I suggest doing two rounds of votes. The first voting round has us voting for all of them and as many of them as we want. The second voting round is only for the top 5 results of the previous voting round, and everyone can only vote for 1 option.

I am just going to step in and say I like this plan, so this is what we're doing.


...I wonder if the church on the hill contains someone similar to Kotomine from Fate.

You've already met the priest, but Izuku has yet to.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ars Longinus on Feb 4, 2020 at 11:34 AM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.
Registration Troubles: Part 1
Sorry for the short chapter today guys, but this was kinda the shortest root you could have taken.
Also, just a note: You may want to read the things I mention in passing in a little more detail. They will be important.
Also, the crest described is Hakumen: ZANSHIN.


Your mind wanders across different options, different avenues to distract yourself before something sprung to the forefront. 'The quirk registration! I still need to register and explain my magic!' you realise. Yet the question remains, how do you explain this? Your eyes shift over to his bag, a specific book. "…my life-line when dealing with the magical side of Japan." You mutter.

'That's it! There must be something in the Codex that advises on quirk registration!' You think, pulling your yellow bag towards you and opening it. Your hand wraps around a leather cover, with slight indents to show decorations in the cover, and the title itself. The Codex of the Ancestral Sea sat in your hands, and you took the time to look over its cover.

The cover itself was blue, slightly faded from age, but mostly pristine otherwise. The only decoration on the face of the book was the a complex sigil, obviously the organisations crest, and the title.

The crest displayed a circle, a kitsune within it walking forward, its tails disappearing into the ring of the circle. Around the circle, nine decorative arrowheads like offshoots existed, with a tenth larger one existing below the circle with more elaborate designs above it, including an open eye.

Said eye appeared to stare back at you, shifting as you did, as if tracking your every move and minute twitch. Suitably creeped by the effect, you quickly open the book, searching the early pages for some form of index. Finding it, you begin to read '…Section One: Introduction. Pg… Pg. 39-Quirk Registration.' Quickly flipping to the relative page, you see a relative wall of text to read through.

Quirk Registration​

Due to the rise, and implementation of natural mutations, commonly referred to as 'quirks' by the populace. Due to the advent of these quirks, an opportunity was discovered by spellcasters. The ability to bring their magic into the public eye, without the risk of a new set of witch hunts. However, this raised a new problem, as natural quirks were usually a single geared ability with very few examples of quirks without this restriction, although all known examples had upper limits as well. Taking this into account, spellcasters are advised to review the following:

1: If followers of specialized branches, or family specialities and do not often delve into other aspects, a registered hereditary quirk, for families, or broad term quirks, for individuals, is most optimal.
Note. Hereditary quirks are rare, with very few documentable examples existing so far, such as the Tenya family here in Japan, and the Neo Monarchy of Britain and the Regalia Quirk. This means that use of the hereditary title could bring unwanted attention from quirk researchers, so usage is cautioned.

2: For spellcasters following multiple trees of magic, registration will prove far more difficult for you. The easiest course of action is some form of reality manipulation quirk, usually using a single stimulating force as its initiation step, preferably a persons' focus or other such highly important piece of a thaumaturgical system.
Note. This can causes extreme interest from researchers when rarer focus are used. For a list of examples, please consult pg. 227.

3. In the case of spellcasters who wish to follow the path of heroics, it is noted to best request a, 'A crest examination by a Onmyoji'. This will notify the Ancestral Sea of the request. You will still require some name for the 'quirk', but the file will be filed with the Ancestral Sea, and not the quirk registry, so as to remove information from the public domain, making it more difficult for information to be acquired.


Well, that at least gave you an answer to your problem, the only thing that was left now was to think of how long you want to experiment for. Once you've done that, you just need to decide on a realistic name.

Time(Cannot exceed a week):

[ ] {Write in}

Concept(Below are the options, you may vote for as many as you want, top 5 move on to final vote):

[ ] Heroism
[ ] Cat :D
[ ] Analysis
[ ] Death
[ ] Game
[ ] Information
[ ] Archive
[ ] Truth
[ ] Mind
[ ] Soul
[ ] Apex
[ ] Endure

Vote closed 5:00 PM Sunday
[X] 3 days

This is the last week for the club registration, and it would be easier to join a club if Izuku has registered a quirk beforehand. Otherwise, I'd vote for the full week.

[X] Heroism
[X] Analysis
[X] Information
[X] Mind
[X] Apex
[X] Endure
Well, experimenting/mastering Izuku's magical abilities and learning more about magical society are good ideas. Though I'll let someone else put together a detailed plan.

[X] Heroism
[X] Analysis
[X] Game
[X] Mind
[X] Soul
[X] Archive

Edit: 'Insight' because I made the suggestion, and because I think it's more encompassing than 'Analysis'. Archive because while I haven't read Dresden Files, I've heard just how OP the power of The Archive is.

