The Young King

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A medieval fantasy quest about a young king who is forced to make hard choices about politics and warfare.
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"Being a king is easy," your father had told you once, "but being a good king may be the hardest task in the world." Objectively speaking, your father was not a very good king. He was fair, honorable, and kind. A good man, by most standards. But he was also a weak and indecisive ruler. His reign marked with military setbacks, political blunders, and economic stagnation.

It wasn't a complete disaster, but that might be the kindest thing one can say about his reign. He had some minor successes. A few alliances here and there, some new trading guilds, a badly constructed bridge that cost a lot more than it should have. But overall, his reign was entirely unremarkable. You hoped that you would be a better king than your father was, but frankly, you were too young and inexperienced for the job.

You had been on the throne for less than a week, when you were faced with your first truly difficult decision.

[] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
[] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
[] There is a strange illness in the east. Men are dying in the oddest ways, and there is fear of the plague spreading.
[] A new religion is spreading in the west. A strange foreign religion that has been accused of human sacrifice and demon worship.
[] Custom option [Write in]
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[X] There is a strange illness in the east. Men are dying in the oddest ways, and there is fear of the plague spreading.

Oh wow this is definitely not relevant to any current events.
[X] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
[X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
This looks like an interesting angle to sort out...
[X] There is a strange illness in the east. Men are dying in the oddest ways, and there is fear of the plague spreading.
[X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
This looks like an interesting angle to sort out...
[X] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
[X] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
[X] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
New Quest! Let's see where do we go with this.

[X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.

For starters, dealing with a Jacquerie… Interesting!
[X] A new religion is spreading in the west. A strange foreign religion that has been accused of human sacrifice and demon worship.
Hello there there do we have a ourselves a giant misunderstanding of faith here?
[X] A new religion is spreading in the west. A strange foreign religion that has been accused of human sacrifice and demon worship.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Celedrok on Jun 28, 2020 at 10:06 AM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Your father had made allies with a small kingdom in the north. They are currently being invaded by another kingdom, and request military assistance.
    [X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
    [X] A new religion is spreading in the west. A strange foreign religion that has been accused of human sacrifice and demon worship.
    [X] There is a strange illness in the east. Men are dying in the oddest ways, and there is fear of the plague spreading.
Chapter 1.1

"Three thousand Ascomanni raiders have landed in the northern coast of Cyrila. King Starrik Greenhand requests our immediate military assistance." Lady Elicia Imrryr was the acting commander of The King's Own. A royal regiment consisting of five thousand soldiers. She was a capable military leader. A veteran of more than a dozen battles. Yet now she was forced to take orders from a young king who knew nothing of war.

If it galled her to serve you, she hid it well under a mask of indifference.

"My father entered our kingdom into an alliance with the Kingdom of Cyrila." You tried to sound regal, but doubted it impressed either of your advisors. "We promised to aid them, if they were ever invaded by a foreign power. The time has come for us to honor that agreement–"

"If I may, your majesty." Lady Selene Peake interrupted you. She was your political advisor, serving as the voice of the Highborn, as Lady Imrryr served as the voice of the Military. "I would advise you to reconsider involving our kingdom in a foreign conflict."

"My father promised King Starrik that he would side with him in the event of war." You said. "Even though the Ascomanni raiders are not our problem, it will reflect badly on us if we abandoned an ally in need."

"With all due respect, a king should put the needs of his own people first." Lady Peake said. "Three thousand raiders have already landed in the northern coast of Cyrila. More will surely follow. We are looking at a war that may last months. Getting involved in this conflict will only lead to unnecessary losses of our own soldiers. The weakening of our military strength, and the further decline of our economy. Our citizens should not have to suffer for the security of a foreign kingdom."

"What is your opinion, Lady Imrryr?" You asked your military advisor.

"Backing down from a war makes us look weak." Lady Imrryr said. "Something we cannot afford at a time like this. No offense intended, your majesty, but you are a young and untested monarch. If you appear weak, your enemies will be drawn to you like bloodhounds."

"All the more reason for the King's Own to remain at the capital." Lady Peake said. "If we are entangled in the northern conflict, we may not be able to defend our own people from foreign invaders."

"If you abandon your allies now, you will find it considerably harder to make alliances in the future." Lady Imrryr said. "A victory in the north will make our enemies think twice before moving against us."

"A defeat will be a black mark on the king's reputation." Lady Peake said. "And even a victory will cost us thousands in gold. Not to mention the loss of life. Cyrila is a very small kingdom. Our alliance with them is of little strategic value. I strongly advise the king not to involve us in this northern war."

"And I strongly advise the king not to abandon his allies." Lady Imrryr said. "The King's Own is ready to march whenever you give the order, your majesty."

You listened to their arguments. They both made fair points, and you were not sure whose advice you should follow. But ruling is all about making difficult choices, isn't it?

[] We cannot abandon our allies.
[] We should not get involved in a foreign conflict.
[] Custom Option (Write In)
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[X]We cannot abandon our allies.
-[X] [Write-in]"If a victory can drive off those seeking our destruction, would not honoring an alliance serve to make our agreements hollow, our word untrustworthy? For that matter...If Cyrila offers us aid in our time of need, and we offer aid in theirs, would that not effectively be as good as having both our armies fighting both battles, rather then our army ending up having to do the work of two? That is why I will back this alliance."
[X]We cannot abandon our allies.

It would reflect poorly on us if we backed out of the alliance. Plus, it's the more interesting option OOC.
[X] Custom option: Middle Path (no one completely satisfied). Send an Expeditionary Force north. Enough troops to make a difference and gain some combat experience, but not so many that you will be left defenseless in your own Kingdom.

Could this work?
[X]We cannot abandon our allies.
-[X] [Write-in]"If a victory can drive off those seeking our destruction, would not honoring an alliance serve to make our agreements hollow, our word untrustworthy? For that matter...If Cyrila offers us aid in our time of need, and we offer aid in theirs, would that not effectively be as good as having both our armies fighting both battles, rather then our army ending up having to do the work of two? That is why I will back this alliance."
[X] Custom Option- Send 3400-3600 of the King's Own to battle leave the rest to defend ourselves.

This will hopefully be enough combined with our allies troops whatever they may be and leave us enough to defend ourselves
Though I would really like to see a faction sheet informing us of what were working with and our allies and neighbors
[X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Celedrok on Jun 29, 2020 at 11:45 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]We cannot abandon our allies.
    [X]We cannot abandon our allies.
    -[X] [Write-in]"If a victory can drive off those seeking our destruction, would not honoring an alliance serve to make our agreements hollow, our word untrustworthy? For that matter...If Cyrila offers us aid in our time of need, and we offer aid in theirs, would that not effectively be as good as having both our armies fighting both battles, rather then our army ending up having to do the work of two? That is why I will back this alliance."
    [X] Custom option: Middle Path (no one completely satisfied). Send an Expeditionary Force north. Enough troops to make a difference and gain some combat experience, but not so many that you will be left defenseless in your own Kingdom.
    [X] Custom Option- Send 3400-3600 of the King's Own to battle leave the rest to defend ourselves.
    [X] Peasants have risen in rebellion in the south. They demand lower taxes, more rights, and the removal of their current feudal lord.
    [X] We should not get involved in a foreign conflict.