Yes, War Minister!

[x] Balancing Act V3
-[x] Army Upkeep
-[x] Navy Upkeep
-[x] Research Upkeep
-[x] Getting Rifles (1 Budget)
--[x] Bavarian Empire
-[x] Light Bang (1 Budget)
--[x] Bavarian Empire
-[x] Recruitment Drive (2 Budget)
--[x] Allow natives in the lower ranks
-[x] Get the Boys back (1 Budget)
-[x] Warships needed (1 Budget)
-[x] New Department (1B Budget)
--[x] Air Force
-[x] Concerning Jobs

-[x] New Lessons (1 Budget)
--[x] Air Force
Basically Balancing Act V2, but I spend all our budget
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Please note that for the Plan "Balancing Act V2" a new vision has been created.

Also, three votes have been made before the voting official started. @la8231 and @Kholek92 you might wish to vote again.

The Vote will close in around 11 hours, if you wish to change your vote now is the time!
Scheduled vote count started by Jax on Mar 1, 2021 at 2:30 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Balancing Act V3
    [x] Balancing Act V2
    [x] Balancing Act V3
    -[x] Army Upkeep
    -[x] Navy Upkeep
    -[x] Research Upkeep
    -[x] Getting Rifles (1 Budget)
    --[x] Bavarian Empire
    -[x] Light Bang (1 Budget)
    -[x] Recruitment Drive (2 Budget)
    --[x] Allow natives in the lower ranks
    -[x] Get the Boys back (1 Budget)
    -[x] Warships needed (1 Budget)
    -[x] New Department (1B Budget)
    --[x] Air Force
    -[x] Concerning Jobs
    -[x] New Lessons (1 Budget)
Right, then let's roll some dice!

Edit: Well, mixed roll's and just a single bad one.
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Turn 1 Results - Mid 1919
Army Budget (1)
[x] Army Upkeep (1 max.)
Keeping an army running costs money. You have to spend some to keep it running, or else the Army needs to make some cuts.
Progress: n/a

[x] Getting Rifles (1)
-[x] Bavarian Empire (+75 Progress for old ties)
We need rifles to arm our troops. We don't have any after the police claimed our existing stock, and the militias won't give back what we handed out during the Albion invasion. So, we need new ones to equip the boys properly. Lacking any facilities to build our own, that means buying them. Jolly good for us that a major war just ended, the market is rather oversaturated.
Progress: 142 from 100

It seems that reports from Europe underestimated how desperate the Empire was to sell its arsenal. Rifles are especially plentiful after the Imperial Army was drastically reduced in its numbers. Even with the rise of so-called Freikorps, there are far too many rifles in stock, and the new government needs money desperately. Our man sent to the Empire has returned with a written contract, promising us enough rifles to arm three divisions and enough ammunition for them for a short campaign on the Western Front. It was both good and sad news when you heard about it.

The sadness stems from the memory of what was lost. At the same time, you're happy about the excellent deal that you managed to land. It will make your job much easier to give your men something to fight with. The G98 was a well-made rifle with a great range and an even greater punch. The Imperial Army had it in use for twenty years, so it should be good enough for the Republic.

[x] Recruitment drive (2)
-[x] Allow natives in the lower ranks (+25 Progress, new Doom Clock)
An army without soldiers does not exist. At the moment, we need to recruit more offensively to form up the core of the future Army. We have different approaches for that. We just need to decide on one.
Progress: 142 from 100

In parliament, you found an unusual ally to ram your proposal to allow natives into the army through. With the Native Alliance and the Communist Party, the Equality Union gave you the votes needed against the more conservative block of your own party. Now you're seen by some as a traitor. But you could live with that. After all, they allowed the police to recruit exclusively from the white population. Considering the Army required more warm bodies than the police ever would need, what did they expect? That you would recruit women? How absurd!

You could live with the mean comment behind your back or the fact that the Communist have started to call you "Comrade Warminster," not only in parliament but also in their party newspaper.

All that matters is that you have enough soldiers to fill two divisions, even if two-thirds of them are Ching-Chongs. Hmm, maybe you should stop calling them that. Most of your soldiers are natives now.

[x] Get the Boys back (1)
Note: Might affect other actions and doom clocks
For some reason, the militias we formed to defend against the invasion haven't disbanded when we asked them to. Many of them feel that their fight has been betrayed by us when we accepted Albion's demands. They are battle-hardened and would be a great launching point for a future army, even if only a small number of them decide to not return to their old lives.
Progress: 39 from 150

The propaganda campaign to get the militiamen back, especially their weapons, mostly fell on deaf ears. Only the ones that had been loyal to the government in the first place followed the request and gave their weapons up. Some of them even took the option to enlist in the army as officers or NCOs, but most simply returned to the old life they had lived before the war. Sadly that is the end of the good news.

