The guards are far more alert than before, however they're simply spread too thin between the escaping miners, the Union, and the multiple murders to have a realistic chance of finding you. You attacked some of the guards on your way out in order make things a little easier for the miners, you didn't bother hiding the bodies this time, they already know something's there after all.
It seems like some of the miners were only faking their injuries and weakness for just this chance. Many of them have been freed using the keys while others are simply breaking the chains that hold them using their mining equipment. The guards were fully unprepared without anyone around to give out orders as the growing mob of angry escapees began to attack anything Greenstone they could find.
Especially when they found the armory.
You actually saw Greenstone Security fleeing the mine into the yard, there were simply too many hostiles to stop, and the miners know the tunnels better.
Union Attack (35+20+25=75)
Greenstone Defence (62+25+25=112)
The battle is beginning to shift to Greenstone's favor, they've managed to create choke points that the Union must funnel through to reach the Greenstone defences, without interference the Union will likely take heavy casualties.
Do you notice something about the Union? (75+10=85)
There was something you noticed about some of the Union attackers that you've never noticed before...
They weren't expecting a surprise attack from behind, that much is clear when you kicked in the door and began hacking away at everything inside. You don't have time for subtlety with the battle underway, and so you crashed upon them like a traumatic memory forcing its way to the surface. The first to rect to your intrusion was quickly brought to the floor, clutching at his neck, as yet another was quite literally disarmed by your claws. Many of the guards present within the guardhouse were corrupted and as such were able to put up a good fight and their numbers could prove an issue, but you had a wonderful idea courtesy of some memory you gleaned for one of your attackers when you struck him with your tongue.
Instead of fighting you way to the meeting room where the defence's leaders were you made your way to another part of the building altogether. You took some good blows from the defenders but you were eventually able to make it through to the cellar... to where they keep their blasting powder. As you prepared to set it off the door behind you was knocked loose of its hinges, a guard captain charged in, weapon at the ready to cut you down.
Your descended and malformed mouth grinned.
"Just a little to late, to stop your fate, when you thought you were doing well."
You brandish the wood you had lit aflame, holding it just over the powder. His eyes go wide.
"The war rages on, but you little pawn, will soon find yourself in Hell."
You dropped the flame, and an explosion rocked the mine.
Union Attack (60+20+25=105)
Greenstone Defence (49+25=74)
As the explosion rocks the area the Union begins to push through the choke points, the Greenstone defences are still powerful, but now are but a snake without its head. The Union will likely win a great victory today, but you doubt they'll hold on to anything here. The war is just beginning after all.
You slowly rise up, the blast did little to hurt you, but the shrapnel did, a large strut from the wall has lodged itself into your side, and you can feel slivers of wood and glass throughout your body. You're fortunate that you have little in the way of vital organs, but still, it hurts. You raised up, ready to leave and recover when you felt a familiar presence in the room, you reddied yourself and looked, sure enough there it was. Avaritia, the Frog of Greed.
Child of Baator We meet again
"Here to try and stop me? You're a little late on that front."
I do not wish to fight you...yet
Why do you attack me child?
"To free those you've enslaved, and put an end to the souls you've corrupted, the madness you create."
I have corrupted nothing
"What else would what you've done to these mortals be?"
A gift
Of freedom and the truth
"What truth?"
The only truth
You know it well child
"You know nothing of me, or what I know."
So you intend to continue?
To try and destroy all I've worked to save?
"You've saved nothing, only brought things low."
Very well then When next we meet, I will show no mercy Traitor
And with that, the yellow figure begins to fade away, and you begin to leave.
But first a gift... Perhaps you will understand...
In time...
You felt something in your mind... Something...
You made your way through the manor halls, the party might have been for you but there was only one thing on your mind. You know he's around here somewhere, he always comes here when he wants some time to himself. Sure enough, you find him in his study, he smiles and rises to greet you as you approach.
"Here to see me are you ⋆⋄⋋⋝⋂⋌?" He begins before correcting himself. "My apologies, Sr. ⋌⋇⋏⋃⋈⋜, it still feels like yesterday we took you in, and you've grown into a fine young man."
"It brings me small amount of joy to hear you say that Lord ⋔⋗⋙, without you I'm sure I would be dead in the streets." You pause a moment before building the nerve to bring up the reason you came to speak with him. "I assume you know why I'm here? I know you already know about it, so I'll just skip ahead to asking for your approval."
