The Urban Journey: An “Ex Novo” City-building Quest

Wait, did we find a sentient fungus that can infest the minds of our population? Well that's rather concerning.

Oh gosh, that was not my intention. Mipnok is not an intelligent fungus that took over the bird. That bird is still very dead and decaying in the tree hollow. Instead, Mipnok's body is a mixture of wood, fungus, and algae that coexists just like how animals are a huge collection of specialized cells driven by your brain to survive and reproduce.

I will clarify this further in the write-up about them, but I intended for the Emukam to be mimics in their body structures and some base instincts that hitch a ride. When they are "born," they can replicate the appearance and basic structure of a species a "parent" encountered. Since the first lifeform the proto-Emukam "encountered" was that bird, that is what the form Mipnok took. Later generations will have a wider range of choices or might be able to make modified forms of existing lifeforms.

I decided that Emukam can only take small non-humanoid forms for now since they have only recently "evolved." Expect any encounters with Emukam in the near future to be limited to very smart, strange looking city and forest animals.

PS: Mipnok can't fly because their body is a very close copy of the original bird species. Because their body so closely based on form rather than function, it is too unwieldy to fly. They have lots of hopping in their future. 😅
Work In Progress - Regional Map
It is still a work in progress, but here is a regional map for the Cradle of the Moon. For context, the city map shows roughly the area inside the blue rectangle, so this map is not that much bigger, but I am still developing the context beyond "city-states to the west," "tyrannical kingdom to the north," and "trading partners to the east bothered by the Flock of Qumol."

The coastlines are quite jagged because much of the land is mountainous and the planet experienced significant sea level rise in the recent geological past. The volcanic islands the Ra'a-el/Chashof moved early on in the game's history are the islands just outside of the blue rectangle to the southeast.

The large area of water to the northwest is actually part of a freshwater sea that cuts through the mountains in several places, forming the rivers and inlets to the west and northwest of the crater. Some of those areas marked as water in the west half of the map will likely be changed to wetlands and there might be one or two smaller lakes/reservoirs added as I start filling in the geology.
We had a religious group, a military group (now a religious military group), a traditionalist-craftsperson group, and a criminal group.

Merchants are reasonable, laborers/farmers are interesting too. Though I have a few concepts.

We've been exploring the development of an intellectual group, something along the lines of these burgeoning scientists could be gaining prominence.

Perhaps we're seeing a group breaking off from most likely the Etchers into something more "modern" perhaps like some architects after working with the more simple laborers making them less outright different.

Perhaps with our new dry-docks we're seeing a sort of fisherman class? Maybe instead a sailor class, perhaps almost pirates, though I do think that is stepping on the clique's toes a bit.

Or maybe we're seeing the rise of a sort of figurehead for the town, perhaps a family is gaining prominence in a sort of organization section of the young city, having become a sort of mayor or the like, perhaps their founder having a connection to the much-weakened Cult of Olpan?

Perhaps we're seeing a sort of news or Crier's esque faction, I think that could pose interesting. Maybe a theatre troupe?

Maybe we're seeing some sort of faction from the Flock of Qumol leaving that group and finding themselves here?
The Emukam
Sorry for the delay everyone. I am afraid that the weather has been quite bad here, so I have had to keep my kids occupied for the last several days as they were out of school. In any case, here is the write-up on the Emukam I promised, and I will have the vote for Turn #8 up shortly.

The Emukam

The Emukam are an intelligent composite plant-fungal lifeform. They were originally created by accident when a portion of the romqupan, a giant lichen lifeform, was exposed to an ethmanek tree. The first known sample was discovered by the scientist Channo and Companion Katha at the Niyyofi Laboratory at Cradle's Rest. No known examples of the species have been seen outside of the Cradle of the Moon area to date.


The Emukam has five primary life stages that have dramatically different appearances and internal structure. They are the seedling stage, the mobile stage, the cloning stage, the the reproductive stage, and the guardian stage.

The Seedling Stage
All but the earliest of the Emukam have gone through a seedling stage. Seeds produced by a reproductive Emukam are planted in spring and then begin to grow into an ethmanek tree with an abnormally thick trunk and shorter than normal roots. The interior of the trunk is filled with a large cavity lined with fungal tissue. Otherwise, it is largely indistinguishable from a regular ethmanek tree. It is within this space that a mobile stage Emukam will begin to develop. In autum after several years, the trunk will split open and the mobile stage Emukam will emerge from the trunk

The Mobile Stage

Most Emukam are in the mobile stage. In the mobile stage, they take on the appearance of an animal that Emukam have been exposed to. Birds, lizards, and small mammals are common, though some of the newest are beginning to take the form of larger animals.

