By The Love of Evening Glory (A 5th Edition D&D Quest)

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When Heaven and Hell came, you fought against them with nothing more then by flinging common items at them. All to protect the forbidden love of a Deva and a Succubus that you had taken in.

You lasted 20 seconds before those forces got bored of you.

But in those 20 seconds, you gained the notice of a
Goddess of Undeath and Love. She plucked your soul before it left your body, and brought it before her. And there, you swore your soul to the Deathless Beauty. In the name of the Love that Transcends Death, you will spread her word, the truth of what it means to be undead, and prepare to save the two you couldn't save before.

Arise from your grave, Undead Warlock of Evening Glory. And let Love be your Guide.

(If you wish to skip straight to the story proper, click here)
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Character Creation: Class
The Usual Room
It is well known that magic is a very important part of Dungeons and Dragons. From the Wizard incinerating their enemies (and the rest of the party) with Fireball, while the Cleric can cast Cure Wounds whenever their allies (that they like) are low on life. And due to the number of spell slots you can have, even the worst magic users can have a spell for almost any occasion. Truly, they are the jack of all trades.

However, in this world of epic deeds and explosive magic, you know one spell. And only one spell: Animate Objects.

Due to various means which you will vote on, you managed to learn Animate Object as a cantrip. That means you can have animated brooms whenever and wherever you want. Want floating torches! You got it! Even better, as you make your journey throughout the land, you can improve upon it in ways others never could!

Of course, as stated above, there is the downside of never gaining any spell slots! That's right! No Fireball! No Cure Wounds! Only Monika Animate Objects. But if you're willing to experiment and learn how to min-max your animated objects and the rest of your abilities, you can become a force to be reckoned far and wide!

Or at least, you can have your table get your coffee for you. Laziness for the win?

Either way, dive on in, have a seat. Hell, you can have it come to you.


Right, so let's go through Character Creation, shall we? But first, a heads up. To compensate for the fact that some of the classes will be gimped by only being able to cast Animate Object, there will be some things that may work differently to give them an edge or make things more entertaining or logical. Generally speaking, there are no bad options here. Also, you start at Level 3, with a Stat Block of 18/16/12/10/10/8.

Who are you, and how the hell did you end up with the ability to pull off a Disney musical as a cantrip?

[] You are a Forge Cleric. You spend your days as an apprentice of the local Forge-Priest, learning how to make things. Through a series of events that can only come about by divine intervention, you witness your Goddess in her workshop plane. This revelation revealed her secrets of object animation! And accidently broke your master's workshop. So, now you are going throughout the land, attempting to learn your trade and how you can use what is obviously your Deity's blessing. (Quest Name: The Forge-Goddess' Apprentice.)

[] You are a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. One of your parents is a literal dragon. The other is a quite magical non-dragon. You were very likely to breathe and crap magic for your birth. So finding out you can cast one spell, and only one spell, was a bit heartbreaking. But your parents loved you all the same, teaching you how to leverage that one spell in multiple ways. Besides, you have the blood of a dragon running through your veins. That counts for something. (Quest Name: When All You Have Is A Dragon-Blooded Hammer...)

[] You are a College of Glamour Bard. Look, when you made a deal with a Fae, you didn't quite expect to be a master of animating items. Granted, the loss of any other magic was a bit of a bummer, but at the very least it wasn't something like ugly looks or your firstborn. And you are literally a one person performance! Think of all the money you can make! And how absolutely glamorous it will be! (Quest Name: [Name], Truly Outragous!)

[] You are an Alchemist Artificer. Admittedly, your magnum opus of potions may have had some - slight - complications when you drank it. Other Artificers kinda look down on your non-magical way. But progress requires experimentation! And now, with some foresight and some actual potions and chemicals that won't hurt you too badly, you're now on the road selling your wares to adventurers and townsfolk! Besides, animating the potions themselves makes for an interesting roadshow! (Quest Name: Doctor [Name's] Travelling Potions!)

