Sapere aude (Imperial Russian Mythos Organization Quest)

[X] Abstractionist
[X] Nationalism
[X] Perfectionism
[X] School
-[X] Independent Institution
[X] Private Library
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[x] Nationalism
[X] Perfectionism
[X] Abstractionist

[X] Private Library
[X] Factory
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Alright, I am going to make a pitch for the library.

Libraries are strange places, where strange things happened. In college I worked at a library. When I left I was likely the second most superstitious person on campus, just behind the head librarian.

It's strange how fast one falls into certain patterns of behavior when working at a library, rituals you could say. Books are put back in a certain order, from a certain shelf. This room is always checked last. Never let that bust see your back in the dark. If you don't follow the pattern something feels wrong, like something shifted in the library, or something is now paying attention. It was never a pleasant feeling.

Then there are the way things move in the library. Of course you expect books to move, that's what the library is there for. But sometimes, sometimes things move without anyone there. Of course the rational explanation is that someone entered and left the library while you where in a different wing. That is the rational explanation. But after a long day at the front desk staring at softly falling snow, when you are finally closing the library and you notice a book on a table that shouldn't be there, because it wasn't there that morning and no one entered the library but you, the rational explanation starts making less sense.

Then there are the statues in a library. Every library has them, though no one is sure why. Students will admit to moving them, but that doesn't quite explain why they always end up in the best places to watch the librarian on duty, nor the truly terrible luck students who bring them out of the library face. On dark winter nights when you walk through a route, a pattern, you've worn into your mind, you'll feel the statues watch you. I know I did.

Libraries are more than just places to store books. They are the place where eons of knowledge and thought interact with everyday life. A border between the lost and forgotten, and the normal and sane. Where one mixes with the other, and sometimes even switch. Libraries are a border between two very different realities. A border that can get very thin sometimes. Especially on dark moonless winter nights.

So vote library.
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Alright, I am going to make a pitch for the library.

Libraries are strange places, where strange things happened. In college I worked at a library. When I left I was likely the second most superstitious person on campus, just behind the head librarian.

It's strange how fast one falls into certain patterns of behavior when working at a library, rituals you could say. Books are put back in a certain order, from a certain shelf. This room is always checked last. Never let that bust see your back in the dark. If you don't follow the pattern something feels wrong, like something shifted in the library, or something is now paying attention. It was never a pleasant feeling.

Then there are the way things move in the library. Of course you expect books to move, that's what the library is there for. But sometimes, sometimes things move without anyone there. Of course the rational explanation is that someone entered and left the library while you where in a different wing. That is the rational explanation. But after a long day at the front desk staring at softly falling snow, when you are finally closing the library and you notice a book on a table that shouldn't be there, because it wasn't there that morning and no one entered the library but you, the rational explanation starts making less sense.

Then there are the statues in a library. Every library has them, though no one is sure why. Students will admit to moving them, but that doesn't quite explain why they always end up in the best places to watch the librarian on duty, nor the truly terrible luck students who bring them out of the library face. On dark winter nights when you walk through a route, a pattern, you've worn into your mind, you'll feel the statues watch you. I know I did.

Libraries are more than just places to store books. They are the place where eons of knowledge and thought interact with everyday life. A border between the lost and forgotten, and the normal and sane. Where one mixes with the other, and sometimes even switch. Libraries are a border between two very different realities. A border that can get very thin sometimes. Especially on dark moonless winter nights.

So vote library.
See, I like all that stuff, problem is money, that's the main reason we need an establishment at all and the library option says we'd be getting little income from it, so, it doesn't fulfill the purpose we want to use it for, money generation

That being said I wouldn't oppose opening a second establishment if we have time and making it a library, just don't want to do it now
See, I like all that stuff, problem is money, that's the main reason we need an establishment at all and the library option says we'd be getting little income from it, so, it doesn't fulfill the purpose we want to use it for, money generation

That being said I wouldn't oppose opening a second establishment if we have time and making it a library, just don't want to do it now
At least the library would be generating income. The school makes no mention of income, only recruitment. So I am not sure where the information that schools provide more income than a library comes from. The text doesn't say either way.
At least the library would be generating income. The school makes no mention of income, only recruitment. So I am not sure where the information that schools provide more income than a library comes from. The text doesn't say either way.
I'm assuming that not specifying that it makes less income would mean it's middling (above library, below factory), otherwise there's no reason to choose it when we could choose "The Greatest Trick"
I'm assuming that not specifying that it makes less income would mean it's middling (above library, below factory), otherwise there's no reason to choose it when we could choose "The Greatest Trick"
The school is clearly the best for recruitment. It's the only that states it as a bonus. There is no reason to assume the schools income is middling. That is the apthocary yard.

