have been violent criminals who had laid terror on the area's residents, as well as working with the group that terrorizes your friend. and probably many other Jewish people and those of other minorities. you won't kill them, but you won't regret harming them.

the others are considerably better, pretty much unharmed, only paralyzed by the shock of your light which knocked them out. anyway, your work here is done. you flood yourself with light, and shine brightly, light strong enough to be seen for miles in the dark. you stop the light and light it back, flashing it briefly three times. this should alert anyone around and draw them here quickly enough. smiling at work well done, you turn away, embrace the light, and you are gone.


Anna drops her spoon as you appear in the main room a fraction second later. she apparently has been eating soup for a late dinner, as she is having a bowl filled with the hot liquid on the table she sits beside which she sits. the said spoon is dangling at the side of the ceramic bowl, while Anna just gapes at you.

you give her a teasing smile. "a good soup?". this appears to break her silence. "where did you come from?" she asks shocked. you act as if you don't understand, looking around in surprise, as if appearing from nowhere in the middle of the house is normal. "what, are you surprised to see me?"

she snorts. "very funny. since when you can just appear anywhere you want?". you smile as you sit in front of her. "since today, actually. it's not as if I am used to it. I just discovered this ability today" you flex your new powers, creating an orb of light between you and switching it between hard as stone and fully insubstantial. "among a myriad of new abilities I discover now you know. I didn't mention it in the afternoon since I wanted to test it a bit before telling you. it's not like I know all those powers and can tell you all about them"

she frowns at your explanation, then suddenly starts chuckling. "I sometimes forget that as much as you are a strange alien, you are as foreign to those powers as I am". you retreat immediately from your earlier statement. "foreign? I may not know them well, but those are my powers." you say in mock annoyance, pretending to have your pride hurt. "you may have forgotten" you say, pointing a finger at Anna's face. "that you are but an ignorant primitive in front of a glorious alien such as myself. I saw plenty of people shine in bright light and teleport."

she starts laughing at your display, then looks at you curiously. "have you really seen many people do such things?"

"Well, I might have lied a bit about the teleportation part," you answer, still in a humoristic mood "but the light I saw, I swear. well, it might have been stars who lit up, but it still counts!". Anna chuckles again, and you straighten your expression, turning more serious. "In truth, not as much as what I can do, but there are some aliens who have powerful abilities. My own people are psionic as you know, and some are considerably more powerful than I am. And there are some who can change their shape, or even teleport, though the last one I never really saw one. and there are things like my forcefield and sword, which are pretty commonplace where I come from, even if mine are a bit higher quality than the average. but overall, yeah, I saw a few things I bet you did not, especially with my journeys."

"well, aliens certainly have a good sense of humor" she replies, and you wave your hand at her. "Nah, that's another one of my unique powers. I am not sure if that's the sun or an inborn mutation though

she laughs again. you truly appreciate those times with her, laughing and talking. it's beyond the great deal of knowledge about the planet you have gotten from chatting with Anna. you came to view her as a friend. but as much as you would wish to keep talking with her, you have some important stuff to talk about, stuff that is crucial to your new friend's safety. so you straighten up a bit, and switch to a more serious tone as you prepare to tell her of what you found.

"I finally found something about the hawks today"

accepting the change of subject, Anna looks at you curiously. "what did you find?".

"you remember that gang I told you about?" you start, "I went to check it today. they indeed get their weapons from the Warhawks. when I interrogated one of them, he reported a deal between them and the hawks trading information for military grade weapons. he said they get their weapons from a secret armory hidden below a factory in the western industrial zone. belonging to the Warhawks."

she frowns. "what about the gang?". you shrug. "I took care of it, all the gangsters are all unconscious and the police will be there soon enough. those people have little legal defense and a lot of witnesses and evidence against them. they won't be trouble for long."

she looks at you. "and you just… took care of them? twelve men armed with military grade rifles?". she then reconsiders her words. "well, I should know well enough such a thing isn't really dangerous for you. I saw you fight after all, and then you trained with your light. you are really a boon to this city".