[] You are a Transmutation Wizard. For a long time, you were sick. A victim of a plague that targeted magic users the land over. Sure, you're only able to cast one spell, and you can only transmute stuff temporarily. But it beats your own magic turning against you like so many others had. And you've even managed to make a transmuter's stone far earlier than others. But you're more concerned with stopping this plague from spreading… (Quest Name: In The Mana-Sick's Wake)

[] Mystery Box. The only hint to what's in here is the Quest's Name (Quest Name: By The Love of Evening Glory)
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Character Sheet - Current
Character Sheet:

Name: Nukilik Aglukkaq
Gender: Female
Undead Race: Bleakborn
Former Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Warlock (Evening Glory)
Background: Outlander

Level: 4
Experience Points: 2800/6500
Hit Dice: 1d8 Per Warlock Level
Hit Points: 39
Armor Class: 12 (10 + Leather Armor + Animal Trophy)

Stats: (+1 to Two Stats, +1 to Con)
Str: 13 (+1) (Human)
Dex: 8 (-1)
Con: 18 (+4) (Human, Resilience)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 19 (+4) (Aura Mastery)

Speed:30 Ft.

Damage Resistances: Cold, Necrotic
Damage Immunities: Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft,

Proficiencies (Bonus: +2)
Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Hunting Traps
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution
Skill: History, Intimidation, Athletics, Survival, Animal Handling
Tool: Flute
Languages: Common, Moilian, Celestial, Infernal

Strength: +1
Dexterity: -1
Constitution: +6 (Proficiency)
- Advantage on Concentration Checks for Animate Objects
Intelligence: +0
Wisdom: +2 (Proficiency)
Charisma: +6 (Proficiency)


Strength (+1)
  • Athletics (+2)(Proficienty)
Dexterity (-1)
  • Acrobatics
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth
Intelligence (0)
  • Arcana
  • History (+2)(Proficienty)
  • Investigation
  • Nature
  • Religion
Wisdom (0)
  • Animal Handling (+2)(Proficienty)
  • Insight
  • Medicine
  • Perception
  • Survival (+2)(Proficienty)
Charisma (+4)
  • Deception
  • Intimidation (+2)(Proficienty)
  • Performance
  • Persuasion

Gold: 10 GP

Combat Related:

Eldritch Lantern - Needed for your Pact of the Beacon
Two Daggers - Melee Slashing Weapons, 1d4 Damage on Hit
Leather Armor - 11 AC
Animal Trophy - A Polar Bear skin that covers your head and back. +1 AC
Hunting Trap (3) - DC 13 Dex Save. Failure deals 1D4 piercing damage and stop moving. DC 13 Strength to break free, failure deals 1 piercing damage


Traveler's Clothing - So you're not naked.
Belt Pouch - Holds your gold


Sled Dog Remains - The remains of your sled dogs.
Sled Remains - The remains of your sled.


  • Human: Resilient (Constitution): +1 Constitution. You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.
  • Level 4: Aura Mastery - +1 Charisma. Auras you or objects you create can choose to ignore any number of people or objects, up to your Charisma modifier.

Background Feature:

  • Wanderer: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and can recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. Can scavenge food for yourself and up to five people a day, provided there is anything to scavenge.

Warlock Features:

Otherworldly Patron (Evening Glory): You have struck a bargain with Evening Glory, the Goddess of Undeath, Love, and Desire

  • The Ties That Bind: At first level, you know when any number of people within a 120 foot radius are in love, and who they are in love with, and what kind of love.
  • Love's Embrace: At first level, as an Action, target up to any number of people equal to your Charisma modifier. They gain temporary HP equal to 4 times your level, which lasts until their next Long Rest. If at least two of the targets have a loving relationship, all targets gain AC equal to your Charisma modifier as well. You may only use this feature once per Long Rest.

