Ascent: Fiendish Redemption Quest

[X] Plan I am the Night
-[X]Order Solomon
--[X] Identify the Union Thugs who did the murdering
-[X] Good in the Pit (Union Presence)
--[X] Deliver punishment to the murderers, and leave a very public message
Adhoc vote count started by nwish425 on Oct 8, 2020 at 2:33 PM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan I am the Night
    -[X]Order Solomon
    --[X] Identify the Union Thugs who did the murdering
    -[X] Good in the Pit (Union Presence)
    --[X] Deliver punishment to the murderers, and leave a very public message
I'm going to need 3d100 rolls, this is going to be interesting.
Let's see..

Edit: Whyyyy!
Star threw 3 100-faced dice. Total: 148
31 31 68 68 49 49
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Swing you Sinners
[X] Plan I am the Night
-[X]Order Solomon
--[X] Identify the Union Thugs who did the murdering
-[X] Good in the Pit (Union Presence)
--[X] Deliver punishment to the murderers, and leave a very public message

Solomon's Check (Rolled 31) Solomon is now considered suspicious by the Union

It took some doing but Solomon was able to identify the murderers, but not without some trouble. It seems that some of the other street toughs noticed his questioning and will no doubt begin to suspect him after you finish. You will need to do something about that later.

There were seven of them in total, a small crew that joined up with the Union several years back after they bagan to do jobs in the area. It wasn't even hard to find out where they are, the fools were living it up at the Laughing Cup, blowing their blood money before returning to Union's Hollow to find more work.

(Rolled 68+20=88)

You waited for them to leave for the night, stumbling back drunk and not watching their surroundings, you took your time following them. Waiting for just the right moment to strike. As they passed an abandoned alleyway Solomon called to them for help, faking an injury. When they realized he was Union they stumbled in to help him, or perhaps to just steal his money before leaving him to die.

As they entered Solomon waited for one to get close, then he leapt up and held his knife to the thugs throat. His friends began to reach for their weapons before you entered the alleyway and delivered a blow to one of their heads, knocking him to the ground, unconscious but still alive. You have plans for them.

While they were distracted Solomon knocked out the thug he was holding captive with the but of his knife and moved to help you. A short scuffle later and they were all bound and gagged, being moved through the Pit. A quick search through the leader's mind confirm the rumors that they were contracted by Kaitlin Morrow, the owner of the Greenstone Mine.

There was attempts at screaming and breaking free when they woke, tears were shed as you bagan to fasten the ropes around their necks, but it was no use. You soon attached a sign to the leader's body, written in common, celestial and your native infernal, a single word that tell all who sees what they've done.


People going about their business soon watched in horror as the seven men were dropped from the windows of an abandoned building in the square. One by one the men were hung, four of them broke their necks and died quickly, the remaining three choked to death, struggling the entire time. You fled soon after, before onlookers could see you.

(Rolled 49)

However it seems small glimpses were had, and in the coming days rumors began to circulate about a pale white shape fleeing the area of the hanging. No matter...

The guilty received their punishment, that is all that matters.
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Turn 18
It seems the Union took your attack on their men seriously, their increased presence has remained as they have since been searching for whoever was responsible for the hanging. Solomon was extensively questioned and is being carefully watched, you'll need to be careful to not blow his cover.

You have two actions. Please use plans.

[ ] Write-in
- Feel free to come up with your own actions.

[ ] Research Avaritia
- This Frog of Greed is a powerful opponent, search for more information on it.

[ ] Explore the Pit (Union Presence)
- Find what the Slums hide.

[ ] Explore the Jade Quarter
- What secrets do the merchants hold?

[ ] Explore the Snow Quarter
- What does the surface hide?

[ ] Explore the Peak
- The high-class area, what will you find?

[ ] Explore the tunnels
- What might you find in the depths?

[ ] Explore Highmount
- What new areas could you find?

[ ] Train Easily Forgotten
- Attempt to improve your Easily Forgotten trait, how?

[ ] Train Fleeting Visage
- Attempt to improve your Fleeting Visage, how?

[ ] Train combat prowess
- Attempt to gain a new fighting style, what kind?

[ ] Write-in
- Or train in another way.

[ ] Repair the Spire (Currently at rank 2/10)
- Attempt to improve the condition of your lair.

[ ] Add a general improvement
- Add an addition to your lair, witch one?

[ ] Add Library 3/6
- Continue work on your expansion.

[ ] Add Supply Room 4/6
- Continue work on your expansion.

[ ] Add Special Improvement
- Add something more specialized, what?

[ ] Search the Spire
- What did Arnas do here?

- A place to hold and categorize knowledge, of many forms. (Aids Research)

Training Room
- Seclusion and supplies are needed to truly improve. (Aids Training)

Map Room
- Perfect memory or not, this helps keep things straight. (Aids Exploration)

Guest Rooms
- A place for mortals to rest, if they wish to that is. (Aids allies, and allows them to benefit from your lair)

Supply Room
- A place to store useful items. (Aids Construction)

- Feel free to come up with ideas.

More can be unlocked.

None at this time.

More can be unlocked.

[ ] Good in the Pit (Union Presence)
- Attempt to find good to do in the slums, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the market area, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the barracks, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Peak
- Attempt to find good to do in the noble's area, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Pit (Union Presence)
- Attempt to find evil in the slums, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the market area, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the barracks, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Peak
- Attempt to find evil in the noble's area, exploration will help.

[ ] Order Solomon
- Order Solomon to perform a non-research action, he will continue until finished or ordered otherwise.

