Bean Counting
Ser Percival was received by a room of confused stares, a common reaction to the former Castellyrian knight. In pretty much all regards he was the very image of Escanni chivalry, from his decorated armor to his grand mustachios, with one jarring exception: in the place of an Adenic arrow or Castanorian dragon, he bore a simple bronze tabard, its only decoration simple Allenic script. The same heraldry of noble whom they were petitioning, the banner upon which the city now hung over its gate: House Bronzehardt of Wex.
If Percival noticed the attention or found it unwelcome there was little indication, merely a polite nod to the petitioners as he marched up to the door and waited for a lull in the conversation before giving a quiet knock.
Inside the room, Millard of Vernham jolted as if the knight had kicked open the door, and immediately flushed as he realized what had happened. The very picture of a well-to-do burgher, Millard brought to mind one of the wealthier residents of an Imperial Free City rather than an Escanni merchant who oft-made pains to downplay their commercial nature instead of displaying it. He was also undeniably nervous, a palpable glean of sweat on his balding head, something that probably had to do with the fact he still wore fine clothing and bore an undeniable pouch; a striking contrast with the state of his surroundings and countrymen.
"Come in," said the man who sat behind the desk across from the burgher, unperturbed by the interruption. Roland Bronzehardt was the kind of person you'd expect to see on paintings slaying a dragon, a man who could give speeches about abandoning everything you'd ever known to fight in a foreign land for the sake of righteousness and be met by something other than awkward silence. Even sitting at a too-small desk squinting at outdated maps and trying to get a cowardly merchant to talk about the food they both knew he was hoarding, Roland cut a striking figure.
If you'd asked Percival what his idea of an Anbenarrian noble was like before the Greentide, he'd have given a depiction of a self-absorbed fop dying his hair fanciful colors to imitate the elves his culture adored, presumably having gotten his position through murdering a baby or some other horrifically dishonorable deed. The usually chauvinistic rivalries between the realms of Cannor had only been provoked through the unfettered brutality of the Lilac Wars, and any regard an Escanni might have left for their neighbors died when they were left to dry in face of the Greentide.
Roland didn't meet any of his preconceptions. If you'd told Percival that the noble he was meeting was a Wexonard, there'd be a few seconds of silence as that chugged through his memory, but eventually, he'd make the connection that the Wexonards were unique in the empire for being Allenic - and he'd immediately think of the Gawedi "barbarians" that exemplified the culture (much to the chagrin of the Wexonards, and Blue Reachmen, and Verteskers, and Marrodics, etc, etc). He'd imagine some broad-chested blonde thug, blustering about the negligible glory of his nation and bloodline while poorly hiding a desperate inferiority complex towards his southern neighbors. The Allenic tribes were just as proud of their long history of raiding Castanor as the Escanni were of being its successors, and Gawed was as infamous for its ability to make enemies as it was fighting them.
If this hypothetical questioner had then proceeded to expound upon Roland's professed attributes, Percivals mental imagine would have continued to change, eventually arriving at a pleasant Escanni knight with some foreign trappings - a silly accent and maybe some kind of weird curved sword, but essentially his idea of what an ideal lord should look like.
In-person, of course, Bronzehardt met none of these expectations. Artists, upon asking his parents what their son was supposed to look like after being commissioned for some prestige-boosting fodder, would be given a few general descriptors: young, brown-haired, fullbloodedly human, handsome, tall - to their frustration, Roland lacked any truly distinctive features such as Corin's famous red hair or Bluetusk's, well, tusks. Much like his homeland, he stood at an awkward fulcrum between cultures and stereotypes, leaving biographers with only poor half-analogies until the world adapted to an Emperor reigning from Wexkeep.
Percival could have told them about the persistent stress lines that had grown across his face, the way Roland would fidget with his blade whenever his hands weren't occupied, how his eyes would burn whenever he spoke about one of his many passions … but, to their detriment, it had long become clear Roland's family didn't know much about their son at all.
"My Lord," the Knight dipped his head, glancing at the merchant before continuing. "We have a situation." The momentary excitement in the noble's eyes died as soon as it lit up, and he leaned back into his chair.
"I take it the river isn't clear." Roland 'asked,' rooting through the desk for a few moments, searching for the correct map. Millard leaned back faintly, clearly uncomfortable at the sudden shift in the conversation.
