Turn 7
56 ABY
You hold a damp bit of cloth to your forehead, cursing the noonday sun that rains its hate on you. A bucket of water and ice sits at your right, used to occasionally dab away sweat from your brow.
"Gah...couldn't they have moved to, I dunno? Ilum, maybe? Hoth, that might have been preferable? Just anywhere where it doesn't reach
ninety?" The towering temple complex which has served as your home for...decades, at least, has many admirable qualities. You can go for a walk and stumble across some ancient, legendary bit of history; the fauna that survived the nova has proven the more friendly of species; and of course, the Force itself sings in this place in a way it does not anywhere else.
The climate is not one of those virtues. Back before the nova, the massive rainforests and jungles which coated the planet kept it at a reasonable temperature (for a human); now, as a sun-scorched desert ball, it can soar to to a hundred degrees easily. Awful for a human; miserable for an Arkanian, born and raised and died for Millenia on the glorified ice ball that is Arkania, where it never gets above thirty and the ground never thaws.
Meanwhile, on this sandball of a planet you've been chased down to the deepest, darkest catacombs looking for some shade, some relief from the heat. Less than a dozen people know this location, all of them your allies if not quite friends yet.
A meditation chamber, one of the last locations opened as the Jedi reclaimed their old homes. A simple chamber, carved of the raw black volcanic stone, sealed away with a door of stone that can only be lifted by a dozen men; or the Force, under the command of a Jedi--
"Gah!" Whipping around you see Allana looking vaguely guilty.
"Sorry master!"
"It's fine, it's fine, I'm old, my heart needs a shock every now and again. What do you require, Padawan?"
Teach her to sneak up on people. As if you couldn't feel that particular bonfire intruding in this place.
She looks unsure for a moment before thrusting a pad at you. "I have something for you to read, Master."
Grabbing it, you scan quickly. A news article, about the recent battle against Captain Phasma. All culminating in a single question: Where was Master Thorn?
"This means we're going to go fight her now, right?"
"Maybe. Maybe not."
"What?" She looks genuinely astonished that you might not let the needling of the Daily Transmission get to you.
"Padawan, I became a Jedi for many reasons. Not a one of them was to fulfill the inane desires of cheap, right-wing rags."
"Even when those inane desires are what the Jedi should be doing? Their duty?"
"Bold of you to assumed that that is the duty of a Jedi."
"If that is not...then what is?"
[X] [Jedi] The answer to what is the duty of a Jedi has repeatedly changed over time, but at their heart, the Jedi are a religious order...)
You let yourself relax, releasing ancient tensions from your body as you do. "We were gathered, at the beginning, to serve the Force. Not the politicians; not the whims of the populists; certainly not the Meridogian media empire, no matter how much it pisses off that ghoul. And the will of the Force always has been, and always will be, the
preservation of life from the bottom up. Who knows to what ends even the most miserable, vile life might be turned before it ends? Darth Vader destroyed the Empire. Revan saved the Republic. Traya saved the Jedi.
And are you certain, Padawan, that it is even the cold calculus of strategy and tactics that demands you kill this woman? Or is it your desire to be loved, to have people say 'there is the grand-daughter of Anakin Skywalker, the niece of Luke, love her?' And by playing to the media, at that. Do not rush so fiercely into earning the love of others, and in doing blind and deafen yourself to the will of the Force.
And do not forget, neither you nor the Jedi as a whole stand alone. The entire Galactic Alliance would see this woman dead or behind bars. There are plenty of soldiers, and her time is short enough, even if you and I do not race to kill her. We may be called to face her; or we may be called to investigate a murder on Telos; or to guard a Senator on Dantooine; or, or, or. The duties of a Jedi are endless, Padawan; would you make dealing death the greatest them?"
"I...see, Master." Your Padawan looks into the distance, far away and yet near. "I will consider what you have said."
"That is all I can ask."
Martial: As the war against the Corporate State has intensified, Master Solo has identified several faults with your ability to wage war. As well, however, she has identified solutions to the problems. She has also prepared a more...firepower heavy plan to remove Phasma from play.
Campaign-The Twelve Systems: The Galactic Alliance Military is pushing towards Etti IV, the capital of the Corporate Sector, with the hopes that ripping out their beating heart will end the war, decisively and quickly, in your favor.
Needed:50 Rolled:74, 84
- Clearly, what was tried last year did not work; and there is astoundingly little reason to believe it would work any better this year.
So you try a different plan. Rather than tossing more Jedi directly onto the Field to be gunned dead by some jumped up conscript given a blaster and told to shoot forward, you hit these corporate sociopaths exactly where it hurts, to try and scare them into withdrawing supporting elements of their armies from the main defensive line to their own minor squabbles.
So a team of Jedi led by Han Solo steal two Vault-Ships of the Corporate State from the Etti system even as the final battle grows to its titanic conclusion. As expected, ships, men, and resources that really should go to reinforcing the Corporate Defense Line are instead crudely funneled to protect the remaining wealth of the executive class even as the Order sets to work distributing your justly regained goods to the poor, where you can.
