Here's an argument for Demonkin! All the others are a set and self-contained species, but Demonkin are a class of oppressed people. The society we form--chaotic though it may wind up--will be an inspiration to the oppressed Demonkin of other lands, and we can offer shelter and aid to those fleeing oppression.
That kind of narrative speaks to me even more than the Kobold one does, besides the fact that Demons are just cool! Tieflings and the like are just one of my favorite things in general, and that plus the narrative makes sense.
Point of Order: Tieflings are only now only descended from devils in Fifth edition, rather than fiends in general. I expect most of our demonkin to look like
these or
Your group of 60 Demonkin are in an underground cave. It is dark and you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
> Inventory
You have a supply of 10 foodses. Your food will run out soon. You should gather more food before you starve.
You cannot find that here!
There is no humans to kill!
The darkness takes no damage from your magic missile!
> Gather Food
10 Demonkin gather 20 foodses. You now have 30 Foodses
A caravan of migrant demonkin have arrived from the surface, following tales of your unfettered society! Praise the demons!
20 Demons have been summoned. They demand payment of blood for building elaborate bathing complexes.
20 Demonkin explore the surrounding cave network! 5 of them never return
10 Demonkin have mined 5 copper ore. You have no smelter, so it remains unprocessed
Calculating Food Upkeep...
> -75 Foodses
> Try again? [y/n]
[X] Dark elves
you means drow! And underdark quest must be on drow!
No but you see this is an original quest, so it can't be drow.