A Force, Undying (New Jedi Order CK2 Quest)

[X] Plan: Knowledge is Power, Guard it Well
-[X] Campaign-The Twelve Systems x3
-[X] Passing On Knowledge x1
-[X] What the Hell Ahsoka +FD
-[X] Weaving Webs x1
-[X] Bird Brained x1
-[X] Trailian Contact x1
-[X] In Shadowed Repose x1
-[X] The Lesson of Kindness x1
-[X] The Lesson of Calm x1
A 60% chance is a waste of a Force Die. Spend it on really low probability things we otherwise can't justify investing in, like the Vong reconciliation or The Long Road.

Edit: The more I re-read Looking for Allies, the more I think it might give us more dice to work with. If so, that instantly becomes a top priority, even with everything else going on.
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Vote will be called in one hour.

Sorry about the delay, had lots of school stuff to do.
55 ABY (Turn 6 Results)

Never your favorite world. If one really listens, and centers themselves here, they can feel the deaths of the Jedi Palpatine slaughtered so many years ago. You can hear the wordless shriek they gave, as the clones betrayed and murdered them, as Anakin Skywalker marched and slaughtered the younglings. Your Padawan is poking her head around too, as if she feels the echo.

There is a reason you returned to Ossus, despite its lessened state. The scream of a dying star is much less terrible to hear than the wails of a child, you know that all too well.

But there are lessons only this place can teach.

You could certainly never learn the lessons of attention anywhere else the way you can here.

You sit in a corner cafe, looking at the crowd gathering in the streets before you, gently sipping on a cup of caff. On a stage up above them, a human woman, young, graceful, sits, politely laying out her entire platform.

That it seems to come down to "The Hutts are rich, therefore it is altogether right and proper that they should slaughter their lessers" doesn't quite seem to be sinking in. Ugly words, delivered by a pretty face, given much too much power?

Yes, it's election season alright. Time for the Chief of State to either win or lose. It won't effect you that much either way, the Jedi have managed to endure much more Jedi opposed Administrations than anything these pitiful parties can pull out, but intellectually you are interested.

But someone else cares much more.

You can feel your Padawan's tension, her fury, shifting, changing, even thrashing inside her. It's a snarling world-snake, constantly eating at the root of her self-control, her inner calm, her peace, and wrapped tightly around her heart, as well. To kill it will require effort, but you must, or it will kill her; and that, you cannot allow. It's one of the things keeping you from taking the field yourself: your apprentice's state is fragile as is; better not to risk it.

For that matter, you aren't exactly walking death yourself. Your grasp of arcane lore may, indeed, allow you to unleash terrible things on the foe, but what is material victory if you lose yourself in the winning?

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing?" Nonsense.

In any case, Odessus has an easy victory looming overhead, with victory over the CSA drawing nearer everyday. Assuming he doesn't manage to bungle this, anyway.

Martial: Jaina Solo presents a number of options to you, representing a few different ways to patrol the galaxy. For now, there is little improvement you can make. With your entrance into the Corporate Sector War, she has presented a number of places where Jedi help is most necessary.

Aid to the Slaves: A revolt has raged in the Corporate Sector for years, led by slaves and revolutionaries seeking freedom. The government under Daala helped her old Imperial buddies, and promised to arrest any Jedi that did not stay away from the Sector-- plenty went anyway, of course, but then the thing with the Sith and Abeloth happened. This new Chief of State, on the other hand, has already sent support, aid, and ships to the rebels, as well as millions of soldiers, with more, in surety, to follow. You certainly don't mind pummeling slavers. While you helped the war effort in the Star Battles, you could deploy Jedi to the occupation, as well.
Needed:50, 2 Successes Rolled:3, 12

- Things seem to be going well, when you first arrive on these worlds. The CSA stormtroopers, clad in their new, overly-slick armor, fell back, easily, against the force of your attacks.

Then they unleashed a monster. Clad all in shiny chromium armor that deflects even Lightsaber blows, this stormtrooper of theirs, this Captain, manages to kill a dozen Jedi, and then the next dozen you send to fight her.

More importantly, she put Master Solusar into the medbay.

It looks like you're going hunting.
(-12 Padawans, 4 Knights, 2 Masters, Master Solusar Temporarily out of Comission)

Diplomacy: The way of the Jedi is to keep peace-- and what better way is there to do that, than to ensure no war begins?

Jedi Negotiators: The Galactic Alliance, newly poised with the ascendance of the Frontier Star League as a member state, now plans to begin exploring further into the unknown regions. They have requested you dispatch Jedi to act as negotiators, in the hopes of keeping the peace should they meet natives.
Needed: 20, 2 Successes Rolled:41, 10

-Well, you win some, you lose some. The AES Good Will travels to Urion Nine, and makes reasonably friendly contact with the green-skinned natives, under the aegis of Captain Yennifer, meeting with her in relatively good grace. They are wealthy, their medical technology advanced, their planet relatively prosperous. They call themselves the United Peoples, and represent a majority of the wealth and population of the planet.