"I was afraid you'd ask me," Your heart sinks. "Unfortunately I must say no."
"But why sir, you know I only have the best of-"
"I'm aware of that boy, but it's not so simple, I need to choose carefully, and as much as I care for you there are better options available."
You look to the floor and begin to feel tears form in the corners of your eyes, barely holding yourself back before he speaks once again.
"However I would be remiss not to give you a chance to prove yourself the best choice," You look up at him, he has a strange grin on his face, one you've never seen on him before. "Some tasks I need your help with, do them well and I might just change my mind, give my approval, publicly even."
He reaches out his hand to you, you stare at it.
"Do we have a deal?"
You're broken out of your trance by the sound of fighting outside, you quickly begin to flee the area with the images still i your mind. This was different from when you normally see someone's memories, you could feel them, not just the emotions but the feeling of the breeze the blew through the manor, the sounds and smells, these memories, they were...
They were yours.
A large group of miners were able to escape with memories of you, what this will do is currently unknown.
The Greenstone Mining Company has been severely damaged and must recover.
The Union won the battle but were forced to retreat, they suffered decent casualties.
The Union has several corrupted individuals of unknown nature.
The Union and the Greenstone Mining Company are now at war with each other.
New research options have been unlocked.
Yo don't know what to make of it, those memories should be gone, scoured from you to never return, memories of a long dead mortal who can never again be. And yet...
What did you do to fall?
Why were you damned?
These memories could be the awnser.
You have two actions. Please use plans.
[ ] Write-in
- Feel free to come up with your own actions.
[ ] Search your memories
- Memories of the mortal that was, just who were you?
[ ] Research Avaritia
- This Frog of Greed is a powerful opponent, search for more information on it.
[ ] Spy on the Greenstone Mining Company
- They are one of the sources of corruption within the city, you must know more.
[ ] Spy on the Union
- You promised their destruction, and you do your best not to lie.
[ ] Search the Library
- There is much you do not yet know, perhaps you could find something useful.
[ ] Explore the Jade Quarter
- What secrets do the merchants hold?
[ ] Explore the Snow Quarter
- What does the surface hide?
[ ] Explore the Peak
- The high-class area, what will you find?
[ ] Explore the tunnels
- What might you find in the depths?
[ ] Explore Highmount
- What new areas could you find?
[ ] Train Easily Forgotten
- Attempt to improve your Easily Forgotten trait, how?
[ ] Train Fleeting Visage
- Attempt to improve your Fleeting Visage, how?
[ ] Train combat prowess
- Attempt to gain a new fighting style, what kind?
[ ] Develop the Way of the Broken Gaze 1/4
- A combat style you came up with that involves ambushes and bursts of movement to strike and slip from view. Unlocks trait, ??? and ???
[ ] Write-in
- Or train in another way.
[ ] Repair the Spire 1/10 (Currently at rank 3/10)
- Attempt to improve the condition of your lair.
[ ] Add a general improvement
- Add an addition to your lair, witch one?
[ ] Add Special Improvement
- Add something more specialized, what?
[ ] Search the Spire
- What did Arnas do here?
- A place to hold and categorize knowledge, of many forms. (Aids Research)
Training Room
- Seclusion and supplies are needed to truly improve. (Aids Training)
Map Room
- Perfect memory or not, this helps keep things straight. (Aids Exploration)
Guest Rooms
- A place for mortals to rest, if they wish to that is. (Aids allies, and allows them to benefit from your lair)
Supply Room
- A place to store useful items. (Aids Construction)
- Feel free to come up with ideas.
More can be unlocked.
None at this time.
More can be unlocked.
[ ] Good in the Pit
- Attempt to find good to do in the slums, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the market area, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the barracks, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Peak
- Attempt to find good to do in the noble's area, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Pit
- Attempt to find evil in the slums, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the market area, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the barracks, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Peak
- Attempt to find evil in the noble's area, exploration will help.
[ ] Strike at the Greenstone Mining Company
- You know beyond a shadow of a doubt their evil, how will you strike?
[ ] Order Solomon
- Order Solomon to perform a non-research action, he will continue until finished or ordered otherwise.
[ ] Speak to Solomon
- What do you wish to speak to him about?
