Sufficient Velocity: Galactic Battle Frontier: The Game: The Quest

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Deck Creation Part 1

Novus Ordo Mundi

The Past Is A Dangerous Country
The Usual Room
On April 1st, 2020, Ford Prefect revealed the main April Fool's gimmick for Sufficient Velocity

Little did the Administration know what they had accidentally released when they did this. For from an obvious joke about Gacha pulls came forth a desire. A most glorious burden to create yet another quest about a card game. But this time, it involves this very site itself!

Welcome, to Sufficient Velocity: Galactic Battle Frontier - The Quest!

That's right, citizen! In this quest, the internet is under attack! From things like trolls, pseudo-scientific bullshit, and corrupt flame warriors from the depths of Tartarus! But with the power of one forum at Sufficient Velocity, and as much Gacha as I can possibly stuff into this quest, you can help make the world wide web all around the universe that much safer.

Wield powerful cards inside the Arena, such as Xon, Coder Invictus or Cadis, Shield of the Infracted. Give your Heroes ratings to pump them up, or Fuel them with cards from your hand to raise their Link Rating! Play Administrative Actions at the right time to change the momentum of the match! Time your plays and attacks to exploit elemental weakness and strengths!

And to really sell the Gacha angel, and to get as many of those sweet sweet clicks onto this quest as possible, your voting will have major effects in this quest! For every vote in this quest, the voters get a Like Token! 100 Like Tokens gains you a card at random from whichever pack you choose! Or, you can save up to a thousand to get a 10-Pull! One of which will be guaranteed 3-Star or greater!

But hold up there, cannon fodder! You can't fight the forces of cybertrolls without a deck! This is a collectable card game quest after all! Which means you need cards. So first, you'll need to choose an expansion, with cards that will fuel your playstyle! Then we'll vote for which specific Hero will be your Ace Monster!


[] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)

[] The Quest for Creative Writing - This set showcases the heroes of the Quest and Creative Writing forums! Give your heroes (like Shadenight Insert - Wren) Ratings to trigger their Ego effects! Generate Omake tokens to allow the new Creative class (Like Torroar, Warhammer of Ostland) to fire off their devastating effects! With enough control, you write the ending to this story! (Promo Card: Stypgia, Fighting Writer!)

[] The Worm Turns - A breach in the walls has allowed the different versions of Earth Bet to find their way into SV! With Parahumans pouring in with their new mechanics Trigger and Second Trigger (Such as Taylor Herbert, She of Infinite Possibilities), these Parahumans relish fighting as they go on the offensive! But SV is not defenseless, as some of their Heroes can Trigger as well (Such as Jackie, Spitfire) Conflict is inevitable, so make sure you come on top! (Promo Card: Danny Herbert, Dark Badass)

[] The Deer Lord Cometh! - Behold, and look to the woods for your salvation! Heroes and Villains once thought set in their ways have now been transformed, becoming members of the Congregation of the North! Seduce your opponent's Heroes to your side of the board! Transform the unrepentant trolls to become Fuel for your forest creatures! And prepare for the game's first Instant Win condition with Novus Ordo Mundi - The Deer Lord! With this combination, why would anyone wish to resist you? (Promo Card: Moneybucks212, Redeemed From Capitalism)


Rules of the Game!

Deck Size: 60 Cards.
Starting Life Total: 30

Turn Order: Standby, Draw, Main, End

Standby Phase: Similar to most card games standby phases, certain effects go off here. Some fire off only on your turn, some on either turn. However, in this game you also get a Star at the beginning of your Standby Phase! Stars are what allows you to Summon your heroes! (Note: You can hold onto your Stars to summon bigger Heroes on later turns, or to use Administrative Actions on!)

Draw: Turn player draws a card. Exception: If it's the first turn of the player going second, they draw two cards. (This is to help with the inherent disadvantage of going second. If you have no cards in your deck, take damage equal to half your life points (rounded down), then shuffle your Suspended cards back into your deck. (Note: Do not shuffle your Banned cards back)

Main: Here, you may do the following:

- Play a Hero! You may play any number of Heroes. However, to Summon your Heroes, you must use a Star. Most cards Summon Value equals their star rating, though there are ways to cheat them out.

- Fuel your Hero! Once per turn, you may use a Hero or Item in your hand as Fuel for your heroes, raising their Link Rating! Most Heroes have extra abilities that unlock as you raise their Link Rating, or immediate benefits! And some Heroes give benefits when used as Fuel! And if the Hero you use as Fuel matches the Hero your Fueling, you can raise their Link Rating faster!

- Attack! Ram your Hero into another Hero, or into the enemy! Your Hero cannot attack the turn they are summoned, unless they have Active.

- Activate an Effect! Some Heroes have effects that you can activate during the Main Phase. Use them here! Note, that if multiple effects happen would happen at the same time, the oldest Hero's effect activates first, then the next oldest, ect.

