[X] "How about a werewolf? Might as well use the club to unwind a little."
[X] "You do seem a lot happier, a lot more comfortable with yourself..."
I mean, It's the Moon social link, I can't really resist keeping the costume in theme. (Assuming the write-in's okay.)
As for Himawari, whether or not it's going to stick, might as well support her with getting stuff out of her system.
Anyway, good update. It feels like we got some especially meaty character bits this time around.
Thing is, it was mostly meant to be a slice-of-life update, so it's funny it ended up one of my longest (the other was the one that opened up the Galactic Empire, for comparison), although revealing Nightshade was always the plan in it from the start.
Also, another thing about Lauryn, her being a Persona-user who turned Velvet Room Attendant after death... kinda puts those Velvet Room costumes in the Dancing games in a whole new light.
[X] "Creepy jester maybe? Feels like I've had some mean jokes played on me"
[X] "You do seem a lot happier, a lot more comfortable with yourself..."
I feel like we should avoid going Rise on her until we know her a little better; besides, she definitely seems so much more relaxed in this environment.
[X] "Creepy jester maybe? Feels like I've had some mean jokes played on me"
She's a Fool, so it fits.
[x] "I, ah, might still need more time to process all this"
I suspect that "Nightshade" is still not as 100% confident as she claims she is, but she's trying to fake it 'till she makes it.
Incidentally, a thought occurs; we should probably retrieve Theodora from the Velvet Room when we get the chance; preferably before the next time we hit the Gameboard. We're presumably going to be doing some training prior to the duel, and I think it'd be a smart move to keep Santa Muerte under wraps for as long as possible. Don't want Eitaro finding out about it prior to our dramatic reveal, after all.
Incidentally, a thought occurs; we should probably retrieve Theodora from the Velvet Room when we get the chance; preferably before the next time we hit the Gameboard. We're presumably going to be doing some training prior to the duel, and I think it'd be a smart move to keep Santa Muerte under wraps for as long as possible. Don't want Eitaro finding out about it prior to our dramatic reveal, after all.
If we don't want to do another Fusion, we could probably swap out Qi Shi Huang; as cool as it would be to take Eitaro down with his own Persona, practically speaking it wouldn't actually be effective against him.
I'm surprised no one's made a bigger deal about Cyclops, since it resists Physical... until I remembered I had it be weak to Wind, guess that's why.
That said, I thought Agi might suit Qin Shi Huang more than Garu, since well he was a notorious book-burner, but I also had the fire element in mind for another of the All-Aces.
I do want to state that I consider Persona Fusing a 'free action' as it were, something you can vote for any time. I'm mostly going off the P5 Fusion Chart for which Arcana gets which.
Lastly, I was thinking about changing the Quest's opening theme, since while I love 'Beautiful' having just the instrumental version as the opener feels awkward, but using Beautiful with vocals may be awkward in a non-Heathers context, so i thought of this instead:
With Fusion votes, since they can be made almost anytime, I'd probably say we need about four people (may raise or lower this number) to vote on the same Fusion before it can happen.
Also, I wanted to go into S. Link Benefits a little ('Confidant' I feel is a term that's more P5-specific), I haven't talked about them much since they would be easier to implement in a game than in interactive fiction. Already said that the All-Aces Social Links open up more of their Empires, but with the others you have so far:
Magician - Reina would give you access to specific armour sets, which her fashions would translate to on the Gameboard, along with Etiquette boosts.
Priestess - Similar to Sadayo, gives you free time and lets you recover fatigue in class.
Edit: Fortune - Similar to Hifumi with Tactical stuff, also Social and Cognitive boosts depending the character you create.
Justice - Keiko's basically meant to be your conscience and tether, so may grant SP boosts like the Councillor S. Link.
Death - Compendium and the Lockdown equivalent gets cheaper, also more of the Bonus DungeonGalactic Empire is unlocked.
Temperance - Er, wasn't sure about Megumi at first, but maybe they could get you cool stuff back from college, or help you get into adults-only spaces.
Tower - Basic Velvet Room stuff like more Persona capacity and special Fusions, also some navigational stuff like Futaba.
Star - Hmm, this was the hardest to figure out, probably money-related stuff, although they're not exactly loaded, or maybe they could give you decorations as presents. Then again, you don't really need a benefit to talk to your parents... right?