The bad news was twofold. For one, a large number of militiamen refused to give up their weapons. They fear that another invasion might come from the Empire of the Sun in the face of the recent rhetoric coming from the Major Power. Then there are those among the militia who fear the government itself or see it as the enemy. For these, you have become something of a personal enemy after you allowed Ching-Chongs into the army. It is the first sign that you will try to overpower the proper government to rule as the King of the natives – or so they claim. A laughable idea, but they seem hellbent on it. It isn't helpful that the Communists and Equalists are your loudest supporters when it comes to political discourse.

[x] Light Bang (1)
-[x] Bavarian Empire (+75 Progress for old ties)
The few officers we have all agree that our pitiful, small infantry will need direct fire support by machine guns and artillery pieces. Otherwise, a modern, and therefore successful, approach will be doomed from the start.
Progress: 99 from 150

The good news with regards to supporting weapons such as machine guns, mortars, and light cannons is that we have a great deal! As with the rifles, the Empire is rather desperate to get money. This allowed us to choose between some of the best weapons that were available for sale. Things were looking rather good, and the shipment was underway when it was suddenly intercepted by the Gaul Navy. The reason was rather flimsy, and we can force Gaul to give us our weapons, which are rightfully ours. But that will take much time, as our own Foreign Ministry has noted. Apparently, large parts of Gaul's administration have rallied against us and will continue to make it harder for us to get the weapons.

But a solution has been suggested by the Foreign Ministry of Gaul. If we would buy military equipment from them, they could use their own influence to ensure we get our weapons. This is blackmail of the highest order, and giving in won't be cheap, but it will give us the guns our soldiers need. It is a possibility we should consider.

Navy Budget (1)
[x] Navy Upkeep (1 max.)
The few cutters we currently call our navy need repairs, fuel, and so on. Better the navy has everything they need for day-to-day business.
Progress: n/a

[x] Warships needed (1)
Note: Might affect other actions and doom clocks
To defend our Island, we will need real warships. It is somewhat unrealistic to hope for any dreadnoughts, but we can make an attacker's life interesting with much lighter forces. Torpedo boats, destroyers, and maybe even submarines could become handy. We have the facilities to build them, in theory, but we lack the experience. So we need to either buy that experience or commission from other nations. A study is required to see what is more cost-effective.
Progress: 33 from 75

Apparently, the question is more complicated than expected and the reports aren't fully finished yet. Until the study is finished, we still have to guess what would be better. As annoying as it is, there isn't much we can do about it.

Research Budget (1)
[x] Research Upkeep (1 max.)
Currently, our Research Department is a single guy in a room full of old military books that have nothing newer than shortly before the Ragnarok War. Yet, he still needs money to pay for different subscriptions to military magazines and other "sources," as he puts it.

[x] New Lessons (1)
-[x] Air Force
Note: You need to add at least 1 Budget per subcategory
Note 2: Each Lesson has a counter of 100

Progress: 1 from 100
The Ragnarok War has changed many things, be it equipment or tactics. We should start getting a deeper understanding of modern warfare before it is too late to learn these lessons. Our own theoretical sources are outdated by at least two decades.

You aren't sure, but you heard some plane sounds out of the room of that single research guy we have. But you're still waiting for the paper about how an air force would influence future wars. Well, you have to wait a bit longer it seems.

[x] New Department (1b)
-[x] Air Force
Note: You need to add at least 1 Budget per subcategory
Specialist Departments can better deal with problems in their fields of expertise. We should form new departments as the need arises or else we might overwhelm older branches with too many tasks.
Progress: 88 from 100

You, and everyone else, don't have the slightest idea how to use the Air Force – the training comes up good enough. The pilots are training and learning military skills as well as how to use their aircraft. At the moment, Formosa has only three planes, thanks to the Air Enthusiasts' Club from the capital. It is not much, but a small beginning, even if the pilots aren't truly ready yet.

Political Actions
Choose 1 Option from below

[x] Concerning Jobs
Currently, we have an almost complete support facility for a fleet sitting in our harbour and doing nothing but serving our small fleet of coast guard cutters. Point out to Parliament what a waste it is and ask the Foreign Ministry to offer other nations our service as a supply hub. The major players may have colonies here, but only a few have such an elaborate supporting facility. And even if other navies are unwilling, civilian companies might see different.

Your suggestion wasn't that well regarded by the Ministry of Inner Affairs. They commented quickly when your suggestions hit the papers to open the gate for any potential invader to allow other nations' warships to use these facilities. He condemned you for it and made clear how shocked he was that Formosa's own War Minister could even suggest something like that. It seemed like another long battle would be needed to be fought on the floors of parliament.