And then they see Master Makkard, and try to buy him. Understandably he was.insulted by the idea.

Yes, it seems they are a quite matriarchal people, in their own way-- though to be fair, you'd guess even by the standards of that world, the culture of the continent, with its obsession with queens and so on, is a bit beyond the pale.

Administration: While there tends to be an air of mystery, suspense and adventure around the Jedi, it does have one commonality with all other large groups-- namely, paperwork.

If You Build It, They Will Come: The recruitment drive you held last year told you one thing-- there are plenty of potential Jedi, your net simply isn't catching enough. It would be stupidly easy and make life easier on everyone if you started building chapter houses where potential recruits could be tested, not proper academies but just enough to let them, and you, know that they can become Jedi.
Needed: 40 Rolled:80

-Money and time, time and money. In the end, they get you what you needed-- a converted warehouse on Javin, of thickly built walls and high towers that dominate the air; a small, abandoned jail cell on Belsalvis; and a shining, glimmering medpit on Hosnian prime.

Not proper academies, but good for testing, at least.
Reward: +2 Padawan Recruitment Dice, +1 Knight Dice, +1 Jedi Master Dice

Knowledge: It is the way of a Jedi to learn and to teach-- to be, in their time, both student and master.

Witches' Knowledge: You have made friendly contact with the witches of Dathomir, and impressed them. You could ask them to teach at your academies now, to pass on what they know to your people.
Needed:50. 2 Successes Rolled: 99, 53

-This time, the Witches do not turn you aside. This time, they give you knowledge only they could offer.

They take you into the deepest, darkest pits of Dathomir, places where the sun never sees and the wind never whistles, and teach you how to commune with animals.

And you take to the lesson like wildfire, even as they also promise to teach your other students the art. For they see war on the horizon, and evil in the distance; and they will not hide from it.
Reward: +5 Bonus to Martial Actions, Can take actions to acquire Monster Companion

Intrigue: It is not the way of the Jedi to slink about in secret-- but you may, on occasion, prefer a strategy of some subtlety.

The Long Road: The Hutts kidnap many sentients to work as slaves in their hellish domain, under the most contemptible of conditions. While you cannot crusade against the Hutts yet, Jedi agents can help smuggle people to freedom.
(Force Die Used)

Allana, feeling a hunch, begs to aid the Jedi convoy that is sent to help establish the first connections.

This proves to be prescient, as the Hutts, aware of your actions, deploy guards: old Magna Droids from the Clone Wars, refurbished up to spec. It was something of a shocking moment, which could have become tragedy-- you sent specialists in anti-Blaster tactics, after all, considering that the likelier threat from the Hutts. Not a great situation.

If the two of you hadn't gone along...

Well. You did, and now everything is fine.

(In this particular scenario, obviously, the galaxy's still on fire as a whole, though)
Reward: Increased Hutt Intel, Freed Slaves, +1 Padawan Dice

In Shadowed Repose: Some of your Jedi know how to be...subtle. Discreet. Unknown. Deploy them to aid the Evocii in their revolutionary efforts, and in turn, to perhaps avoid a war with hutts as well as with the bankers.
Needed: 50 Rolled:4

- Damn, damn, and blast! Mandalorian pilots, sent from Boba Fett, aided the Hutts-- and pulled apart the pilots you sent like so much toffee.

There will be a reckoning for this, for both the Hutts and the Mandalorians, you swear it.
(-12 Jedi Knights)

The Lesson of Kindness: Our deeds have results, even those with the greatest of intentions.
Needed:??? Rolled:95

-As the two of you walk the streets of Coruscant, you come across a mangy, disease ridden animal, resting over a clutch of eggs...
(Continued in Snippet)

The Lesson of Calm: In the eye of the hurricane, there is clarity-- if even for just a moment.
Needed:??? Rolled:3

- You send your Padawan to walk the steps of Chandrila, and to search for what is there. It is said that there is a holocron of a wise Jedi atop the highest peak of the largest mountain, who teaches Jedi how to heal, to aid. It is a noble skill to have.

She returns, indeed, bearing a Holocron, and though it looks strange it feels right, and bears the Emblem of the Republic, from the age of the Great Galactic War and the Cold War that followed.
(hehehehehehehehehehehe- Uh, I mean, nothing to see here?)
Oh Fuck me, thats not good. Fucking Mandlorians you Bullshit Fan Favorite Pieces of shit and FUCK YOU Bosi Thurt you Chromium Plated Bastard. You Gary Sue Jedi Killing Fucker.

Oh yeah and our Padawan could use Vaapad so thats cool.
well that was not a good turn for us.

wonder how bad this will turn out in the long run
also, au that what 12 padawans and 16 knights less then we had before!

not sure on my number but thats a lot of dead jedi.