Moon - SP-recovering teas, also some Skill Card stuff when she brings out Tarot.
Out of the remaining S. Links, I'll just say you've already met the Lovers, Fortune, one of the possible Hanged Men and both Sun Links, and of course Emperor and Hierophant are the only All-Aces Links not started yet (Judgment, as you may expect, is kind of a weird one in this regard).
Edit: Think that leaves Hermit as the only S. Link you haven't met yet, fittingly enough, oh and also bonus one that'll be either Councillor or Apostle.
Er, one problem. I'm pretty sure that if you make a second post with a X vote, the Tally won't count your first post, though possibly there's a setting to get around this.
I was thinking over the inspirations and similarities to other series, besides Persona obviously (P3 The Answer in particular, though trying to do a better job with it). I've talked about Heathers (along with Jawbreaker and Mean Girls), Rule of Rose, Danganronpa, and Umineko, and Utena's been mentioned (forget if duels in Utena are to the death, I assume they eventually are at least), and there's also Kamen Rider Ryuki and even Gossip Girl.
But one of the more obvious comparisons, Fate/stay night, didn't occur to me until much later on (which is weird, given how popular it is here), since here we also have teens fighting each other with historic/legendary figures, though that last part's kinda inherited from canon persona and SMT. Actually Fate/Extra might be a closer comparison, due to more emphasis on the school.
Also, given we're nearing 30,000 words, I wanted to ask people about what they thought about the pacing of the Quest? Not the update speed, we've talked about that before, but rather the story's internal pacing.
Reason I ask is that one of the main criticisms I got of another Persona Quest I did, Persona: Inferno, was that the pacing felt too rushed. That was slightly intentional on my part though, as I wrote it like that in response to other Quests which I felt were too slow-paced (the other major criticism was that it was 'too weird', which seems funny to me since it's probably the closest in format to the regular Persona games out of the Quests I've done).
I personally feel that Beautiful's internal pacing so far is more reasonable, unlike Inferno we haven't finished the first 'Arc' yet. That said, I will admit a whole lot of stuff has happened so far in what's only supposed to be your first week back... but I feel you could say that about a lot of anime stuff.
Thing is, it was mostly meant to be a slice-of-life update, so it's funny it ended up one of my longest (the other was the one that opened up the Galactic Empire, for comparison), although revealing Nightshade was always the plan in it from the start.
The social interactions are a pretty bid deal in Persona, so it isn't exactly surprising that one of the more involved scenes there would be comparable to one of the bigger action bits.
So slight error here, in that PA2's initial votes ended up not being counted by tally, since it only counts your last post's vote. However, his votes would've further secured the Nightshade vote's win and wouldn't have pushed Jester to the top, so the results end up the same.
Scheduled vote count started by Lapin Lune on Mar 7, 2021 at 4:04 AM, finished with 20 posts and 8 votes.
[X] "I'm feeling more and more like a marionette these days"
If we don't want to do another Fusion, we could probably swap out Qi Shi Huang; as cool as it would be to take Eitaro down with his own Persona, practically speaking it wouldn't actually be effective against him.
The point of keeping QSH around would be less to use it to take Eitaro down and more to use him as a shield against his own Persona attacks, given that his attacks wouldn't be effective against it either. Granted, the viability of this does depend on how changing personas mid-combat is handled for the quest format, but it can potentially make the difference between getting one-shotted and being able to tank an attack.
Also, given we're nearing 30,000 words, I wanted to ask people about what they thought about the pacing of the Quest? Not the update speed, we've talked about that before, but rather the story's internal pacing.
Reason I ask is that one of the main criticisms I got of another Persona Quest I did, Persona: Inferno, was that the pacing felt too rushed. That was slightly intentional on my part though, as I wrote it like that in response to other Quests which I felt were too slow-paced (the other major criticism was that it was 'too weird', which seems funny to me since it's probably the closest in format to the regular Persona games out of the Quests I've done).
I personally feel that Beautiful's internal pacing so far is more reasonable, unlike Inferno we haven't finished the first 'Arc' yet. That said, I will admit a whole lot of stuff has happened so far in what's only supposed to be your first week back... but I feel you could say that about a lot of anime stuff.