[X] Plan Champions & Rememberance
-[X] Search your memories
-[X] Good in the Snow Quarter
Rosser's Rebels are concerned with safety and controlling the Snow Quarter.
Let's check them out to see if they would be good allies.
I liked the new reveal, and I think the battle was written well. It wasn't blow-for-blow, and it didn't gloss over everything. I would have liked to read any standouts during the battle. Did anyone impress Memnor (either good or bad)? A future leader to contact with the Miners? Someone having second thoughts in the Union or Greenstone?
The memories are from a mortal who is long gone, we arent that person no more. I wonder if it is showing us in an attempt to pique our curiosity? Or to make us vulnerable to its brand of corruption?
[X] Plan Champions & Rememberance
-[X] Search your memories
-[X] Good in the Snow Quarter
Rosser's Rebels are concerned with safety and controlling the Snow Quarter.
Let's check them out to see if they would be good allies.
I liked the new reveal, and I think the battle was written well. It wasn't blow-for-blow, and it didn't gloss over everything. I would have liked to read any standouts during the battle. Did anyone impress Memnor (either good or bad)? A future leader to contact with the Miners? Someone having second thoughts in the Union or Greenstone?
Should we talk to Solomon about the red eyes? Because I suspect the Union is associated/touched by in some way or form by Wrath. Maybe that's what the "Lion" part of the battle title was referring to? (I don't think the Mnemor has an association with any particular animal)
During the battle Carver made his return, showing signs of the red corruption, he danced throughout the front lines, taking blows that would have killed him before and cutting into anyone that got to close with hit carving knife. His knife was able to cut through armor with ease and appeared to leave burns similar to acid.
Solomon and his followers were able to capture and hold one of the defensive positions from Greenstone early into the battle, holding off all attempts to take it back. You note that they were near the escape tunnel you and the miners used, and probably helped to hide the escape from the rest of the Union.
A higher ranking member of the Union was present during the battle to lead the charge, he had only one arm but was able to wield a large axe with ease. He wasn't even touched by Greenstone weapons as he walked through the battlefield and killed everything and everyone in his path. The Union members called him Shane.
While you killed a good number of the Greenstone notables in the battle there was still one more that led the counterattack that ultimately forced the Union out. His name is apparently Shaw, head of Greenstone Security, he moved fast and wasted no movement, evry attack was fatal and struck something vital.
The miner you gave the keys to is named Will, he was the driving force behind rallying the miners and leading the escape, he actually went back into the mines multiple times to help get more people out. He was also smart enough to steal weapons, supplies and money from the mine offices and armory so that he and the others could more easily find a place to lie low.
The only other main standout was a particularly large miner affectionately nicknamed Big Bill, he pushed a minecart to and from the mine throughout the escape, filling it with any miners who were too weak or injured to make the trip themselves. Like Will, he made multiple trips and managed to kill a decent number of guards that tried to stop him using a makeshift club.
The memories are from a mortal who is long gone, we arent that person no more. I wonder if it is showing us in an attempt to pique our curiosity? Or to make us vulnerable to its brand of corruption?
[X] Plan Champions & Rememberance
-[X] Search your memories
-[X] Good in the Snow Quarter
Search your Memories (Rolled 97+5=102) Success
To begin unraveling the vestiges of your former self will be no small task, your damnation was intended to strip you of any sense of self or personality, to leave a miserable empty shell of pain and hate for them to fill with Hell's will, yet no matter how thorough and practised they are some of the original soul will always manage to slip through. Perhaps it's not an accident? That leaving some semblance of them allows their punishment to continue eternally? You are not one of the forgers, so you would not know, what you do know is that what little you had that separates you from other Mnemor are holdouts from your former self.
Your love of rhymes is one such trait, and your susceptibility to that man's words as well you imagine... That man in your memory called you sir... something, you can't quite remember any names, strange when you're not used to being unable to remember anything. Whoever you were you had a title, you were someone important, the architecture and accents were that of the Empire's capital Strard, but that city was lost during the invasion, left as a Abyss-tainted necropolis on blighted land.
As for the man you spoke with he seemed to be a noble of some kind, and you felt no small amount of emotion towards him, respect and affection, but also fear... You weren't a member of his house but he said he took you in, a father figure perhaps? When you attempt to remember what it is you wanted from him you feel a strange tightness in your chest, followed by a strange sense of... melancholy, whatever it was it seemed to be close to your core, central to who you are, were...
