Reborn on the Moonless Seas

Umm, no, you're still kinda missing my point. I'm not saying you aren't acknowledging female presence on SV, i'm just saying it's awfully self-centered to assume that a plan you made for SV's Self-Insert should default to any specific gender solely because the person who made the plan happened to be that gender. I'd be debunking it even if it was a female who posted a plan that defaulted to female because the poster was female.
Yeah, that is what I am trying to say. I saw SI and went SI rather than a quest where other people vote. It was a mistake as I defaulted to a Story SI and it completely escaped me that people were going to vote for that option. Or in other words, I forgot that this was a quest and made that vote and proceed to poorly word it.

What I meant was that I was male so choose the default option. I forgot that this was a vote and not a story.

EDIT: sorry now that i completely woke up let me clarify. I made the vote shortly before i went to bed and mis read it as each person making their own character. It was only after clarifying the name that i reread the mechanics post and realised that people will vote on only 1 character. So since I already filled up the sheet at that point i edited the sheet to a general vote and not a personal one. Hence the part about honesty. Simply put, I made a mistake, corrected it while half asleep and went to bed.
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[X] Plan Civilian Badass.

I think this plan is the best choice personally, if anyone says otherwise then let's agree to disagree.
Why am I the only one who wants to play as a carrier. This is so disappointing.
Adhoc vote count started by Miho Chan on Feb 3, 2021 at 6:55 AM, finished with 28 posts and 9 votes.

The current status on votes. Note that Plan Pasta and Plan Civilian Badass are currently tied, due to Wobulator not reformatting his post yet. Plan How do I Carrier is currently the closest one after that.

Voting closes at
Since I somehow missed this question, I'm answering it now. Apologies for the double post
Also @Miho Chan can we have some clarifications? Are there any mechanical advantages to pick one starting option over the other? I want some clarity if it is possible.
Of course there are mechanical advantages. I'm not going to say which one I personally think is better. But consider the equipment section when choosing your ship. It'll factor in more than you likely believe it will.
[X] Plan How does one carrier

Considering the Iowa Conversions have about the same capability in terms of air group size as an Essex, she's not a bad choice at all.

also, drat too late to suggest a different background for her, maybe have her minored in GIS (Geographic Information Systems?)
Votes are closing soon. Does anyone wish to change their vote?
[X] Plan Pasta

Perhaps we don't want a protagonist that has to deal with dysphoria on top of fighting for their life? I know questors like hard mode, but really.
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[X] Plan Pasta

If it's not too late to slip in a tie-breaker vote. If it is... Whoops. Either way, the German ships tend to get way more screen time than Italian ships so I'm leaning that way just on principle. The fact that the pasta boat was previously employed by the navy means the character can potentially have an easier time with everything that's happening. Sure, civilian in wartime sounds cool but I'd rather not have panic driving us to do something that might end whatever plot occurs early because we sunk due to frozen inaction.
[X] Plan Pasta

If it's not too late to slip in a tie-breaker vote. If it is... Whoops. Either way, the German ships tend to get way more screen time than Italian ships so I'm leaning that way just on principle. The fact that the pasta boat was previously employed by the navy means the character can potentially have an easier time with everything that's happening. Sure, civilian in wartime sounds cool but I'd rather not have panic driving us to do something that might end whatever plot occurs early because we sunk due to frozen inaction.
It is not too late, no. I'm being impatient as is. Voters! You have exactly 10 minutes to vote if you wish to change your votes. Thank you.
[X] Plan Pasta

RIP Plan How does one carrier
Carriers were never going to work to be honest. Too fragile.

Kinda sad that plan badass is not going to win but thems the breaks. That and the GM hinting things as well.

My only problem is the abysmal range of the ship that is probably going to win as they were designed for the medetarian. That is going to be painful while running away.
Carriers were never going to work to be honest. Too fragile.

Kinda sad that plan badass is not going to win but thems the breaks. That and the GM hinting things as well.

My only problem is the abysmal range of the ship that is probably going to win as they were designed for the medetarian. That is going to be painful while running away.
Note that there isn't really a range mechanic in the Rules. At least for the range that you're speaking of. While your concerns are correct, they don't factor in other than narratively.
Vote Results
Adhoc vote count started by Miho Chan on Feb 3, 2021 at 1:52 PM, finished with 42 posts and 15 votes.

And Plan Pasta Wins! Expect the first post within the next two hours, more than likely sooner than later~
Ok, so now the votes are called was there a problem with civilian or the H class? I mean maybe it is me but you were hinting a fair bit. The reason i decided not to change the vote was that people had already voted on it.
Ok, so now the votes are called was there a problem with civilian or the H class? I mean maybe it is me but you were hinting a fair bit. The reason i decided not to change the vote was that people had already voted on it.
Yes and No. Objectively, civilian was a bad choice. It gives you a pretty significant demerit to crew. H-39 is somewhat fine, and her equipment would have been so so. Of the BBs, the USN and RN had the best equipment for early game, with the RM and KM coming in at a distant second. Various other things too.
Thanks for the clarification. Sad that plan badass did not win but i am looking forward to where you will take this quest regardless.