- Use a Reaction! Add in Meows and Likes to buff your Allies and Actions. Use Picards and WTF to debuff your enemies.

- Use an Action! These cards can be used during either players turn, in response to an enemy's action! Stop their plays before they even get off the ground!

End: Your turn ends. Any effects that fire off here do so. There is no limit to your handsize.
The Rules! (Still being written up, so give me some time please)

Rules of the Game!

Deck Size: 60 Cards.
Starting Life Total: 30

Turn Order: Standby, Draw, Main, End

Standby Phase: Similar to most card games standby phases, certain effects go off here. Some fire off only on your turn, some on either turn. However, in this game you also get a Star at the beginning of your Standby Phase! Stars are what allows you to Summon your heroes! (Note: You can hold onto your Stars to summon bigger Heroes on later turns, or to use Administrative Actions on!)

Draw: Turn player draws a card. Exception: If it's the first turn of the player going second, they draw two cards. (This is to help with the inherent disadvantage of going second. If you have no cards in your deck, take damage equal to half your life points (rounded down), then shuffle your Suspended cards back into your deck. (Note: Do not shuffle your Banned cards back)

Main: Here, you may do the following:

- Play a Hero! You may play any number of Heroes. However, to Summon your Heroes, you must use a Star. Most cards Summon Value equals their star rating, though there are ways to cheat them out.

- Fuel your Hero! Once per turn, you may use a Hero or Item in your hand as Fuel for your heroes, raising their Link Rating! Most Heroes have extra abilities that unlock as you raise their Link Rating, or immediate benefits! And some Heroes give benefits when used as Fuel! And if the Hero you use as Fuel matches the Hero your Fueling, you can raise their Link Rating faster!

- Attack! Ram your Hero into another Hero, or into the enemy! Your Hero cannot attack the turn they are summoned, unless they have Active.

- Activate an Effect! Some Heroes have effects that you can activate during the Main Phase. Use them here! Note, that if multiple effects happen would happen at the same time, the oldest Hero's effect activates first, then the next oldest, ect.

- Give A Rating! Add in Meows and Likes to buff your Allies. Use Picards and WTF to debuff your enemies.

- Use an Action! These cards can be used during either players turn, in response to an enemy's action! Stop their plays before they even get off the ground!

End: Your turn ends. Any effects that fire off here do so. There is no limit to your handsize.


Kinds of Cards


These are your fighters! You will rely on them the most out of any kind of card. To summon them, you will generally pay stars equal to their Star Level. Remember that most Heroes will not be able to attack right away, so keep this in mind!

Once per turn, you can boost their power by Fueling them from a card in your hand! Doing this will raise their Link Rating, boosting their power, defense, and may provide some unique abilties! And if you use a copy of the same card to Fuel them, you can raise their Link Rating by 2!

When Heroes are Suspended, either by effect or when their Defense goes to 0, they go to the Suspended Pile. However, if they have Appeal, you can pay the Appeal cost to prevent them from leaving the field!

(Thanks to @Pawn Lelouch for allowing me to use his plans for Ratings as the basis, as it is far superior to my what I had in mind)

Each turn, you are allowed to target a single Hero with a rating, which will effect that Hero in various ways. Each Rating costs 1 Star to use, and each rating can only be used on each Hero once (unless a card would allow you to otherwise, such as Dunking With Facts)

Remember that your ratings also trigger any Heroes with the Ego keyword, so remember who has them to gain serious value.

Likes = This Hero gains -2/-0, and gains (Taunt) until the start of your next turn.
Funnys = This Hero gains -0/-2, and gains (Bane) untl the start of your next turn
Insightful = Draw 1 card
Informative = This Hero gains +2/+0
Hug = This Hero gains +0/+2
Meow = This Hero gains Appeal: Ban a Meow Rating in your Suspended Pile
Picard = This Hero gains -0/-2
WTF!? = This Hero gains -2/-0


These cards are used in response to actions that happen on the Field, and unlike other cards can be played during other players turns! By paying the amount of Stars to preform them, these cards could make a person pay more to play their Heroes (Such as Pay to Play), counter a Ratings card (Rating Abuse), or gain Stars when you gain Omake Counters (+5 To Next Roll). However, some of these Actions can only be played at certain times (Such as Ratings Abuse when a Ratings card is played), or have a different or additional cost (Such as The Voters Have Voted To Literally Kill Themselves)


Glossery of Keywords

Login: This keyword denotes an effect that happens when this card enters the battlefield. Example: Login - Discard a 2 Star or Less card, then draw a card.

Logoff: This keyword is the opposite of Login, happening when this card is Suspended. (Note: This doesn't trigger if this card is Banned, or bounced back to the hand, or transformed.) Example: Logoff - Search your deck for a 5 Star or Greater Hero, then place it in your hero.

Rate Up: This keyword denotes an effect that happens when this cards Link Rating goes up. Example: Rate Up: Deal damage equal to your Link Rating to an enemy Hero.