The internal structure seems to vary from example to example, but the most common arrangement has the "skin" and hard tissues like bone are made from wood or bark of varying density. Parts of the animal that need to provide movement like muscles or be flexible like the skin at joint areas are made from specialized fungal tissues. Any fungal tissues visible on the surface are also normally colored by algae present like their lichen forebears. Some recent examples also have incorporated mosses, growing on parts of their body covered with bark in a manner analogous to fur. However, it is unknown if this is a symbiotic affectation that these examples are intentionally allowing the mosses to grow on their bodies or if some of the Emukam have integrated moss verities into the composite makeup.

While Emukam have muscular and skeletal structures, no clear analogue to the brain or a circulatory system have been identified to date. Some energy is gathered through photosynthesis, most of a mobile Emukam's energy needs are met by consuming plants or animals. All examples possess a simplified digestive system consisting of a mouth attached to a pair of stomachs. The first stomach is similar to an animal stomach assisting in breaking down food. Meanwhile the second is more similar to the intestine, lined with funguses and other assistants for long-term digestion. They also always have a means of evacuating waste from the second stomach in the form of a cloaca, but this seems to only be used in cases of food poisoning or other toxins present in their second stomach. While they seem to not show any preference for cooked or uncooked foods, they are also to be perfectly willing to eat unused scraps when more easily digestible foods are not available.

The mobile stage does not seem to have an expected lifespan. While Emukam can experience physical deterioration through injury, they do not seem to experience physical aging like animals. However, it is possible that their aging may simply be slow enough to not be noticeable in a human lifespan.

The Cloning Stage
All Emukam have the ability to clone themselves. There does not seem to be a specific trigger for when they decide to do this, but they are more likely to do this after experiencing serious injury or as they get older. There is no know limit to the number of times a Emukam can clone itself.

Their clone will often take on the physical form of a new species. For example, the first known Emukam named Minpok originally took the form of a bird but after a number of years took the form of a ferret.

At the beginning of the cloning stage, the Emukam becomes lethargic, consumes more food than normal, and begins to show other symptoms similar to mammalian pregnancy even if their mimicked species is not a mammal. After a period of several weeks, the pregnant individual finds a safe place and takes root. They will begin to take on a more plant-like appearance, growing stiff, growing branches, and budding leaves. After about a month of this, the original body splits open and the clone emerges in the mobile life-stage.

This new form is considered a clone for several reasons. First, it appears to retain many of the memories of the original form. Second, the original form always dies as a part of this process. Finally, the cloning process only creates a single lifeform.

The Reproductive Stage

This stage of life begins much the same as the cloning process. However, the body of the pregnant Emukam becomes much bigger and much more tree-like. It appears to create energy like plants from the sun. It then begins to grow several large nuts similar to a coconut from which new Emukam can grow. There are only two known examples of reproductive Emukam at this time and none have passed away, so it is unknown what their natural lifespan might be.

The Guardian Stage
When a Emukam enters the reproductive stage, they will attract other Emukam to gather roughly every 6 years. It is unknown if this is a coincidence, but it seems to coincide with the closest convergence of Olpan and Thekbol.

One of the older Emukam will enter a cloning stage. However, when it enters the plant-like phase of the stage, it will bond with the tree instead of growing on its own. It is believed that this may be a form of sexual reproduction. A clone of the bonded Emukam is born from its old body like normal, but it appears to sacrifice the ability to clone itself ever again.

Guardians will stay with the reproductive Emukam, plant the seeds it creates, and care for the seedlings as best as it can. Often it will illicit the help of other lifeforms like humans and Ra'a-el if any have earned its trust. At the next gathering, a new Guardian will bond with the reproductive Emukam and the old one will go into the wilderness. It is believed that most die shortly afterward.
Development #8 - Vote
Just a reminder, here is our results for the roll for this turn.

423 A New Social Group Arises
A new strata of society is created. A new class of merchants, a caste of undesirables or expatriates binding together. What unites them?
=> Add a faction

Based on some suggestions you all made, I decided to put the following factions up for a vote. All of these organizations will exist in the world, but the vote will decide which group becomes influential enough to become a faction.

NOTE: All of our factions and much of the language used so far have been dominated by humans with a Nerlekthad cultural background with a little influence from the entity Chwanmi/Quame. This time, I wanted to show the growing influence of the Ra'a-el /Chashof population of the city and those humans that have heavily adopted from Chashof culture, who refer to themselves as Efno.