I would argue that it is 2% of the Order.

1,467 divided by a hundred is 14.67, which gets us 1% of the Order at 15.

We lost twelve Padawans, sixteen Knights and two Masters for a total of thirty dead, which is closer to 2% (29) than it is 3% (44).

not sure where your getting that nr from but oke

The number of Jedi in the Order can be found in Status of the Jedi Order while how many Jedi were lost is included in the update. Between the two, it is possible to do the math to figure out how bad losses were.
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The number of Jedi in the Order can be found in Status of the Jedi Order while how many Jedi were lost is included in the update. Between the two, it is possible to do the math to figure out how bad losses were.
thanks for that. also still kind of a big hit over all for the number of ppl we have but over all not all that bad even if it does look like it might get worse before it might get better.
Galactic News (55 ABY)
Galactic News

55 ABY

Destruction on Taris:
Taris, that famous old and storied world that was once a thriving metropolis, became a sight of fierce, horrendous battle as Mandalorian mercenaries, flying the Trade Federation flag, attacked The Grand Musee Archivage, where various memorabilia from the Clone Wars is held. Stolen were a number of old Clone artifacts, including the famed, feared white armor which was symbol of both democracy and tyranny. Stolen items were mostly low-value, old war-trophies ripped from the broken bodies of Droids; however, one item of no little worth was snatched by the assailants as they rampaged through: The armor and weapons of CT-7567, better known as Captain Rex. One of the most famed fighters in both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, who fought on fields as far ranging as Christophsis to Endor, he lived to see the Republic die then rise once more from the ashes.

The Galaxy can only wonder why this has happened. What is to be gained by bringing back up old, painful memories? The only silver lining to be seen is that casualties were blessedly light, and consist in the main of visits to the medcenter and repairmen, rather than the morgue or the funeral pyre.

The current Mandalore, Boba Fett, has taken no responsibility for the event, calling the Mandalorians who carried it out "Honorless Dar'Manda who sully our name." Planets neighboring Mandalorian space, however, have not taken him at his word, many fortifying their defenses and hiring mercenaries.

Han Solo Strikes Back: The venerable general of the Rebel Alliance, hero of the Battle of Yavin, and former smuggler, reached eighty-five years of age this years. That does not seem to have slowed his wit one bit however; certainly, it has not made him less adept at cards. The retired husband of Leia Organa was, of all things, acting as chaperone to a troop of Galaxy Guides. With at least four Senators' children in it, it presented something of a security risk; which is why, it can be assumed, a small band of bounty hunters attempted to kidnap them.

Unarmed, the fast-thinking gambler managed to snag the Bounty Hunters into a high-stakes game of Sabacc, betting first the access code to the Central Bank of Corellia, the Millenium Falcon, and finally, his own life. Fortunately, before they could call that last bet, a small team of Galactic Alliance Marines managed to bust into the small freighter which had been their jail cell. After a brief firefight, the bounty hunters surrendered and are even now being remanded to the high security world of Yantooine, where it is...unlikely they will escape and cause trouble, ever again. The wardens are very capable, you see.

Being interviewed afterwards, Han mumbled something about being too old for this sort of thing before being checked on by a small army of aides and Jedi, including his nephew Ben, who passed on very important, very shocking news, apparently, as his uncle was seen shaking his head.

Ben Skywalker- Married?: In a small ceremony on Naboo, Ben Skywalker married his traveling companion (who you, and a select few others, know to be the former Sith Vestara Khai). It was attended by few people, all of them family or near enough, and did not include you, the Grandmaster of the Order. Was this an intentional snub? (Almost certainly not, no.) The galaxy wonders (The Jedi don't, but leave it to the Imperial media to insist you don't count as part of the Galaxy).

Bleeding Akanza: A small, otherwise insignificant world in the Hutt Empire, Akanza should, by most accounts, be unknown to the galaxy at large. Up to this year, it was.

But things changed very quickly, this year, as war, brutal, bloody, and horrible rocked the small, plain world to the core. At first, pro-Evocii forces took command of the world's infrastructure. Not far behind, Hutt thugs landed and attempted to contest its affiliation to the abolitionist cause. Fighting was fierce and bloody, favoring the slavers and murderers who serve the Hutts. For half-a-year they waged a brutal and bloody campaign to reclaim it.

Then the Twi'lek Revolutionary Elrod Byard, a wild man among wild-men with a fervent hatred of slavery, appeared on scene: and began to slaughter the foe, with his band of ninety; brutal guerilla tactics allowed them both to materially ruin consortium forces, as well as distract the militias from the abolitionists, allowing them to regroup and recover before renewing their offensive.

It seems Akanza is, for the time being, to be a war-zone.