"... No." Percival admitted, resisting the urge to lean against the wall or look for another chair - it had been a long, tiring journey, but appearances had to be maintained. "Goblins have set up at the Devaced pass, east of where it parts the Godshield, and at least two tribes of them. We didn't stick around long to overstay our welcome, but you know how bad the little bastards can get when they've had time to dig in." Roland's already grim expression tightened, and although Millard was no warrior, he did understand the trade implications, judging by the man's steadily paling face. "The river's completely blocked off, the greenskins have literally knocked trees down over several sections of it and seem to be trying to ambush any traders brave enough to come up the pass or anybody trying to flee down the river.
The noble stopped his drawer rustling and just took a second to rub the bridge of his nose, allowing a moment to pass before confronting the new situation.
"There's no way we can stay here for the winter, then." He eventually stated, looking back up. "The Band is already straining Vernham's food stores, and the refugees are
still coming in. If we can't import Corvurian wheat, there'll be starvation on the streets." There was a moment of silence as the room reeled from the frank declaration, but when neither of the men spoke up to argue, Roland stood up. "I'm afraid we're going to have to continue our meeting another time, Freeman Millard - I must convene with the rest of my officers as soon as possible."
"M'lord," the merchant flustered, the reality of the situation dawning on him, "if word gets out that your soldiers are leaving, there'll be a panic!"
"I'm sure that the people here are used to making ends meet." Sir Percival also cautioned, clearly reluctant to abandon the safe area the Band had secured and maintained at no little effort, and perhaps a little less understanding of the logistical concerns his liege had been stressing over. At heart, he remained an Escanni knight.
"The smallfolk will die just as easily to famine or disease as an orc's blade," Roland said, although he remained standing above the desk, drumming his fingers against the fine wood as he ran the numbers through his head. "We simply have too many people concentrated in Vernham. Either we move to another area, open up a new source of food, or face starvation." Shaking his head, he glanced up at his close friend and second. "Ser Percival, go get the officers assembled for a council, I don't want to make a decision like this without everyone on board."
There are hundreds of adventurer bands roaming Escann in the aftermath of Dookanson's death, although the term encompasses groups barely over a few dozen glorified bandits to small armies funded by foreign states. Most of these ephemeral polities will perish or fade away with time, yet many more intend to settle down and lay roots in the land they helped save. The Bronzehardt Band is a unique amalgamation compared to the typical would-be adventurer-states seeking to carve out a dominion in Escann, originally a feudal levy that's grown through volunteers from home, recruitment of locals, and absorption of various small adventurer parties during the bitter fighting against the greenskins.
Starting out, the Band is guaranteed to have these many soldiers:
Roland's Retinue [200 Superheavy Infantry/Heavy Cavalry] (Count Roland Bronzehardt)
The County of Asperage's Levy:
-Wexonard Foot [1,000 Medium Spear Infantry] (Captain Mikalson)
-Wexonard Foot [1,000 Medium Spear Infantry] (Captain Vendrick)
-Wexonard Foot [1,000 Medium Spear Infantry] (Captain Lendry Flowers)
-Wexonard Men-at-Arms [1,000 Heavy Sword Infantry] (Captain York)
-Wexonard Flatbows [1,000 Crossbow Archers] (Captain Neville)
-Wexonard Flatbows [1,000 Crossbow Archers] (Captain Wends)
-Wexonard Knights [500 Heavy Cavalry] (Ser Charleston Toussaint)
-Wexonard Knights [500 Heavy Cavalry] (Ser Darrick Flax)
Percival's Paladins [200 Superheavy Cavalry] (Ser Percival Sebastian)
Kohlhaase's Regulars [200 Heavy Crossbow Archers] (Niklas Kohlhaase)
Venia's Myrmidons [200 Light Infantry, Irregular] (Captain Venia)
All of these units will have increased veterancy, loyalty, and morale due to being part of the original adventurer group, but will also be impossible to replace or recruit more of moving forward. You'll have access to a pool of 1,500 points to be allocated towards units that will retroactively have also been absorbed into the Band and benefit from these bonuses, or that can be spent on accruing various other advantages to the benefit of the proto-adventurer state. All of Roland's various competitors will have access to a similar menu that determined their starting forces and situation, albeit with different modifiers depending on the faction. Speaking of which …
Much of the domestic policy of the "Greentide Era" will be focused around balancing the needs and demands of the three primary factions which influence the transitionary stage between a nomadic adventurer band and a settled state: The Marchers, the Colonists, and the Locals.
The Marchers represent those who're the least enthusiastic about abandoning the adventurer lifestyle and wish for the band to retain a free-roaming, meritocratic, and violent disposition, taking what they want at the end of the sword and moving on to the next adventure. They're mostly composed of, well, adventurers, but can also represent those with a strongly martial outlook.
