Reborn on the Moonless Seas

Lets get a tally for half way through the alloted voting time.
Adhoc vote count started by Ttw1 on Feb 4, 2021 at 3:16 PM, finished with 28 posts and 11 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Miho Chan on Feb 3, 2021 at 2:51 PM, finished with 30 posts and 12 votes.
Votes are in! Expect a post within this weekend. If not then, Monday for sure~
Thanks for the estimated time frame. I can't wait.
[x] Aleutian Islands
The swirling portal gives way to calm seas and steady winds, and you immediately notice that you now have companions. In the form of steel hulls and shipgirls, at that. You recognize one or two of them, though only due to osmosis. Fubuki and Inazuma, you think they're called.

"Huh, I guess that's a thing." Your companion states, "Hello ladies, nice to meet you. I'm Suzaku, and this is…"

"Lupa." You state, looking at your blue-haired companion. "Anyone have any idea where we are?"

Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the handful of steel hull ships still sailing forwards, though one of them starts to slow to a stop near you. You'll keep an eye on that particular ship.

"I think this is the Aleutian Islands?" Inazuma states, a rather moe look of concentration on her face. "Pretty sure it looks familiar nanodesu."

"You'd know better than us Inazuma." One of the other bluenette states, putting her hands on her hips. "Any idea what the heck is going on? I look like something out of a sailor's wet dream."

"Maybe the Carrier and Battleship know?" A Pinkette wearing a seifuku muses, "Hey, Suzaku, Lupa, have any clue what's going on?"

You hesitate, though your fellow former inmate doesn't.

"I- I think so?" She states, clearly unsure about what she's saying. "I think we're here to protect this convoy from… something? That's the feeling I'm getting at least."

"That seems to make some sense?" Another bluenette states, "I just hope I don't run into one of them…"

"You'll be fine Samidade!" Fubuki says cheerfully. "Also, the convoy's hailing us? I think they figured out our frequency."

"SS Nature's Bounty to unknown Ship Spirits, we're glad to see you. It seems that our prayers were heard. We're being chased by Abyssal destroyers, and we have no hope of outrunning them. Would it be possible for you to escort us?"

All five of the destroyers and Suzaku turn to you. "What do you want us to do Lupa?" Suzaku asks, deferring to you. "I- I don't know what the correct answer here is."

[] Yes, We'll Escort You (Weighted) (1.5 Votes per Vote)
[] No, We Cannot.
[] Write In
No Moratorium on Votes. Votes Open for as long as the schedule permits.
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[X] Yes, We'll Escort You (Weighted) (1.5 Votes per Vote)

This is a silly question, but I guess it does have to be asked. Granted, we will either go cold fury, or angry enough it is actually visible when we find out what an Abyssal is.
[X] Yes, We'll Escort You (Weighted) (1.5 Votes per Vote)

This is a silly question, but I guess it does have to be asked. Granted, we will either go cold fury, or angry enough it is actually visible when we find out what an Abyssal is.
It had to be asked, yes. I want to give the players control over important choices, and this is an important choice.
Convoy Part 2
"We'll escort them, of course." You state without hesitation, a fire blazing in your eyes. "We all took an oath of service. One that included protecting the innocent."

"I'm glad, nanodesu." Inazuma chirps.

"Thank God," Suzaku whispers softly. "I didn't- I… I didn't want to make that choice. Thanks, Lupa, for not making me choose." You nod at the carrier, acknowledging her statement. You're confident enough to say that the poor carrier is green as hell, or a flat-out civilian. Your blood boils a bit at that thought. Forcing a civvie into a war…

Relaxing your clenched fists, you gather your thoughts, and send a radio message back to Nature's Bounty.

"Lupa to Nature's Bounty. We'll escort you to the nearest safe harbor. Can you direct us to that harbor in exchange?"

"Glad to hear that Lupa. The Closest Safe Harbor is either Puget Sound or Anchorage, over. We're headed for Anchorage, though Puget Sound would be an acceptable destination as well. Just further out."

"Understood. We'll head for [] Anchorage (or) [] Puget Sound."

"Hey Lupa," Suzaku states, "If we're going to escort the convoy, would it be better for me and a group of escorts to draw some of their attention away? I could send air support as needed if we go that route."

You ponder on that for a moment. On one hand, splitting the party sounds like a horrible idea. On the other, escorting a fleet like this will be tough. Extremely so, to be perfectly honest. Splitting the Abyssal's attention with a tempting target like Suzaku would be something that might help with that.

[] Split the Party
-[] Two Escorts for Suzaku
-[] Three Escorts for Suzaku
--[]Send Suzaku to the other port
--[]Alternate Routes to confuse Abyssals
[] Do not split the Party
-[]Write in Strategy
--[]Formation (Line Ahead, Double Line, Diamond, Etc.)

[]Write in Plans are accepted. The more detailed, the better.