Star Charts Located: Explar Erandal, a smuggler, explorer, and mercenary, has shocked the galaxy by claiming to have located star charts leading to the ancient, lost, planet of Ach-To. Once the Order's Graveyard, it was lost inside Sith Space during the Great Galactic War and Cold War; by the time Vitiate and his Empire were defeated, the coordinates to the planet had been lost, after the many raids carried out on the Jedi temple. Who knows what secrets, lost in the many, many purges since that time, might be reclaimed if this truly is the lost Tomb World?

In some ways, his price is very low; even as, in other, it is higher than any man could offer. For the Ach-To system is rich with natural goods, and therefore rediscovering it and claiming salvage rights would make any man wealthy beyond compare, so he has not requested credits.

Instead, he has requested ships to escort him. In the middle of a war, where one side has made criminalizing "the archaic Jedi Religion which is a threat to High Human Culture and a potent font of Syndullan Xenophilia" a stated goal, not having fighters to help contribute in that fight might be painful, but then so might it be if some dumbass Coruscant firm provides his price and then manages to pollute, destroy and ruin the currently sacred soil before you can preserve it. Rocks and hard places all around you.
So, sorry it's been a while. If you follow my other quests, you will know things have been unpleasant; as well, I needed to clear my head and put myself in the right frame of mind. But I am now, once again, ready to write the story of Daro Thorn, and what comes after Luke.

Next turn proper will be up by Wednesday.
Fantastic to see this, now I too can participate.
Destruction on Taris: Taris, that famous old and storied world that was once a thriving metropolis, became a sight of fierce, horrendous battle as Mandalorian mercenaries, flying the Trade Federation flag, attacked The Grand Musee Archivage, where various memorabilia from the Clone Wars is held. Stolen were a number of old Clone artifacts, including the famed, feared white armor which was symbol of both democracy and tyranny. Stolen items were mostly low-value, old war-trophies ripped from the broken bodies of Droids; however, one item of no little worth was snatched by the assailants as they rampaged through: The armor and weapons of CT-7567, better known as Captain Rex. One of the most famed fighters in both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, who fought on fields as far ranging as Christophsis to Endor, he lived to see the Republic die then rise once more from the ashes.
That is rather weird. Hopefully this has nothing to do with whatever weirdness is going on with Ahsoka.
The current Mandalore, Boba Fett, has taken no responsibility for the event, calling the Mandalorians who carried it out "Honorless Dar'Manda who sully our name." Planets neighboring Mandalorian space, however, have not taken him at his word, many fortifying their defenses and hiring mercenaries.
I'm inclined to believe him, but I'm not surprised that many aren't.
Han Solo Strikes Back: The venerable general of the Rebel Alliance, hero of the Battle of Yavin, and former smuggler, reached eighty-five years of age this years. That does not seem to have slowed his wit one bit however; certainly, it has not made him less adept at cards. The retired husband of Leia Organa was, of all things, acting as chaperone to a troop of Galaxy Guides. With at least four Senators' children in it, it presented something of a security risk; which is why, it can be assumed, a small band of bounty hunters attempted to kidnap them.
Those poor, stupid fools.
Ben Skywalker- Married?: In a small ceremony on Naboo, Ben Skywalker married his traveling companion
Like grandfather, like grandson, eh? :V
Star Charts Located: Explar Erandal, a smuggler, explorer, and mercenary, has shocked the galaxy by claiming to have located star charts leading to the ancient, lost, planet of Ach-To. Once the Order's Graveyard, it was lost inside Sith Space during the Great Galactic War and Cold War; by the time Vitiate and his Empire were defeated, the coordinates to the planet had been lost, after the many raids carried out on the Jedi temple. Who knows what secrets, lost in the many, many purges since that time, might be reclaimed if this truly is the lost Tomb World?
Now this is interesting and great way of tying Ach-To to Legends timeline.
Instead, he has requested ships to escort him. In the middle of a war, where one side has made criminalizing "the archaic Jedi Religion which is a threat to High Human Culture and a potent font of Syndullan Xenophilia" a stated goal, not having fighters to help contribute in that fight might be painful, but then so might it be if some dumbass Coruscant firm provides his price and then manages to pollute, destroy and ruin the currently sacred soil before you can preserve it. Rocks and hard places all around you.
Yeah, problematic it might be, we can't leave this alone.
Turn 7 (56 ABY)
Turn 7

56 ABY

You hold a damp bit of cloth to your forehead, cursing the noonday sun that rains its hate on you. A bucket of water and ice sits at your right, used to occasionally dab away sweat from your brow.

"Gah...couldn't they have moved to, I dunno? Ilum, maybe? Hoth, that might have been preferable? Just anywhere where it doesn't reach ninety?" The towering temple complex which has served as your home for...decades, at least, has many admirable qualities. You can go for a walk and stumble across some ancient, legendary bit of history; the fauna that survived the nova has proven the more friendly of species; and of course, the Force itself sings in this place in a way it does not anywhere else.