The Colonists represent foreigners who came to Escann not to fight monsters but to profit. Mostly - but not always - made up of people who arrived after Dookanson's death, they're composed of a wide gamut of folks, whether it be carpetbaggers looking to make a quick buck off of the suffering of a subcontinent or settlers trying to establish a new home for themselves. They're most notable for possessing a storing connection to the homeland of the band and represent ties to the outside world, in one manner or another.
Finally, the Locals represent the people that were on the land prior to the arrival of the band. In the majority of cases, this will mean Escanni survivors or refugees, whose relationship with the adventurers can be complex, but it can also refer to greenskin slaves or turncoats depending on the region and policy the band pursues. These folks are usually resigned to a foreign rule, but ultimately must be placated, oppressed, or removed should the band ever wish to truly rule the land.
Roland's unique trait is
Heart of Bronze, which replaces the
Colonists faction with
House Bronzehardt. The new faction represents the Band's primary connection to Anbennar and will provide a number of advantages over the competition as befitting of an established noble, Roland's 'complex' current relationship with his family notwithstanding. Additionally, it allows a 50% discount on units purchased with the "Wexonard" tag.
1,500 Points total are available to be spent on purchasing units or acquiring boons. Be aware that eventually at least some of the Asperage levy will wish to return home, and that many of the boons can be replicated through dedicated effort in the quest. A large army will take more effort to supply but will also mean Roland can accomplish more things at once. Opportunity cost, however, cannot be avoided, so choose wisely.
The Marchers:
-Adventurer Companions: A diverse cast of characters united by bonds of camaraderie, a taste for blood, and an appreciation of coin. Armed with every weapon under the sun, they perform well in confused melees or other unusual situations, but struggle in the closed ranks of pitched battle or other endeavors requiring tight discipline. [1,000 Medium Infantry, Irregular] ($100)
-Adventurer Spellblades: Arcane talent is no small thing, and is carefully husbanded by the ruling class of civilizations across the world. But the call of adventure spares no man, and among the ranks of adventurers, you can find those able to call upon the winds of magic. A unique and versatile skillset, albeit difficult to maintain and undeniably inferior to the highly trained war mages of Anbennar, not that you'll be seeing any of the latter in Escann anytime soon. [200 Gish Infantry, Irregular] ($250)
-Adventurer Skirmishers: Many have unflatteringly named adventures no more than glorified bandits, and these brothers in arms push that blurry line further than most. Nonetheless, they're capable at harassing foes and dancing around the edges of the battlefield as well as "foraging" for supplies or scouting dangerous locations. [1,000 Skirmishers, Irregular] ($50)
-Adventurer Sharpshooters: Keen marksmen and prodigious braggers, these adventures have taken mastery of the bow to the next level and can hit targets from a distance with remarkable accuracy, and can handle themselves in a melee should the situation devolve. [500 Elite Archers] ($150)
-Adventurer Freeriders: These riders resemble an actual military unit more than the typical formation of adventurers, stemming from the long tradition of Cannorian outriders as much as the Greentide volunteers who were wealthy enough to own a horse and skilled enough to use it in battle. Not quite agile scouts or heavy lancers, the horsemen fill a niche between the two traditional roles of cavalry. [1,000 Medium Cavalry, Irregular] ($150)
-Buscannori Sword Dancers: A remnant of the Stalwart Band that survived particularly intact, these warriors turn the bloody business of war into an artform, displaying the exotic foreign traditions of their homeland through their startling dress and elaborate ceremonies. Although somewhat of a glass cannon, given a favorable target the dancers will reap an awful toll faster than the eye can catch. [1,000 Light Sword Infantry] ($250)
The Colonists House Bronzehardt:
-Wexonard Foot: The mainstay of any Anbenarrian army, these men march to war with spear, shield, and gambeson, although kettle helms and vanbraces have grown common over the Lilac Wars. Much of their focus lies on keeping ranks and maintaining a shield wall in the press of battle, acting as the anvil to the chivalric hammer. [1,000 Medium Spear Infantry]
($100) ($50)
-Wexonard Men-at-Arms: Armed and armored far better than their lowborn origins would suggest, these semi-professional soldiers were an invention of the Lilac Wars, fulfilling a need for quality infantry that could be deployed in numbers at a time when the sanctity of noble privilege was considered less important than winning the next battle. Tough and capable on both the offense and defense, these troops are thrown in the thickest fighting to swing battles in their favor. [1,000 Heavy Sword Infantry]
($150) ($75)