That was, until your proposal was defended by the most unusual alliance the world had ever seen. This alliance was proof that hell could freeze, or so some commenters had put it. The communists threw their support behind Comrade Warminster and were backed by the liberal, ultra-capitalist Forwärts Party. Usually, if one party stated the sky was blue, the other would fight back and argue it was green. But for the first time, they stood united, a move so stunning that everyone was surprised.
But a solution has been suggested by the Foreign Ministry of Gaul. If we would buy military equipment from them, they could use their own influence to ensure we get our weapons. This is blackmail of the highest order, and giving in won't be cheap, but it will give us the guns our soldiers need. It is a possibility we should consider.
I suggest we do everything but give in to Gaul. Doing so will kill our morale faster than any hidden Doom Clock.
Glad to see this back! Let's see if we can get the old colonial elite to see beyond the tip of their noses.
Turn 1 Decisions - Mid 1919
Please only choose one sub-category per action!

[ ] Divisions
-[ ] Form two divisions (Mixed)
-[ ] Form two divisions (Segregated)
-[ ] Form one division (Mixed)
-[ ] Form one division (Segregated)
We have enough volunteers to form up to two divisions, with enough equipment to form a third one should the need for that appear on the horizon. Two questions need answers. First, how many divisions should we create? Secondly, will these units be mixed or segregated by race?

To give some perspective on the first question, we have to look at our current army. We have enough personnel to train two divisions. They would be on par with the regular units of our neighbors. Alternatively, we could concentrate on a single division first and train it up to the standards of Europe.

For the second question, we have a bit of a problem. In theory, we can form a mixed unit, the officer will still be white. That would be a welcome sign to your new supporters in the left corner of the political arena, but that is risky. Many of the more conservative parts of society didn't like that we allowed natives to become NCOs. If we went for a mixed approach, they would be on the barricades for sure. The decision is yours.

Rifles for 3 Divisions
Men for 2 Divisions, 2 / 3 are natives

[ ] Gaul's offer
-[ ] Just let the Foreign Office do its job. We might need to invest a bit more of our Budget.
-[ ] Take the offer (Completes Light Bang and adds 100 Tanks, -1 Budget next Turn)
-[ ] Take the offer (Completes Light Bang and adds 30 Fighters, -1 Budget next Turn)

The Gauls have made it clear that they will do anything to hold the equipment back that we need so desperately to outfit our first military force. We can do nothing, but that means the equipment will be massively delayed. But they have suggested that we might buy some things from their inventories and the Gaul General Staff would look into the matter – discreetly of course – and find a way to solve any issues.

What they're offering isn't bad. Actually, it is top-notch. Most of it is modern equipment used during the Ragnarok War or built for it shortly before its end. We aren't forced to buy lousy equipment. In fact, it is a great offer, but it leaves a bad taste behind.
I am thinking of accepting the deal for tanks we should be able to support them and a hundred is enough to both make a difference on the battlefield and train our troops to fight with them and against them.
As we where at war with them recently i expect that to anger at least some of the conservatives.
As there only enough volunteers for 2 divisions and 2/3 of those natives would two Segregated have one of them be twice the size of the other?
One mixed could work as them the 50% who does not agree can simply not sign up if we go for two i would keep them Segregated.
[ ] Plan Experimental Doctrine
-[ ] Form one division (Mixed)
-[ ] Form one division (Segregated)

-[ ] Gaul's Offer
--[ ] Take the offer (Completes Light Bang and adds 30 Fighters, -1 Budget next Turn)

My thinking on the organizational question is that we should form a division of segregated and mixed troops, so that we can compare their performance going forward. And given just how much of a pain it's going to be to get aircraft at any other way, saying yes to Gaul's offer is a no-brainer. We could easily blow six budget and still not complete the action. Forget the blackmail, getting the aircraft at that price is the real offer we can't refuse.
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[X] Plan We will not be blackmailed
-[X] Divisions
--[X] Form one division (Mixed)
-[X] Gaul's offer
--[X] Just let the Foreign Office do its job. We might need to invest a bit more of our Budget.

Otherwise it would set a precedent.
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[X] Plan We will not be blackmailed

Just treat it as political Konfrontasi. If we blink we will be blackmailed forever by everyone who thinks we are a pushover.
[X] Plan We will not be blackmailed
-[X] Form one division (Mixed)
-[X] Form one division (Segregated)
-[X] Gaul's offer
--[X] Just let the Foreign Office do its job. We might need to invest a bit more of our Budget.
I think this gets us the worst of both world unhappy pp about the mixed division and integration issues in the Segregated
It is also not allowed:
Please only choose one sub-category per action!

[X] Divisions
-[X] Form one division (Mixed)

[X] Gaul's offer
-[X] Take the offer (Completes Light Bang and adds 100 Tanks, -1 Budget next Turn)
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