Reborn on the Moonless Seas

This should be interesting. The Kancolle SIs were always a guilty pleasure of mine, so I'm curious how a quest format with handle it, or where things will go.
You remember dying. You don't particularly remember the details, but you remember. The pain, the sheer despair you felt when your young life was cut short could never be surpassed. Or, so you had thought. Now you were stuck in this hell, being tortured to serve the bastard that had put you in this prison. Thankfully, you hated the guy enough to not give in.

"WHY WILL YOU NOT BREAK, DAMN YOU!" Your tormentor screams, jamming the cattle prod she was holding into your side. You scream, the pain still fresh even after going through this more times than you care to count. Tears pour forth from your eyes, and you idly ponder when the last time you had an actual glass of water was. Too long, now that you consider it. The cattle prod strikes again, turning your thoughts back to the torment you're going through, even as you consider the fact they have yet to sexually torture or assault you yet, though you're sure they'll move to that when physical and physiological torture fail to break you. You've been having nightmares about it, to be perfectly honest.

The screams of your fellow inmate pull you from your thoughts. Huh. You had thought she'd broken. Guess you weren't the only one left after all. Lillie, you think she was called. It was a nice name, though you can't exactly recall why you know her name. The idle thoughts your mind is jumping to and from dampens the pain a bit. The strange woman stops her torment moments later when she notices you aren't reacting as much as she thinks you should. Thank god. She'll probably leave now.

"Fine. I'll deal with you tomorrow. You're no longer fun."

With that, your tormentor leaves, just as you predicted, stomping out in disgust. You sag in relief, tears streaking down your cheeks as you assess the damage done by that crazy bitch. Too much. It'll take your crew a while to patch up that area.

Heh, even after a solid month of this, you're still not used to being a ship. Though each and every time your crew patches you up, you feel more and more comfortable with your new status, though you still despise your captivity. The fact that you were a Regina Marina ship was slightly odd, considering that while your family was Italian, you had been serving in the USN when you died.

A dull thud and the cessation of your fellow captive's screams draws your attention away from your internal musings, as does the other tormentor's grumbling.

"Damn. She's unconscious. Wimp, can't even take minor electrocution. Waste of time." Her tormentor says, spitting out the words. Likely spitting on your fellow captive as well. You watch as she leaves the cell, disappearing from view shortly thereafter.

"And you can't even tell when I'm faking it, bitch" Your fellow inmate spits, her voice weak. You blink in surprise. To ignore the pain she was probably going through, that must have taken some incredible mental fortitude. Or practice. You honestly can't tell which it is, so you don't bother musing on it too much.

The sound of her cell opening startles you out of your introspection again, and your head whips around to your cell door, where the grimly smiling form of your fellow inmate stares at you, her face screwed into a mien of concentration as she attempts to pick the lock on your cell with… a lockpick.

"Hold on a moment. I'm getting you out of here. Then we're going to blow this popsicle stand. I've seen some others escaping from here, and I'm pretty sure I figured out exactly how to get out of here." The other girl states, sending a brief smile your way.

You nod eagerly. To get out of this situation would be glorious. You wait impatiently, carefully keeping watch as she struggles with the lock, finally getting the click that she had been searching for. Your cell door swings open, and you step outside of your cell for the first time in months.

"Okay, gimme a second. We're not going out of here the traditional way. I'm gonna-"

"What are the prisoners doing out of their cells?!" A voice shouts, "Get back in your cages before I get angry!"

"Shit shit shit!" No time to search for an active summoning! Gotta… THERE!" Your fellow inmate snarls, making a twisting gesture with her left arm. You didn't really expect anything to happen, and when a swirling portal opens up in front of you, you're absolutely astonished, though you rally quickly. "GO!" Your fellow inmate yells, "Self Summoning is gonna suck, especially since we're going to be latching onto to another one, but thems the breaks!"

You both jump into the portal, the screams of rage coming from behind you music to your ears.

This is where the fun begins! While the Quest Characters won't be aware of this, you now get to choose where we begin!
[] Battle of Okinawa: Easy. Self summons directly into a major conflict between the Humans, Shipgirls, and Abyssals. Also the most work for me, so if this gets chosen, expect the update to take some time.
[] Aleutian Islands: Moderate. While this is a major abyssal stronghold, it's one that's suffering attacks from shipgirls constantly.
[]Bikini Atoll: Hard. This is a major Abyssal Stronghold, and escaping isn't going to be easy. You also don't really have much support
[]Truk Lagoon: Insanity. This is one of the most fortified Abyssal Strongholds. Escaping these waters will require just as much luck as skill. Support? What support?
Aleutian Islands seems like it strikes a decent enough midpoint between 'will actually have to try', 'less work for the GM', and 'not choosing something masochistic'.