The climate is not one of those virtues. Back before the nova, the massive rainforests and jungles which coated the planet kept it at a reasonable temperature (for a human); now, as a sun-scorched desert ball, it can soar to to a hundred degrees easily. Awful for a human; miserable for an Arkanian, born and raised and died for Millenia on the glorified ice ball that is Arkania, where it never gets above thirty and the ground never thaws.

Meanwhile, on this sandball of a planet you've been chased down to the deepest, darkest catacombs looking for some shade, some relief from the heat. Less than a dozen people know this location, all of them your allies if not quite friends yet.

A meditation chamber, one of the last locations opened as the Jedi reclaimed their old homes. A simple chamber, carved of the raw black volcanic stone, sealed away with a door of stone that can only be lifted by a dozen men; or the Force, under the command of a Jedi--


"Gah!" Whipping around you see Allana looking vaguely guilty.

"Sorry master!"

"It's fine, it's fine, I'm old, my heart needs a shock every now and again. What do you require, Padawan?"

Teach her to sneak up on people. As if you couldn't feel that particular bonfire intruding in this place.

She looks unsure for a moment before thrusting a pad at you. "I have something for you to read, Master."

Grabbing it, you scan quickly. A news article, about the recent battle against Captain Phasma. All culminating in a single question: Where was Master Thorn?

"This means we're going to go fight her now, right?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"What?" She looks genuinely astonished that you might not let the needling of the Daily Transmission get to you.

"Padawan, I became a Jedi for many reasons. Not a one of them was to fulfill the inane desires of cheap, right-wing rags."

"Even when those inane desires are what the Jedi should be doing? Their duty?"

"Bold of you to assumed that that is the duty of a Jedi."

"If that is not...then what is?"

[] Well? What is the duty of a Jedi? (Write-In, may be as detailed or as simple as desired)

(You have 10 (Ten) Dice available)
Martial: As the war against the Corporate State has intensified, Master Solo has identified several faults with your ability to wage war. As well, however, she has identified solutions to the problems. She has also prepared a more...firepower heavy plan to remove Phasma from play.

[] Show of Force: The Hutts have also elected a new leader of their Cartel, Kada Dazh Tibure. Little is known of this Hutt, except for raw ambition-- you fear he may seek to take advantage of the Chaos. Dispatch Jedi to dissuade him, by patrolling the Mid-Rim nearby. (40%, 1 success)
[] Aid to the Slaves: A revolt has raged in the Corporate Sector for years, led by slaves and revolutionaries seeking freedom. The government under Daala helped her old Imperial buddies, and promised to arrest any Jedi that did not stay away from the Sector-- plenty went anyway, of course, but then the thing with the Sith and Abeloth happened. This new Chief of State, on the other hand, has already sent support, aid, and ships to the rebels, as well as millions of soldiers, with more, in surety, to follow. You certainly don't mind pummeling slavers. While you helped the war effort in the Star Battles, you could deploy Jedi to the occupation, as well. (50%, 2 successes)
[] Work With the Hapans: The Hapes Consortium is a small-- but vital-- part of the Galactic Alliance-- its coffers fund much of the rebuilding efforts from the seemingly endless war which has plagued recent decades-- if that is disrupted, millions, if not billions of beings will suffer, needlessly and painfully. Which makes it somewhat unfortunate that the great treasure ships of the Consortium are under threat by pirates and worse. Send the best Jedi pilots to protect them. (40%, 2 Successes)
[] Campaign-The Twelve Systems: The Galactic Alliance Military is pushing towards Etti IV, the capital of the Corporate Sector, with the hopes that ripping out their beating heart will end the war, decisively and quickly, in your favor. (50%, 3 Successes)
[] Passing On Knowledge: Ensuring that the lessons you learned in the Issagra campaign are not forgotten will be important, for all your sakes. Record it, one way or another, so that it might be shared with all. (1 Success, 80%)
[] Industrial Independence pt1. Resources: Who the hell are you to try and funnel aid to rebels when you have no independent industrial capacity, free from the Galactic Alliance? Nobody, that's who. The first step is to acquire the supplies necessary to begin such construction. (60%, 3 Successes)
[] No Kill Like Overkill: That fancy armor of hers might block a glancing blow from a lightsaber, but odds are good that if you shoot Phasma with enough photon torpedoes, she'll lose that fight. Dispatch a squad of X-Wings, and deal with her. (1 Success, 60%)

Diplomacy: There are days it feels like every other faction in the galaxy, the rest of the Galactic Alliance not excluded, enjoys war; indulges in death; and dances with despair. Fortunate that you are here, then, to light the way.

