Soul of Artifice (D&D/HeroAca Quest)

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In a world full of superpowers you were born with none.

So you built one.
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Character Creation 1

Expert Teaser

Disclaimer: not actually good at teasing
In a world full of superpowers you were born with none.

At the tender age of 6 years, 4 months, and 18 days you learned that you had one too many toe joints. The next day was the worst of your life, the pitting looks that tell you that you would never amount to anything would haunt you for years. Then after that was the bullying, they knew they could get you without repercussion, after all who cares about a quirkless nobody. Your life was miserable because of something that you couldn't control. Until one day you decided to take it all back, so you built.

Hello and welcome to my quest about a quirkless nobody in the world of My Hero Academia, that's you by the way, trying to become somebody.
This quest will use a 5e like system to check for successes and failures, however, before we get into character creation I am going lock you into a race and class, that class being Kibble' Artificer. Don't worry I believe it has enough customization to keep you satisfied, also I will add some buffs and balances for the sake of this not being used for the intended purpose.

Now then, who are you?

And more importantly, what did you build?
Select your subclass
Create a tool for every situation, versatile, powerful, and doesn't take up an attunement slot. The Batman option
Build something powerful, stay off the front lines and support from afar. You are not limited to one golem at a time. To be the pokemon master is your destiny
The most traditional caster of them all with the larges spell list. Become the Sorceror Scientist Supreme
Chemistry is just modern alchemy especially with ingredients become far more accessible thanks to quirks. AOEs and status effects out the wazoo with extra support capabilities
Damage, Lots of DAMAGE, guaranteed damage! Also AOEs I guess
Build a powerful suit of armor. That's right you become Iron Man
If you can't be born with a Quirk then you'll make one. Become Frankenstein and the monster and never have to rely on anything ever again

And one last thing, would you like me to roll for stats, vote on point buy, or use standard array?
Also feel free to ask any questions, I'll try to answer when I can.

EDIT: After some deliberation, I've decided to open up the Expanded Toolbox to you, everything in there is open to your use, however Cursesmith is not on the table.
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[X] Fleshsmith

Glorious genetic engineering and artificial lifeforms! Though I'm unsure about everything else... Kind of tempted to cheat and just vote for them to look like Fran-chan from the Fate-verse.
[X] Fleshsmith

so rolling stats sounds good but question does our character live in Japan or somewhere else
Stat rolls
So I just finished rolling for stats and here are the results:
Also here's a quick explanation of stats for those who don't know:
The six stas are: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charism.
Every even number over 10 is a plus 1 while every odd number below 10 is a minus one.
As an artificer your most important stat is going to be Intelligence with the main exception being Gagetsmith who will greatly benefit from a high Dexterity in just about every build. Another suggestion is that have a good Constitution for higher health.

And another thing, as a human you can choose to have a +1 to all stats or a +1 to two stats alongside a feat and an extra skill.

I will call the vote tomorrow.
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[X] Fleshsmith
Reasoning, I believe the moral dilemma of human experimentation (I'm assuming we'll be doing some of that, even if only on ourselves) will be interesting role-play material in a world as black and white as mha. Especially if we do it for good, which I assume most of the people in thread will be voting for, but even if we go more morally questionable, it should be interesting to try and keep the disappearance of corpses/people away from the heros/cops. (Informational quirk countermeasures and shit) but again, I'm kinda banking on the fact that human experimentation is both frowned upon and something that will be necessary for this subclass.
Anyone have a name, background and appearance for our character?

Well, Fleshsmith says "Become Frankenstein and the monster" so that immediately made me think of Fran-chan. I do like the idea our character has some visible abnormalities, though admittedly that would be super-revealing for how they "suddenly" developed a Quirk.

As for background, I'm not really sure, but if we're going with a Fleshsmith it just makes sense they come from a family of scientists- specifically geneticists and Quirk researchers.