The beginning is generally kind of when you want to front load stuff to get things rolling and letting people just muck around social links for weeks on end isn't necessary as viable in the quest format as it is in the game (not that I'd mind all that much either). Which is to say that so far I have no complaints about the pacing. Although, going forward it does depend a bit. Like, if we end up duelling one of the All-Aces each week we're unlikely to have the time to get a lot of social linking/Empire exploring done. Now, I don't really know what your plans going forward are and that example was almost certainly over exaggerated, but that kind of mismatch is basically the one way I can see the current pace backfiring.
(QM's Note: Little warning before we start, this chapter gets a little more, er, Mature-rated, especially halfway through, although nothing worse than what was tackled early on in Persona 5.
Also, there's a rough equivalent to Kamen Rider in Persona already, Zephyrman in P5 Strikers, but eh I feel he's kind of a stretch from KR.)
[X] "I'm feeling more and more like a marionette these days"
[X] "You do seem a lot happier, a lot more comfortable with yourself..."
"Haha, knew you'd come around," Nightshade grinned, before leaning in closer and saying, "Seriously though, if you tell anyone at school about this," she then mimed a finger across the throat.
"Ah, but interacting with fans bores me," she moaned, "I am overdue back on for an encore, don't want the crowd to tear this entire place down in frustration, after all. Grr, still stuck using backing tracks though, I really need to get a backing band together, but I can't ask any of my schoolmates".
It was then Colette stood up, "You can ask this schoolmate, I'm a great appreciator of music, from Classical to Contemporary. Admittedly writing and sewing are more my specialties, but you could say that means I'm skilled with my hands, hmhm," she giggled.
"Er, I've barely touched an instrument, but still, being in a Visual Kei girl band sounds way cooler than teaching. So I don't mind," Ryouko stepped in, before she admitted, "Plus, guess I owe you for, y'know, exposing you earlier".
The three of them then turned to look at you, so you just said to Nightshade, "Er, could we talk in private, please?"
The two of you walked to the side, where you went in and whispered, "Don't know if you've forgotten, Ace of Hearts, but your unhinged clubmate is threatening to kill me this Monday. I don't exactly have time to be practicing music".
Nightshade however only beamed widely at that, saying "Okay babe, why don't we make a sisterly Soul Pact? You back me up on stage, and if Eitaro really does fricassee you, then I'll Duel him to avenge you".
That didn't quite convince you, "What, are you going to hit him with your mic? Challenge him to a dance-off?"
"You dare underestimate my Anastasia?" Nightshade haughtily chuckled, "Oh, and as for my weapon of choice, try a ball-and-chain and throwing axes".
"Wow, okay then. So ah, do the other Aces know about you being Nightshade?" you had to ask.
That made Nightshade pause to think, before she said "I haven't told them, but I'm worried some of them may've figured it out on their own. Plus, my Gameboard Regalia is, well, not very subtle about it. Did think to ask Melissa to join me, but she'd just try and make the whole thing about her, then rat me out if I ever told her to shut it. The Jacks should be totally clueless about me though.
Oh, and if you're getting ideas about that, sorry, can't promote you to Jack of Hearts, people would just ask about the specific connection," she said.
"Why? Can't you just say we're like, friends or something?" you asked.
"First, we've known each other like, a week, and second, being a personal Jack is more about than just being friends," she said as she licked her lips, "You're basically asking to become my slave, little Haruka" she ran a nail along your skin.
"Ah, so yeah, I'll join your band," you quickly finished the conversation, as Nightshade and you could already feel Colette and Ryouko starting to stare you.
"Okay yeah, encore time, gotta go," Nightshade said as she headed back to the stage, "I'll let you decide what instruments you're gonna pick, sounds like you're equally hopeless at most of them, really".
Back in your apartment, you had to now deal with your teacher and your roommate making out in the doorway.
"Oh my God, I had such a great time tonight," Ryouko moaned, fingering the top of Megumi's blouse.
"Same," Megumi just smiled, holding Ryouko's hand and receiving her kiss.
Ew, gross gross grossgrossgross, was what you'd been thinking the whole time.
"Okay, freakin' break it up you two," you yelled out, pushing Tanizawa-sensei out of the door.
"Argh, seriously Haruka?" Ryouko complained as she thumped on your now locked door. "Ooh, I am so going to dock your grade for this, young lady!"
"Sheesh, did you really have to do that?" Megumi frowned at you, "I did get you into that nightclub, y'know. Besides, contrary to popular belief, it's not easy to find dates in college".
