Lord of the Gallows - A Prison Colony Builder

Battles prests, knights, and clerics?
This is a fanstisy setting rember so the church should have access to some heavy hitters.
This is a world where magic does not seem commonplace though if the lo amount of mages is any indication. Plus we are in the boonies I doubt the local temple is hiding any powerful warriors that we have yet to hear of. Their main use will be if they know of anything in the area, plus hopefully boost the moral of our men or get some locals to help. If we are supper lucky they may materially support us with supplies. But I do not see them having any direct martial aid.
We also happen to be in a backwatter, with an unorthodox preist that may not be able to hold a position here IF IT WAS ACTUALLY IMPORTANT...
So while I am not sure what he could other, it might just be the blessings of the gods. 🤷‍♂️
I'm of the mind that it is time to blood our men. They've had a year to settle in and learn their place in the new penal colony we are working and we need to ensure our surroundings are secure. But this is as much for us as it is for them. We need to prove our ability to lead and fight for these men.

[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)

Though I am unsure if we should bring the church into this. It's gonna be a bitch but we have men and we need to hold the line.
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
If anything else the silver from the Church might allow them to hire mercenaries or holy warriors to stave off the bleeding of our men's morale.
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
I just want to point out the Engineers are helping the Merchants...until we need the quarters and such built. The Burgermeister will need the Prisoners outside of the city, the Merchants wont want them there either in fact. Also, once the Adamantium Mine is up uh...we can just bring in more people? Because once the Adamantium flows we will have the funding we need, and we will be irreplacable. And we can cut them out if need be by bringing in other merchants :p In short careful what you wish for, they may win right now, but in the end they will likely play ball or lose their bargaining power.
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
Frontpage has been filled in. Also, there likely won't be an update until Sunday, due to me being busy today and tomorrow. Maybe I can squeeze something short in tomorrow, but no promises.
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
question will our money ever be a number we can look at or will it just be a ruff estimate?

[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
[X] Only order the men to stay away from those lights in the future.

I want our men to still be able to scout the forest, there's enough dangerous things in there that ignoring it is unwise. And I don't want to lead an expedition, as we have a "Major Malus" to personal combat, and our auxillaries are far from strong enough to fight something that can turn them to a crisp in seconds. I also believe the church's assistance is best used elsewhere, such as using their influence or funds to buy building materials for our quarters.
[X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
-[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Azel on May 27, 2021 at 7:13 PM, finished with 33 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
    -[X] Optional: Call in a favour for aid from the Four Temples. (Costs one favour with the Four Temples.)
    [X] Declare the forest off-limits until further notice.
    [X] Lead the Auxiliaries to try and find the source of these lights. (Starts expedition.)
    [X] Only order the men to stay away from those lights in the future.