Pact Boon (Pact of the Beacon): You possess a small lantern, with a glowing ball of energy inside. It acts as a standard lantern at first glance, though anyone making a DC 16 Arcana Check will know what it truly is. You always know where your Beacon is, as long as it remains on the same plane as you. Instead of taking a Move Action, you may lift your beacon high for all to see. Anyone who can see it within a 120 foot radius must make a Wisdom save (DC = 8 + Proficiency + Charisma). Anyone who fails can be moved up to 10 feet in your direction.

Warlock Invocations (Known: 2)

  • Grasp of Hadar (Requires Animate Objects): When an object you've animated deals damage to something, you can move that creature up to 10 feet closer to yourself.
  • Call Them Home (Requires Pact of the Beacon): As an action, you may mark any number of creatures or items within 120 feet, up to your Charisma modifier, with a mark. As a Move action, you may teleport a creature or object a mark to within 5 feet of the Beacon, expending that mark. That creature must be within 5 miles of the Beacon, plus another 5 miles for each Warlock level the caster possess. If they are unwilling, they must make a Wisdom save to resist. (DC: 8 + Proficiency + Charisma Modifier). Also as a Move action, a person with a Mark may expend it to teleport to within 5 feet of the Beacon. Once you use this Invocation, you cannot use it again until you take a long rest.

Undead Features:

Undead State - You do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. You may still take a Short or Long rest, in which case you are just resting and doing nothing overly taxing. You may still eat if you want.

Create Spawn: A humanoid slain by the Bleakborn rises as a Bleakborn after 1 minute, under your command. You may choose it to be under your control, as a mindless Bleakborn, or as an intelligent Bleakborn. You may only have a number of Bleakborn under your control equal to twice your level. Constructs and other undead are not affected by this feature

Fire Absorption: Whenever you are subjected to fire damage, you take no damage, and instead regain health equal to the fire damage dealt

Heat-Draining Aura: At the start of each of your turns, each creature within 30 feet of you takes Xd6 + X Cold Damage, where X is half your level, rounded up. You regain 5 health for each creature that takes damage by this effect. You may suppress this Aura as an action.

Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces you to 0 or less hit points, make a Constitution save, with a DC of 5 + Damage taken. On a success, you drop to 1 HP instead. Radiant Damage and Critical Hits ignore this.

The Chill of Death: Any attacks you do, or objects that attack under your command, can deal Cold or Necrotic Damage

Special Features:

Mistress of Animation: You may cast Animate Objects at will, as a Cantrip. Every level, you may choose an upgrade to it. You may never learn nor cast any other spell.

Animate Objects (With Upgrades)

Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 Minute (Concentration - With Advantage)

Objects come to life at your Command. Choose up to ten non-magical Objects within range that are not being worn or carried. Medium Targets count as two Objects, Large Targets count as four Objects, Huge Targets count as eight Objects. You can't animate any object larger than Huge. Each target animates and becomes a creature under your control until the spell ends or until reduced to 0 Hit Points.

As a Bonus Action, you can mentally Command any creature you made with this spell if the creature is within 500 feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can Command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same Command to each one). You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general Command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against Hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete.

Animated Object Statistics

Tiny - HP: 20, AC: 18, Attack: +8 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage, Str: 4, Dex: 18

Small - HP: 25, AC: 16, Attack: +6 to hit, 1d8 + 2 damage, Str: 6, Dex: 14

Medium - HP: 40, AC: 13, Attack: +5 to hit, 2d6 + 1 damage, Str: 10, Dex: 12

Large - HP: 50, AC: 10, Attack: +6 to hit, 2d10 + 2 damage, Str: 14, Dex: 10

Huge - HP: 80, AC: 10, Attack: +8 to hit, 2d12 + 4 damage, Str: 18, Dex: 6

An animated object is a Construct with AC, Hit Points, attacks, Strength, and Dexterity determined by its size. Its Constitution is 10 and its Intelligence and Wisdom are 3, and its Charisma is 1. Its speed is 30 feet, if the Objects lack legs or other appendages it can use for locomotion, it instead has a flying speed of 30 feet and can hover. If the object is securely attached to a surface or larger object, such as a chain bolted to a wall, its speed is 0. It has Blindsight with a radius of 30 feet and is blind beyond that distance. When the animated object drops to 0 Hit Points, it reverts to its original object form, and any remaining damage carries over to its original object form.