You sighed, "Look, if you want, you can totally see my teacher whenever. Just... not while I'm in the room, please," you whimpered.
Megumi just had to laugh, sidling up to you and saying, "You're not jealous, are you?"
You then sprang back "...Jealous? W-why would I be jealous?" you tried to smile.
"That an overworked college student like me can at least still get a date," Megumi smirked at you, "Well okay, it is your first week back after all, so maybe that's unfair. Still, only took one night for Ryouko to come home with me".
You stared at them, as you slowly sputtered out, "Oh come on, I can get totally get a date! My popularity at school's shot way up since I started hanging with the All-Aces!" It's gonna go up even further once I'm dead, high school tends to be like that. "I just, ah, haven't found the time, that's all".
"If you say so," Megumi muttered, before saying with a flick of their hair, "Take a little advice from the 'lovemeister' here though. Seek out common interests, 'cause if you can't find them, all your conversations are going to be non-starters. For example," they picked up a figurine, "You know Phoenix Rider, right? Way better than Featherman, I'd say. Point is, being a popular series for decades now, it can also serve as a good starting topic".
[+3 Perception, +1 Etiquette]
"Er, well I haven't really kept up with the show for years, but I get your point," you said, thinking a little, "I know from childhood that Yuya's a fan, and Keiko even more so. Though er, why'd you think it's better than Featherman?"
"Eh, there's always a bunch of Phoenix Rangers, but a Phoenix Rider is forced to stand alone. Being outside the gender binary, that really gets to you," Megumi began, but had to admit "Okay, that's more true for earlier seasons. But Phoenix Rider had a Season themed around friggin' Candy, has Featherman ever had a season about that?"
"Oh yeah, I remember that" you nod, "It was about a girl escaping from the cult that abducted her as a child".
"Ahem, yeah. Kinda think we've gone off-topic a bit though," Megumi said, before standing up off the couch, "Point is, Nakamura Haruka, I'm challenging you to a contest. Find a date by your mid-terms, end of this year at the very latest, or you'll have to, er, well I'll think of something later".
Heh, I might not even have that long, you thought as you slumped down.
- Temperance has Journeyed to Rank 2! -
They suddenly shut the door to your own bedroom. "For cutting off my make-out session with Ryouko though, you're sleeping on the couch tonight. Deal with it," Megumi said through the door.
"What the- Oh come on!" you called out, thumping on your own door but to no avail.
Saturday, April 9th
"Hey, you heard about this new gossip site Secret Lives of Students? There's some nasty stuff on there -"
"- Wow, I thought Eitaro was cool and tough, but he's been getting really agitated lately"
"What? You mean there's a Maid and Butler as students here? Oh, they're Jacks, guess that explains it -"
"- Wait, imagine if that gossip site dug up stuff on the All-Aces?"
"Ah Haruka, perfect timing," you were suddenly met at the school gates by Gakuto, all of people. A small crowd of students had even started to crowd around.
"What is it?" you muttered, "I'm not exactly flush with cash, if you still wanna sell info on Eitaro".
"Oh my no, I'm more than loaded, so no yen required," Gakuto smiled, before suddenly leading you behind a tree.
"In exchange for every little speck of dirt I have on our Ace of Swords, I have a more... specific request," his smiled stretched out to a wide, thin grin as he pushed up his glasses "Send nudes".
You would've immediately taken a step back, had you not been back up against a tree "-The Hell?!"
"Preferably of Himawari, although Melissa I wouldn't mind if possible, but I could settle for disrobed pictures of you. Not Kikuko though, I'm no daredevil, I don't wanna risk getting my testicles sliced off," he said, before noticing your pulsing glare, "Okay, I can see you're not convinced. Look, I'll sweeten the deal, send me regular pictures and I'll just edit them to make deepfake porn, how's that sound? ...What about upskirt shots then?"
Not holding back, you swiftly kicked him right in the groin. "Drop fucking dead, Gakuto!" you roared.
[+3 Resolve]
"Gyaaargh!" he groaned and whimpered, before he hissed at you "You're lucky I've declared myself neutral in this Duel, else I would've sold every scrap of info I could find on you to Eitaro for that!"
He started laughing like a hyena, saying "Whatever, I've got this whole Persona Game in the bag. I'll just pit everyone against each other, then swoop in and finish off the last, weakened contestant".
"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," you snarled.