[X] 3 days
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[X] Cat :D
[X] Information
[X] Archive
[X] Mind

becouse of course we take all the mental things as Izuku, that and i want to know what cat does but heroism works aswell
[X] 3 days

[X] Heroism
[X] Analysis
[X] Game
[X] Information
[X] Endure
So, 3 days is the winning time scale, and your finalists for the concepts are:
Analysis(with 7)
Information(with 6)
Mind(all with 5)
Adhoc vote count started by Ars Longinus on Feb 9, 2020 at 12:12 PM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.
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Registration Troubles: Part 2
Hi guys, next chapter up and it's time to make some plans!
You lean back into the couch and sigh, trying to make a decision. Your mother, kind as she was, wouldn't leave you unregistered for more than a week, mostly because that was the law for how long a quirk could go unregistered after manifestation.

Realistically, there'd be a limit to how much magic you could learn in a week, so your probably not going to get much out of using a full week, and you already had an out for any new abilities popping up. Honestly, you only needed a couple days to figure out some limits for how much you could do already.

Three, that should be enough, three days to delve into your powers and find some limits. Before you can do anything else, you hear the door opening and a voice calling out. "Izuku dear, I'm home!" Inko shouted, quickly entering the living room from behind you.

"H-hi mom!" You quickly respond, slightly surprised by her entrance. You both remain silent as your mother walks by, quickly entering into the kitchen to deposit the grocery bags she was holding.

"Izuku honey, come quickly so you can eat it while it's still hot" The elder Midoriya calls. Your surprised at this, Inko just returned, so there was no chance she'd already finished cooking dinner, and she only got takeout when…

You quickly glance at the time on the wall clock, 8:15. 'H-how?! I-i got into the shop at three thirty? S-so how is it already so late?!' you exclaim, continuing to stare at the moving hands of the clock. You couldn't have been in the bookshop for more than half an hour, if not a little more.


"Izuku honey, the foods getting cold!" Exclaims your mother, causing you to quickly get up and go to the kitchen. Dante did mention that the feeling of energy from outside was miniscule compared to inside. And mana was an energy that seemed capable of anything.

Was it possible that the dense mana in the store had some effect on how time flowed inside it? It was the only possible explanation for why it was so late already despite the fact he hadn't spent all that long in the store.

Entering the kitchen and, upon seeing that all the takeout was already spread out to eat, you sit next to your mother. At first you eat silently, you too tired to speak, and she seeming a bit nervous for some reason.

Inko was the first to break the silence, pausing for a moment to speak. "S-so Izuku, have you thought at all about how you want to experiment with your quirk? Y-you know you only have a week dear." Stated the elder Midoriya, a gentle smile on her face.

You smile tiredly, nodding to your mom. "Yeah, I only need three days. I just need to have a good understanding of the basics of it right?" You say, causing Inko to nod in an agreement, although her smile was now a small frown.

"And have you thought of where your going to do it? Quirk usage in public is illegal, but a fire quirk in here would be a, very, bad idea." Inko exclaims, a worried look now plastered to her face. Your mind grinds to a halt. That… that was a good question, where would you practice?

Scrapping your mind for answers, three options come to the forefront. Dagobah beach would be a good choice, it was absolutely covered in trash so almost no one came by. Plus, moving around all that trash would help build some muscle. Hell, for all you know, there could be useful in all that junk.

The forest by the cliff was probably the most secluded place anywhere nearby, especially with all the rumours of animals with quirks in the woods driving away anyone explorative. You might be able to train your movement skills amongst all the trees.

Finally, there was the old market district near Dante's shop. Some of the old buildings were massive, so you'd have enough space. Having Dante nearby to help out would be especially useful.

Pushing that out of your mind for the moment you respond too your mothers' question, "I-I haven't made a choice yet, I… kinda still need to make a plan." You state nervously, chuckling a bit. Inko just smiles, although she's obviously still worried.

"Ok dear, but don't leave making a plan to long, okay." Inko states, returning to her meal. You do the same, although the thoughts of a possible plan still wizz through your head. Finishing up, you go to put your plate in the sink, but your mother grabs your hand.

"I-Izuku, I know… when you were little you really wanted to become a hero… b-but… but I didn't say what you needed to hear. I just told you that I was sorry, sorry you couldn't follow your dream. I-I need to apologise again, this time for not supporting you." Inko stops, taking a breath as she looks down at your hand held in hers.

You notice that the markings from earlier where gone, just like they probably had after you'd used magic this morning. The elder Midoriya looked back up, her eyes watering. "It doesn't matter what your quirk turns out to be, weak… strong… no matter what, you can be a hero!"