There is one thing of you are certain of however, that was the moment it all started.
Your journey into damnation.
New actions have been unlocked.
There are still memories to rediscover.
Good in the Snow Quarter (20+10=30)
The area around the infamous Beacon tower is heavily patrolled by rebel soldiers, what few civilians remain within this area of the city go about their business as normal, stopping only when one of the soldiers stops by for something, in which case they drop everything to help. You aren't sure if they do so out of a sense of duty, fear, or both.
Most of the supplies they're running off of are from a large stockpile they keep in the case of the city coming under siege, the Merchants Guild hords most of the food that comes into the city and refuses to give any to General Rosser or his men, hoping to starve them out. For now they have enough to last a good long while, but eventually they're going to need to get supply chains going or start raiding the Jade Quarter.
You couldn't find any good to do that was in your power in the Snow Quarter, the feeling of sadness from your memories following, and something about the snow capped buildings only served to worsen it, something must have happened to you during the winter related to that memory, something bad.
The effects of the battle are still being felt, the Union has been getting bolder and expanding, Solomon reports about new recruits coming in. As for the miners it seems they've begun to show themselves as well, a Greenstone caravan was attacked by people wielding looted weapons from the mines, killed the guards and left without taking the jade. You'll need to look into them.
You have two actions. Please use plans.
[ ] Write-in
- Feel free to come up with your own actions.
[ ] Search your memories
- Memories of the mortal that was, just who were you?
[ ] Research Avaritia
- This Frog of Greed is a powerful opponent, search for more information on it.
[ ] Spy on the Greenstone Mining Company
- They are one of the sources of corruption within the city, you must know more.
[ ] Spy on the Union
- You promised their destruction, and you do your best not to lie.
[ ] Search the Library
- There is much you do not yet know, perhaps you could find something useful.
[ ] Explore the Jade Quarter
- What secrets do the merchants hold?
[ ] Explore the Snow Quarter
- What does the surface hide?
[ ] Explore the Peak
- The high-class area, what will you find?
[ ] Explore the tunnels
- What might you find in the depths?
[ ] Explore Highmount
- What new areas could you find?
[ ] Expedition to Strard
- Take the journey to the Empire's fallen capital, don't recommend until you're stronger.
[ ] Train Easily Forgotten
- Attempt to improve your Easily Forgotten trait, how?
[ ] Train Fleeting Visage
- Attempt to improve your Fleeting Visage, how?
[ ] Train combat prowess
- Attempt to gain a new fighting style, what kind?
[ ] Develop the Way of the Broken Gaze 1/4
- A combat style you came up with that involves ambushes and bursts of movement to strike and slip from view. Unlocks trait, ??? and ???
[ ] Write-in
- Or train in another way.
[ ] Repair the Spire 1/10 (Currently at rank 3/10)
- Attempt to improve the condition of your lair.
[ ] Add a general improvement
- Add an addition to your lair, witch one?
[ ] Add Special Improvement
- Add something more specialized, what?
[ ] Search the Spire
- What did Arnas do here?
- A place to hold and categorize knowledge, of many forms. (Aids Research)
Training Room
- Seclusion and supplies are needed to truly improve. (Aids Training)
Map Room
- Perfect memory or not, this helps keep things straight. (Aids Exploration)
Guest Rooms
- A place for mortals to rest, if they wish to that is. (Aids allies, and allows them to benefit from your lair)
Supply Room
- A place to store useful items. (Aids Construction)
- Feel free to come up with ideas.
More can be unlocked.
None at this time.
More can be unlocked.
[ ] Good in the Pit
- Attempt to find good to do in the slums, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the market area, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the barracks, exploration will help.
[ ] Good in the Peak
- Attempt to find good to do in the noble's area, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Pit
- Attempt to find evil in the slums, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the market area, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the barracks, exploration will help.
[ ] Evil in the Peak
- Attempt to find evil in the noble's area, exploration will help.
[ ] Strike at the Greenstone Mining Company
- You know beyond a shadow of a doubt their evil, how will you strike?
[ ] Order Solomon
- Order Solomon to perform a non-research action, he will continue until finished or ordered otherwise.
[ ] Speak to Solomon
- What do you wish to speak to him about?