Walking back to the school door, those students started whispering amongst themselves, stuff like "Did, did she just seriously kick an All-Ace in the crotch?", then opposing views like "How dare she do that?" and "Wow, she's badass!"
Sitting in class, you could feel Tanizawa-sensei's eyes fixed on you, as she slowly said "Okay then, Little Miss Vag-Blocker, how 'bout a question?"
Jesus, did you have to bring that thing with Megumi up in front of class? you thought as you sweated.
"Which of the following is not an Agatha Christie novel?"
[ ] A Daughter's a Daughter
[ ] Hallowe'en Party
[ ] Poirot Investigates
[ ] The Clocks
You gave your answer, but she hardly seemed that impressed anyway. She did have to turn around to admit to you, "Good job standing up to Gakuto back there though. I had him in my class last year, guy was a douche back then too".
Well, that was something.
Being Saturday, you were off school fairly early, so took the opportunity to head down to the game store you'd been on the phone with, Tumbling Dice, to more formally apply for a job there.
It wasn't the best looking or most spacious store, and the musty green wallpaper wasn't the most stylish, but it still had a very decent collection of board and tabletop games all stacked up, at least a decent collection to your knowledge. The scaly, medieval framework along its window was a nice touch.
It was then you were approached by the star-badged Student Council President himself, Morikawa Hotaru.
"Great, you've found the place, I was beginning to worry. Come in, come in! Er, duties here mostly just revolve around stacking boxes, also recommending games to customers based on their preferences, but that's about it really" he said before sighing.
"Wow, that really was you on the phone then," you had to giggle, "So I wasn't talking to a surprisingly good voice impersonator".
Hotaru didn't know how to react to that, but just "Oh yeah, huh, cool. Anyway, what I really needed help with was finding another member for our gaming group, especially since Daisuke, well, you know".
You didn't say anything to that, but just nodded. Yeah, I know, you thought.
"And I'm glad you came Haruka. From everything I've heard, it sounds like you'd be prime player material. Like, I checked your social media profiles, basic employment requirement, and it sounds like you've already got quite the backstory," Hotaru grinned.
You remembered that little fanfic of you Azuma wrote, "Oh yeah," That.
"Of course, before all that, we of course have to decide what game we're playing" he said, ushering you into the store's darkened back room where two other guys were at sitting at a table. One fairly normal looking, with slippery black hair and a suit on, almost like he hadn't had time to change out of his salaryman clothes, and the other a foreigner with greasy red hair and freckles.
"Torashi, Damian," Hotaru introduced the two, "This here's Haruka, she's gonna be our new member, right?"
"Uh yeah, sure," you mumbled, "Why not?"
"Okay, hi. So, we've settled on Dragon Record, right?" Torashi went on to say.
"Dragon Record, really? Come on, there's more interesting stuff out there, like why not Atomspire?" Damian spoke up.
"Look, Dragon Record gets way more interesting if you go beyond the basic setting," Torashi argued.
"Er, okay, so..." Hotaru gulped, "As Game Master here, I've got the final say, but I'd be interested in what you think, Haruka, you are the newcomer here after all", he said as he took a pile of six games and dropped them on the table, "We're probably not gonna get much more than character creation done this afternoon though".
[ ] Dragon Record. Basic Fantasy setting, Elves, Dwarves, Warriors, Thieves, Mages. Makes sense for your first time.
[ ] Slime: The Genesis. Er, apparently you play as blob-people. Tragic and serious horror game though.
[ ] Atomspire. Hybrid fantasy setting with nuclear power in it, drawing just as much on 50s America and other Atomic Age stuff.
[ ] Loathcrypt. Much more low-powered, well the player characters are anyway, RPG about retaining sanity in the face of the indescribable.
[ ] Phoenix Ranger Featherman RPG. Title kinda says it all.
[ ] Tears from the Veil. You play as high-schoolers, wow, big change there, but you go around solving mysteries about weird machines in the countryside.
[ ] Write-in.
Going with this on the simple reason of "I like bass more"
[X] Poirot Investigates
[X] Tears from the Veil. You play as high-schoolers, wow, big change there, but you go around solving mysteries about weird machines in the countryside.
EDIT: also I already had an inkling the moment I saw the description, but Gakuto's not a good one to be with. Himawari's like the only person we're cool to hang out with (which I kinda had a feeling as well when I saw the Empire).