-Wexonard House Guard: The noble houses of Wex have integrated in many regards to the standards of Anbennar, but Allenic traditions such as the honor guard remain. Bearing flanged maces and stylized brigandine armor, these intimidating champions act as protection details for important figures and enforce the will of the house, as well as terrifying line-breakers when on the battlefield. [500 Superheavy Mace Infantry, Unbreakable]
($250) ($125)
-Wexonard Flatbows: Any true Wexonard will proudly insist that their flatbows' efficiency proved superior to the lauded Damarian Longbows during the Lilac Wars, and victory certainly grants merit to the argument. Decently armored and studiously professional, these soldiers are meant to give and receive punishment at a range, their complex weapons meant to puncture armor or slay mighty beasts. [1,000 Crossbow Archers]
($100) ($50)
-Wexonard Outriders: Another legacy of their Allenic past, the men of Wex maintain a strong tradition of light cavalry and talented outriders capable of traversing the Wexonard highlands and other difficult terrains with ease. Capable scouts and eager raiders, in battle these horsemen will harass flanks and punish exposed units with zeal. [1,000 Light Cavalry]
($100) ($50)
-Wexonard Knights: Garbed in pristine plate, mounted on massive warhorses and carrying a martial tradition spanning centuries, cannorian knights stand at the apex of current military doctrine and are the domain of the nobility. When at a charge with lances crouched there's little that can impede their way, and once their momentum is spent, the knights dismount to engage in melee with longsword and vigor. Such is their effectiveness, much of Cannor's dominant political and economic systems are bent around providing for their daunting price - fine steeds and sturdy plate armor aren't cheap. [500 Heavy Cavalry]
($300) ($150)
The Locals:
-Escanni Levy: The chivalric kingdoms of Escann considered war an ugly thing best kept as a ceremonial domain of the highborn, and while this may have left their realms peaceful and prosperous, it also meant little trace of Castanor's legendary legionaries can be seen in the conscripted peasantry called forth during times of crisis. [1,000 Light Spear Infantry] ($50)
-Escanni Squires: The concept of knighthood was invented in Escann, and it remained a deeply important and elaborate process as compared to their neighbors. Squirehood could often last well into adulthood, and during the Greentide, this unintentionally formed a block of foot-bound soldiers with decent equipment and training, an arrangement first made out of desperation that has now solidified into practice. [1,000 Medium Sword Infantry] ($150)
-Blademarcher Pike: Bordered by nations with strong cavalry traditions such as Marhold and Adenica, it's hardly a surprise the Blademarchers learned to make their spears long and foot disciplined. Although lost in the Greentide, the martial traditions of the realm remain and can be tapped to form new pike walls to defend where their predecessors failed. [1,000 Medium Pike Infantry] ($150)
-Escanni Bowmen: Hunters drafted into ranks out of necessity, these soldiers are decent shots and practiced bushmen, but unused to the needs of open battle - that is, getting shot at as much as doing the shooting. [1,000 Archers, Irregular] ($100)
-Escanni Knights: The homeland of chivalry, Escann possessed some of the finest cavalries in the world - but the Greentide has put two generations of Escanni nobility in the ground, and what's left is a tattered remnant of the region's past glory. Nonetheless, those that remain are fiercely motivated and call upon one of the greatest martial traditions in the world, determined to avenge their people and restore their own estates as well. [500 Heavy Cavalry, Unbreakable] ($300)
-Escanni Pilgrims: The people of Escann reacted to the Greentide in a multitude of ways, all some measure of shock and despair at the apocalypse that had sprung seemingly out of nowhere. With the death of Dookanson, however, some have been seized by a religious mania through the sacrifice of their savior, and consist of Corin's most zealous followers as the Regent Court's newest diety. These men in particular have devoted themselves to the holy cause of smiting her enemies and freeing Escann from the accursed greenskins. [1,000 Medium Greatsword Cavalry, Unbreakable] ($250)
Orcs Decapitated: During the Band'searly exploits in the region, they launched several decisive blows against the local orcish tribes, succeeding in executing several of the major warlords the greenskins had been coalescing around in the aftermath of Dookanson's death. This has served to deplete the numbers, organization, and morale of the invaders which remain to harass the good people of Escann.
[Neighboring Orc tribes weakened] ($200)
Goblins Intimidated: Roland's reputation as a Companion of Corin hasn't just spread among the civilized peoples, but also made the rounds through his foes. The Goblins in particular, never a race renowned for their stalwart nature, have become frightened of the famous human adventurer, and it wouldn't take much to convince the tribes that easier pickers are found elsewhere.