[] Looking for Allies: The Jedi Order is independent in large part because a number of your members either are, or come from families which are, wealthy. But having more resources will allow you to be more independent, and get more done at the same time. (60%, 1 success)
[] Yuuzhan Vong Reconciliation: The Yuuzhan Vong were the enemy. Trillions died at their hands-- your first kill was crushing one under a pillar on Yavin IV. There has been a shallow peace between they and your people since, but it is not true peace-- only a lack of active violence. But perhaps it that can be set right, then the galaxy may be set right. (35%, 5 successes)
[] A New Temple: For the most part, there are too many abandoned Jedi ruins for you to feel comfortable opening new ones when you can just reclaim the old ones. The Frontier Star League, however, is a different case-- being utterly without Jedi beforehand, there are no temples here, nor enclaves, nor anything else. You ought, at least, to build a recruitment center. (60%, 3 Successes)
[] Chiss Assent: The Chiss Ascendancy is a potent state on the galactic stage. It is also unfathomably cruel to those Force Sensitives born inside its borders. There must be some way to cease the cruelty, the madness, and to bring an end to these crimes against life. (3 Successes, 40%)
[] What the Hell Ahsoka: What is the meaning of this? To seek to sabotage a war to free slaves? Has she fallen to the Dark Side? Taken all leave of her senses? Meet with this wandering quasi-Jedi, and determine why she would seek to cripple the war. (1 Success, 60%)
[] Jedi Negotiators: The Galactic Alliance, newly poised with the ascendance of the Frontier Star League as a member state, now plans to begin exploring further into the unknown regions. They have requested you dispatch Jedi to act as negotiators, in the hopes of keeping the peace should they meet natives. (1 Successes, 80%)

Administration: While there tends to be an air of mystery, suspense and adventure around the Jedi, it does have one commonality with all other large groups-- namely, paperwork.

[] Lost Worlds: While the Jedi Order greatly centralized following the Ruusan Reformations, and concentrated much of the strength of the Order on Coruscant, things are different now-- for one, they had up to 10,000 Jedi-- you have all of 1,000. They could patrol all of the galaxy, even with that great inefficiency-- you, on the other hand, might be well served by reestablishing the many Enclaves and Praxeums of the Old Order, or establishing your own. (50%, 2 Successes)
[] Check Ups: There is a certain generation, born between the Empire's rise and collapse, which was never thoroughly checked for Force Sensitivity. Finding them now could be useful. (60%, 2 successes)
[] Colonial Investment: Plenty of people are making the journey into the Unknown Reaches, to found new settlements on uncharted, unknown worlds-- and they require resources. Say what you will, but a Jedi is a pretty potent resource. (50%, 1 success)
[] Expand: The testing centers you established on Javin, Hosnian Prime, and Belsalvis are prime candidates to be further improved into fully functional Enclaves; not temples, not yet, but quite functional as centers of Jedi teaching and recruitment on those worlds. You need only put forth the credits. (4 Successes, 50%)
[] Need Resources, Will Travel: The Galactic Alliance knows of plenty of marginal planets which, nevertheless, have exploitable resources. While the average person can not survive there, a Jedi could. You could very well have your Jedi colonize these planets for them, in exchange for a cut of the resources, which your crafters can use to expand their wares. (3 Successes, 75%)

Knowledge: It is the way of a Jedi to learn and to teach-- to be, in their time, both student and master.

[] Weaving Webs: Despite their fearsome appearance, the Lucent are a people of peace and calm-- they could teach the Jedi much, and vice versa. Travel to the Voidfire Nebula, and seek an audience with them. (50%, 1 Success)
[] Bird Brained: The Talortai are, to a man, Force Sensitive-- but they hate this, and few have ever become Jedi or Sith. You imagine there is a story here-- you would like to know it. (40%, 1 Success)
[] Hiding Holocrons (Special from Mystic): Repositories of Sith and Jedi knowledge, there are plenty of Holocrons floating throughout the galaxy-- some in private collections, some in your own archives, and some lost until the Force should will otherwise. Seeking these out should be a top priority. (40%, 3 Successes)
[] Seek the Jal Shey: An order of diplomats, scholars, and intellectuals, the Jal Shey seek to understand the Force from a more-- scientific perspective. They seek to sew peace, order, and justice where they travel, and would leave the galaxy a better place for their having been in it. Seek to learn more from them and of them. (60%, 2 Successes)
[] Trailian Contact: Universally Force-Sensitives, the Trailians were introduced to the wider galaxy by Cronal experimenting on them, attempting to turn them into warriors. While the New Republic and Galactic Alliance have attempted to heal those wounds, they are less than interested in interaction with the galactic community. Perhaps the Jedi can help? (50%, 1 Success)
[] Reclaim Ilum: Arsenal of the Jedi, it is where you once built lightsabers, long ago. But now it is lost to you, and you would reclaim what has been taken. It will take time, but it should not be difficult-- only tedious. (100%, 6 Successes)
[] Finding Ahch-To: Once the Order's Graveyard, Ahch-To has been lost to you for many centuries now, after being taken by the Sith. However, a wandering vagabond, smuggler, and mercenary, Explar Erandal, has reported finding star charts leading to the missing world and requests an escort to find them. The risk is real; but, if it is truly Ahch-To, you have not choice but to take it. (1 Success, 12 Jedi, 1 X-Wing Squadron, 60%)

