Star Wars the Clone Wars: A Padawan's Tale (A CK2/Adventure Quest in the Clone Wars) Complete.

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nenshou Yuuki on Mar 1, 2020 at 3:39 PM, finished with 35 posts and 22 votes.
Oh yeah, and omakes will now be accepted, for the rolz will begin very shortly.
[X] Ask about where you can Help: You will do your part to help out in any way you can

Backstory and bonding are for people who aren't about to be shot at.
i just rereading the last threadmark

And realise that there is a name of a great important that make me smile

Master Aggruva's
A thought here guys. Remember Stations of Canon is in effect here, and metawise in canon we know the Spy is Slick..

But with the vote choice, it could have changed to throw us off..
[X] Ask about where you can Help: You will do your part to help out in any way you can
[X]Ask about where you can Help: You will do your part to help out in any way you can

A bit too heavy on the angst at the beginning there for me but it's a pretty good choice for a former Master.
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[]Ask about the situation: How did it get so dire?

shouldn't we wait to ask this question after the first wave is defeated and we have time to talk again?
Canon Omake: Worries By Rictus.
Omake: Worries

As your ship descended towards Christophsis, a sense of unease filled you. From the viewport, you thought you could see flashes of light dart across the landscape as artillery from both sides lashed out at each other's battle lines.

A year ago, the thought of being sent to an active warzone had not even entered your mind. You much preferred the quiet of the Archives to the thunder of battle, though you knew it was a duty that could not be easily shirked, nor that you wanted to.

Beside you, the younger to-be Padawan shifted in her seat. You didn't know your companion very well, though you had seen her around the Archives over the years. Truthfully, Ahsoka wasn't that much younger than you, only a year or so, but the two of you had grown up in different Youngling clans.

However, you had always quietly prided yourself on being observant and understanding other people. As such, you didn't think she was unsettled for the same reasons you were.

She hadn't said much on the trip to Christophsis and there was a nervous energy crackling beneath her skin. You weren't entirely certain whether it was because of you or because of who her Master was going to be.

You knew your species was a rare sight to the common person. Pau'ans preferred to stay in their sinkhole cities on Utapau and rarely ventured out into the galaxy. Many people, including some in your clan growing up, found your pale, wrinkled skin and tall, gaunt frame to be visibly intimidating. You're not too proud to admit that you took advantage of that many times during spars with other Initiates that hadn't been as familiar with you.

A Force Sensitive Pau'an was even more rare. Out of the ten thousand Jedi currently alive, only two were Pau'ans, with you being one of them. The other was a Temple Guard you had only seen on a few occasions. Something about him had always made you uneasy around him, so you hadn't really tried to reach out to him.

However, you didn't think your appearance was what was making your companion nervous. Instead, your thoughts started turning towards your future Master and Ahsoka's.

She had good reason to be nervous...and maybe a little star-struck. Anakin Skywalker was an extremely young Knight at only nineteen, a feat nearly unheard of in centuries past. Given his achievements, it was hard to believe that he was only a few years older than the both of you and how late he had been recruited.

(Cynical Interrupt!!)

He was supposedly the "Chosen One." It was difficult to hear his name without having that title tacked on at the end. Given how often he likely heard that phrase, there was good reason for him to be as prickly as you had heard.

Prophecies were vague and cryptic at the best of times, prone to misinterpretation and often self-fulfilling. You remembered reading about the Jedi Covenant, an ancient splinter-sect obsessed with training and using Jedi Seers to prevent the return of the Sith in the wake of the Great Sith War, as well as how it ended. The tale had soured you on the subject of prophecies and caused you to lose all interest in them.

Personally, you had chosen to take the whole "Chosen One" thing with a grain of salt at best. To you, it just meant that Skywalker was a stupidly powerful and skilled Jedi.

Now your own future Master...that was intimidating. And disquieting.

You had known who he was as soon as Master Yoda had said his name. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith Killer. The first Jedi in a thousand years to face and defeat a Sith Lord. You had still been a Youngling at the time, but even then you had known the significance of it.

His capture on Geonosis had led to the events that had killed your Master.

That moment when the bond had cut was the most excruciating instant of your life. You had locked yourself in your room for days, refusing to exit even for food or friends. It was only when Master Yoda had returned to the temple that you were drawn back out as he did rounds among the many orphaned Padawans that had been unable to accompany their Masters to that ill-fated battle, his ancient, grandfatherly presence drawing you and the others from your despair.

But it was only a balm to a jagged wound, and the ache still persisted.

You tried to push the lingering feeling of resentment into the Force and overpower it with logic. You knew Master Kenobi was not responsible for Master Labooda's death, but there was a small dark part of you that wanted to blame him. It was not the Jedi way to hate or cast blame, but nevertheless, you could not completely divest yourself of it.

In an attempt to distract yourself from it yet again, you had done your research into Master Kenobi's past to get a better idea of what to expect from the man who was to teach you. Well, what research you could manage with only a Padawan's information access.

Apprenticed to legendary diplomat and swordsman Qui-Gon Jinn. Three-time war veteran before the age of twenty. The greatest master of Soresu the Jedi Order had ever produced. And though they were often overshadowed by his martial achievements, he was also an accomplished diplomat in his own right, earning the nickname "The Negotiator" from both enemies and allies alike.

However, there were some points of concern.

Master Kenobi had participated in some of the most significant events of the past century and it seemed to be a trend that was continuing. His capture on Geonosis had been the spark of the Clone Wars, which had been raging for seven weeks now. He had faced Count Dooku and lived to tell the story.

Additional research had brought up another worrying fact, one you weren't certain Ahsoka had picked up on in her excitement at being Skywalker's Padawan.

