Since it's the easiest mechanic to track across the Commissars, I decided to put all the favour changes into one place.

Valeriya Mykhailivna Rudenko
  • =: Soviet Citizen; As a citizen of the Soviet Union, Valeriya's appointment as Commissar in Chief would increase Soviet influence in the Otmezosob by five and also automatically generates five Soviet favour points per turn.
  • -: Lacking in connections; Being new to her post means that Rudenko will need time to build up the networks of trust that underpin virtually all forms of collective organisation. She generates -5 ULAPAC and Comintern influence points until this modifier is obsoleted.
Phạm Trường Phát
  • +: Councilman: Pham generates 5 Favour points with the STAVKA, Comintern, and the general populace every turn.
Dalip Qalhari
  • +: Beloved by the international Community: Dalip gives a favour point income of 10 points from the STAVKA, China, Germany, the Soviet Union, the Comintern, and the General Populace.
Ryom Na-Rae
  • +: Military Darling: Na-Rae is well appreciated by the ULAPAC STAVKA and generates 5 favour points with the STAVKA per turn as well as generates an additional 20 military points per turn.
  • +: Administrative wunderkind: Na-Rae adds a general +20 bonus to all administration rolls and gives +3 favour points with China, the Germans, and the Soviets.
Marie Isabelle Marinette
  • +: Cultural Radical: On any roll that involves dealing with cultural effects, Marinette gains a +20 bonus towards recommending a change in policy and ensuring that these changes become reality and not merely legality. She also gains a +25 bonus on diplomatic rolls with people from dispossessed or oppressed groups. She also generates 10 favour points with the general Proletariat per turn.
  • -: French: France is a young revolutionary Republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until France has established itself more solidly she causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Soviets and Chinese.
In total, the favour points we currently get per turn are as follows:
  • Comintern (The Parties): 0-5+5+10= +10 Favour per turn
  • ULAPAC STAVKA (The Military): 0-5+5+10+5= +15 Favour per turn
  • General populace (The Average Citizen): 0+5+10+10= +25 Favour per turn
  • Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic (The German Bloc): 0+10+3= +13 Favour per turn
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The Soviet Bloc): 0+5+10+3-1= +17 Favour per turn
  • Socialist Republic of Zhonghua (The Chinese Bloc): 0+10+3-1= +12 Favour per turn
If Mannfred Lukas Meyer wins, his traits:
  • +: Charming; Meyer is likable, twinkishly handsome, and has made a number of strong friendships already as he has consistently proven to be trustworthy. He gets a +5 bonus to diplomatic actions and generates +4 ULAPAC and Comintern Influence points.
  • =: German Citizen; Meyer is a native of Deutschland and as such his appointment increases Deutsch influence on the Otmezosob by 5 and automatically generates five Deutsch favour points per turn.
Changes the favour points to:
  • Comintern (The Parties): 0-5+5+10+4= +14 Favour per turn
  • ULAPAC STAVKA (The Military): 0-5+5+10+5+4= +19 Favour per turn
  • General populace (The Average Citizen): 0+5+10+10= +25 Favour per turn
  • Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic (The German Bloc): 0+10+3+5= +18 Favour per turn
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The Soviet Bloc): 0+5+10+3-1= +17 Favour per turn
  • Socialist Republic of Zhonghua (The Chinese Bloc): 0+10+3-1= +12 Favour per turn
If Anna Jonsson wins, her trait:
  • -: Threat to one and all: Most people find Anna to be more than a little scary and so granting her this high position causes a -15 diplomacy malus and a bleed of -5 Favour points from all organisations and member countries.
Changes the favour points to:
  • Comintern (The Parties): 0-5+5+10-5= +5 Favour per turn
  • ULAPAC STAVKA (The Military): 0-5+5+10+5-5= +10 Favour per turn
  • General populace (The Average Citizen): 0+5+10+10-5= +20 Favour per turn
  • Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic (The German Bloc): 0+10+3-5= +8 Favour per turn
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The Soviet Bloc): 0+5+10+3-1-5= +12 Favour per turn
  • Socialist Republic of Zhonghua (The Chinese Bloc): 0+10+3-1-5= +7 Favour per turn
All the other mechanics are generally too specific to their area of expertise to be worth collecting in one place.
Edit: Only one of the Security Commissars has a trait that affects Favour:

Akifume Shinzo
  • -: Japanese: Japan is a young revolutionary republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until Japan has established itself more solidly he causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Chinese and Germans.
Which would change the Meyer's favour points to:
  • Comintern (The Parties): 0-5+5+10+4= +14 Favour per turn
  • ULAPAC STAVKA (The Military): 0-5+5+10+5+4= +19 Favour per turn
  • General populace (The Average Citizen): 0+5+10+10= +25 Favour per turn
  • Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic (The German Bloc): 0+10+3+5-1= +17 Favour per turn
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The Soviet Bloc): 0+5+10+3-1= +17 Favour per turn
  • Socialist Republic of Zhonghua (The Chinese Bloc): 0+10+3-1-1= +11 Favour per turn
And would change the Jonsson's favour points to:
  • Comintern (The Parties): 0-5+5+10-5= +5 Favour per turn
  • ULAPAC STAVKA (The Military): 0-5+5+10+5-5= +10 Favour per turn
  • General populace (The Average Citizen): 0+5+10+10-5= +20 Favour per turn
  • Deutsch Federative Council Socialist Republic (The German Bloc): 0+10+3-5-1= +7 Favour per turn
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The Soviet Bloc): 0+5+10+3-1-5= +12 Favour per turn
  • Socialist Republic of Zhonghua (The Chinese Bloc): 0+10+3-1-5-1= +6 Favour per turn
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Commissar of Security:

Mastache: vilanni99, Rise Comics, TheWatcher, Random Member: 4
Shinzo: Doctor Elsewhere, Patrick, Asmodeus, Hunter, ProjectUnidad, Kiri, BobTheNinja, Water, CoffeeLatte: 9
Cetta: Pinko, Falcon, EternalStruggle, Sportoner, Ultra, Traveller, Spooky, Regency, Squidfam, Silent: 10
Sayar: DissMech, Araa: 2

Mastache and Sayar are eliminated.

No second or third options listed.

Six votes for distribution by dice.

1-3 are for Shinzo, 4-6 are for Cetta.

Vote is now 13 for Cetta to 12 for Shinzo.

Cetta wins.
uhh, idk how to say this, but I voted for Shinzo
[X]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
As cool as superweapons are, the simple stuff is what wins wars, as demonstrated by WW2. I really don't want her blowing up part of our country or going after a different research target than one we need in a crisis situation.
As cool as superweapons are, the simple stuff is what wins wars, as demonstrated by WW2. I really don't want her blowing up part of our country or going after a different research target than one we need in a crisis situation.
This argument is a lot less convincing when you keep in mind that we're about to be tossed into a magitek fantasy land where to be even remotely competitive we need to start cranking out magic and the like, lest we just want to die to enchanted murder-planes. Something Anna is explicitly good at even beyond her absurd base research buffs.
Also as a note "oops" only applies to critical failures with bluetext "Experimental projects" which only she and a select few other (as of yet not-unlocked) Commissars of R&D are able to access. Though Mannfred could also unlock Experimental Projects if you go down some paths on his skill tree.

Experimental Projects are very points intensive but can have very major effects and she can acquire a trait to eliminate the build up of critical failure chance and her diminishing returns for her bonuses per dice on Experimental projects (and later on projects in general) once you go down her skill tree.

The Manhattan project is not quite an Experimental Project, but is a reasonable approximation of the scale of the effort put into them and how paradigm changing they are.
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Hrm, for fairness' sake should I also have Shinzo and Cetta up for run-off election?

Technically, given that this would mean one vote for Cetta would switch to one for Shinzo, that would make it a 13-12 in Shinzo's favor, right?

But if that rankles/doesn't seem right I think another run-off would be nice.

@EternalStruggle @ProjectUnidad @Falcon87456 @Lupercal @Traveller76 @Doctor Elsewhere @Nyvis @BobTheNinja @Ultrackius @Rise Comics @Kiridifferent @minorred @AlysPower @SilentSpaniard

Please engage in a runoff vote between Cetta and Shinzo.