Intrigue: There are matters, even for the Jedi, that require a certain sense of subtlety.
[] Where Are They?: As surely as do the Jedi, the Sith have their places of power. Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Ziost, -- all places the Sith have long walked, have marked as their own, like some beast claiming its territory in the jungle. It is where they will go, to hide and to hunt. Find their location, hunt them down, and bring this to an end. Insomuch as you can, anyway. (70%, 3 Successes)
[] Imperial Angst: You've trusted hutts more than you trust Jagged Fel, Mr. "Military Men making Hard Decision ought to have all the power in the galaxy." Further, even if Master Solo is correct, and you can trust the Emperor, no Empire is built on one man. No doubt there are those in the Empire who would have a return to the 'good old days'-- seek them, so you will be ready for them. (???)
[] In Shadowed Repose: Some of your Jedi know how to be...subtle. Discreet. Unknown. Deploy them to aid the Evocii in their revolutionary efforts, and in turn, to perhaps avoid a war with hutts as well as with the bankers. (1 Success, 50%)
[] Tarisian Thieves: Someone has stolen Captain Rex's armor from the Tarisian Museum which it was once stored in. Find out who, find out why, and if you can, get it back. Preferably in one piece. He was a friend to the Jedi; he deserves better. (1 Success, 60%)
[] Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers. (1 Success, 50%)

Personal: Insomuch as any Jedi Master can have free time, this represents yours.

[] Train Your Style: While you are already greatly skilled in Medium Style, you would like to become even more dangerous with it-- push it beyond the average, start innovating the Style beyond the rut it has fallen into since the rediscovery of the classic forms. (50%, 5 successes required)
[] Find a Form: You will ask Master Katarn to begin teaching you in one of the seven classical Forms. (50%, 1 Success required)
[] Seeking Companionship: You are a Jedi; you have had no time for love, and it holds no sway over you. Surely. You are fine returning to an empty bed each day, growing older, with few friends, none in your odd age group. (100%, 1 Success)
[] Seeking Wisdom (Mystic): You thought this might be the case-- but one of your texts, when compared with a text from the Grandmaster's personal library, has revealed a hidden treasure-- what, you could not say. (60%, 3 Successes)
[] Take the Field: They want the Jedi to contribute more to the war effort? Fine. You, and your Padawan, will personally take to the field. It will be good practice for the both of you. (100%, 1 Success)
[] A Trial Of Spririt: Certain rumors and your Padawan's growth have come together to put a thought into your head. It is known that Darth Vader kept Mace Windu's lightsaber as a trophy after slaying him so long ago. It is suspected that coordinates found on computers in his former castle on Mustafar lead to the legendary Sith World of Exegol, where master and apprentice rested and planned and hid their dirty money; a dark bank on a dirt-ball of a planet, staffed by cultists, to hide their ill-gotten gains. Send Allana to retrieve the Lightsaber of Mace Windu as her Trial of Spirit. So that she may see what her Grandfather was truly like, and ask herself if she would share his fate.
Moratorium for eight hours.
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So many things to do, so few dice. We should at least search for Ahch-To, help bring an end to the war with the Corp Sector, find out what's going on with Ahsoka, who stole Rex' armor and what is going on in the Empire.

"Gah!" Whipping around you see Allana looking vaguely guilty.

"Sorry master!"

"It's fine, it's fine, I'm old, my heart needs a shock every now and again. What do you require, Padawan?"
Grabbing it, you scan quickly. A news article, about the recent battle against Captain Phasma. All culminating in a single question: Where was Master Thorn?
Right, Phasma was causing a ruckus.
[] Passing On Knowledge: Ensuring that the lessons you learned in the Issagra campaign are not forgotten will be important, for all your sakes. Record it, one way or another, so that it might be shared with all.
No DC and required successes.
[] Where Are They?: As surely as do the Jedi, the SIth have their places of power.
[] Tarisian Thieves: Someone has stolen Captain Rex's armor from the Tarisian Museum which it was once stored in. Find out who, find out why, and if you can, get it back. Preferably in one piece. He was a friend to the Jedi; he deserves better.
[] Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers.
No DC and required successes.
So many things to do, so few dice. We should at least search for Ahch-To, help bring an end to the war with the Corp Sector, find out what's going on with Ahsoka, who stole Rex' armor and what is going on in the Empire.


Right, Phasma was causing a ruckus.

No DC and required successes.


No DC and required successes.

Okay... I'll need some more time to ruminate on what the nature of a Jedi is/should be.

...And I want confirmation on those DCs and Chances of Success before I seriously draft a plan, but I do have a few ideas. As usual, I plan on looking toward actions I feel we can succeed at as well as actions that will help the Jedi function as independent peace-makers.