Name... Perhaps Naosu Fukanzen (Fix Imperfect), especially if we're going with a Fleshsmith. Regardless, the name does fit someone with such a complex about their Quirklessness they resolved to make their own Quirk.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Expert Teaser on May 24, 2020 at 4:12 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.
[x] Golemsmith
[x] Naosu Kuanzen
[x] He was born in a smaller town, with one child have more natural talent then the others. Cuimin idealized him like almost every other kid did. However that kid grew with their idealizations and grew cold and callous. He didn't want to be a hero, for there was no reason to be one. Everyone else wanted to be like him, so instead that kid decided to stay in that town. While Cuimin looking in idealization strove to cross that path through his own power, and his own wit. Eventually he did hopes he will grow to be strong and stand by other heroes.
[x]Google Image Result for
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[x] Golemsmith
[x] Naosu Kuanzen
[x] He was born in a smaller town, with one child have more natural talent then the others. Cuimin idealized him like almost every other kid did. However that kid grew with their idealizations and grew cold and callous. He didn't want to be a hero, for there was no reason to be one. Everyone else wanted to be like him, so instead that kid decided to stay in that town. While Cuimin looking in idealization strove to cross that path through his own power, and his own wit. Eventually he did hopes he will grow to be strong and stand by other heroes.
[x]Google Image Result for

Wait, so, were those a bunch of typos and you used the wrong picture? Or are they suppose to be effeminate, transgender, or underwent gender-bending as a result / necessary step to their super empowering? I kind of like the last one, that Naosu was just that fixated they didn't mind putting themselves into a gynoid body.
Wait, so, were those a bunch of typos and you used the wrong picture? Or are they suppose to be effeminate, transgender, or underwent gender-bending as a result / necessary step to their super empowering? I kind of like the last one, that Naosu was just that fixated they didn't mind putting themselves into a gynoid body.
Yes it is the latter on this front. I thought it was a nice step, since I know that fleshsmith is going to win. I thought a story like that would be a great one to have as a backstory, while the only thing of a personal note which I'm doing outside of what I expect to happen is golemsmith, which is simply a personal vote for my ideal smith type.
Character Creation 2
A few years after quirks were first discovered many organizations that sprouted up to research and utilize them, some more unethical than other. Most have been dismantled with quirks becoming the majority. Though there is much research that has been lost due to the methods used to obtain them being too immoral and impractical.

Research that you now hold in your hands.

Thanks to many mostly legal methods you have gotten ahold of rough theories on genetic modification, and with the significant steps modern quirk research has provided, you have perfected it. Now all you need is to activate your homemade gene splicer.

But before you do you take a look into a mirror and think about how far you've come to get here.

Proficiencies: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion, Sleight of Hand
You have the Medicine skill
1 Tool set of your choice, you already get thieves' and letherworker's for free

Once you have enough introspection you step forward and set the machine to improve,
[Your Body]
Perfection of Form
Nature had its chance to make your form, now it's your turn to improve it. When you take this path, you gain the Fleshcrafted Mutation upgrade, and it does not count against your upgrade total.

When you take the attack action, you can use your bonus action to make single additional attack with this upgrade. You can make this additional attack a number of times equal to your Artificer level. You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

Fleshcrafted Mutation You can add this upgrade multiple times

You enhance your body by crafting or mutating a new part through grotesque experimentation. Select one of the following mutations:

Extra ArmThis arm is capable of doing things an arm can do, like holding and hitting things.
Extra ClawsYou gain a natural weapon that deals 1d8 slashing damage, and counts a finesse weapon. You are proficiency with these new claws.
Extra FangsYour mouth becomes a natural weapon that deals 1d10 piercing damage. You are proficient using this fangs as a weapon.
Extra TentacleYou gain a tentacle appendage that is a natural weapon the deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage with the reach property. You are proficient with this natural weapon. Using this tentacle, you can make a Strength (Athletic) check or object interaction with a reach of 10 feet.
[Your Mind]
Perfection of Mind
You know that perfection is an aspect of knowledge, a perfect understanding of the mechanics of the Body, inside and out. But particularly inside. You gain the Doctor upgrade, and it does not count against your upgrade total.

You have a pool of d8s equal to your Artificer level. When you restore hit points to a creature or use an Intelligence (Medicine) check to deal damage to a creature, you can expend these d8s to restore additional health or deal additional damage. You can spend a number equal to Proficiency modifier at a time. You regain this pool of d8s at the end of a long rest.


You master the knowledge of the mechanical properties of the body. You can make all Medicine checks as Intelligence (Medicine) checks and can add double your proficiency to Intelligence (Medicine) checks. When you take an Intelligence (Medicine) check to stabilize a creature, they regain 1 hit point.

As a doctor, you specialize not just in the repair of creatures, but in the dissection of them. If you are holding a melee finesse weapon you have proficiency with, as action you can make a Intelligence (Medicine) ability check against a creature within reach with a DC equal to its armor class. If you succeed the check, you can deal damage to that creature equal to your weapons damage dice plus your Intelligence modifier. On a roll of 20, the roll weapon damage dice are doubled. If you have Extra Attack, you deal twice the weapon's damage die.
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