you smile, taking the compliment with a shrug. "I just trying to help where I can".

she looks at you thankful. "you give a great deal of help. I can't say what the city feels like, but I at least am thankful." she moves her now cold soup aside. "now you sound like you could use my help?"

you nod. "yeah. I am going to that armory next, and I wanted to consult with you about how to do it since you are a local."
she frowns. "well I am not exactly experienced with evidence raids, but I do know the political situation well. I think it would be best if you try to do it stealthily, leaving as little evidence behind as possible. that way you leave the Warhawks in the dark about their impending doom from a protective alien." she smiles. "apart from that, I could give you a bit more advice, but I think it would be best to talk about it tomorrow. we should go to the commercial district, buy you a few things for you to use in the raid." you begin to object that she shouldn't waste her money on you, but she waves you off. "you are doing this all to protect me. it's only fair that I will support you. besides, my father is one of the wealthiest people in Germany. I don't have any shortage of money."

what do you buy?(choose two)
[]a stealth coat, allowing you to disguise yourself better in shadows
[]a small kit of lockpickers and security disablers
[] a primitive flashlight
[]a set of binoculars
[]a gas mask protecting you from some truly nasty weapons, apparently used in the last war.

what do you talk with Anna about?(choose two)
[]you char for fun, talking about some general stuff and getting a bit closer.
[]about Anna and yourself
[]about the state of Germany and what brought her here
[]about the recent rumors of strange costumed vigilantes
[]about the militias and their recent activity
[]about the republic attempts to take care of the militias and other threats
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The update took longer than I expected, since some bits of the dialog were difficult to write. How was it? I don't have as much experience on it as on combat.

Also, do you think I think I should combine these parts with the action superheroics parts or focus solely on the latter?
[X] a primitive flashlight
[X] a set of binoculars

[X] about the recent rumors of strange costumed vigilantes
[X] about the militias and their recent activity

While the primitive flashlight and binoculars aren't especially exciting items, I think that they are very necessarily and will have a lot of utility. Also, they are very mundane and will likely not be questioned if we get shaken down at a checkpoint or something. In regards to talking to Anna, I'm curious to see whether the militias and the vigilantes are connected. Are there some based in the government and thus not "proper" vigilantes at all? Do there appear to be factions among them (either the militias or the vigilantes)? Anyone who appears open to talking? Who is more militant/hardline, who is more moderate? etc etc
[X]a set of binoculars
[X]a gas mask protecting you from some truly nasty weapons, apparently used in the last war.

[X] about the recent rumors of strange costumed vigilantes
[X] about the militias and their recent activity

We don't need a flashlight.
[X] a primitive flashlight
[X] a gas mask protecting you from some truly nasty weapons, apparently used in the last war.

[X] about Anna and yourself
[X] about the republic attempts to take care of the militias and other threats
Scheduled vote count started by Blademaster on Jul 15, 2021 at 3:01 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] a primitive flashlight
    [X] a set of binoculars
    [X] about the recent rumors of strange costumed vigilantes
    [X] about the militias and their recent activity
    [X]a gas mask protecting you from some truly nasty weapons, apparently used in the last war.
    [X] about Anna and yourself
    [X] about the republic attempts to take care of the militias and other threats
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Blademaster on Jul 15, 2021 at 3:01 PM, finished with 6 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] a primitive flashlight
    [X] a set of binoculars
    [X] about the recent rumors of strange costumed vigilantes
    [X] about the militias and their recent activity
    [X]a gas mask protecting you from some truly nasty weapons, apparently used in the last war.
    [X] about Anna and yourself
    [X] about the republic attempts to take care of the militias and other threats
I am extending the vote to break the tie, 8 more hours. If there is still a tie then I will be rolling to break it

Alright, no more votes, so you are talking about militias and vifilantes, And I will roll to break the three way tie.