So the reason to choose it over the greatest trick is if you want to expand the pool of people to pick from. If money is a primary concern for our group we should pick the factory. If money is not a primary concern than the other options gain attractiveness.
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[X] Nationalism
[X] Perfectionism
[X] School
-[X] Independent Institution
[X] Private Library
[X] The Greatest Trick
At least the library would be generating income. The school makes no mention of income, only recruitment. So I am not sure where the information that schools provide more income than a library comes from. The text doesn't say either way.
There will also be certain advantages and disadvantages which will not be mentioned on quest posts. This is not a mistake on the part of the QM as he does not mean to be anywhere close to exhaustive in his lists. Hidden qualities are a feature of this quest, not a bug.
Beyond that, though...

Unless one of these options specifically mentions a lack of income, you can expect to make some money. If pressed to put an order to it, I'd say this:

Factory: Highest Income
Apothecary's Yard: Next-Highest (though dependent on demand).
School: Second-Lowest
Private Library: Lowest

The Greatest Trick: Absolute Zero, not even on the scale.

As I quote myself above, though, you can expect certain advantages and disadvantages to show themselves later. School highlights the chance for recruitment, whereas Library strongly implies a greater chance to collect lore (hint-hint). Factory, likewise, alludes to a greater (if still currently very small) chance of discovery by a non-cult individual(s). The Apothecary's Yard mentions the potential to grow in-house eldritch samples for future experiments.

But, like I said at the beginning: choices will not list exhaustive benefits and or maluses. I endeavor to give a broad, though vague, estimation of benefits and cautions. Feel free to speculate on the details.

The worst that will happen is giving me ideas.

P.S.: This quest isn't doing a hard budget, so don't ask for numbers. Assume that if I give you an option, you can pay for it. If an option says it's expensive, choosing multiple of those in a row, turn after turn, will dry up your potential actions and you'll get the budget actions for a few turns. Keep your eye on the year if you think something important is coming up that might necessitate a large expenditure.
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Beyond that, though...

Unless one of these options specifically mentions a lack of income, you can expect to make some money. If pressed to put an order to it, I'd say this:

Factory: Highest Income
Apothecary's Yard: Next-Highest (though dependent on demand).
School: Second-Lowest
Private Library: Lowest

The Greatest Trick: Absolute Zero, not even on the scale.

As I quote myself above, though, you can expect certain advantages and disadvantages to show themselves later. School highlights the chance for recruitment, whereas Library strongly implies a greater chance to collect lore (hint-hint). Factory, likewise, alludes to a greater (if still currently very small) chance of discovery by a non-cult individual(s). The Apothecary's Yard mentions the potential to grow in-house eldritch samples for future experiments.

But, like I said at the beginning: choices will not list exhaustive benefits and or maluses. I endeavor to give a broad, though vague, estimation of benefits and cautions. Feel free to speculate on the details.

The worst that will happen is giving me ideas.

P.S.: This quest isn't doing a hard budget, so don't ask for numbers. Assume that if I give you an option, you can pay for it. If an option says it's expensive, choosing multiple of those in a row, turn after turn, will dry up your potential actions and you'll get the budget actions for a few turns. Keep your eye on the year if you think something important is coming up that might necessitate a large expenditure.
Thank you for clarifying the income question.

While I am a little disgruntled at where the library stands income wise, I also think money is only as good as what you can get with it. The library offers connections to other libraries, just by existing. Libraries are constantly acting like gossiping hens whenever one gets a new book. So that could offer us some leads. Also the ease of the ritual space means we can quickly get to work on some larger scale projects. All in all I remain firm in the belief of libraries.
Thank you for clarifying the income question.

While I am a little disgruntled at where the library stands income wise, I also think money is only as good as what you can get with it. The library offers connections to other libraries, just by existing. Libraries are constantly acting like gossiping hens whenever one gets a new book. So that could offer us some leads. Also the ease of the ritual space means we can quickly get to work on some larger scale projects. All in all I remain firm in the belief of libraries.
That's a fair assessment on the library option. It offers much of the same access to potential academic materials as schools without the risk of having so many people around.

...and since so many people are so wild about the potential of a school, I'll throw in a caution there as well.

Be careful about what ideology gets voted in, if you go for a school. Indoctrinating a young, impressionable group of students into an anti-monarchist mindset with the French Revolution looming not-so-far over the horizon could be playing with fire.

But I'm sure it'll be alright. Since when have universities ever proven breeding grounds for anti-establishment ideals?

In summation, though, certain options may be more volaile than others. I'd advise those who want to work to overthrow the state to have as isolated and private meetings as feasible/possible, whereas 'high ideals' of an abstractionist could benefit equally from greater access to lore or a greater body of critical thinkers (library & school respectively).
You know that real libraries usually cost money?

They are supported by the community, country, or some institution, their own income does not cover the costs for location, personel, books and events. Not even close to it.
The same thing can be said for real schools. Even private schools often relay on donations from alumni and grants.
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[X] Utopianism

We are building better (eldritch) future today!

[X] Private Library