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Master, Qui-Gon, had been the apprentice of Count Dooku. Apparently, the former Jedi Master had taken an interest in his training line on Geonosis. While most of the Count's focus was on Master Kenobi, being his apprentice might mean putting yourself squarely in his sight and garnering his personal attention.

You had little desire to face one of the greatest swordsman the Jedi Order had ever known, much less now that he had fallen.

Hopefully, it would not come to that and you were just winding yourself up into a knot for no good reason.

Still, in the shadow of such titans, you had to wonder what you had to contribute that would make a difference.
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Omake: Worries

As your ship descended towards Christophsis, a sense of unease filled you. From the viewport, you thought you could see flashes of light dart across the landscape as artillery from both sides lashed out at each other's battle lines.

A year ago, the thought of being sent to an active warzone had not even entered your mind. You much preferred the quiet of the Archives to the thunder of battle.

After all, you had seen it once at Geonosis. You had little desire to do so again, though you knew it was a duty that could not be easily shirked, nor that you wanted to.

Beside you, the younger to-be Padawan shifted in her seat. You didn't know your companion very well, though you had seen her around the Archives over the years. Truthfully, Ahsoka wasn't that much younger than you, only a year or so, but the two of you had grown up in different Youngling clans.

However, you had always quietly prided yourself on being observant and understanding other people. As such, you didn't think she was unsettled for the same reasons you were.

She hadn't said much on the trip to Christophsis and there was a nervous energy crackling beneath her skin. You weren't entirely certain whether it was because of you or because of who her Master was going to be.

You knew your species was a rare sight to the common person. Pau'ans preferred to stay in their sinkhole cities on Utapau and rarely ventured out into the galaxy. Many people, including some in your clan growing up, found your pale, wrinkled skin and tall, gaunt frame to be visibly intimidating. You're not too proud to admit that you took advantage of that many times during spars with other Initiates that hadn't been as familiar with you.

A Force Sensitive Pau'an was even more rare. Out of the ten thousand Jedi currently alive, only two were Pau'ans, with you being one of them. The other was a Temple Guard you had only seen on a few occasions. Something about him had always made you uneasy around him, so you hadn't really tried to reach out to him.

However, you didn't think your appearance was what was making your companion nervous. Instead, your thoughts started turning towards your future Master and Ahsoka's.

She had good reason to be nervous...and maybe a little star-struck. Anakin Skywalker was an extremely young Knight at only nineteen, a feat nearly unheard of in centuries past. Given his achievements, it was hard to believe that he was only a few years older than the both of you and how late he had been recruited.

(Cynical Interrupt!!)

He was supposedly the "Chosen One." It was difficult to hear his name without having that title tacked on at the end. Given how often he likely heard that phrase, there was good reason for him to be as prickly as you had heard.

Prophecies were vague and cryptic at the best of times, prone to misinterpretation and often self-fulfilling. You remembered reading about the Jedi Covenant, an ancient splinter-sect obsessed with training and using Jedi Seers to prevent the return of the Sith in the wake of the Great Sith War, as well as how it ended. The tale had soured you on the subject of prophecies and caused you to lose all interest in them.

Personally, you had chosen to take the whole "Chosen One" thing with a grain of salt at best. To you, it just meant that Skywalker was a stupidly powerful and skilled Jedi.

Now your own future Master...that was intimidating. And disquieting.

You had known who he was as soon as Master Yoda had said his name. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Sith Killer. The first Jedi in a thousand years to face and defeat a Sith Lord. You had still been a Youngling at the time, but even then you had known the significance of it.

His capture on Geonosis lead to the events that had killed your Master, leaving you alone in the chaos of the arena. Your Soresu training had been the only thing that kept you alive long enough for the reinforcements to arrive.

You pushed the remnants of the horror you felt and the lingering feeling of resentment into the Force and tried to overpower your emotions with logic. You knew Master Kenobi was not responsible for Master Labooda's death, but there was a small dark part of you that wanted to blame him. It was not the Jedi way to hate or cast blame, but nevertheless, you could not completely divest yourself of it.

In an attempt to distract yourself from it yet again, you had done your research into Master Kenobi's past to get a better idea of what to expect. Well, what research you could manage with only a Padawan's information access.

Apprenticed to legendary diplomat and swordsman Qui-Gon Jinn. Three-time war veteran before the age of twenty. The greatest master of Soresu the Jedi Order had ever produced. And though they were often overshadowed by his martial achievements, he was also an accomplished diplomat in his own right, earning the nickname "The Negotiator" from both enemies and allies alike.

However, there were some points of concern.

Master Kenobi had participated in some of the most significant events of the past century and it seemed to be a trend that was continuing. His capture on Geonosis had been the spark of the Clone Wars, which had been raging for seven weeks now. He had faced Count Dooku and lived to tell the story.

Additional research had brought up another worrying fact, one you weren't certain Ahsoka had picked up on in her excitement at being Skywalker's Padawan.

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Master, Qui-Gon, had been the apprentice of Count Dooku. Apparently, the former Jedi Master had taken an interest in his training line on Geonosis. While most of the Count's focus was on Master Kenobi, being his apprentice might mean putting yourself squarely in his sight and garnering his personal attention.

You had little desire to face one of the greatest swordsman the Jedi Order had ever known, much less now that he had fallen.

Hopefully, it would not come to that and you were just winding yourself up into a knot for no good reason.

Still, in the shadow of such titans, you had to wonder what you had to contribute that would make a difference.
Amazing, +10 to the rolls when they come up. The first of many.

Although I have to label this Semi Canon, due to just a few discrepancies within this timeline that are slightly different then mine.