If you Command an object to Attack, it can make a single melee Attack against a creature within 5 feet of it. It makes a slam Attack with an Attack bonus and bludgeoning damage determined by its size. The DM might rule that a specific object inflicts slashing or piercing damage based on its form.

Improved AoO - Objects may make an attack of opportunity if a creature is forced to move out of it's range
Improved Concentration - Concentration upgraded to 2 Minutes
Intense Concentration - If you are forced to make a save to keep your concentration on Animate Objects, you gain advantage on that save
Living Pact - Your Beacon may be animated, regardless of it's magicalness. Any ability that requires use of the Beacon may be used by either you or the Beacon, using your stat block.
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The mystery box calls to me, but I cannot in good conscience not vote for the dragon option.

[X] You are a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. One of your parents is a literal dragon. The other is a quite magical non-dragon. You were very likely to breathe and crap magic for your birth. So finding out you can cast one spell, and only one spell, was a bit heartbreaking. But your parents loved you all the same, teaching you how to leverage that one spell in multiple ways. Besides, you have the blood of a dragon running through your veins. That counts for something. (Quest Name: When All You Have Is A Dragon-Blooded Hammer...)
[X] You are an Alchemist Artificer. Admittedly, your magnum opus of potions may have had some - slight - complications when you drank it. Other Artificers kinda look down on your non-magical way. But progress requires experimentation! And now, with some foresight and some actual potions and chemicals that won't hurt you too badly, you're now on the road selling your wares to adventurers and townsfolk! Besides, animating the potions themselves makes for an interesting roadshow! (Quest Name: Doctor [Name's] Travelling Potions!)

...can we name ourselves the Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Potions Shop?
[x] You are an Alchemist Artificer. Admittedly, your magnum opus of potions may have had some - slight - complications when you drank it. Other Artificers kinda look down on your non-magical way. But progress requires experimentation! And now, with some foresight and some actual potions and chemicals that won't hurt you too badly, you're now on the road selling your wares to adventurers and townsfolk! Besides, animating the potions themselves makes for an interesting roadshow! (Quest Name: Doctor [Name's] Travelling Potions!)
[X] Mystery Box. The only hint to what's in here is the Quest's Name (Quest Name: By The Love of Evening Glory)

I like the name
If it doesn't win win will you tell us wha tit was?
What kind of jerk says that with out a link?
Do you know how much effort it will be to get that from your profile.
It will be precisely this much effort.

[X] You are a Forge Cleric. You spend your days as an apprentice of the local Forge-Priest, learning how to make things. Through a series of events that can only come about by divine intervention, you witness your Goddess in her workshop plane. This revelation revealed her secrets of object animation! And accidently broke your master's workshop. So, now you are going throughout the land, attempting to learn your trade and how you can use what is obviously your Deity's blessing. (Quest Name: The Forge-Goddess' Apprentice.)

[X] You are a College of Glamour Bard. Look, when you made a deal with a Fae, you didn't quite expect to be a master of animating items. Granted, the loss of any other magic was a bit of a bummer, but at the very least it wasn't something like ugly looks or your firstborn. And you are literally a one person performance! Think of all the money you can make! And how absolutely glamorous it will be! (Quest Name: [Name], Truly Outragous!)

Approval voting okay I assume?

E: I'll tactical vote back before the vote closes if it makes a difference... just poke me to make sure I notice alright? No? Tough.
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[x] You are a College of Glamour Bard. Look, when you made a deal with a Fae, you didn't quite expect to be a master of animating items. Granted, the loss of any other magic was a bit of a bummer, but at the very least it wasn't something like ugly looks or your firstborn. And you are literally a one person performance! Think of all the money you can make! And how absolutely glamorous it will be! (Quest Name: [Name], Truly Outragous!)

