[X] Plan: Don't Die Like Lancer
[X] Riot: Feat Suggestion: Fatherly Determination
- [X] You may use Will in place of Rapport when the subject is your family.
I dunno how Feats work, does this even work right?
IIRC in canon thats because of the Grail modifications. They didn't have time to modify her yet(which is why I voted to go grab her immediately, if there was any chance), she's still got her full natural lifespan.
You've recently been having dreams of the Lancer of the Fourth War dying, repeatedly. Sometimes it is through a Command Seal to kill himself, other times it is in a variety of ways. Stabbed in the back by Assassin, killed in the backswing of Saber's sword while allied, and even, in one instance, grabbed by Berserker and used as a weapon to kill all of the other Servants before being allowed to die himself.
Lancer, in your dreams, appears to be a, well, a chew-toy for the world. If he played poker, you could have cleaned him out easily before you killed him.
Regardless, in the material world, you succeeded in rescuing your daughter from the Einzberns. Your skills were deteriorating, but they hadn't deteriorated to the point where you couldn't find your way through the bounded fields Jubstacheit von Einzbern had put up. They merely… slowed you down a few days. After that, you were able to sneak in and out with few confrontations.
Now, Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya is joining a local elementary school in the fourth grade to give a semblance of a normal life, while Shirou tries to get used to having a big sister.
It is not all good times, however. While Jubstacheit von Einzbern may be behind the times, he will retaliate eventually. That said, due to the sheer distance from Germany to Japan, you do have a bit of a lead to prepare against his assaults.
It would be a good idea to use that lead wisely.
Voting for Turn 2 out of 10 has begun.
(Choose 3; Vote By Plan)
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Wealthy Donor
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can donate some of your wealth to help clean-up efforts. It's not like you're hurting in the purse strings, anyway; there were a lot of well-paying assassination contracts in your past.
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Politicians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] In the Grail's Wake: Cleaning Up
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can join the volunteers clearing away the rubble of the destroyed neighborhood. You helped cause it, you might as well help clean it up, since the other survivors of the War won't.
Note: This choice expires this turn.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: N/A; Effects: Improved Relationship with Fuyuki Civilians, Start In Memory Questline
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Shatter the Ley Lines
While you can wait, you do want to take action against the Grail sooner rather than later. Using a few explosives should do the trick, causing a small earthquake (common enough in Japan) and nudging the ley lines to move away from Fuyuki. You just need to use your connections to get a hold of enough explosive material…
Note: Repeatable.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Connections; Target Number: 10; Effects: Minor Earthquake, Ley Lines start to move to slow Grail's Charging
[X] The Corrupted Grail Rises: Put Out the Word
The Grail is Corrupt. Disaster will befall the world should a wish be made on the Holy Grail. The problem is, no one who knows about it has enough power to deal with it, or simply doesn't care about it. You may be hated by the Magus Community, but if you start spreading the word, there is a slight possibility that someone will believe you.
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: ???; Effects: Draw attention among the Moonlit World to yourself and Fuyuki, maybe get someone who will do something about the Grail to take a look
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Shirou
Spend time with the boy you adopted, Shirou. You know little about him, mainly that he's got survivor's guilt, but perhaps you can spend some time learning more. Learn his hobbies, what he's good at, what does he like…
Note: Repeatable.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn about Shirou's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya
Spend time with your daughter, Illya. You know a lot about her, but perhaps in your absence she had some changes in some part of her personality. Did her grandfather let her keep her hobbies, how much magecraft does she know…
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: 5; Effects: Learn ALL of Miyu "Illyasviel" Emiya's Aspects
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
Roll: Empathy; Target Number: Multiples of 5; Effects: Learn Aspects from both Shirou and Illya, one Aspect per 5 +1
[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
When you rescued Illya, you paid to get your daughter into the system. That said, if you look at it one way, you did kidnap Illya, which means that there is an opening to for the man to possibly order the extraction of Illya by mundane methods. It probably won't stop Jubstacheit von Einzbern completely, but by going through the legal channels, you can prevent all attempts for him to do the same.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Contacts; Target Number: 10; Effects: Jubstacheit cannot use legal methods to retrieve Illya
[X] Survivor's Guilt of the Great Fire: Psychiatrist for Shirou
You've taken advantage of mages not being entirely there in the past, so you know how dangerous a mental problem can be. It might be a good idea to take Shirou to a psychiatrist to help him heal. However, if the neighbors find out, it could kill your family's reputation in Fuyuki…
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage: Roll: Stealth; Target Number: 10 (Just don't roll all 1s); Effects: Shirou goes to Psychiatrist to begin healing, don't get Bad Reputation (Fuyuki)
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner
You're not well liked among the magus community, to put it lightly. That said, you do know enough about their culture that it is considered polite to drop by the spiritual watcher of a land, the Second Owner, to let them know of your presence and ask permission to set up a workshop there. Lucky for you, then, that the Second Owner of Fuyuki is a child of Shirou's age, and unlikely to know of your past. You may not want to set up a workshop now, but you might want to later.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Get permission to officially set up a workshop in Fuyuki, Rin Tohsaka knows of your presence, maybe get an Aspect from her
[X] All the World's Curses: Curse Breaking
Its… unlikely you can get rid of all of these curses you received. But maybe… you can see one of your old contacts, and reduce their potency. They're in Misaki, and its close enough you can take Shirou and Illya on a weekend trip there.
