Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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Is this actually that kind of quest? I thought the universe was serious but Kakashis perspective was completely out of whack because he's so messed up.
That's roughly correct. For instance, he took the fight seriously at first, but once he realized that he outclassed them he unwound. Also, it's Snow. If there's anywhere west of Cloud where he can relax on the job, it's here (or so he thinks...).
Also, I think of it more like you would playing a Malkavian in Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, if anyone remembers that game.
Kakashi has 6 chakra left and a mild consequence. Reading the rule doc's segment on healing, if we spend the day recovering, Kakashi's Physique stat is high enough that the Mild Consequence will be healed by the next in-game day.

Alternatively, we could try and leverage what little medical skill Kakashi has to try and heal it up... But again, 6 chakra.

I say we...

[x] Action Plan: Turning Wealth into Explosions
  • Chill out for a couple days and escort the Daimyo around, you earned a little break.
  • Wait for news of your fight to reach Glacier, and let them make the first move.
  • After healing from Mild Consequence, convince the Daimyo to give you seal-quality paper.
    • Turn them all into explosive tags, save for a couple storage seals (because those are useful).
    • Actually, while you're at it, ask the Daimyo to forward you the strongest liquor available ("No, my lord. Not the 'best,' I said the 'strongest'") in massive amounts, and as many glass bottles as possible
      • Molotov Cocktail Time!
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Per the vote, Kakashi has decided he's going to take over Glacier, put a patsy in charge, take their best Clan secrets, copy all the existing techniques, and leave for the Eastern Continent once he's pumped them for what they're worth. Current obstacles:
In case anyone was always wondering why missing nin are considered so evil in MfD... this is why. We are basically enacting the kinds of horror stories that parent ninja tell their kids to scare them into being good. :p

In keeping with our new villain identity, I propose that we create a massive drill, powered by explosives, and once we find Hidden Glacier we just drill straight down into it.

Making a self destruct button for the machine is optional, but if it's a big enough self destruct it could be a pretty badass opening move when we get in.

[X] I Make My Own Tunnels
  • Tell Nadare Shigeru that you actually only need to know where Glacier is, not how to get in. Your village only wants to know so they know where to avoid if they send ninja to snoop around the tundra for the missing... um never mind. Anyway, if he just tells you where the area above the village itself is, you can let him go without him needing to show you the tunnels in or anything.
  • Confirm the location with Living Roots.
  • Create a massive drilling machine, powered by explosive seals and ninjutsu.
    • Make sure there's a self destruct button, with a timer and a VERY large radius of explosion.
    • Make the explosion even bigger by making a seal/mechanism that spews sawdust, coal dust, and other flammables into the air right before the explosion.
    • After you're done cackling maniacally, key it to your chakra signature so only you can activate it. And then label it as 'Open Luggage Compartment.'
    • Make a big red button labeled 'Self Destruct' which makes a loud humming sound but does nothing else.
  • Use the drilling machine to drill into Hidden Glacier.
    • Once it's about to breach into Glacier, activate the' Open Luggage Compartment' button, and RUN.
    • Once the explosion goes off, return at your leisure and pick off the jonin one by one.
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Posted in the discord about this:

Flammable particulates like sawdust or flour are actually highly explosive when they hang in the air. To the degree that sawmills and flour mills will actually make their roofs weaker in the hopes that all the explosive momentum goes upward and outward. That kind of flexibility isn't found in icy tunnels... I think you see where I'm going with this. If we truly want to go the way of the explosions, we could gather up hundreds of pounds of sawdust (GOD I miss macerators...), flood the tunnels with it via wind jutsu, and blow the whole thing sky-high like a madman.

I'm still working on actual numbers. The sawdust in the air of a mill is usually enough to obliterate the entire facility if a static spark flares, but I can't find what that is in actual weight. We also don't know how long those tunnels are. With the right intel though, we could erase their defenses off the planet in an instant!

This is a mere 5kg of coal dust detonated:

Here's the aftermath of a Sawmill that experienced a spark:

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flood the tunnels with it via wind jutsu, and blow the whole thing sky-high like a madman.

There's a decent chance Kakashi knows what burns well, he is a Jonin, but I don't think we can put things into his head. More importantly, I believe he doesn't have wind Chakra unlocked at this point, so may need another plan. Plus, we want them reorganized and taken alive, not mass murderer, I think.

[X] Hunt down Dotō Kazahana and figure out where the heirloom is. Use possession of the object to open contact with Rōga.
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There's a decent chance Kakashi knows what burns well, he is a Jonin, but I don't think we can put things into his head. More importantly, I believe he doesn't have wind Chakra unlocked at this point, so may need another plan. Plus, we want them reorganized and taken alive, not mass murderer, I think.

[X] Hunt down Dotō Kazahana and figure out where the heirloom is. Use possession of the object to open contact with Rōga.