[ ] Speak to Solomon
- What do you wish to speak to him about?
[X] Complete Upgrades
-[X] Add Library 3/6
-[X] Add Supply Room 4/6

We should finish up our modifications to the tower. The Library will aid in research, whilst the Supply Room will make further repairs and upgrades easier to achieve.
Hmm... It could be a good moment to keep building and lay low, until the Union relaxes its guard again.

[X] Complete Upgrades
-[X] Add Library 3/6
-[X] Add Supply Room 4/6
[X] Complete Upgrades
-[X] Add Library 3/6
-[X] Add Supply Room 4/6

I am concerned about Solomon. He's under suspicion, but I think him going to ground by hiding out in our tower would be more suspicious? Would faking an attack on him or something be a good idea?
No, no, this has been delayed long enough.

[X] Speak to Solomon
- Explain who you are and what you're doing. Point out he's already signed a contract with you if he disbelieves you; why would you lie? Also clarify the deal he made: he can keep his soul as long as he helps you.
[X] Take the heat off Solomon
- Work with Solomon to find out which Union members are after him, and do some judicious modification of memories. Solomon is useful, and letting him die doesn't seem 'Good'.
A New Hunger
[X] Complete Upgrades
-[X] Add Library 3/6
-[X] Add Supply Room 4/6

Add Library (Rolled 79+10=89) Great Success

It took some time to clean up the mess from the... incident... but you made excellent progress after that. Before long you managed to fix the damage from before and continued fixing up the place. The walls and floor are all fixed and clean, the shelves are in place and you were even able to put in a door.

After that you began to locate books from around the tower to consolidate them in one place, you might have a perfect memory but you don't know everything and it helps to have reference material.

All that remains is the fairly boring task of sorting the books and putting them in their proper place, and unfortunately you have more work to do so you'll need co come back to finish later.

Besides.. you feel... strange...

Add library is now at 5/6


Add supply room (Rolled 41+10=51) Success

You feel very strange, it distracted you the entire time you were working on the supply room, you managed to get some work done, in fact you'd say that the room is almost finished. Storage containers fill the decently sized room, ready for you to fill them with whatever you might use to build anything you wish. You have an abundance of stone from the assorted rubble around the Spire that you can place in one of the containers but...

Something seems wrong with you...

Add supply room is now at 5/6


You know what's wrong...

You're hungry...

This isn't good...

Event 52: Mental Hunger

As a Mnemor, you are created to be a parasite that feeds on the minds and memories of mortals, your time away from your native plane of Hell has taken its toll on you and as a result you are hungry.

Until you feed on and completely consume a notable memory from a mortal you will suffer a -5 to all actions as a result of your need to feed, however an action that will result in your hunger being sated will instead receive a +5.

Should another Mental Hunger event happen before you feed your malus will grow worse, eventually growing into Mental Starvation, should you fail to feed at that point and receive another Mental Hunger event you will die as a result of starvation.
Turn 19
The Union has backed off, for now at least, Solomon has informed you that they're still investigating the murders but have elected to take a less overt approach. He, however, is still under suspicion as a result of his questioning, they don't have anything on him, but he might still be brought in for questioning from the higher ups, a prospect that terrifies him as the Union heads are apparently ruthless and mysterious people, who all but the most trusted members don't survive seeing.

You have two actions. Please use plans.
You are suffering from the first stage of Mental Hunger

[ ] Write-in
- Feel free to come up with your own actions.

[ ] Research Avaritia
- This Frog of Greed is a powerful opponent, search for more information on it.

[ ] Explore the Pit
- Find what the Slums hide.

[ ] Explore the Jade Quarter
- What secrets do the merchants hold?

[ ] Explore the Snow Quarter
- What does the surface hide?

[ ] Explore the Peak
- The high-class area, what will you find?

[ ] Explore the tunnels
- What might you find in the depths?

[ ] Explore Highmount
- What new areas could you find?

[ ] Train Easily Forgotten
- Attempt to improve your Easily Forgotten trait, how?

[ ] Train Fleeting Visage
- Attempt to improve your Fleeting Visage, how?

[ ] Train combat prowess
- Attempt to gain a new fighting style, what kind?

[ ] Write-in
- Or train in another way.

[ ] Repair the Spire (Currently at rank 2/10)
- Attempt to improve the condition of your lair.

[ ] Add a general improvement
- Add an addition to your lair, witch one?

[ ] Add Library 5/6
- Continue work on your expansion.

[ ] Add Supply Room 5/6
- Continue work on your expansion.

[ ] Add Special Improvement
- Add something more specialized, what?

[ ] Search the Spire
- What did Arnas do here?

- A place to hold and categorize knowledge, of many forms. (Aids Research)

Training Room
- Seclusion and supplies are needed to truly improve. (Aids Training)

Map Room
- Perfect memory or not, this helps keep things straight. (Aids Exploration)

Guest Rooms
- A place for mortals to rest, if they wish to that is. (Aids allies, and allows them to benefit from your lair)

Supply Room
- A place to store useful items. (Aids Construction)

- Feel free to come up with ideas.

More can be unlocked.

None at this time.

More can be unlocked.

[ ] Good in the Pit
- Attempt to find good to do in the slums, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the market area, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find good to do in the barracks, exploration will help.

[ ] Good in the Peak
- Attempt to find good to do in the noble's area, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Pit
- Attempt to find evil in the slums, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Jade Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the market area, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Snow Quarter
- Attempt to find evil in the barracks, exploration will help.

[ ] Evil in the Peak
- Attempt to find evil in the noble's area, exploration will help.

[ ] Order Solomon
- Order Solomon to perform a non-research action, he will continue until finished or ordered otherwise.

[ ] Speak to Solomon
- What do you wish to speak to him about?