Roll: Rapport; Target Number: 5; Effects: Confirm information about curses, start Tohno questline
[o] Retired Magus Killer: 'Magecraft' Lessons
There was a passable idea to teach Shirou magecraft wrongly, in order to discourage him from pursuing it too deeply. With great pain every time he performed magecraft, he'd have to give it up sooner rather than later, right? However, with Illya around, and knowing the basics of magecraft, she'd catch on quickly and correct the damage done. Besides, anyone Jubstacheit sends will take advantage of any weaknesses they can.
[X] Retired Magus Killer: Possible Magecraft Tutors
Being good at something does not mean that you are good at teaching it. With Illya hitting a roadblock due to a lack of teachers, Shirou seeking to learn magecraft, and you being a bad teacher, it might be a good idea to start poking around in Japan to see if there are any families that might be willing to teach a couple of students. No family secrets, of course, but the basics of Alteration, Projection, and Reinforcement. Of course, they likely won't do this for free, but right now you need to find them first.
Roll: Contacts; Target Number: ???; Effects: Gain list of families in Japan who might be willing to tutor your children
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Crash Course
There are a number of threats out there that could put an annoyance into a fate worse than death. Perhaps a run-down of the common threats, the big threats, the local threats, and the big names of the Moonlit World would help keep your children from poking something that they shouldn't.
Roll: N/A; Effects: Shirou and Illya know where not to stick their noses
[X] The Lost Decade: Konbini Sales Clerk
Your family is well off, but constant expenses could make your wallet too thin at a critical point. If you get a decent legal job, you could reduce the strain there is on your finances. Of course, with the times there are, you can't exactly be picky…
Note: As Financial Damage recovers at a rate of 1 per tun, assuming damage is not taken that turn, you cannot take this if you don't take something which inflicts damage this turn
Roll: Crafts; Target Number: 7; Effects: Reduce Financial Damage Taken this turn by 1
[X] Something else? (Write-In)
Later than I had anticipated, but between a new distraction at home and the need to review my notes and come up with new options to replace the Einzbern options, well, I hope this proves satisfactory.
I've also updated Kiritsugu's character sheet, and added the known Aspect list for both Shirou and Illya, on top of correcting that typo that was pointed out to me.
Any reason that spending time with both kids can't be a single action, given the timescales involved and that the kids need to get to know each other too?
Any reason that spending time with both kids can't be a single action, given the timescales involved and that the kids need to get to know each other too?
[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
When you rescued Illya, you paid to get your daughter into the system. That said, if you look at it one way, you did kidnap Illya, which means that there is an opening to for the man to possibly order the extraction of Illya by mundane methods. It probably won't stop Jubstacheit von Einzbern completely, but by going through the legal channels, you can prevent all attempts for him to do the same.
Cost: 1 Point Financial Damage; Roll: Contacts; Target Number: 10; Effects: Jubstacheit cannot use legal methods to retrieve Illya
Cause this seems very important to do now since we JUST got Ilya back and they could still be disoriented
[X] Charity, Child rearing and Custody
-[X] In the Grail's Wake: Cleaning Up
The Great Fuyuki Fire has claimed many lives, and you had a hand in it. Perhaps, to amend for all the blood you have spilled, you can join the volunteers clearing away the rubble of the destroyed neighborhood. You helped cause it, you might as well help clean it up, since the other survivors of the War won't.
--[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
Spend time with your children. One of them has survival guilt, while the other was once held captive by her grandfather. You know a bit about your son, but you don't know how much her captivity changed your daughter. Spend time with them, without focusing on one of them, to see what you can learn about them.
---[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
When you rescued Illya, you paid to get your daughter into the system. That said, if you look at it one way, you did kidnap Illya, which means that there is an opening to for the man to possibly order the extraction of Illya by mundane methods. It probably won't stop Jubstacheit von Einzbern completely, but by going through the legal channels, you can prevent all attempts for him to do the same.
[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
We have to have the elusive happy emiya family
[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
We can't let illya get lawyered away
[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner we can get shirou a friend who's also a magus
also if the selection has an o in it what does that mean
[X] Plan Closing Avenues
-[X] Children Tie Down: Learn About Illya and Shirou
-[X] Children Tie Down: Legal Guardian
-[X] Underneath a Moonlit Sky: Second Owner
I'm thinking of the two most obvious means of Einzbern counterattacks:
1) Legal custody
2) The Tohsaka are an old Einzbern partner. Call up the Second Owner and let them know theres an assassin squatting on their lawn. Watch the fireworks.
If we don't make contact on our terms, it'd likely happen on enemy terms.