[ ] Break down, this.. those words are one of the things you've wanted to hear from someone, anyone! It's all the more that it's coming from her.
[ ] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
[ ] Don't move, Inko is opening her heart to you but it just fells... late. Like this should have happened earlier.

Concept(Vote for only one):

[ ] Analysis
[ ] Information
[ ] Heroism
[ ] Insight
[ ] Mind


[ ] {Write a combination of the locations to be used over the three days}

Dante sighed as he reappeared outside a pristine church near a cliff. The sky was a pale orange shade, the sun creating a beautiful effect as it set over the open sea. The yellow eyed man quickly walks into the church, not even bothering to nock as the door swung inward, the loud creaking of the door alerting the occupants to his arrival.

"Fucking finally! I had to close the store early today for this, so you could at least bother to turn up on time Voban!" Shouted a tall man in a pristine white three peace suit. Gold inlay ornamented the suit, the patterns almost all seeming to have an... electric aesthetic.

Voban, as the Dante had been called, raised his hands in defeat. "Sorry, sorry. The time distortion field is acting strangely again. Turned a half hour chat into a five hour one." The purple haired man apologised, causing the long, red haired man in the suit to sigh and wave it off, turning to face the priest.

Shirou sighed, taking a deep breath to calm his twitching eye before addressing the other men in the room. "Well, since Sasha has arrived, that makes everyone who said they could be here tonight. Before we get to that, anyone have anything important to mention?" Questioned the priest, getting negatives from Tohsaka and the white suited man.

Dante spoke up, tapping his cane on one of the pews. "Noting much, just that you need to add a new kid to the list of spellcasters in the city." Stated the bookshop owner, getting all eyes on him.

"Oh really? Anything of note about him Voban?" Probed the priest, his eyes staring dead straight at the man. Dante shook his head, spinning his cane in hand as he slid into one of the church pews.

"Nothing much really, the kids name is Izuku Midoriya, seems to be around fourteen, and only really woke up today. The kids interesting though." Explained the purple haired man, getting a nod from Amakusa and a groan from the red head.

"Gods, have mercy on that boys soul if you find him interesting. Aren't your two little proteges enough?!" Exclaimed the man in white, receiving a middle finger from the other man. Amakusa again took a deep breath to calm his twitching eye, restraining himself from raising his hand.

Glaring at the two, Shirou sighed once more, "Now if that's over, let's get down to business."

Vote closes Thursday
[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.

[X] Insight

[X] Plan Let's survive those (magical?) animals
-[X] [Day 1] Beach
-[X] [Day 2] Dante's Shop
-[X] [Day 3] Cliff

Does this work?

EDIT: changed my vote because
The 'mom' vote is for obvious reasons, 'Insight' because it feels more encompassing than 'Analysis'.... The plan is mainly for the beach because it also means Izuku's body will get stronger.
convinced me.
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[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
[X] Insight

[X] Plan Time to Train Body and Powers
-[X] (Day 1) Beach
-[X] (Day 2) Cliff
-[X] (Day 3) Beach again
-[X] If caught using your 'Quirk' in the beach, don't go there again

The 'mom' vote is for obvious reasons, 'Insight' because it feels more encompassing than 'Analysis'.... The plan is mainly for the beach because it also means Izuku's body will get stronger.

...Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Tohsaka Nagato (Fate), Dante = Sasha Dejanstahl Voban (Campione)?
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[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
[X] Heroism

[X] Plan: Magic Academia
-[X] (day 1) Beach
-[X] (day 2) Dante's shop
-[X] (day 3) Dante's shop

Seeing as in the next few days we have to register our quirk we should probably train the basis of it the most, the only benefit i can see a day of training having is unlocking skills. Besides there is nothing stopping us from training physically when we don't have a 3 day deadline to reach.
[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.

[X] Analysis

[X] Plan: Magic Academia
[X] Break down, this.. those words are one of the things you've wanted to hear from someone, anyone! It's all the more that it's coming from her.

[X] Analysis

[X] Plan: Magic Academia

I say we break down in typical Midoriya family action.
[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.

[X] Analysis

[X] Plan Intro & Magic
-[X] (Day 1) Cliff
-[X] (Day 2) Store Area
-[X] (Day 3) Beach

I'm going with Analysis because it feels more encompassing than Insight. I want to go to the cliff first because the church is there, and Dante said that the priest would be better at explaining things than he would. I'm not sure if the store is supposed to be about Dante or the shop that was one of the 3 locations where we could learn about Izuku's powers, but I'm putting it second so that Izuku can learn more. Finally, going to the beach will let Izuku practice all he's learned so far without worrying about learning more.
[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
[X] Heroism

[X] Plan: Magic Academia
[X] Hug her, you may feel exhilarated right now, but Inko has obviously been blaming herself over this ever since. She doesn't deserve to have to feel that way.
[X] Heroism

[X] Plan: Magic Academia