[] Akifume Shinzo: A veteran of the Japanese revolution, Akifume Shinzo is a transman with something to prove. Famous for finally eliminating the Yakuza after his predecessors had struggled with the remnants of the group for a decade, Akifume has been fighting the revolutionary struggle since he was a teenager. Akifume is an expert in sussing out reactionary infiltrators and calling upon the populace to deal with the threats amidst them themselves rather than relying on heavy-handed purges or policing. He is also tremendously skilled at getting reactionary groups to turn upon themselves and tear themselves apart to save the people the pain of a protracted struggle. He is also well familiar with the on the ground facts of revolution and foreign spy work, and is a master of setting up spy rings in foreign countries and knows more about the Australian government's military disposition than the Australian prime minister.
  • +: Proletarians, defend yourselves!: Shinzo forces foreign infiltrators to have to reroll successes when they try to infiltrate your field of operations if he is the Commissar of Security, while failed rolls to find infiltrators can be rerolled.
  • +: Spying is Risky work: Shinzo increases the automatic failure range for enemy spying efforts to 1-5, while increasing the automatic success range for his spy work to 95-100.
  • +: A velvet glove: Shinzo does not generate resentment when he does security actions, particularly useful in occupied territory.
  • +: Revolutionary Networking: Shinzo halves the diplomacy points needed to turn occupied territories politically reliable and halves the number of diplomacy points needed to build revolutionary cells or organizations abroad.
  • +: Elusive Shadow: Shinzo gets a general +12 bonus to any espionage rolls that increases to +20 when dealing with counter-revolutionaries or when assisting revolutionaries.
  • +: Sorge reborn: Shinzo halves the espionage points needed to build new spy rings and grants two extra ones for free upon elected.
  • -: Brooding Shadow: Shinzo is something of a social wilting flower and will quickly back down from suggestions if confronted on them.
  • -: Inexperienced with Commando work: Shinzo takes a -5 penalty on special forces military rolls due to his lack of experience with the skulduggery of Spetsnaz operations.
  • -: Japanese: Japan is a young revolutionary republic and as such it does not carry the same prestige as some other revolutionary states. Until Japan has established itself more solidly he causes an automatic bleed of 1 favour points with the Chinese and Germans.
[] Verano Cetta: An Italian veteran of many efforts to try and sneak the forces of the descendants of Mussolini back into Italy by the Spanish as well as helping to clear out reactionaries in North Africa, Cetta takes his duties very seriously and doesn't often joke. Very often he barely talks, and he tends to show up to his meetings in full hazmat NBC gear to add an air of mystery to him and also to prevent people gunning for him from knowing what he actually looks like. Even the overwhelming majority of people only know him as "Il Manos", though at least you know his real name. He is certainly eccentric and distant, perhaps a bit on the creepy and offputting side, but he gets the job done well and quietly, usually with nobody noticing. He tends to steal your morning Coffee though. Prick.
  • +: Man of Mystery: Virtually no one outside of your group really knows much about Verano and his veil of secrecy is nearly impenetrable. Hostile attempts at espionage need three successes to pass if he is in the committee. He also gives a +25 bonus to all espionage rolls in general and generates three free espionage dice per turn.
  • +: How did they even get there?: Verano is a mad genius at infiltrating and exfiltrating places and gives an amazing +50 bonus to espionage rolls involving infiltrating locations.
  • +: Frogman: Verano gives a +30 bonus to military and espionage rolls involving special forces.
  • +: I know what you know: Verano gives a +30 bonus to espionage rolls involving stealing information
  • +: He's a dead man: Verano has a +30 bonus to rolls for assassination operations.
  • +: Mister International: So long as Verano is on the committee, you will never suffer "strange culture" penalties for espionage, not even for wildly inhuman species for reasons unknown.
  • -: Weirdo: Verano is a very strange man and has a -15 diplomacy malus on conversations with most other people due to his eccentricities.
  • -: Yoink: Verano's odd habits cause a roll of a d100 every turn. On a 5 or less he causes an incident that needs to be resolved when he does something like filch somebody's coffee.
  • -: Please enter the door like a normal person: Verano's preferred means of entering meeting rooms such as crawling through the ducts or rappeling through windows can cause stress points on a roll of a one due to their jarring nature.
[X]: Mannfred Lukas Meyer
As cool as superweapons are, the simple stuff is what wins wars, as demonstrated by WW2. I really don't want her blowing up part of our country or going after a different research target than one we need in a crisis situation.
This isn't WW2 though, this is an alternate world where super weapons and other legendary things actively gain magical power from being legendary or unique
The matter at hand is the choice between overpowered weirdos who nevertheless make quite a few people uncomfortable and can make things difficult when things go wrong for them, or more consistent and stable relatively normal people with lesser buffs but relatively mild drawbacks and when they mess up it causes fewer issues. Also Verano and Anna being on the committee will tend to lead to a more irreverent tone for the writing of Committee scenes while Shinzo and Mannfred will lead to a more serious overall tone for the writing of those sequences.
[X] Mannfred Lukas Meyer

[X] Verano Cetta
The matter at hand is the choice between overpowered weirdos who nevertheless make quite a few people uncomfortable and can make things difficult when things go wrong for them, or more consistent and stable relatively normal people with lesser buffs but relatively mild drawbacks and when they mess up it causes fewer issues. Also Verano and Anna being on the committee will tend to lead to a more irreverent tone for the writing of Committee scenes while Shinzo and Mannfred will lead to a more serious overall tone for the writing of those sequences.
It's a shame, I'd love to work with a character like Verano, the frogman who's a one man Spectre of Communism haunting the world. But I value InfoSec and internal security against infiltrators more. Preventing people like Fred Hampton from getting assassinated because his bodyguard was a government plant. And the like.
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