Battle of Okinawa... choosing the explicitly 'easy' option seems basically like a 'we only want waifus, not challenge' vote, which is kinda meh.

Bikini Atoll... might be possible, though since we're not one of the 'better early game equipment' ships, it certainly would be hard.

Truk Lagoon... basically, only a realistic option if we were one of the 'better early game equipment' ships. Even if the dice gods favor us, it may not be enough.
I don't know the franchise and I'm only going to be in a quest from the beginning so I'll shoot for the waifus
[X] Battle of Okinawa.

Even if it takes longer to post, It's still the best starting point we have to choose.
@Miho Chan - can I ask to what extent normal humanity will be involved? I was considering the strategic implications of Okinawa vs the Alaskan archipelago, but if it's just magical shipgirls against BS Abyssals there's not much a point in arguing the importance of reopening trade lanes or easing logistics.
@Miho Chan - can I ask to what extent normal humanity will be involved? I was considering the strategic implications of Okinawa vs the Alaskan archipelago, but if it's just magical shipgirls against BS Abyssals there's not much a point in arguing the importance of reopening trade lanes or easing logistics.
You hit one of the nails on the head. Humanity is involved, though they don't start being truly effective at more than a few things till a bit later in the timeline.
Unless some one convinces me otherwise in a an hour I'll be voting for [] Aleutian Islands.
Actually, any one even want to go anywhere besides Okinawa? Truk just sounds like canon Worm 2; now with more water. Aleutian Islands looks like gang land, Bikini Atoll sounds like a classic self rescue from behind enemy lines set up, but Okinawa makes us fairly obvious and help is basically through some one we want to blow up anyways.
You hit one of the nails on the head. Humanity is involved, though they don't start being truly effective at more than a few things till a bit later in the timeline.
... so, is that a yes or a no? Should we bother thinking about the strategic situation at large or is this not going to be that kind of quest/story?
I'm probably gonna go for Aleutians. Though considering we've got a Battleship, we're in a decent place to try shooting our way out of many places. Also, we'll get some more fame/renown/badass points that way.

On a separate note, I wanna check to see if we have the Pugliese TDS, because if we do, that should be a priority for replacement if we can. It's not effective, and compromises our armor scheme. (Might also be able to get some more range from a redesign here.)

Moratorium should be over by now? Moratorium is presumably over.

[X] Bikini Atoll

The easy option doesn't really interest me, and while the moderate option feels like a decent choice all around... what's a quest that starts off with the premise of 'escaping from abyssals' without having to actually put some effort into the escape? We're a battleship with a good crew, we should be tanky enough.
[X] Bikini Atoll: Hard. This is a major Abyssal Stronghold, and escaping isn't going to be easy. You also don't really have much support
What's a kancolle SI without a harrowing trek behind enemy lines? Let's put the Pastabote through the wringer.
[X] Aleutian Islands.
On a separate note, I wanna check to see if we have the Pugliese TDS, because if we do, that should be a priority for replacement if we can. It's not effective, and compromises our armor scheme. (Might also be able to get some more range from a redesign here.)
Actually the Pugliese TDS was actually pretty good, but like everything engineering related, there are drawbacks, namely shortening the armor belt. The question is actually is the tradeoff of a shorter belt for better TDS worth it, and I don't know the answer to that.
Source: Pugliese Revisited
[X] Aleutian Islands.

The nice thing about the Aleutians is it puts us near the US, which will most likely have the best facilities. I have concerns about reaching friendly land with Bikini, especially if we take any damage, and it's very likely that we might get intercepted along the way. It's over 2,000 NMis to Hawaii from Bikini, and 1,800 to Japan.

On the Pugilese,I did get that wrong, it is good at minimizing torpedo damage. However, My point of it compromising ballistic protection for underwater protection still stands. It's also rather big, and replacing it could also bring in some more range. I guess it'll have to be based on what we value the most.
I'm probably gonna go for Aleutians. Though considering we've got a Battleship, we're in a decent place to try shooting our way out of many places. Also, we'll get some more fame/renown/badass points that way.

On a separate note, I wanna check to see if we have the Pugliese TDS, because if we do, that should be a priority for replacement if we can. It's not effective, and compromises our armor scheme. (Might also be able to get some more range from a redesign here.)

We don't.
Data is a bit sparse, but as far as I can tell, we have a five-layer system of alternating liquid and void, which is how most other TDSes work.

It's not Dunkerque-level TDS memes, but it should serve us quite well.
Can I get a description of our ships weapons and such? I'd like to have an idea of the ship's capabilities.