There is still something of a problem, in that the threat presented by these armies' presence, even if they are unlikely to move, leaves significant elements of Alliance Forces pinned down just to deal with the threat; even so, you take twice the land in this year as you have in the past two years combined, managing to push past the Inner Asteroid Belt and her orbital defenses to the orbit of Etti IV, where positively antiquarian vessels are pushed, once more, into conflict, one last time: Surplus from the Stark-Hyperspace War, The Extorin-Minor Skirmishes, and Zann-Hutt Crusade all fight side-by-side. It would be almost touching, if it wasn't to the benefit of slavers, murders, and thieves, all of whom have hands stained as red as the sands of Ossus.
Diplomacy: There are days it feels like every other faction in the galaxy, the rest of the Galactic Alliance not excluded, enjoys war; indulges in death; and dances with despair. Fortunate that you are here, then, to light the way.
Looking for Allies: The Jedi Order is independent in large part because a number of your members either are, or come from families which are, wealthy. But having more resources will allow you to be more independent, and get more done at the same time. (60%, 1 success)
Needed:40 Rolled: 67
-Once upon a time, Alsakan was a competitor with Coruscant. They could have been the singular poll of a mighty Republic, the beating heart of a civilization stretching from its core all the way into the furthest, darkest reaches.
Instead, the decadent, lazy, insert more insults here Coruscant gained dominance over galactic civilization even as the once mighty Alsakan World-States have atrophied. For 14,000 years they waged wars to take command; but now they are stagnant, with few, if any, colonies added between the end of the Final Alsakan conflict and now. But in you, they see a chance to reclaim power; in you, they see a chance to become something once more.
To seal the deal you have a Jedi help them navigate their prospector vessel, and they discover pay-dirt: a system rich in Tatsuishi resin, an alternative to Durasteel. Soon Alsakan ships make their way to Shedu Madd with supplies good to trade.
(+1 Dice)
What the Hell Ahsoka: What is the meaning of this? To seek to sabotage a war to free slaves? Has she fallen to the Dark Side? Taken all leave of her senses? Meet with this wandering quasi-Jedi, and determine why she would seek to cripple the war.
Needed:40 Rolled:11
-She has once again managed to disappear and avoid answering any of your question.
Damn it.
Knowledge: It is the way of a Jedi to learn and to teach-- to be, in their time, both student and master.
Finding Ahch-To: Once the Order's Graveyard, Ahch-To has been lost to you for many centuries now, after being taken by the Sith. However, a wandering vagabond, smuggler, and mercenary, Explar Erandal, has reported finding star charts leading to the missing world and requests an escort to find them. The risk is real; but, if it is truly Ahch-To, you have not choice but to take it.
Needed:40 Rolled:27
- Pirates. Many, many pirates. The way is so choked with them, you can't in good faith ask any of the Jedi to go, nor Explar for that matter.
Intrigue: There are matters, even for the Jedi, that require a certain sense of subtlety.
Imperial Angst: You've trusted hutts more than you trust Jagged Fel, Mr. "Military Men making Hard Decision ought to have all the power in the galaxy." Further, even if Master Solo is correct, and you can trust the Emperor, no Empire is built on one man. No doubt there are those in the Empire who would have a return to the 'good old days'-- seek them, so you will be ready for them.
Needed:??? Rolled:38, 95
- So at first you don't find...anything. Which is sort of suspicious in its own right: you could find freaks in the middle of the Senate, right now, talking about how you to go back to the good old days of Pius Dea (Well okay one freak, but still) so the idea that the absurdly less qualified Moffs have somehow managed to avoid having anyone pine for the bad old days of cheap fascism sets off the real power of any Jedi Master: your bullshit detector.
So you keep digging, and digging, and digging; and eventually stumble on not quite pay dirt, but certainly something: Someone has been funneling ships,
big ones, to the galactic rim; or, even more frighteningly, to other Imperial survivor states, some known and some unknown. Not many on an absolute scale; but New Style Patrol Corvettes, Mark-VII TIE-Fighters, even an old-style Star Destroyer or two have all disappeared into the vast bureaucracy of the Fel Empire, all near their far border with the rest of the known galaxy.
It seems you have research to do.
Reward: Intelligence
Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers. (1 Success, 50%)
Needed:50 Rolled:5, 1
-Master Klin-Fa Gi and her Padawan have been captured, and are currently being held by the CSA; Phasma having defeated them.
(-Failure, -1 Jedi Master, -1 Jedi Padawan)
Personal: Insomuch as any Jedi Master can have free time, this represents yours.
Take the Field: They want the Jedi to contribute more to the war effort? Fine. You, and your Padawan, will personally take to the field. It will be good practice for the both of you. (100%, 1 Success)
Needed:1 Rolled: 86+9=95
- No more mister nice Jedi, then.
You, your Padawan, and a half-dozen more Jedi track down the ship they have Master Klin-Fa imprisoned on. An old Victory-Class, acting as a third line and bombardier ship as the Alliance grinds its way, further and further, through the Etti system.
The eight of you manage to infiltrate the
Shareholder's Glee and, temporarily, commandeer it after breaking Master Klin-Fa from the brig. Not overly long: just enough to core a dozen old corvettes, three squadrons of fighters, and a pair of frigates, and a carrier, before scuttling the ship by crashing it into the surface of a moon.
(Reward: +1 Galactic Alliance Opinion, +1 Force Dice)
Duel on Ossus next, then Galactic news.