[] The Nomkono Agency (trans. The Travel Agency)– Starting as a group of merchants based in the volcanic islands to the south, the factors of the Nomkono Agency have taken advantage of their wealth to officially organize a headquarters in Cradle's Rest and fund much of the growing manufacturing starting in the city. Some of their ambitious members are also hoping to get involved in exploration of the local ocean to widen the Agency's trade network.

[] The Sodality of Peymien (trans. The Organization of Carriers) – The increase in trade and manufacturing has led to a much greater need for dockworkers, porters, teamsters, messengers, and warehouse workers. Many of these folks are new to the city or down on their luck. To protect themselves from predatory bosses or the South Point Clique, as well as provide for those injured on the job, they have organized into a union.

[] The Chakmaen (trans. The Gardeners) – A collection of rich farmers from the countryside around the city that have gotten involved in farming ethmanek trees, the Chakmaen have a rather literal name.* They see their mission as not just promoting their mutual economic benefit, but also conserving the original grove of trees near Fletcher's Field from exploitation. To this end, they have also tried to become involved in local politics to protect this forest. They are also leading efforts to find new ways to use the ethmanek trees aside from the dyes developed at the Niyyofi Laboratory.

[] Write-in

*In the Chashof language, "nam'chaka" means tree garden, AKA a woodlot. This is different from the word for a farm (mini, which also means a pasture) or a farmer (minien).


Thank you all for your continued support! I will leave the vote open for the weekend.
[X] The Nomkono Agency

We picked peninsula because its useful for trade and this is the natural expansion of such, though I do like the options. This may be the most traditional kinda idea, but I think thats fine, we'll get plenty of flavor to make it unique.
Thank you all! I will leave the vote open for the rest of today in case someone else joins us.

We picked peninsula because its useful for trade and this is the natural expansion of such, though I do like the options. This may be the most traditional kinda idea, but I think thats fine, we'll get plenty of flavor to make it unique.

I will be sure to try to make these folks interesting if they win the vote. While the city has been increasing trade for a number of turns with the dockyards, manufacturing developments, and the drug trade, the city is still pretty isolated in the general scheme of things. I am going to try to keep them from becoming super colonial & generally horrible, but they could still end up being like the Dutch or British East India Company depending on the rolls.

Another thing to remember is that the Nomkono Agency is setting up their main headquarters in the city, but they originally started in the islands where the Chashof have been immigrating from. There may end up being social and economic tensions because of this new wealth moving into the city that could boil over into other kinds of nastiness, again depending on the rolls.
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Development Turn #8 - Results
The winner of our vote was the Nomkono Agency!


Ishoko preened xerself, both literally and figuratively, as xe looked out over the harbor of Cradle's Rest from the balcony of his friend's home. While not a majority, his trading group's ships made up a goodly number of the visible ships at anchor.

Ngudba shook his head at his partner's antics, but he also could not keep a smile off of his face. It was an achievement to be proud of. But…

The smile faltered. There was a lot of progress that still needed to be made. He and his companions were not from the city. Some of them had financial connections, true. However, so much of the politics of Cradle's Rest was built on familial ties. One look at his lack of Nerlekthad tattoos and his name was more than enough to betray his foreignness.

Ishoko noticed xer friend's shift in mood. "Things are changing in the city. I am sure that someone in the Convocation will listen."

Ngudba turned away from the balcony, going back into his rented accommodations. "The Flock of Qumol is devastating my homeland." The man sighed, serving himself a drink. "I had hoped that we might have been able to find allies here, but the zealots are no longer feared."

Ishoko shooed away an inquisitive squirrel-form Emukam and flitted in though the open window to a perch. "That is why they need a reminder," xe coaxed Ngudba. "This expedition would let the Convocation see the threat and open up new markets for the makers guilds. A win-win for us both."

The human raised the glass in recognition to xer point. "To hope."

Ishoko twittered, "You forgot the profits, silly human. The profits!"

"Money would help." Ngudba took a sip and then looked at the cup thoughtfully. "Maybe Quame could help us. The legends…"

The Chashof interrupted, "Are legends for a reason. Though they are crafty folk. I will think about it."


I have some unfortunate news for my regular questers. Originally, I intended on having this run until we hit ~25 turns. However, my time is going to be much more limited in the near future. I am satisfied where this city is right now for a game/story setting, so I think we will do one more turn and then stop there. I will continue to update the Kanka page as I flesh out the world, so feel free to check in on that page from time to time.

As for the roll result for the turn #9, I will post it soon. It is be an interesting one, so I will put out a call for suggestions before we do a vote.