Been over in the Quest Idea thread why I was into this option, but basically because I thought it'd be the most fun story-wise and still fairly versatile gameplay-wise (versatility being the Class' thing after all).
[X] You are a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. One of your parents is a literal dragon. The other is a quite magical non-dragon. You were very likely to breathe and crap magic for your birth. So finding out you can cast one spell, and only one spell, was a bit heartbreaking. But your parents loved you all the same, teaching you how to leverage that one spell in multiple ways. Besides, you have the blood of a dragon running through your veins. That counts for something. (Quest Name: When All You Have Is A Dragon-Blooded Hammer...)

Kinda hoping for a mom dragon, mainly because i find the idea of exasperatedly going "But mom..." at a giant dragon funny.
[X] Mystery Box. The only hint to what's in here is the Quest's Name (Quest Name: By The Love of Evening Glory)
[X] You are a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer. One of your parents is a literal dragon. The other is a quite magical non-dragon. You were very likely to breathe and crap magic for your birth. So finding out you can cast one spell, and only one spell, was a bit heartbreaking. But your parents loved you all the same, teaching you how to leverage that one spell in multiple ways. Besides, you have the blood of a dragon running through your veins. That counts for something. (Quest Name: When All You Have Is A Dragon-Blooded Hammer...)
[X] You are an Alchemist Artificer. Admittedly, your magnum opus of potions may have had some - slight - complications when you drank it. Other Artificers kinda look down on your non-magical way. But progress requires experimentation! And now, with some foresight and some actual potions and chemicals that won't hurt you too badly, you're now on the road selling your wares to adventurers and townsfolk! Besides, animating the potions themselves makes for an interesting roadshow! (Quest Name: Doctor [Name's] Travelling Potions!)

Just wondering, but will the characters work on the Schrödinger's Player Character trope, or will all of them exist (with whether or not the other 5 are also subject to the same limitation(s) also being questioned if the latter is true)?

To help you understand what I'm saying, here's a breakdown of it; We select on of the PCs. Will the PCs that weren't selected still exist, or do they schlurp out of existence? And if they do still exist, are they still limited to the spell Animate Object or are they free of such a limit?
[X] You are an Alchemist Artificer. Admittedly, your magnum opus of potions may have had some - slight - complications when you drank it. Other Artificers kinda look down on your non-magical way. But progress requires experimentation! And now, with some foresight and some actual potions and chemicals that won't hurt you too badly, you're now on the road selling your wares to adventurers and townsfolk! Besides, animating the potions themselves makes for an interesting roadshow! (Quest Name: Doctor [Name's] Travelling Potions!)

Just wondering, but will the characters work on the Schrödinger's Player Character trope, or will all of them exist (with whether or not the other 5 are also subject to the same limitation(s) also being questioned if the latter is true)?

To help you understand what I'm saying, here's a breakdown of it; We select on of the PCs. Will the PCs that weren't selected still exist, or do they schlurp out of existence? And if they do still exist, are they still limited to the spell Animate Object or are they free of such a limit?

Very good question!

Honestly, I haven't totally decided at this time. I am leaning towards they can show up, but that is not set in stone. If they do, they will have other limits or issues instead.
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It would feel weird for there to be multiple people who somehow have to make do with nothing but animate object cantrip maigcally speaking.
Honestly, I haven't totally decided at this time. I am leaning towards they can show up, but that is not set in stone. If they do, they will have other limits or issues instead.

Thanks for clearing that up. Also, maybe you could give the other PCs similarly unique magical limitations, like only being able to use a single school, or sub-school, of magic? That would certainly make things interesting, especially if we all joined forces and got to work dealing with something like the anti-magic plague.
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