Lord of the Gallows - A Prison Colony Builder

[] In the broken hills.
+ likely location of a major adamantine deposit
+ very defensible once fortified
- no running freshwater
- difficult to reach
- little building space
@Azel, in regards to little building space, would the engineers be able to compensate by building vertically and digging deep (but structurally sound) basements and corridors?
Multistory buildings and tunnels are kind of insanely hard and long projects by medieval standards.
@Azel, in regards to little building space, would the engineers be able to compensate by building vertically and digging deep (but structurally sound) basements and corridors?
This is a hill, rocky terrain, so this is the worst place to dig down. Building up is also difficult with engineering techniques from antiquity.
So, shit we're up against.

1. Goblin infestation, who are noted to have scavenged or made crude swords rather than the standard primitive tools they usually use, who have already wounded several of our auxiliaries
2. Wolf and Warg packs which are apparently the only thing keeping the goblins in check, who have already killed several of our auxiliaries
3. Trolls in the woods
4. Wyverns in the mountains

I hate this place.
I wonder how many of those pests can actually be tamed.

Who needs prisoners when you can have a goblin mining crew?
So, shit we're up against.

1. Goblin infestation, who are noted to have scavenged or made crude swords rather than the standard primitive tools they usually use, who have already wounded several of our auxiliaries
2. Wolf and Warg packs which are apparently the only thing keeping the goblins in check, who have already killed several of our auxiliaries
3. Trolls in the woods
4. Wyverns in the mountains

I hate this place.

Imagine if we had sent the recruits to hunt them down? They would have been massacred.
[X] In the broken hills.

Our troops are of poor quality and the surroundings are filled with horrible monsters.
We also have to start sending adamantine back in 6 turns.
Imagine if we had sent the recruits to hunt them down? They would have been massacred.
Yeah, for now our strategy should probably be "Don't touch ANYTHING!" Beyond maybe the goblins, and that is a big maybe since they might be in even greater numbers than we realize deeper in the island, I don't want to challenge any of these things without stronger soldiers.
[X] In the broken hills.

I am in agreement that we need to start building now in order to be ready for the prisoners
[X] In the broken hills.

Sounds like a logical way to create something adequate. Of course, heavy ground will complicate the work, but we are waiting for rain, and, more importantly, snow. If it's cold enough, the rivers will freeze and we can use the sled to drag the ice reserves into the basements, creating an ancient refrigerator. The water problem will be really important in case we find ourselves under siege, and it is not particularly noticeable that our opponents can afford it. Wargs are literally a pack of animals, goblins are hunter-gatherers and sitting in one place for a nomads threatens to deplete resources.
My biggest hesitation with the broken hills is the lack of space. If it weren't for that I'd be choosing it in a heartbeat.
[X] In the broken hills.

Hmm, I'm going to change my vote. I'm worried that the "suspected" minor deposit turns out to be exactly that, "suspected". The other issues we can work around, even with some difficulty.
Vote closed
I was about to vote then it closed. Fortunately, the Old Fort won anyway.

My two cents: A defensible position is irrelevant if there is not enough space to accomodate what you want there.
@Azel I have a question. Is the Empire equivalent to the Roman Empire post 3rd century crisis? For when visualizing the legion in my head it looks like artists renditions of Feodorati/Comitatenses of the late Empire. Or is my impression off base?