Does anyone have an idea about what these apples do or are we shooting in the dark again?
Does anyone have an idea about what these apples do or are we shooting in the dark again?
Mostly a shot in the dark, but not COMPLETELY

The first appeared to be metallic and exuded a vague sensation of indestructibility. The second was crystalline and radiated invincibility while the third was a gaseous but solid and conveyed endlessness.
The gaseous one granted us

Eternally Infinite -> After consuming one of the mythical Golden Apples, you have transcended the limitations that bind you. Unbound and unassailable, you have metamorphosed into something beyond mortality.

1) All Martial DCs reduced by 10.
2) Heightened physical and mental prowess, allows 1 extra action every turn.
3) Magical reserves, capacities, talents, and potentials have vastly increased.
4) Magic gains an intrinsic attribute of 'Eternity' which improves some magical abilities.

I feel we can reasonably assume the other apples grant similar things.

Also, remember when the DM made this fun joke?
I really do not expect Severus to handle Deatheaters, Basilisks, Dragons, and other dangerous or powerful beings as a child.
Metal is tanking, crystalline is basically more power and the third one, the blague is something more unique like the the gaseous one. It mentioned artistry.
Metal is tanking, crystalline is basically more power and the third one, the blague is something more unique like the the gaseous one. It mentioned artistry.
Blague feels like it might be a trap option.
It was almost made of clay and seemed exquisitely fake. But it had a hint of artistry that was absent in all others. It was rather blague though.
Blague : a joke or a piece of nonsense

Even if it's not a trap, it doesn't really sound like something I want.
So, what do we think crystalline will give us? My first guess would be something to do with Structure, maybe our magic becomes more stable or something like that, increased Stewardship as well, maybe? If it is something to do with structures
Metallic should be a bodily upgrade, something making our body as strong as steel, increased Martial
and as the previous people have pointed out, Blague will probably help us get into people's heads, in a shapeshifter way, mind control way, or something else, since it is noted as fake, Increased Intrigue, also most Mystery box option, technically could do something which lets us make Golems, magical life, or magic art in general, due to its "Fake Artistry" and magic art makes me think of living constructs
It doesn't feel like there would be a trap option given our very high roll, though it is possible, and the Dragon shouldn't really care enough to want to trick us

I'll go Blague because it's interesting, and it wasn't there last time so it must be better, right? :p
[X] Blague
[X] Crystalline

So we have Indestructible, Invincible, and ... what might be some form of deception.
Which we've been mediocre yet.
Since I was torn between the gaseous solid and crystalline last time, I have a pretty easy choice this time.