Link Rate X/+/-: You may only use this effect when your Link Rating is X and either above or below. Example: Link Rate 2: All Moderatiors in your Hand cost 1 less star to Summon.

Download: If this card is used as Fuel for raising another Hero's Link Rating, this effect activate. Example: Download: The Hero this card Fueled gains one Omake Token

Ego: This effect happens when you play a Rating is played on the card. Example: Gain 1 Star. Ego: Gain 1 More.

Infract: This effect activates when a Hero attacks another Hero. Example: Infract: Suspend the enemy Hero this Hero attacks.

(Bane) (Name Incoming) - If a Hero with (Bane) does damage to another Hero (even if it is 0 or less damage), the other Hero is automatically Suspended.

(Taunt) (Name Incoming) - If a Hero with (Taunt) is on the field, the opponent must first attack that Hero before they can attack any other Hero or Player.

Quoted: If a Hero is targeted for either an attack or an enemy effect, this effect will fire off before the attack or effect resolves. Example: Quoted: Gain 1 Star

Appeal: If this card would be forced to leave the field for any reason, you may choose to pay the Appeal cost to keep it in the field. Example: Appeal: Pay 1 Star

Active (X): This card may attack (X) the turn they are Summoned. Example: Active Hero, Active Opponent, Active 3 Star or Lower Hero.

Feedback: When this Hero attacks another Hero, any leftover damage to another enemy Hero at random. If there is no other Hero, deal the damage to the opponent.

Citation (X): You may choose to increase this Hero's Link Rating without using Fuel from your hand by Banning the top X cards from your deck.

Bad Faith (X): You may choose to play this card without paying any Stars, by Banning X number of Cards in your hand and/or on your side of the field instead.

Upheld: This Action cannot be responded to, and cannot be negated.

Overturn (X): This Action may card may be played when the opponent preforms a certain action. Example: Overturn - Summons A Hero: Negate that Summon.
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Welp might as well cast the first stone.

[X] The Quest for Creative Writing - This set showcases the heroes of the Quest and Creative Writing forums! Give your heroes (like Shadenight Insert - Wren) Ratings to trigger their Ego effects! Generate Omake tokens to allow the new Creative class (Like Torroar, Warhammer of Ostland) to fire off their devastating effects! With enough control, you write the ending to this story! (Promo Card: Stypgia, Fighting Writer!)
[x] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)

I've already got a swimsuit Ford drawing half-drafted, I can use it to get some free omake points.
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)

So I guess this is a thing now
[X] The Worm Turns - A breach in the walls has allowed the different versions of Earth Bet to find their way into SV! With Parahumans pouring in with their new mechanics Trigger and Second Trigger (Such as Taylor Herbert, She of Infinite Possibilities), these Parahumans relish fighting as they go on the offensive! But SV is not defenseless, as some of their Heroes can Trigger as well (Such as Jackie, Spitfire) Conflict is inevitable, so make sure you come on top! (Promo Card: Danny Herbert, Dark Badass)

"Are you afraid of the Dark?"
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)
[x] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)
[X] The Quest for Creative Writing - This set showcases the heroes of the Quest and Creative Writing forums! Give your heroes (like Shadenight Insert - Wren) Ratings to trigger their Ego effects! Generate Omake tokens to allow the new Creative class (Like Torroar, Warhammer of Ostland) to fire off their devastating effects! With enough control, you write the ending to this story! (Promo Card: Stypgia, Fighting Writer!)

Gotta barrack for Stypgia.
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)

Here's to somehow hoping I'm somehow in here. :p
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)
[X] The Quest for Creative Writing - This set showcases the heroes of the Quest and Creative Writing forums! Give your heroes (like Shadenight Insert - Wren) Ratings to trigger their Ego effects! Generate Omake tokens to allow the new Creative class (Like Torroar, Warhammer of Ostland) to fire off their devastating effects! With enough control, you write the ending to this story! (Promo Card: Stypgia, Fighting Writer!)
The Quest for Creative Writing
I volunteer to be a low ranking card in honor of my predeliction towards starting things I can't finish! :rofl:

[X] The Quest for Creative Writing - This set showcases the heroes of the Quest and Creative Writing forums! Give your heroes (like Shadenight Insert - Wren) Ratings to trigger their Ego effects! Generate Omake tokens to allow the new Creative class (Like Torroar, Warhammer of Ostland) to fire off their devastating effects! With enough control, you write the ending to this story! (Promo Card: Stypgia, Fighting Writer!)
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)
[X] The Base Set - This set of 100 cards is a hodgepodge of playstyle, facilitating all playstyles from aggro to control to combo! All your favorite Staff members are here to fight and die for your amusement, such as Ford Prefect, Administator of the Zohar Project, and Xon, Coder Invictus. If you want some of the original and still quite playable heroes and actions, without overcomplicated abilities, you may want to start your protection of the universe here! (Promo Card: Swimsuit Empress Squishette)