This would just be blowing up their tunnels, not their village...well, maybe just a little bit ;)
I'll vote for this if you include Shroom's post about flammable particuates in some way.
Sure! :D

Create a massive drilling machine, powered by explosive seals and ninjutsu.
  • Make sure there's a self destruct button, with a timer and a VERY large radius of explosion.
  • Make the explosion even bigger by making a seal/mechanism that spews sawdust, coal dust, and other flammables into the air right before the explosion.
Is this acceptable, or should I try to add something about bombing them with sawdust after the explosion?

Remember kids, it's not a warcrime if the concept of warcrimes doesn't exist yet!
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Not venturing an opinion on the vote, just theorycrafting for our character sheet. (KakashiAI's allocations aren't awful, but they are weird)

We tag Taijutsu so frequently it's not even funny. We should focus EXP on leveling it to 60. We'd then get +7 instead of +6, and a typical Taijutsu roll has Strong Fist and Sharingan and Chakra Boost. 290xp spent for +8, equivalent to another skill at 37 for value-per-point. Three shifts more stress, if you want think of it that way. A steal.

However, that's a long(er) term proposition than my actual recommendation, which is that we level Physique to 40. That extra stress box lets us last one whole round of punching longer against our evil twin, assuming all rolls are +0. 116xp, let's get cracking. (EDIT: two shifts for Strong Fist, one for ninja hands. Three shifts per attack, on average, assuming mirror matchup Taijutsu v. Taijutsu)

After that, push another 30s skill into the 40s, and… dunno. Craft(Steam Engine), knowing the playerbase.
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We'd then get +7 instead of +6, and a typical Taijutsu roll has Strong Fist and Sharingan and Chakra Boost. 290xp spent for +8, equivalent to another skill at 37 for value-per-point.
The Sharingan bonus is a flat +6 to a variety of rolls where it makes sense to be applied (super vision with some predictive abilities is pretty useful it turns out).

So it would be the five levels (55->60), plus another relative +1 if using Strong Fist (since the Aspect Bonus for Taijutsu increases) and another relative +1 from Chakra Boost (since your highest overall AB is now +7 if you level Taijutsu to 60), for a +7 total from the expenditure.

(You're correct about Physique. I note Resolve is in a similar boat. : > )

In universe ninja will provably be built slightly wider than Munchkinly Intuition (TM) would expect them to be, mostly because they run into a wide array of situations throughout their careers. EX: The jounin Kakaahi just murdered might not have died if either of those characters had some more levels in medical skills. This could have been extremely useful from either sides perspective in that conflict, since he was the leader of a clan that has a significant minority portion of Glacier's current manpower. You can't win 'em all I guess. (Of course, with different skillsets it could've played out differently, so theres always some elements of give and take there.)
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Craft(Explosion Engine), knowing the playerbase.

In universe ninja will provably be built slightly wider than Munchkinly Intuition (TM) would expect them to be, mostly because they run into a wide array of situations throughout their careers. EX: The jounin Kakaahi just murdered might not have died if either of those characters had some more levels in medical skills. This could have been extremely useful from either sides perspective in that conflict, since he was the leader of a clan that has a significant minority portion of Glacier's current manpower. You can't win 'em all I guess. (Of course, with different skillsets it could've played out differently, so theres always some elements of give and take there.)
That reminds me, we should get a follower/apprentice/whatever who's decent at medical ninjutsu asap. At some point that might be us bleeding out.
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The Sharingan bonus is a flat +6 to a variety of rolls where it makes sense to be applied
Whoops. On the other hand, wow, baby Uchiha are monsters, compared to their age level. Bloodlimits are really unfair. Also, we need to light some incense for Obito. (Unrelated: How old is the Uchiha heir? I'm trying to calibrate my screaming in Kagome)

So, here's a worked example, between Kakashi and his Chair-ignoring evil twin Shikaka, who put those 116 points (and ten more) into three levels of Alertness. All rolls are +0, but they don't know that. They both start with no FP and infinite chakra.

Alertness v. Alertness, S wins.
Athletics and Strong Fist v. Athletics, S wins by +6
Tai v. Tai, S wins by two shifts, plus one for ninja hands, K takes three stress.
K does the same to S.
Round Two:
S does the same thing, the three shifts of stress make K fill out his last stress box.
K does the same, S takes a moderate consequence. All his (relevant) roll are now -6, but he gets an FP. K gets a tag on S.
Round Three:
S wins Strong Fist by +0, and spends his FP on Tai to do as much damage as he can. Five shifts of damage, except that K used his tag. Three shifts, moderate consequence. K gets FP and -6, S gets tag.
K wins Strong Fist by +6 (+0 if S spends his tag, which would be dumb). K spends his FP on Tai, will do a Severe. S spending his tag would be unwise. S now is at -18 and has a tag and a FP.
Round Four:
S goes for Strong Fist and loses. Spending his FP and/or tag here would be wasteful. He uses both instead to cancel out the -12 he just received, and does two shifts to K, a Mild. K at -9 and 1FP, S has tag.
K goes for Strong fist and wins easily (+15). He punches, using his FP. S uses tag to counter. Still does six shifts. S is Taken Out.

I think. I may have misunderstood the rules around tags, D20 is my main base of understanding.
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