"Well, actually...you were right about the gardening. And I think I'd like my tree to be relatively young..."
Well very...let's see...ah. Here we go.
The beach below you has returned to normal, the scene of your death all but wiped away as your replacement takes the seat to watch over the beach goers. The woman and her friends have moved on, supposedly gone home. It was like nothing happened.
But soon, the scene fades to another location. A much darker area. Some sort of stone, underground room. The only way to see in it is some light let in by a hole in the back corner, worn away by the elements. At the edge of the light, you can barely see a young tree, roots desperately zigzagging between the bricks that make up the floor, lucky enough that rain and water often finds its way down here, enough to have lived on until it could find the crack that allowed it to dig down. As you can tell days and nights pass, you can see the roots grow stronger, practically ripping up the floor around it in a desperate search for a foot hold. There it gathers nutrition, aided by occasionally finding the bones of whoever used to be kept prisoner there. The bed they had laid on was also an excellent find, for it absorbed and held water wonderfully. And as it gathered its nutrition over time, so too did it use it to desperately grow towards the light. When the passing of days and nights slowed down to what you assumed was present day, you saw a tree that had grown sideways and up, in a somewhat S-like shape, but its leaves were beautifully spread out. No doubt, still desperately trying to seep in as much sun as possible. Its fought wonderfully hard to survive, but you can tell it still needs more.
A moment longer, and you can feel an energy jolt through you, and get pulled down towards the tree.
You've been connected; that is your tree now. Your home, and your other half. Our time together has almost come to an end, little one. All that's left is to choose your one skill, and give me a name to find you by later.
Question 7. You've chosen to be a younger dryad, so I can only fairly give you one more skill. Let's see...these are probably some good choices..
[] Photosynthesis (Passive)
[] Protective Thorns (Toggle)
[] Nimble Roots (Active)
[] Nature Walk (Active)
Question 8. Finally...what's your name?
[] Write in