[X]Pazak Time: You see a few pirates playing pazak. Might as well clean them out.
What if we win all the slaves?
"Hi. Uhh. Anakin? Is this thing on?"
"Oh. Loran? Yeah I read you."
"Laron. It's fine. Got a Tatooine question for you. What do you do with 10 million truguts and the contracts for about 5000 slaves? I want them to be free, but I also want them to not end up being forced back into debt slavery in two months. Is one thousand truguts each enough to get them a fresh start?"
It was in that moment everyone in the galaxy even a little bit force-sensitive got their first simultaneous headache of the Clone Wars.
"What did--how--you know what I don't want to know. Yes that should be enough if they're careful and about half of them go off-planet to somewhere that isn't a sunburned dirtball."
"When you bring Jabba's child back? Get the girls dancing and he won't notice dealing seconds, leaving yourself a skifter. Tell him you must have been just lucky and go double or nothing about five times."
,Anakin was speechless.
"Oh. Right. He probably spent another two million putting a bounty on my head. Probably better to leave the money at the Lars homestead and get going. That's the third bounty hunter who's looked at me and started drooling so much they tripped in the mud they made."
"Probably. Hey Laron?"
"That was foolish and irresponsible. I'm supposed to be turning you away from that sort of behaviour. instead?