1-flashlight, 2-binoculars 3- gas mask

You get a flashlight and binoculars. A bit disappointing, since I already had in mind a part where the shopkeeper asks you what do you need a mask for, leading to some interesting dialogue
Blademaster threw 2 3-faced dice. Total: 3
1 1 2 2
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Narrative structure
Update coming later today(took a lot more time than I planned for-dialogues are hard). But now it seems like a good time to set the narrative structure of the quest, which I planned out quest, which is a bit different than Dawn of heroes.

The quest at large is planned in periods, which are parts in Selar's career encompassing at least a few months and up to an year. Those periods consist of arcs, plots that Selar is involved with and resolve around a certain thing or around a certain mission. Those also change according to the period type

There are two sets of arc sets. First there are episodic periods. Those are sets are more relaxed and loose, dealing with changing stuff. They tend to have shorter arcs dealing with episodic dangers and exploits, and encompass longer time set between either major events and important arcs that end them, or between the second arc set type, called dramatic arc sets. Those arc sets are more similiar to superhero TV show, or rpg campaign. They are built around of a larger story, theme or danger, and strive toward a greater plot. While each arc also deals with it's own stuff, it also advances the larger plot in most cases, though there may be some not fully related set there take a bit of a break. They usually consist of longer arcs and shorter time range, and will usually grant considerably more rewards.

Currently, we are in a dramatic period. The full story is not fully revealed yet, but the important themes are Selar growing into an important superhero and her fight against the militias. Currently, in this arc she does not fully conform to being a vigilante, and is currently in this to protect Anna most of all. Neither is she fully used to her solar powers, and goes first to the abilities she is more accustomed with, using her real powers for real only when hard pressed, or in a danger or need she can't address otherwise. There are exceptions for this, since she tries to learn to use her new powers, but for now usually her first choice is her adventuring abilities, energy sword, and psionic abilities. Old habits are hard to change, especially when they saved your life multiple times.
arc 1- the Warhawks, part III
tommorow noon, you and Anna are walking on the large marble square leading up to the area of shops that is destination. clad in your human disguise, a blond, green eyed human, matching your short height and lean figure, and wearing typical clothing for the area's mid-class woman you borrowed from Anna, despite her insistence that you can consider it yours. it is one of Berlin's better kept districts, and with the beauty of the area and the pleasent company, it is one of your few opportunities thus far to simply relax.

after Anna's offer, and your agreement, the evening continued very much normally. you joined Anna in dinner silently, returning to a more jovial mood of conversation, both of you agreeing silently to leave the subject of the Warhawks for the next day.

indeed, Anna fulfilled her promise, skipping the day's lessons to go with you to the commercial area. you are a bit worried about her missing on her studies, until she explains that, as she is nearing the end of her studies the lessons focus on going over earlier practices from former years, which means she could she can easily afford to miss a bit. this calms you a bit, and soon you are deep in conversation, which turns into a discussion about your buying plans as you near the shop you intended to go to.

"So, what equipment do you want for your stealth mission?". asks Anna, turning her head around to make sure no one hears you. "generally, do not things to discuss in the open", you tell her, before turning to her with a smile."but no one is in hearing range" you confirm based on your mental sense, now alert to prevent any nasty surprises for Anna. "anyway, if I could choose I would go with a chameoleon cloak and a noise filterer, maybe with some sort of darkness generator. perhaps also an antigravity belt and a phase scanner". "she chuckles. "I never heard of such things in Reisehilfe, not that I ever was there. maybe they keep it in storage". "I would bet not" you answer. "but what do those primitives do have? what kind of store is it?". you don't ask just for idle talk. you do wonder where is taking you, promising it will have all you need. at least from the things you could get here. what would you give for a chameleon cloak here!