[Neighboring Goblin tribes demoralized] ($200)
Escanni Impressed: Noting the strong loyalty shown to him by Ser Percival and his fellows, Roland has made a dedicated effort to woo over what Escanni notables remain to ensure their cooperation with his occupation stems from more than desperation and lack of viable alternatives. This seems to have paid off, with the nobles and peasants more willingly accommodating foreign eccentricities or excesses, and there have even been talks of absent titles being potentially filled with suitable alternatives.
[Higher Locals faction loyalty] ($200)
Numerous Survivors: For one reason or another, the Vernham region was spared the most brutal ravages of the Greentide, and when the Band moved in, they found an unusually large population of indigenous survivors still remaining. This means a larger base population, but also the requisite difficulty in feeding and protecting it, as well as an increased amount of power still remaining in Escanni hands.
[Higher initial refugee population, Locals Faction strength increased] (Free)
Letters From Home: "Blood is thicker than water," goes the popular misquote. Although Roland might still be estranged from his House at large, he's made an effort to remain in contact with siblings and other relatives he departed on good terms with, opening the potential for a much quicker reconciliation, ability to request favors in a pinch, and a semi-current read on the political situation back in the Empire.
[Higher Bronzehardt faction loyalty, useful contacts back from home] ($200)
Tagalong Relatives: Roland's Escanni exile quickly earned him enormous notoriety in his house, but to his surprise, imitators as well. Cousins, nephews, and brothers-in-law began to join the Band, having heard of his exploits and seeking to earn glory and wealth of their own. While the retinues and expertise they bring are of substantial use, they also bring the interests and agenda of the House with them.
[Bronzehardt faction strength increased, +500 points] (Free)
Adventurer Comraderie: Roland is a figure of significant respect in the community of adventurers which has been established in Escann for his deeds and as a Companion of Corin, but there's always been some inherent distance due to his nobility. Noting this, he's made a committed effort to ingratiate himself as "one of them," seeking to reinforce the oft fickle bonds that draw the wandering warriors to a lord.
[Higher Marcher faction loyalty] ($200)
Stalwart Remnants: The Bronzehardt Band grew substantially in its early days through absorbing another group of adventures known as the Stalwart Band, Buscannori warriors seeking to one-up their perennial Sugamber rivals through participation in the Greentide. However, the remnants have banded together and retained their previous identity, acting as a unified political interest group and pushing to continue their former ambitions.
[Marcher faction strength increased, x1 Blade Dancer unit] (Free)
Vernham's Legacy: Vernham was renowned as a manufacturing center, producing many steel weapons and tools for southern Escann. Dedicated effort and cooperative locals have revealed surviving caches of these goods which will make both outfitting current troops easier, as well as expediting potential efforts to restore the town's decayed blacksmithing infrastructure.
[Military and civilian equipment shortages abated, urban infrastructure repair eased] ($100)
Rose Party Contacts: House Bronzehardt's participation in the Lilac Wars earned them many things, and one of them was friends among the wine lords of Lorent. Roland unexpectedly found an opportunity to use them during his time in the Greentide, striking up a friendship with some fellow Lencori adventurers that has blossomed into something more official with the death of Dookanson.
[Full alliance and trade agreement with the Order of the Ashen Rose] ($100)
Deepwood Mysteries: Corin's adventures into the Deepwood and discovering the long-lost wood elves happen before Roland's arrival in Escann, but he nonetheless got to know some of the strange folk who followed the heroine afterward. While they have since disappeared back into their hellhole of a forest, Corin has opened a door that can't be shut, and geographic proximity might mean Roland's friendships could prove useful in cracking the isolationist tendencies of these elves.
[Contacts with and knowledge of the Wood Elves] ($100)
Escanni Blood Ties: There's been a long history of intermarriage between the nobility of Escann and Anbennar, the Bronzehardt's being no different. Part of what drew Roland south was a search for the fate of a sister sent east for a betrothal, and while his sibling met a cruel end at the hands of orcish rapists, her progeny (both half-orc and legitimate) live on, providing a surprising local ally and dynastic claim for the House
[Surviving Escanni relatives discovered alive] ($100)
A.N. It's been some time, folks, but I'm hoping to get this quest moving again. Feel free to ask questions or clarifications about the vote, and think carefully about the army size and composition as well as which boons are selected or ignored, it will all play a heavy role in determining the flow of the early game.