Under personal, I have been pushing to focus on Allana's training, but I do not want to send her to Exegol alone just yet.
Only done this once before, but here's my first draft for a plan.

[X] Plan The First
[X] Campaign-The Twelve Systems: The Galactic Alliance Military is pushing towards Etti IV, the capital of the Corporate Sector, with the hopes that ripping out their beating heart will end the war, decisively and quickly, in your favor. (50%, 3 Successes) x2
[X] What the Hell Ahsoka: What is the meaning of this? To seek to sabotage a war to free slaves? Has she fallen to the Dark Side? Taken all leave of her senses? Meet with this wandering quasi-Jedi, and determine why she would seek to cripple the war. (1 Success, 60%) x1
[X] Expand: The testing centers you established on Javin, Hosnian Prime, and Belsalvis are prime candidates to be further improved into fully functional Enclaves; not temples, not yet, but quite functional as centers of Jedi teaching and recruitment on those worlds. You need only put forth the credits. (4 Successes, 50%) x2
[X] Seek the Jal Shey: An order of diplomats, scholars, and intellectuals, the Jal Shey seek to understand the Force from a more-- scientific perspective. They seek to sew peace, order, and justice where they travel, and would leave the galaxy a better place for their having been in it. Seek to learn more from them and of them. (60%, 2 Successes) x1
[X] Where Are They?: As surely as do the Jedi, the Sith have their places of power. Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Ziost, -- all places the Sith have long walked, have marked as their own, like some beast claiming its territory in the jungle. It is where they will go, to hide and to hunt. Find their location, hunt them down, and bring this to an end. Insomuch as you can, anyway. (70%, 3 Successes) x2
[X] Saber to Staff: Rather than a whole bombing run to kill one woman, you will send a single Jedi. Ideally, to turn her from this ignorant, self-destructive path; if not, to send her tout suite to her destiny, such that it is. No doubt the captain is protected by a small army from any would-be assassins; even more fortunate, then, even a single Jedi is more than enough for these wanna-be Stormtroopers. (1 Success, 50%) x1
[X] Seeking Wisdom (Mystic): You thought this might be the case-- but one of your texts, when compared with a text from the Grandmaster's personal library, has revealed a hidden treasure-- what, you could not say. (60%, 3 Successes) x1
[] Well? What is the duty of a Jedi? (Write-In, may be as detailed or as simple as desired)

[X] Plan Jedi Alliances
[X] Industrial Independence pt1. Resources: (1 dice)
[X] Looking for Allies: (1 dice)
[X] What the Hell Ahsoka (1 dice)
[X] Jedi Negotiators: (1 dice)
[X] Finding Ahch-To (2 dice)
[X] Saber to Staff (2 dice)
[X] Take the Field: (1 dice)
[X] In Shadowed Repose (1 dice)

The basic idea of my plan is to try and garner more support and freedom of action for the Jedi Order - in game turns, get more dice we can spent on our actions so we can get more work done. Industrial Independence, Jedi Negotiators and Looking for Allies are intended specifically for this end and hopefully In Shadowed Repose will help with this as well, keeping the Evocii from going too wild and causing fires that the Jedi will have to spend effort to stamp out.

What the Hell Ahsoka is undertaken to try to get Ahsoka to stop her opposing the current war so that the GA can muster more support to end the war more quickly, and so we can find out what's wrong with her - Ahsoka opposing a war against slavers seems really out of character. If we can recruit her that would be a bonus.

Saber to Staff is because taking down Phasma should really help out the GA in their military campaign, and would also result in the Jedi being seen to help the GA - that's also the reason I chose Take the Field, so that we could be seen as personally intervening in this matter.

Finally I put 2 dice into Finding Ahch-To simply because rediscovering and recovering the Jedi's graveyard world is something that we simply cannot afford to screw up.
Well, for now here's my first draft of "what is the duty of a Jedi?". I'll come back to write my own action plan and probably edit this answer later.

[X] [Jedi] The answer to what is the duty of a Jedi has repeatedly changed over time, but at their heart, the Jedi are a religious order. We seek to understand the Force and, having consistently determined it to be benevolent, to carry out its Will. Traditionally the Jedi have sought understanding by distancing ourselves from material focuses. And traditionally we have determined the Will of the Force to be to act to the benefit of sophonts everywhere, preferably in a manner that preserves the sanctity of life. Thus, our first duty as Jedi is to study the Force and ourselves and to determine our own place in it. Learn where your own thoughts and desires end and the Force's begin. Our second duty as Jedi is to aid sophont life wherever we may find it. We do not shy away from violence or death because both are a part of life, but neither do we seek them out. Phasma is certainly a problem, but she has already made herself many enemies who seek her destruction. Meditate on these questions, please. Where and how can you personally do good, padawan? Where have calls for help or justice gone unheard? Who has been forgotten by the galaxy or even by us? And, finally, are those the answers you have heard or merely the ones you want to hear?