"it is quite a big shop actually. it sells a rather large selection of equipment for soldiers, travelers, adventurers and the like. anything from climbing kits to camping equipment to binoculars and even gas masks. it was very popular during the war, which allowed it to expand quite a bit. now there is somewhat less demand, but you will find better equipment only in the hands of Vigiliantes."

you look at her, surprised. "Oh? are there other Vigiliantes" you lower your voice. "beside me". she nods. "there are a few. I don't know them all even in Berlin, since they are naturally mysterious, so take anything I say with some doubt. the most notorious one is Peregrine. according to the rumors, he is a man wearing a heavy hawk mask, with a heavy suit that covers anything from head to toe.he appears from nowhere, takes out a group of criminal or a militia squad. he is the greatest fear among the militants he loves taking upon almost a superstistion, many times striking before his opponents know what is going on. the next one, who is almost as feared, is talent. he is told of as being able to jump over walls, run faster than a moving car and knock down an experienced fighter with a single punch. and another feared one is Nachtstreuner. he always appears in the night, and some say his appearance is always foreshadowed by the dark mist appearing from nowhere.. he is clad from head to toe with black clothing, and a hood over his head covering him completely, somehow never moving as much as he fights. he is said to wield demonic powers, suffocating his opponents in his dark mists, or destroying them with an inferno."

סמל 'אומת על ידי הקהילה'

she shakes her head and looks at you. "both I would say are exaggarated stories and technological tricks. or at least I would have said it before I saw you shine like the sun and read minds. but still, those are just men after all, and I stick to my earlier guess.

"There are other ones, who are not as good. and some are just as bad as the militias. the worst is the one they call the knife. he was never seen by a living witness, but the blood price he extracted is in the dozens. the only way we know him is the knife wounds he leaves in his victims, wounds for which he was named, and the denouncing messages he leaves near his victim engraved with the same knife. this pattern is very clear, and was seen in both militiamen and innocents, even in some government and police officials. he is a cause for great terror, some even tell that if you say his given name, he will come and kill you. which is nonsense of course."

"and there is me, hunting the Warhawks to put them off your back",

Anna nods"true. I do appreciate what you are doing for me. even with your powers, you are going through a lot of effort and considerable danger to protect me. no one of the vigilantes managed to put down the Warhawks like you try to do, and for a good reason. they are definetly the strongest militia in Berlin, well equipped and entrenched."

you shrug. "explains the grenade launchers. I wouldn't excpect every mob to be equipped with them."

Anna nods, in her serious expression again. "they very much aren't. they are a well-organized and well-equipped group, and I am quite sure they have some backing. they appeared a few months after the great war, and they were gaining power since then. now even the police is afraid of them, since they lost to them in multiple firefights in February, a bit after talent appeared. since then they only became even bolder in their deeds."

you nod. "like attacking a woman in broad daylight in the middle of the street." she goes silent. "yes. few would stand up to them." she finaly says. "I was lucky you showed up."

you shrug off the subtle thank you. you just were there, and could help. so you did.

accepting your gesture, she continues. "overall, the Warhawks are the most important and dominant militias, but there are others as well. apart from the Warhawks, the Black Hounds are the most dangerous. they are a group of radicals believing that Germany is deceived and betrayed by the republicans. there is also the Deutsch könnte, who are a less organized group of radicals and racists, but very large, made of many of the people turning on hate because of their frustration of Germany's situation. there are also many smaller militias with the same ideas."


after finishing your shopping, you go back to the apartment, taking the fast route of teleporting since Anna continues to the university from the shop. the rest of the day, you prepare for a raid that night, to strike at the armory, a large old factory at the old industrial one, surrounded by several civilian manufactures.

סמל 'אומת על ידי הקהילה'
what is your plan?

[]you will use your stealth and teleportation to scout around the building, then enter in the most stealthy path you find
[]you will use your athleticism and light constructs to scale the building, entering from above
[]you will wait for some shipment to arrive there, and 'hitchhike' on it.
[]write in
I originaly planned to do this and the stealth mission in one update, but the writing was drawing too long and I was too tired to continue. So instead you can plan your way in. Vote closing in 11 hours
[X]you will use your stealth and teleportation to scout around the building, then enter in the most stealthy path you find
[X] you will use your stealth and teleportation to scout around the building, then enter in the most stealthy path you find